
The water shield

[ source ] from the" doctor" don't record
[ ] n Ch cabinet Pinyin name
English name [ Watershield ]
[ alias ] Mao, screen, Shui Kui, cress, gel sunflower, Chun, silk rose Chun, membranaceous marshmarigold herb, lack of sarmentosum, Weigela, Ma Su grass.
[ source ]
Medicine source: as the Nymphaeaceae plants the leaves and stems of Brasenia schreberi.
Latin animal mineral name: Brasenia schreberi J.F.Gmel.
Harvest and storage:5-7mining, washing or swamp.
[ ] the original morphology of Brasenia schreberi perennial. The roots will occur, with leaves and stolon, creeping side of rooting. Leaves alternate on the rhizomes and stolons; petiole length25-40cm; leaf floating on the water surface, elliptic oblong, length 5-16cm, width 3-10cm, entire, green above, below the belt green with purple, veins radially, upper veins hairy, pulse position. Pedicels from taking the axil, ca.10cm, pilose and agar kind of clay; flowers above the surface, the diameter of 1-2.5cm; dark purple; sepals, petals each 3, all bar,1-1.5cm long; stamens12-18, shorter than perianth, anthers linear, ca.4mm; carpels4-18, stigmas flattened, with long straight hair. Nuts oblong-ovate, leathery, with host calyx and style. And 1-2, ovate. Florescence in June, fruit10-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : the pond, lake or swamp.
Resource distribution: distribution of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan etc..
[ character ] trait identification of rhizome phenomena. Slender stems, up to more than 1m. Leaves alternate, petiole slender; leaf blade ovate to elliptic, below dark purple, veins radially. Pedicel by taking the axil, pedicels ca.10cm, have fluff.
[ ] the chemical composition containing acidic polysaccharides, by D galactose ( D-ga; actpse )32%-40%, D - mannose ( D-mannose )10%-14%, L - stone bath sugar (L-fucose )13%-16%, L rhamnose (L-rhamnose )6%-9%, D - xylose ( D-xylose )2%-7%, L - Arabia sugar ( L-arabinose )2%-3% and trace D - glucose ( D-glucose ). Also contains a small amount of vitamin B12( VitaminB12). Also found that gastric ulcer and skin cancer suppressive factor, amino acid, protein, by dextran ( glucan ) and Portuguese with dew with mannan ( glucomannan ).
[ ] the pharmacological effects of Serratia in animal screening test, thought to have certain anti-cancer effect; the onion root of undifferentiated cells in mitosis, Chun extracts showed weak inhibition.
[ ] taste Gan; cold
[ ] liver spleen meridian tropism;
[ function ] and water swelling; heat-clearing and detoxicating. The main damp-heat dysentery; jaundice; edema; urination; Du carbuncle
[ usage]: orally taken Decoction15-30g; or make soup. External : the amount, trace and apply the affected area.
[ note ] stomach deficiency-cold Shen clothing.
[ ] of all tumors treated with side : the spring and summer with winter stems, with child, to root side guide, Daolan deposited. Food can also be used. (" Baosheng I recorded" ) of several kinds: treat furuncle, Folium Isatidis, smelly shikonin membranaceous marshmarigold herb respective. At the worst, with a bowl of wine soaked, go sediment, clothes. (" the experience project" )
[ ] the discussion
1:" don't record" Lord Xiaoke, rebi.
2 Tao Hongjing: s, under the gas, Hybrid Snakehead fish for soup, but also by the water.
3" Tang Materia Medica": eat long large and pleasant, with clear soup and fish for food, the main stomach weak, no food to effect, and to the elderly.
4: Meng Shen and crucian carp as soup, under the gas stop vomiting. Large intestine virtual gas less sibu.
5" Hua Zi": Chinese materia medica in heat jaundice, thick stomach, under the coke, Jiebai drug toxicity.
6" circle" summary: Chufan, antipyretic, phlegm.
The 7" Chinese Materia Medica": new treatment hundred poisonous, clear all sores.
The word"8" materia medica: Brasenia schreberi, cold stomach treatment gangrene, radiating rheumatism medicine also. This grass is cold and slippery, and ginger vinegar for share of food, the Qing Weihuo, elimination of liquor product, check the heat into the dysentery. But should not eat food for a long time, fear of hair conditioners, trapped spleen and stomach, can also harm.
9" the classics": on chemistry taste smooth, often feed gas, so that joint emergency, with anal fistula, beriberi, accumulation, are not edible, for its cold slip ferry also. " Qian Jin Fang" for hot diarrhea vomiting and leakage, Zexie Tang, Ophiopogon Decoction and use, take the clear stomach heat inverse also.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Water shield

[ ] Ch n C Pinyin names cabinet, I
[ alias ] chemistry
[ source ] cabombaceae Brasenia schreberi Brasenia schreberi J . F . Gmel. B . Purpurea Casp.], to complete grass is used as medicine.
[ ] Jiangsu, Zhejiang habitat distribution.
[ ] taste sweet, cold.
[ function ] heat clearing and detoxicating, stopping vomiting. Treating hypertension disease, diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, furuncle swollen and carbuncle, furuncle.
[ usage] fresh cooking or pound swallow, fresh goods Daolan deposited the affected area of external.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


Brittle air

[ ] Pinyin name Cu G and F n to be
[ alias ] chicken white wood, tea tree, million knives, bone, gristle, sheep wind bell flower
[ source ]
Medicine source: olacaceae plant green wood plant.
Latin animal mineral name: Schoepfia jasminodora Sieb.et Zucc. ( Schoepfiopsis jasminodora ( Sieb.et Zucc Miers ). )
Harvest and storage: roots and bark is collected all the year round, sliced, dried. Summer, autumn collecting leaves, fresh or dried. All strains of summer and autumn harvest, wash, cut, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of deciduous shrubs or small trees, high 3-14m. Bark grayish brown; with short branches, buds since last student short branch out, red when young, old branch dust-colour. Leaves alternate; petiole length2-3mm, red; leaves papery, ovate or long ovate, long 3.5-7cm,2-4.5cm wide, apex long caudate or near the tip, base rounded, thin retuse or broadly cuneate, green above, pale green below, after working above black, the fawn; lateral veins4-5 pairs, slightly red. Flowers sessile, a row of spikes of2-9shaped helicoidal cymes, peduncle length 1-2.5cm, red, fruit can be increased to4-5cm; calyx tube cupular,4-5gold calyculus tooth; corolla bell-shaped or wide bell-shaped, white or pale yellow, apex with4-5tiny teeth, revolute, stamen4-5, inserted on corolla tube, corolla lower with1beam short stamens; ovary half buried in the disk, the lower room 3, upper1 rooms; stigmas protruding outside the corolla tube. Nuts ellipsoid or oblong, mature when all increased urn-shaped calyx tube surrounded by a calyx tube, increasing the external red to purple, base slightly expanded base bearing. Ye Tongfang flower. Flowering of 3-5 months, fr.4-6.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in an elevation of 300-2600m Valley, ditches, slope, dense or sparse forest road.
Resource distribution: distribution in the south, southwest and Shaanxi, Gansu, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan and other places.
[ ] slightly astringent taste Gan; flat;
[ ] to the liver; kidney; by
[ function ] Qufeng desiccant; dispersing blood stasis and relieving pain. The main rheumatic arthralgia; low back pain; postpartum abdominal pain; traumatic injury
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,30-60g. External: fresh leaf amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Ophisaurus harti

[ ].
From the" compendium of Materia Medica" about1"kai-materia Medica": snake, as big as a long ruler, Xu, Chang Dengmu drinks the dew, as a golden yellow, bright as day. Students bin, Cheng city.
2 Chen Ding" snake": spectrum of ophisaurus harti, production in Guizhou, there are two inches long, with such as money, sharp-tongued tail bald, dorsal black belly, dark scaly little play. Discrepancy between constancy. Catch are set in the bamboo tube diameter side, which is not in, urgent hold can be finished, slightly slow, broken away, so called crisp.
[ ] Pinyin name Cu Sh e
English name [ ] Glass lizard
[ alias ] snake, lizard, snake, snake, fresh eel, eel, Venus, Venus tablet snake, legless lizard, slowworm, chopped snake
[ source ]
Medicine source: anguidae animal ophisaurus harti all.
Latin animal mineral name: Ophisaurus harti Boulenger
Harvest and storage: spring, autumn catch, catch put crock of wine of sudden death; or put in pot to use slow fire baking die, to head for the center, disc into the disc, with bamboo fixation, drying.
[ ] the original morphology of ophisaurus harti, full-length 50cm, tail length accounted for about 3/ 5 of the above. The back sides. Color, slightly purple, male and different lengths of the emerald transverse spot, ventral. Head was to single pieces of prefrontal scales, scales and larger amount between top scale. Rostral and prefrontal scales between the23 pieces of small scale, small eyes, eye diameter is approximately long kiss1 /3; small ears and nostrils, almost big, the sides of the torso has a longitudinal optimistic, longitudinal groove at the top of the dorsal scales14-16line, central line 8-10angulate, longitudinal groove following ventral scales in 10 rows caudal ventral scales, with scales, when disturbed by the tail, easy since cut into several sections, cut a part from the regeneration.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: life in the grass or under the big stones, burrowing life camp. In order to snails, earthworms and other food.
Resource distribution: located in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, sichuan.
[ character ] character identification, this product is in a disk shape, the middle tail in the head, the diameter of the disc6-10cm. On the back of brown or greenish brown, shiny, yellow ventrally, with bamboo sticks. The ventral side of each of the 1concave groove. Head triangular, slender tail, body light, crisp. Gas micro fishy.
[ ] to the first processing, cutting, baking by.
[ ] taste spicy; salt; flat; the small poison
[ ] to the liver spleen and kidney;;
[ function ] Qufeng Jiedu Xiaozhong Huoxue attending. The main injuries; fracture; leprosy; rheumatic pain; chronic dysentery; malnutrition; boils
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, grind end,10-15g;3-9g; or leach liquor. External: moderate, ointment or at the end of the inquiry and.
[ note ] pregnant woman forbids. No rheumatism stasis with hysteresis and pregnant women to avoid using.
[ ] treat injuries, attached side of fracture, frankincense, myrrh, ophisaurus harti: natural copper. At the end of the inquiry. ( this Sichuan Traditional Chinese medicines cure leprosy." ); ophisaurus harti, dry toad, scorpion, Sophora flavescens, Xanthium sibiricum, castor seed xIE. Wine service. (" Sichuan Traditional Chinese medicines." ) for chronic dysentery: Venus eel ( vinegar processing ), alum, about half two. On three flavor, ramming, scattered. Each serving three money dagger, meters of drinking, food. (" St. Francis." Venus eel powder )
[ ] the discussion
1"kai-materia Medica": the golden poison solution. People s virus, and snake four inch, and the yellow, cooked juice drink, service frequency, with sick of. Silver Snake solution silver drug toxicity.
2" Materia Medica": the virus through solution, diarrhea vent and evil heat.
3" schema": treatment of chronic dysentery.
4" slightly" Yunnan: cure canker, above the waist with the first, below the waist with the tail; and cure leprosy and dysentery.
5" Yunnan Guizhou Province travel notes:" a broken bone.
6" Outline" gleaning: meat aogao, hoop and carbuncle, Li to the wind. The bone mill in vinegar, swollen poison.
The 7" Chinese experience": shape identification method for joint pain, neuralgia, malignant sore boils.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Residual withered Qiang

[ source ] from south of the Five Ridges."" herbs
[ ] C n G 's Pinyin name be o Qi 's n to be
English name [ ] Root or bark of Gluey Litse, Gluey Bark Litse, Pond Spice
[ alias ] big rickets root, ginger, bakelite, consequently pine incense upon mountains bakelite, plastic, wood, fruit of Firmiana Daphniphyllum calycinum, mountain dragon plus, fruit, upon three bitter flowers
[ source ]
Medicine source: as the Lauraceae plants Litsea glutinosa bark, leaf.
Latin animal mineral name: Litsea glutinosa ( Lour. ) C . B . Rob. [ Sebifera glutinosa Lour ]
Harvest and storage: age at 4-5year after autumn harvest, winter and the beginning of blade, to dry. In10 years of age in the7-8stripping bark, dried or smoked dry. If the sun dried in the sun, every morning in the4h, even the sun for 1 weeks.
[ ] the original morphology of Litsea glutinosa, a small evergreen tree or trees, high 3-15m, endothelial viscid, twigs, petioles, leaf number, inflorescence pubescent below. Leaves leathery or papery; leaf variety, obovate, inverted Luanzhuang long elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, long 6.5-10-20cm, about 5cm wide, apex obtuse or rounded, base cuneate, obtuse or suborbicular, glabrous above, or nearly to midvein slightly pubescent, below green, pubescent or nearly glabrous, lateral veins on each side of8-12strip; petiole length1-2.6cm, the flower is unisexual, dioecious; umbels was born near top leaf axils, single or a few born peduncles; total peduncle up to2-4cm, umbrella stalk ca.1cm; involucral bracts 4, each1 bracts with flowers mostly; perianth not full or missing; stamens 9or more, pedicels densely yellow villous. Fruit is globose, diameter of about7mm. Flowering5-6. Fr.6-7.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: montane forest margins, brook, sparse forests or thickets.
Resource distribution: distribution in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places.
Cultivated [ ]
1biological characteristics like the subtropical climate. Seedling shade, appropriate shade. As old tree in the sunshine growth. With deep fertile soil, good drainage of the acidic soil as appropriate.
2cultivation techniques of seed propagation. Will be back fresh peeled, rinse clean. Because of testa thin, easy to dry shrinkage, unfavorable insolation and stored for a long time. When autumn seed when ripe, should follow collect along with sow, at spaced 15-20cm ditching, particle spacing4-6cm seeding, soil covering2cm, cover the grass, watering. Seed germination, remove the cover of grasses and scaffolding or inserting fern shade. Seedling after 1 years, seedling height more than 30cm can be transplanted and, according to the spacing3.0m x 2.5m colonization.
3field management and colonization of2-3 years, peanut, soybean crops can be planted. Every summer, the autumn weed 1 times, and topdressing organic fertilizer, winter should pay attention to trim the tree.
4pest control of diseases in summer, autumn leaf blight, occurrence, victimization leaves brown spots, with1: 1:100times Bordeaux mixture injection. Insect pest has big cricket, tiger and other damage, seedling, available baiting.
Chemical composition of [ ]
Leaves contain naringin ( naringin ), Astragalus glycoside (astragalin ) - 3 - rhamnoside, quercetin, kaempferol ( quercetin-3-rhamnoside ) - 7 - glucoside ( kaempferol-7-glucoside ), hoof marks India ET - 3 - glucoside ( pelargonidin-3-glucoside ), ( tannin ) tannin.
The bark contains water-soluble xylan ( arabinoxylan ) in Arabia, which Arabia sugar xylose and the molar ratio of 1:3.4.
[ ] in the pharmacological effects of volatile oil from fruit, on the central nervous system has a specific role, and chlorpromazine were similar: injected intraperitoneally to rats and its emulsifier0.15-0.3g / kg, can enhance the pentobarbital sleeping time, but it no adrenergic blocking effect. The mescaline induced hyperactivity and increased body temperature are part of the antagonistic effect. Its another characteristic is with D - phenylalanine have synergistic effects, can significantly enhance D - amphetamine elevated body temperature, and induced animal to death. Volatile oil itself toxicity is low, rats can tolerate 0.6g / kg.
[ ] bitter taste; Gan; cool
[ ] to the liver through the heart;
[ function ] Badushengji hemostasis; swelling and pain;. The main furuncle carbuncle swollen; traumatic injury; trauma hemorrhage
[ usage] external : the amount, trace and apply; or at the end of the inquiry and.
[ attach ] of Party governance enteritis diarrhea, traumatic injury, mumps, carbuncle sore: upon the withered trunk five money to one or two. Water decoction. ( Guangzhou army" commonly used Herbal Handbook II." ) boils, mastitis early: dry bark, leaves upon ramming deposited the affected area. ( Guangzhou army" commonly used Herbal Handbook" )
[ ] the discussion
1" south of the Five Ridges" : for evil herbs recorded bleb, stripping the root bark, Daolan deposited.
2" Nanning City drug records": skin, leaves: myogenic, ramming deposited sore; root: oral treatment of chronic dysentery.
3" Guangxi drug-sik directory": root : cure rheumatic pain, infantile malnutrition. Root bark : split bone, detumescence, acesodyne. Seed: malaria.
4 Guangzhou troops" commonly used Herbal Handbook:" clearing heat, swelling detoxification.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]" Chinese Dictionary"


Herb Myricaria

[ source ] from the" Kunming" common folk herbal medicine
[ ] C o B Pinyin name million million I Zh
English name [ ] Finelydivided Phtheirospermum
[ alias ] pine, pine needles, Pteris vittata L. Artemisia Sambucus
[ source ]
Medicine source: as the Scrophulariaceae of grass on the grass branch.
Latin animal mineral name: Phtheirospermum tenuisectum Bur.et Franch.
Harvest and storage: Autumn digging, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of grass used perennial, high 10-55cm. All strains were glandular hairs. Rhizome short, erect or oblique, under which a root number, tufted, fine and bending. Stems erect, unbranched, thin, cluster. Leaves opposite; leaf blade triangular-ovate, long 1-4cm, two to three to pinnatisect, small lobes linear, apex obtuse or a convex tip, both sides were coarse wool. Flowers single student leaf axils; pedicel long 1-3mm; bracteoles absent; calyx campanulate,5 lobed, lobes ovate to lanceolate, margin changes; corolla yellow or orange-yellow, outside glandular hairs and pilose, tube length8-15mm, throat hairy, the upper lip lobes ovate, lower lip 3lobes are obovate, apex obtuse or retuse, is approximately equal, or lobes slightly larger, margin ciliate; stamens included; ovary pilose. Capsule ovate, long 4-6mm. Seeds small, flattened, ovate, beaked, room split, with reticulate. Flower, fruit5-9.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in slopes, thickets humid.
Resource distribution: located in Qinghai, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, sichuan.
[ character ] trait identification of entire plant densely glandular hairs. Rhizome short, root number, fine and bending. Leaves opposite, two to three to pinnatisect, pale green leaves, long 1-1.5cm, lobes narrow, linear. Calyx campanulate, corolla yellow, yellow. Capsule compressed, beaked, room crack. Spicy, slightly bitter.
[ ] taste acrid in taste bitter; flat;
[ ] to the Heart Sutra
[ function ] stasis duly attending poison; sedative. The main fracture pain; cough; PU with blood; sore throat; palpitations terrified gods; snake bite by dog
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-15g; or sparkling wine. External. The amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Grass of Fritillaria

[ source ]" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan"
[ ] C o B Pinyin name be keyword I M and
[ alias ] of Bolbostemma paniculatum (" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan" ), adder's-tongue (" Tianjin medical communication" (10) : 16 ~221971.)
[ source ] is a liliaceous plants Lijiang arrowhead mountain bulb. Summer, autumn excavation.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herbs, about 20 cm high. Bulb ball shape, diameter of about 1 cm, skin brown. Stems single, embedded parts of white, partially excavated with purple. Leaves linear, ca. 15cm, ca. 0.5 cm wide, apex acuminate, base sheathlike, having parallel longitudinal veins. Flowers purple, diameter 1.5 ~2 cm, inflorescence racemose, with 2 to3 flowers. Perianth lobes 6, separation; stamens 6, anthers inside. Capsule oblong, ca. 7 mm wide. Fl. summer.
[ ] habitat distribution was born in grassland or forest hill. The distribution of Yunnan, Tibet and other places.
[ ], the chemical composition of bulb stem, leaves, seeds, containing colchicine colchicine colchicine beta light, angle, N - formyl - N - deacetylase alkaloids such as colchicine.
[ ] the toxicity of Asarum contain large amounts of colchicine, taken orally after in vivo oxidation oxide two colchicine, are highly toxic, the digestive system, urinary system has serious irritation symptoms, to restrain the function of the nervous system, producing ascending paralysis, such as involving the diaphragm caused respiratory dyskinesia. Serious person can produce water and electrolyte balance disorder, caused by low potassium, low chlorine, alkali or acid poisoning, appears of different level of shock symptoms, even may be due to respiratory failure. Colchicine in vivo 24 hours total amount not exceeding 6 mg, the lethal dose is about 20~ 20mg. If the emergency escape, later period can have bone marrow hematopoietic dysfunction, decrease of white blood cells. When the first aid to symptomatic treatment, prevention of complications for the principle, namely, gastric lavage, catharsis, infusion, adjust the electrolyte balance, anti - shock, oxygen and other. The latter to cell growth promoting substance, is expected to restore. Because the symptoms of poisoning and atropine effect is similar, therefore atropine not to.
[ ]" the taste of selected medicinal plants of Yunnan": bitter, temperature, toxic.
[ function ]
Asthma, cough, analgesic, anti. Treatment of bronchitis, asthma, cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
The clinical application of [ ]
Treatment of breast cancer with bulbus and alkaloids: a mountain arrowhead powder: use bulbus bulb section milling, pack of 0.5grams,1 bag each time,4 times a day, a total of 40to 50 grams for a course of treatment. Two glory81 injection: each containing colchicine 1 mg, each2,5% glucose solution500 ml diluted after intravenous infusion,1 times a day, a total of 40~ 60mg for a course of treatment. Three glory81 - a film by colchicine derivatives: i.e. colcemid made, each containing colchicine amide2.5 mg,2 tablets each time,4 times a day, a total of 400to 500mg, efficacy and glory with 81, and the side effect of reducing. Four glory81 - A injection:10 mg per Zhi Hanqiu daffodils amide. Each of the 1teams, with81injection injection method and glory, a total of 250~ 800mg. Application of the4 kinds of agents in the treatment of61 cases,56cases to see different degree of narrowing, efficiency is 86.1%;5 cases of 17 cases of mass disappeared, reduced to the original volume of more than half of. Which by glory81injection in the treatment of47 cases, effective rate was 93.6%, markedly effective in 42.5%. Route of administration by intravenous infusion effect is good.
Glory of more than 81in15~ 20 mg of medication side effects,80% of the patients the onset of anorexia, abdominal bloating, constipation and other symptoms,70% patients have weakness and joint pain,30% patients with palpitation, finger numbness,5% of the patients body temperature. Stop the medicine 2~ 3days after symptoms disappear gradually (also based on clinical symptoms diagnosis to take medicine to ease symptoms), then to continue medication side effects resulting from the late lighter. Glory - a81injection to 100 mg or more,40% of the patients showed mild loss of appetite, fatigue, palpitations and other symptoms; drug use to more than 300 mg of hair loss can occur. Oral administration of81- piece honor only mild loss of appetite, oral Asarum powder can produce mild nausea, or defecate time compress increase. Application of Asarum and alkaloids, a minority of patients with leukopenia, but discontinued 1weeks after recovery, none of the 1 patients with interrupted due to treatment. On the liver and kidney function and electrocardiogram examination revealed no drug damage, but there were 3 cases of medication after diabetes, its reason to be studied.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"


Herb of Buerger Maple

[ source ] from the" Kunming" common folk herbal medicine
[ ] C o Pinyin name 's B n S a n Ji gave o F n to be
English name [ ] Herb of Szechwan-Yunnan Sanicle
[ alias ] sanicle, pulmonary shape grass, mountain celery
[ source ]
Medicine source: for the Umbelliferae plant in Sichuan Yunnan sanicle entire grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Sanicula astrantifolia Wolff ex Kresch.
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herbs, high 30-70cm. Glabrous. Thick short, there are many slender branches. Stems erect, upper vertical, the upper 2-4forked branch. Basal leaves petiolate long 5-20cm, base the Ministry has broadly membranous sheath. Leaf blade subleathery, heart shape triangle into round kidney shape, length 2.5-8cm, width 2.5-9cm, palmately three lytic, intermediate lobes broadly obovate, lateral lobes whip ovate-lanceolate, sometimes1-2 deep notch, edge has coarse round serrate, teeth end a mucro, palmately veined3-5. Compound umbel terminal; involucral bracts several, linear; rays few; small involucral bracts7-10, linear; umbellules has spent about 10; calyx teeth linear-lanceolate; petals obovate, white or pink; style outward expansion. Cremocarp inverted conical, ca.2mm, following prickles short, upper prickles forms a hook shape, golden yellow or purplish red; schizocarp cross section is circular, endosperm belly flat, tubing, small, inconspicuous. Flower, fruit7-10.
[ ] taste slightly bitter flavour;; of Shu
[ ] to the liver meridian tropism
[ functions ] rheumatism; through main and collateral channels. The main rheumatic arthralgia; spastic muscles; traumatic injury
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-9g; or sparkling wine. External: moderate, Decoction and washing.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


[ alias ] what seven, Old Virginia, Begonia food
[ source ] Rosaceae avens Geum Geum aleppicum Jacq., to whole plant or root medicine. The summer excavation, chopped dried.
[ ] the taste of symplectic, Gan, ping.
[ function ] Qingrejiedu, swelling and pain. Used for enteritis, diarrhea, infantile convulsion, lumbocrural pain, traumatic injury, irregular menstruation, leukorrhea; external use in treating furuncle, carbuncle.
[ usage]2~ 3money; topical amount, fresh goods Daolan deposited the affected area.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


[ source ] this product is from the Song Dynasty to Qing Dynasty medicinal Clematis species. " Classics" in the Chinese materia medica said: now Shaanxi state military and East, Hebei. Beijing ( Near East ), state or a quack. Primary than all the grass stems, first, such as stocks, four prism, like a willow leaf layer, each layer six or seven leaves like a wheel, a six layer to the seven layer, the July flower, purple or greenish white, as spike like Po table, also like chrysanthemum head, solid green, densely many root to be like a valley, a year also fail. According to the reference state ( now Shanxi, Taiyuan ), Jinzhou ( now Shanxi Linfen Weilingxian Clematis Chinensis Osbeck ) and the Ninghua Army (in this Shanxi Ningwu county ) Clematis map,
[ ] C o B Pinyin name 's n W I L n Xi golf to be a n
[ alias ] nine cover grass, flower Nine Festival, wolf tail grass, mountain whip grass, grass, grass, Yu Mei nine round cut long sword, stalk lever Cimicifuga, gentian, safflower, Erlang mountain grass arrows
[ source ]
Medicine source: Scrophulariaceae Pennell root and the whole grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Veronicastrum sibiricum ( L. ) Pen-nell.
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn harvest, to net mud, impurity, root section, the whole grass chopped, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Veronicastrum sibiricum perennial, high 80-150cm. Rhizomes horizontal, up to13cm, internodes short, multiple roots. Stems erect, cylindrical, unbranched, glabrous or slightly pilose. Leaf 4-6verticillate; sessile; leaf blade oblong to broadly linear, length 8-15cm, width 1.5-4.5cm, apex acuminate, margin serrate are triangular, both surfaces glabrous or sparsely pilose. Deng Dingsheng flower, long tail shape, all parts glabrous; pedicels short; sepals 5deeply lobed, lobes unequal, longest ca. for the corolla front half, subulate; red purple, purple or lilac, long 5-7mm,4 lobed, lobes unequal width, corolla tube surface is hairy; stamens 2. Capsule ovoid, ca.3mm,4valves, two sides has ditch. Seeds ellipsoid. Flowering7-9.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in the roadside slopes, grassland and thickets on slopes in.
Resource distribution: distribution in the northeast, north, northern Shaanxi, Eastern Gansu and Shandong peninsula.
[ ] this product chemical composition containing isoferulic acid ( isoferulic acid ),3,4- two methoxy cinnamic acid ( cinnamic3,4-dimethoxy acid ),3-O acetyl oleanolic acid (3-O-acetyloleanolic acid ), D - mannitol ( D-mannitol ), daucosterol ( daucos-terol ), beta sitosterol (sitosterol ). The root contains meters glycosides ( minecoside ), catalpa (Catalpol),6-O veratryl catalpa ester (6-O-veratryl Catalpol ester ), aucubin ( aucubin ),6 - DNA - 8 - isoferulic acid Harpagide (6-deoxy-8-isofer-uloyl Harpagide ), beta sitosterol - 3-O-D - glucoside ( beta sitosteryl3-O-D-glucoside ), campesterol3-O-D - glucoside ( campesteryl3-O-D-gluco-side ), campesterol, sitosterol content ( campesterol ), stigmasterol ( stigmasterol ), mannitol. The seed contains palmitic acid ( Palmitic acid ), stearic acid ( stearic acid ), oleic acid ( oleic acid ), linoleic acid ( linoleic acid ).
[ ]: pharmacological effect of analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of Veronica sibirica ethanol extract has significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of. With three kinds of Clematis Ranunculaceae, the anti-inflammatory effects of strength: Veronica sibirica Weilingxian Clematis hexapetala pall > > > Clematis; its analgesic potency: round leaf speedwell > Clematis hexapetala pall > > Clematis clematis. After further screening, from in the separation and identification of 6compounds, pharmacological results indicated: isoferulic acid has a strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic action of antirheumatic, as main active component. 3-O acetyl oleanolic acid has anti-inflammatory effect. 3,4- two methoxy cinnamic acid also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of. Mannitol has analgesia effect.
[ ] the acute toxicity test showed that the toxicity, Veronica sibirica intragastric administration of ethanol extract of mouse LD50 of47.75g / kg (trusted rate 11.7%).
[ ] taste spicy; bitter cold;
[ function ] Qufeng desiccant; heat-clearing and detoxicating. The main external wind-heat; sore throat; mumps; rheumatism; the injury bug snake
[ usage] oral administration of Decoction: fresh goods,10-15g,30-60g. External: fresh goods amount, trace and apply; or washed fried.
[ ] of party" schema": Clematis, Granville, says of meng. Ling Xian, words power of god. The goods in the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty was one of the varieties of Clematis Chinensis Osbeck, from the Qing Dynasty to modern Chinese, multipurpose Ranunculaceae clematis, used for a long time, difficult to change, so that the product is Pennell to do. It can cure snakebite, so called the slaying the Dragon sword.
[ ] the paper1" newly built Materia Medica": a city in Luoyang County, the end of the September to December, dry, and not Yu Yue. Every year near the lead, deep to Mao, seedling gradually much, after several years of losing also fold. 2"kai-materia Medica" : Clematis, out to Los mountain and Huashan and Ping Ze, do not sound heard good. Born in the grass, stems, leaf relative number. Flowers purplish, root density, old joy propagation. Each month of Ding Wuji daily, Ji ming. 3" Maple window small slips" : Clematis rare really popular medicine, with many fine person, ligusticum. The inspection to the bitter taste and color purple black as picrorhiza shape, and crisp and not tough, reduction of fine dust, to express, cut with a black and white halo, custom predicate is myna eye. This number is then really prepare for. 4" Materia Medica": this county was carried Liang Jia ran wild has, seedling height one or two feet, stem parties such as the hairpin strands, four prism, stems thin fluffy white hair, like a willow leaf and broad, margin serrate, also like the inula flower leaf, the leaf layers, each layer of six or seven leaves, relative row as of a wheel, a six layer to the seven layer, light purple or greenish white flowers, as spike like Po table, also like chrysanthemum head, strong blue root number, dense, mining Ye Ye cooked, for flooding to bitterness, again with water Amoy net, salt transfer food.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]



[ ] from Chinese herbal medicine in Jilin.""
[ ] C o C Pinyin name be n be R: n to be
English name [ ] Herb of Russian Boschniakia
[ alias ] carrot, goblin, dried meat floss Rong, desert cistanche, herb
[ source ]
Medicine source: effects of Orobanchaceae of Boschniakia rossica entire grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Boschniakia rossica ( Cham . Et Schlecht. ) Fedtsch. [ Orobanche rossica Cham . Et Schlecht. Boschniakia glabra; C . A . Met. ]
Harvest and storage:5-8 months of recovery, dry or dry cutting.
[ ] the original morphology of Boschniakia rossica annual parasitic herbaceous, tall 15-35cm. Whole plant nearly glabrous. Rhizomes horizontal, cylindrical, usually with2-3erect stems, stems unbranched, stout, the middle diameter1.5-2CM, basally thickened. Leaves crowded at stem near base, upwards gradually sparse, triangular or broadly ovate-triangular, length, width of each6-8( - 10) mm. Spikes, cylindrical, length 7-22cm, diameter 1.5-2.5cm; bracts1, broadly ovate or suborbicular; pedicels long 1-2mm or sessile; calyx cupular, long 5-7mm, apex irregularly3-5tooth crack; corolla broadly campanulate, dark purple or dark purple, tube dilated into saccular, upper lip erect, close lower lip galeate, short,3 crack, lobation triangle or triangular-lanceolate; stamens 4, slightly out of corolla, anthers ovate, connectives broader; carpels 2; ovary subglobose, style long5-7mm,2lobed stigma. Capsule subglobose, length 8-10mm, diameter 6-8mm,2valve cracking. Seeds small, oval, most. Flowering of 5-7 months, fr.7-9.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in1500-1800m elevation slopes, forests under the low temperature and the river, often parasitic on the alder trees ( Alnus ) plant root.
Resource distribution: located in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Inner Mongolia and other places.
Chemical composition of [ ]
The plant contains8 - table DNA nux vomica glucoside acid (8-epideoxyloganic acid ) [1], boschniakiarossica Styrone glycosides ( rossicaside ) B, C, D, [2,3], boschniakiarossica cinnamyl alcohol glycoside A, boschniakiarossica glycosides ( boschnaside ), boschniakine glycosides ( boschnaloside ), pinoresinol beta - D - pyran glucoside ( pinoresinol - P - D-glucopyranoside) [3], p-cumaric acid ( p-coumaric acid ), p-cumaric acid methyl ester ( methyl p-coumarate ), beta sitosterol (sitos-terol ), oleanolic acid ( oleanolic acid ),3 - table of oleanolic acid (3-epioleanolic acid ) [2], P - D glucopyranosyl base (1- 4) alpha pyran rhamnose base - (1,3) - D - (4-O - coffee acyl ) pyran glucose (D-glucopyranosyl (1,4) - A - L-rhamnopyranosyl - (1- > 3) - D - (4-O-caffeoyl ) - glucopyranose ) [3], C9, C10, C11terpene lactone ( C9, C10, C11terpene lactones ) [4].
The ground part of the boschniakine alkali ( boschniakine ) and of Boschniakia rossica lactone ( boschnialactone ) [5].
Rhizome containing mannitol ( mannitol ), ( alkaloides ) [6].
[ ] sweet and salty taste; temperature;
[ function ] Kidney Yang Runchang catharsis; hemostasis. The main deficiency of the kidney impotence; emission; lumbar pain in cold; small terrier at Lek; hematuria; cold palace infertility; belt; metrorrhagia; intestinal dryness and immigration
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g; or sparkling wine.
[ ] the discussion
1" Changbai Mountain": Investigation on the medicinal plants of Nourishing Yin Yang, hemostasis. Treatment of cystitis, bladder hemorrhage and renal hemorrhage.
The 2" Chinese herbal medicine in Jilin:" Bushen impotence, Runchang catharsis. Cure kidney impotence, waist and knee pain in cold, constipation due to intestinal dryness, cystitis.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Grassland of Scutellaria baicalensis

[ alias ] in Scutellaria baicalensis
[ source ] Labiatae Scutellaria plants of the genus Scutellaria baicalensis grassland Scutellaria hypericifolia Levl., be used as medicine with the root. In 9 ~ October, undercutting, dry cleaned.
[ ] taste bitter, cold.
[ function ] heat cough, removing dampness detoxification. For wind heat type of cough, damp-heat jaundice, fever and headache, swollen red eyes, diarrhea and abdominal pain, urinary tract infection, fetal irritability, carbuncle, furuncle furunculosis.
[ usage]2~ 3money.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


[ ] C o D Pinyin name be Z gave o Sh cabinet H e
[ source ]
Medicine source: for Gramineae bluegrass roots.
Latin animal mineral name: Poa pratensis L.
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn roots to take control, fibrous roots and soil, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Kentucky bluegrass perennial herbs, roots lay prostrate. Culms smooth, high 50-75cm. Leaf sheaths smooth or rough, no ridge, longer than internodes, or upper leaf sheaths shorter than internodes; ligule membranous, apex truncate, long 1-2mm; leaf blade linear, flat or involute, top into navicular tip; smooth or slightly rough surface and edge, long 6.5-18cm, long Nie living more than 40cm, width 2-4mm. Panicle sections each having3-5branches; spikelets ovate, green, mature after the grass yellow, long 4-6mm,2-4flower. Ying ovoid or oval lanceolate,1-3portal, the main vein into the ridge and the edges are often pilose, base plate having woolly or rarely glabrous, apex acute to acuminate; Ying Ying Long first2.5-3mm, second3-4mm, a base plate having dense and long white lanose; palea slightly shorter than lemma, there are2 ridges, ridge often cilia or rough; anther length 1.5-2mm. Caryopsis fusiform or linear, and the inner, outer separation. Flower, fruit4-7.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: born in barren mountain, roadside and grassland.
Resource distribution: distribution in the northeast, north, East and southwest parts of.
[ ] the whole grass chemical composition containing vitamin A and L - amino adipic acid ( L - A - am-minoadipic acid ).
[ ]: pharmacological effects of hypoglycemic effect to normal hungry rabbit subcutaneous injection of bluegrass to extract, glucose was decreased, in3 hours after administration of the hypoglycemic effect of the most obvious characteristics, role similarities with insulin. For injection is equivalent to40g crude drug extracts, can make the high sugar content increased from 40g to100g, increased glucose tolerance in the role after stopping a few days remains. Patients with this medicine, urine was significantly reduced, but on ketone bodies in urine excretion without obvious effect. The extract also can accelerate the yeast glycolysis, its role is similar to the role of vitamins, may be associated with insulin.
[ function ] hypoglycemic. Primary diabetes mellitus
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-15g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Grass cardamom

Overview: This product is ginger plant grass cardamom seed group Alpinia Katsumadai Hayata. Summer and autumn harvest. With the boiling water, slightly hot, dry and semi dry, remove the peel, the seed group. Dried. Pounded student.
Alias: cardamom Amomum, my son,
Resistance type: no classification
Taste and tropism: spicy, temperature. The spleen, stomach meridian.
Functions: Invigorating the spleen dampness, warm stomach vomiting. Used for chest abdominal fullness and nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, stomach pain.
Usage and dosage: orally, decoction,2.44.5g, or into the pill, powder. Syndrome of yin deficiency and blood less jiyong.
Storage: the ventilation.
Clinical application of:
1the uniform gas pills (" Introduction to medicine" ) treat Qi voiced L, multiple heating: Grass cardamom, orange peel, aloes each
15g,30g15g Alpinia oxyphylla, ginseng, sandalwood, areca nut30g. For the end, pills, great son of wu. Take 80 pills each time, under the pale ginger. In the grass cardamom spleen dampness, warm stomach vomiting, as monarch drug.
2grass nutmeg powder (" St. Francis." ) treatment of spleen stomach weak, do not think of eating: Alpinia30g, green ( soup dip to white ), galangal, cannon on each 15g,1g0.3g Atractylodes macrocephala, licorice root. For the end, every take 6G, eat rice before drinking,3 times a day. In the grass cardamom spleen dampness, warm stomach vomiting, as monarch drug.
3grass nutmeg powder (" treatment of the criterion." - class ) treatment of intestinal paralysis, rheumatism exercise to benefit the internal organs, abdominal pain and diarrhea: Grass cardamom, orange ( white ) of the30g, Cortex Cinnamomi ( to bark ), white nutmeg kernel, nutmeg, angelica, Radix Aucklandiae, Atractylodes, clove, galangal each15g. Into fine powder, every take 3G, fresh ginger, jujube Decoction prior to transfer under. In the grass cardamom spleen dampness, warm stomach vomiting, as monarch drug.



[ ] C o D Pinyin name be Hu: cabinet
[ alias ] white black cohosh, horn seven, nine shares, angelica, longan cattle cattle cattle energetically, force shares shares, Qian Cao beads, rosin acute medicine
[ source ]
Medicine source: to Araliaceae Yunnan longan Angelica root.
Latin animal mineral name: Aralia yunnanensis Franch.
Harvest and storage: summer, fall the excavation, removal of impurities, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herbs, height of about1m. Roots fusiform, stout. Ye Er to the three back pinnate, long 30-50cm; petiole length3-15cm; stipules leaflike, membranous, margin glabrous and hairy. Pinna a lobule 3-5, ovate to ovate, long 2-7cm,1.3-4.5cm wide, apex acute to acuminate, base truncate or shallowly cordate, dark green above, sparsely white bristles, the gray, along veins densely white with stinging hairs, margin serrulate; lateral veins on 5-6. Umbels arranged in panicles, terminal and axillary, branched sparse, base having leaflike involucre, umbels arranged in panicles, terminal and axillary, branched sparse, base having leaflike involucre, umbel flowers flower peduncles long10-30,2-8cm, glabrous or densely pubescent; bracts linear-lanceolate, long about 2mm; calyx cupular, edge has5 teeth, triangle; petals 5, dark purple, triangular shaped oblong; stamens 5; ovary 5room, style 5, separation. Drupe globose berry shape, diameter of about 4mm, purple and black, with 5edges. Flowering of 7-8 months, fr.9-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in an elevation of 2000-2700m woodland, shrub or grass slope in.
Resource distribution: distribution in Sichuan, Yunnan and other places.
[ ] bitter taste; Xin; sexual tepid
[ ] divergent wind functions; Shujin Huoxue Jianpi Lishui;; cut malaria. The main cold; cough; deficiency of spleen edema; infantile malnutrition; chest pain; traumatic swelling and pain; rheumatic pain; pain; fracture; menstruation; trauma; malaria
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,9-15g; or sparkling wine. External: fresh goods amount, trace and apply; or at the end of the inquiry and.
[ note ] pregnant woman forbids. " Chinese herbal medicine in Yunnan:" not to be taken by pregnant women.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Straw mushroom

[ source ] was contained in the" compendium of Materia Medica" xinhua. Guangdong" annals": South mushroom, is a mushroom to mushroom, found in the Chogye Nanhua temple, famous South mushroom, is also home mushroom, its taste is not inferior to the north of mushroom. " Ningde county": North Wengfu kiln production and decay, the mushrooms, like a star cluster was spit, farmers and voted in the city.
[ ] C o G Pinyin name gave reports
[ alias ] straw mushroom, mushrooms, straw mushroom, orchids, wild mushroom, mushrooms Ma South mushroom fungus, delicious, bracts, foot mushroom
[ source ]
Medicine source: as the pluteaceae fungus mushroom fruiting.
Latin animal mineral name: Voluariella volvacea ( Bull.ex Fr. ) Sing. [ Voluaria volvacea ( Bull. ) Quel. ; Agaricus volvaceus Bull.]
Harvest and storage: when the egg shaped cap show, will rupture can be cut in half, before harvesting, drying or dried standby.
[ ] the original form of cap width5-19cm. Near bell; after stretching and central slightly convex, surface drying, gray to brown to gray in color, the central dark color, with radial stripes. Bacterium flesh white, soft, central slightly thick. Gill white pink, slightly dense, wide; free, unequal. Stipe nearly cylindrical, long 5-18cm, thick0.8-1.5cm, white or slightly yellow, smooth, solid. Volva is larger, bud shape, thickness, dirty white to black. Spore print pink. Spores are smooth, oval, (6-8.4) m x (4-5.6) ~ M. Fold edge capsule clavate, apex abruptly acuminate or near the tip of the tail, (95-100) m x (16-35) ~ M.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in straw, hay. Summer, autumn cultivation.
Resource distribution: located in Fujian, Taiwan, Hunan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Sichuan, Yunnan, Tibet and other places.
Cultivated [ ]
1biological characteristics of straw mushroom is a kind of high temperature type saprophytic fungi, the growing temperature range for 10-44C, relative to the temperature requirements in the 80%-95%; aerobic fungal genus, with PH6-7.5 suitable pH.
2 breed technical training materials of many kinds, of which the highest yield of cottonseed shell, rice cultivation high yield, good quality, sugar cane residue of. Accessories dry cow dung, rice bran, wheat bran, lime. Indoor and outdoor cultivation of straw mushroom. Outdoor cultivation: outdoors when the temperature stability in 22degrees above can make furrow bed, bed width 1mm, high 25cm, both sides of the working line of 60cm, will over clay to bed bed, mixed with5% dry cow dung, after mixing and compaction, then prepared for straw. 1% lime water temperature through the straw, twisted into a" infinity" shape or in bed, bed spread first a layer of straw, thick 3-5cm, put the first layer of grass lawn in lawn edge, about1.5-2CM and a ring species,3cm wide, intermediate on bacteria, then placed second layers of the grass, each layer and a ring strain, and indented1.5-3cm, make a trapezoid. General pile 4-5layer, the stacked on top of a layer of compacted after high 20cm straw, called grass keel, piled on real tight, surface water. Build heap after heap temperature keeping, temperature regulation, after2-3D stack temperature.50-60C,5-6d reactor temperature long to 30-40C, start fruiting, then a temperature control in 70%-90%. The relative air temperature with 85%-95% as appropriate, can be covered with plastic film to control and regulate the haystack temperature and humidity. Harvest two to three tide mushroom after topdressing cattle manure powder, urine or urea and other nutritional supplements. In four weeks the soil cultivation of spices sprayed pest control agents. Indoor cultivation : the artificial control of temperature, humidity, ventilation, nutrition, light conditions, can avoid the typhoon, rainstorm outdoor adverse natural factors, throughout the year can be cultivated, grass and cultivation method and outdoor basic group with same.
[ character ] character identification fruitbody has longitudinal cut into two pieces, complete the bell, or flat after the central micro-projection, diameter 5-19cm, gray or black, with darker cilia, the formation of radiation stripe. Mushroom meat mid thick, soft, white. Gill in dense, wide, unequal, white or pink. Stipe nearly cylindrical, length 5-18cm, diameter 0.8-1.5cm, white or pale yellow, in fact. Volva is large, thick, goblet, dirty white, on the edge of a yellow and black. Aroma, taste specific.
[ ] in the chemical composition of foot mushroom toxins ( volvotoxin ), fox clothing acid ( vulpinicacid ), vitamin C ( vitamin ), polysaccharide, ergosterol ( ergosterol ), gamma ( gamma enolase ergot steroid - ergostenol ), the original vitamin (provitamin ) D2, D4,24 p - methyl cholesteric - 5,7 - diene - 3beta - alcohol (24 p - methylcholesta-5,7-dien-3beta - OL ),24 p - methyl cholest 7 ene3 beta - alcohol (24 p - methylcholesta-7-en-3beta - ol ).
Pharmacological action [ ]
1: the products under foot mushroom toxins and fox clothing acid, on Gram-positive bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, acid-resistant smegmatis coli have antibacterial action.
2contains a lot of vitamin C, can increase the body resistance to infectious diseases, prevention of scurvy.
3mushroom fruiting bodies within the bud foot mushroom toxins, can make the mouse ascites carcinoma cell expansion, and inhibition of respiration. The Kishida report on straw mushroom polysaccharide chemistry structure and anticancer effects of relationship.
[ ] taste Gan; cold
[ function ] heat; the replenishing qi and blood; blood pressure. The main hot Fanhe; physical weakness; dizziness fatigue; hypertension
[ usage] oral administration of Decoction: fresh goods,9-15g,30-90g; or for food service.
[ ] the treatise" Xinhua outline of Materia Medica": the whole grass : sweet, cold. A Qingshu Yiqi, anticancer function.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]



Overview: This product is ginger plant Amomum Amomum tsao-Ko Crevost et Lem. Fruit. Autumn when ripe. Dried or dried at low temperature. The original fry until brown and muster, pounded and kernel used; or ginger juice micro net grass nuts with speculation.
Alias: Grass nut
Resistance type: no classification
Taste and tropism: spicy, temperature. The spleen, stomach meridian.
Actions: to eliminate dampness, removing sputum cut malaria. For wet and muddy depression V, Bai Hou voiced greasy, chest tightness, malignant malaria, a kind of malaria, Wan stuffy abdominal distension, pain less food.
Usage and dosage: orally, decoction,2.4-4.5g, or into the pill, powder. Syndrome of yin deficiency and blood less jiyong.
Storage: a dry place.
Clinical application of:
1ft drink (" rumors" is used ) governs the stomach with red and white hot and cold, diarrhea, latent heat diarrhea, dysentery hematochezia: Grass nut, licorice, fry Burnet, Fructus aurantii each equal part. For the thick end, every take 6G, plus hot ginger1 pieces, fried, slag, or take. In the grass to dampness, as monarch drug.
2 Shun tire powder (" recipe" for nausea. New ): Tsaoko1, corydalis, talc each 2.4G, characteristics of3G. Wine fried, half hungry. Method of removing phlegm dampness of caoguo temperature, cut malaria, as monarch drug.
3suopi drink (" easy" in short ) solutions for latent heat, in addition to polydipsia, heat detoxification: Grass nut120g90g75g, ebony, licorice. Ginger, fried. Cooling clothes. Method of removing phlegm dampness of caoguo temperature, cut malaria, as monarch drug.


Hedychium spicatum

[ ] from Yunnan Materia Medica"."
[ ] C o Gu Pinyin name gave I Y, O
English name [ ] Fruit of Spiked Gingerlily
[ alias ] cardamom amomum fruit, grass, small
[ source ]
Medicine source: ginger plant medicine for Amomum fruit.
Latin animal mineral name: Hedychium spicatum Ex Smith Ham.
Harvest and storage: forest fruit ripe when harvesting, drying.
[ ] the original morphology of Hedychium spicatum, perennial, up to 1m. Root block. Leaves sessile or with long1-1.5cm handle; ligule long 1.5-2.5cm, membranous, margin entire; leaf blade oblong or oblong-lanceolate, length 10-40cm, width 4-12cm, upper and lower surfaces glabrous or very sparsely villous below. The approx. 20cm long spikes; bracts oblong, ca.2.5cm, each bract with flower 1; calyx tube length3-3.5cm; corolla yellow, lobes linear, long5-6.5cm, long 2.5cm; lateral staminodes white, spatulate, slightly longer than corolla lobes; labellum obovate, long 2.5-3cm, deep2 crack white or yellow, light red, filaments, a labellum is short. Capsule globose, diameter of about1.5cm. When cooked dehiscent into 3valves. Flowering6-7. Fr.10-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in1200-2900m elevation mountain forest
Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest and Tibet.
[ ] taste slightly bitter flavour; temperature;
[ ] the liver meridian tropism;
[ ] indications of warming spleen and stomach for dispelling cold; Qi digestion. The main cold stomach pain in stomach and abdomen; dyspeptic abdominal distention; cold hernia of abdominal pain
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-9g; or at the end of the inquiry.
[ ] the discussion
1" Southern Yunnan Materia Medica": medium wide Qi, eliminating chest and diaphragm expansion, appetizer consumer night food.
The 2" Chinese herbal medicine in Yunnan:" warm stomach for dispelling cold, dampness, cure cold stomach pain, indigestion, malaria.
3" Kunming" : the common folk herbal medicine for dispelling cold and relieving pain, wide in qi. Cure cold stomach pain, vomiting, cold colicky.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Grass of Daemonorops margaritae

[ ] C o H Pinyin name be" n T n be used to be
[ alias ] [ ], Sichuan Chengdu Sargentgloryvine Stem yellow Ma Dou, iron horse beans, butterfly weed, snake pass.
[ source ] Su Bao Mao Subao bean bean legume plants of the genus Shuteria pampaniniana Hand.-Mazz., to complete grass is used as medicine. Summer and autumn harvest, washed and cut into sections.
[ ] taste bitter, cold.
[ function ] Qingrejiedu, swelling. For appendicitis, parotitis, mastitis, hemoptysis of pulmonary tuberculosis.
[ usage]0.3~ 1two.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"



[ source ] was contained in the" Chinese Journal of Botany.".
[ ] C o H Pinyin name be Ji o cabinet.
English name [ ] all-grass of Shiny Peperomia
[ source ]
Medicine source: pepper plants Peperomia entire grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Peperomia pellucida ( L. ) Kunth.
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn, washed clean, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Peperomia annual fleshy herb, high 20-40cm. Stems erect or basally sometimes procumbent, thick1-2mm, branched, glabrous, lower nodes usually students of adventitious root. Leaves alternate; petiole length1-2cm; leaf blade broadly ovate or oval head triangle, the length and width of about 1-3.5cm, nearly equal, apex mucronate or obtuse, base cordate, both surfaces glabrous, leaf5-7, basal, mesh is unknown; membranous, translucent. Spicate top is born in stem, opposite leaves, pale green, thin, long 2-6cm, diameter less than1mm, and its total order shaft are glabrous; flowers sparsely; bracts suborbicular, about 0.5mm in diameter, the central fine short handle, peltate; flowers small, bisexual, apetalous, stamens 2, with short filaments, anthers nearly orbicular; ovary ellipsoid, stigmas terminal, pubescent. Berry is globose, small, apex acuminate, diameter of more than0.5mm.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in Forest Wetland, in crevices or house walls.
Resource distribution: distribution Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places.
[ character ] character identification stems are branched, with fine longitudinal grooves, the lower section having adventitious root. Leaves shrivel or broken, incomplete leaf expansion was broadly ovate or ovate-triangular, length and width of several equal,0.8-3cm, base cordate, glabrous, basal veins, veins inconspicuous, petiole length0.8-2cm. Often with spikes, terminal or opposite leaves. Gas, light.
[ ] the whole plant chemical composition containing parsley brain ( apiol ),2,4,5 - methoxy storax BP (2,4,5-trimethoxystyrene ), beta sitosterol (sitosterol ), campesterol ( campesterol ), stigmasterol ( stigmsterol ).
[ ] cool taste of spice;
[ ] liver lung meridian;
[ ] functions of eliminating stasis to stop pain; heat-clearing and detoxicating. The main boils; burns; traumatic injury; trauma hemorrhage
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g. External: appropriate, fresh goods ramming enough or with wine powder; also can be pounded wrings juice.
[ ] the treatise" Xinhua outline of Materia Medica": the whole grass; a stasis analgesic function, for traumatic injury, burns.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Herb Jin Shan

[ source ] from the" Red River" this product also can treat herbal icteric infectious hepatitis, scanty dark urine, cold, trauma and bleeding disorders.
[ ] C o J Pinyin name be n Sh a n
English name [ ] Herb of Indian Pentanema
[ alias ] board and strict, seven head, rough leaf Viola yedoensis, loose herbs, wild root
[ source ]
Medicine source: as the Compositae white back reed straw entire grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Pentanema indicum ( L ) Ling var . Hypoleucum ( Hand.-Mazz. ) Ling [ Inula indica L.var . Hypoleu-ca Hand.-Mazz.]
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of white back reed straw annual or biennial, high up to 1m. High1m. Stems erect, cylindrical, purple and black, production branches stretch, with longitudinal grooves, sparsely white pilose. Leaves alternate, rough; leaf pile shape, length 2-5cm, width of3mm, apex slightly obtuse, base auriculate amplexicaul, margin entire, revolute, above dark green, sparsely white undercoat, below densely hairy Bai Hou. Capitate Dan Shengzhi top and leaf axils, pedicels densely brownish yellow short; bracts lanceolate linear,2-3 column, being brown hair; a bright yellow, within the tubular flower yellow. Achene with a spiked crown. Florescence in October2-7 month, fr..
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in an elevation of 700-2000m dry hillside meadow.
Resource distribution: distribution in Guangxi, education, Yunnan,6.
[ ] a cool taste;
[ function ] detoxification diuresis. The main plutonium rib; sore throat; stone.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g. External : the amount, trace and apply; or washed fried.
[ ] the discussion
1" Red River": Chinese herbal medicine of clearing away heat and toxic material, diuresis.
2" list of Guangxi plants": treating infantile malnutrition.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Spirit immortal grass

[ ] C o L Pinyin name gave Golf n be Xi. N
[ alias ] steelyard Cimicifuga, nine wheels grass, slaying the dragon sword, wolf tail flower, Pennell
[ source ] Scrophulariaceae Pennell plants of the genus Veronica sibirica Veronicastrum sibiricum ( L. ) Pennell [ Veronica sibirica L ], to the whole grass or roots are used medicinally. Summer autumn grubbing; mining all grass, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] taste slightly bitter, cold.
[ function ] Qufeng desiccant, alexipharmic, hemostatic. For the common cold, rheumatic backleg pain, muscle pain, cystitis; external use in treating traumatic bleeding, snake bites, insect bites.
[ usage]2~ 3money; topical amount, fresh goods Daolan deposited the affected area.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"

Grass of Ganoderma lucidum

[ source ] was contained in the (" Xinhua outline of Materia Medica" ).
[ ] C o L Pinyin name be n be Zh Golf
[ alias ] iron brush, evergreen, eight strands of rope, Ganoderma lucidum, Shui Lingzhi snow, water of Ephedra
[ source ]
Medicine source: Ericaceae cassiope selaginoides whole plant.
Latin animal mineral name: Cassiope selaginoides Hook.f.et Thoms ( C.Mariei Levl."
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, cut and dried.
[ ] the original morphology of evergreen dwarf subshrubs, high 5-25cm. Branches dense, sometimes spread cushion-shaped, branchlets densely leaves decussate. Leaf hard leathery, lanceolate to oblong lanceolate, long 2-3mm, width 1-1.7mm, base slightly wide,2 crack, divaricate, apically slightly obtuse, young when have a purple prick, abaxially lustrous, carinate, a deep longitudinal groove, ventral near sag, puberulous, margin sparsely dentate or entire. Flowers solitary axillary flowers, ptosis, and long 1.5-2.2cm, was cobweb villous; calyx 5, green or purple, lobes ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate; corolla white, broadly campanulate, long 7-10mm, export5lobed, lobes broadly triangular; male blue10, than the corolla, filaments pubescent. Capsule globose, diameter 5-8mm, style accommodation. Flowering of 4-5 months, fr.6-7.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in an elevation of 2000-4000m in thickets or cushion shrub grassland.
Resource distribution: distribution in Western Sichuan, northwest Yunnan, Southeast Tibet.
[ character ] trait identification of a cylindrical stem, diameter 2-2.4mm, branching. Leaves decussate or shedding, multiple crimp shrinkage, intact leaves after flattening showed lanceolate to oblong lanceolate, long 2-3mm, width 0.7-1mm; thick leaves, base 2lobed, near sag above, there are 1deep longitudinal groove. Flowers single student leaf axils, collapse into a group; pedicels long 1-2cm, long pilose; sepals after flattening is ovate-lanceolate, ca.3mm, dark purple; corolla pale yellow. Capsule type of spherical.
[ ] from the leaf chemical components identified 8flavone glycosides, respectively: myricetin -3O - glucoside ( myricetin3-O-glucoside ),3-O rhamnoside (3Orhamnoside ),3O - Arabia glucoside (3-Oarabinoside )2isomers) and7O - glucoside (7-Oglucoside ); quercetin3O - rhamnoside ( quercetin3Orhamnoside ),3O - Arabia glucoside (3O-arabinoside ) and3O - buckthorn glucoside (3-O-rhamnglucoside ). Further characterization of myricetin ( myricetin ) of2kinds of 5 - methoxy derivatives [1].
[ ] slightly bitter taste of spice; flat;
[ ] to the heart; liver; stomach meridian
[ ] functions Qi; promoting blood circulation; pain; and. Primary liver qi stagnation; rib of bloating pain; pain in rheumatism and traumatic injury; insomnia;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15 ~ 30g.
[ ] the treatise" Xinhua outline of Materia Medica": whole plant: spicy, slightly bitter, flat. A gas line analgesic, sedative function. For liver stomach qi4 pain, loss of appetite, neurasthenia.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Grass Lingzhi

[ source ]" Sichuan" annals of traditional Chinese Medicine
[ ] C o L Pinyin name be n be Zh Golf
[ alias ] rock rabbit shit, rock fecal (" Sichuan annals of traditional Chinese medicine" ).
[ source ] for the Ochotonidae animal feces in Tibet. Annual recoverable. Manure pile set in the hole. Yield, sieve net soil gravel, pick, dried.
[ ] the original morphological shape is short, body length of about 14 cm. First minister and narrowly, auricle short rounded. The lip crack. Each side of the snout has developed tentacles. Short limbs. Slightly longer than the forelimbs no hind limbs, tail. The back of the body dark brown, Mao Ji in the middle of the dark gray, white, brown black. Hard of hearing in black, brown black, auricular with obvious white edge. The ventral surface is light in color, Tippy Mao Ji yellow or white, dark gray. Quadruped abaxial surface pale yellow, the palmar surface is dark brown hair. The skull is long and narrow, palatine foramen and incisor Kong He as one.
[ ] like distribution habitat habitat in the semi humid at higher elevations in the thickets on slopes. Cave earth and gregarious, and all activities. The main food for Cyperaceae and Gramineae plants stems and leaves. The distribution of Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Shanxi, Gansu, Shaanxi, Qinghai, Tibet and other places. Production of sichuan.
[ character ] dry feces was round or slightly oblong,4 to5 mm in diameter. The appearance of brown, rough. After breaking is tan, a majority of plant fiber and other undigested material. Chen Jiu has no odor, fresh micro smell. In order to grain large, uniform, not broken, impurity is preferred.
[ ]" the taste of Sichuan Journal of Chinese Materia Medica": bitter and salty, temperature, non-toxic.
[ function ]" Sichuan" attending traditional Chinese medicines: path, and removing blood stasis. Treatment of menstrual disorders, postpartum abdominal pain, falling injury and blood stasis stagnation.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,2~ 3of money; or at the end of the inquiry.
[ note ]" Sichuan Journal of Chinese Materia Medica": blood deficiency and not to be taken by pregnant women.
[ attach ] of party for blood stasis and postpartum abdominal pain: grass pollen Typhae Lingzhi with equal, grind end. Wine delivery service.
For treating traumatic injury: grass Lingzhi, angelica, safflower, red peony root, kernel. Decoction of.
The treatment of cold stomach pain: grass Lingzhi, roasted ginger. Grind into fine powder, fractional, warm boiling water delivery service. ( choose a" herbal" Chengdu )
[ note ] Sichuan region also to Scarabaeidae animal small blue submarine larvae dry dung for grass Lingzhi use.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"


The grass dragon

[ ] C o L Pinyin name be" n be
[ alias ] water Ying, Tian Shimei grass, needle grass, water, grass, sweet Tian Fu Xiantao must be male, by water of osteolysis, clove, false pawpaw
[ source ]
Medicine source: for Onagraceae plant leaves clove Polygonum entire grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Ludwigia hyssopifalia ( G . Don ) Exell [ Jussiaea linifolia Vahl; J, hyssopifolia G, Don; J.sup-pruticosa auct.non L.]
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn harvest the whole grass, wash, cut, use fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of annuals, high 20-60cm, glabrous. Stems erect, with3-4 edge, branches slender. Leaves alternate; stalked or sessile; leaf blade lanceolate, long 1-3( - 9) cm, width 0.2-1.5( - 3) cm, apex acuminate, base narrowly cuneate, lateral veins11-17 on, entire. Medicine axillary; sepals 4, lanceolate,3veins; petals 4, yellow, oblong, ca.2.5mm, shorter than sepals; stamens 8; ovary inferior, styles short, stigma oblate. Capsule green or pale purple, length 1.2--2cm, diameter 1-2mm; seminal majority. Flowering in summer, autumn.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in an elevation of 240-750m swamps, wet grassland, cropland edge, ditch, river.
Resource distribution: located in Taiwan, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and throughout the southwest.
[ ] taste spicy; bitter cold;
[ ] published and detoxification functions; diuretic; cooling blood to stop bleeding. The main cold and fever; sore throat; toothache; sore tongue; dysentery; edema; with pain; malnutrition; hemoptysis; hemoptysis; hematemesis hematochezia metrorrhagia;;; carbuncle sore furuncle
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-30g. External : the amount, trace and apply or Decoction gargle.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


The grass dragon root

[ ] C o L Pinyin name be" n be n G
English name ] [ Ludwigia hyssopifo-lia ( G.Don ) Exekk
[ source ]
Medicine source: for Onagraceae plant leaves clove knotweed root.
Latin animal mineral name: Ludwigia hyssopifo-lia ( G.Don ) Exell.
Harvest and storage: Autumn digging, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of annuals, high 20-60cm, glabrous. Stems erect, with3-4 edge, branches slender. Leaves alternate; stalked or sessile; leaf blade lanceolate, long 1-3( - 9) cm, width 0.2-1.5( - 3) cm, apex acuminate, base narrowly cuneate, lateral veins11-17 on, entire. Medicine axillary; sepals 4, lanceolate,3veins; petals 4, yellow, oblong, ca.2.5mm, shorter than sepals; stamens 8; ovary inferior, styles short, stigma oblate. Capsule green or pale purple, length 1.2--2cm, diameter 1-2mm; seminal majority. Flowering in summer, autumn.
[ ] bitter taste; flat
[ function ] asthma cough Xiaoji Sanjie;. The main asthma cough; malnutrition; Luo Li;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-15g. External : the amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

[ ] C o L Pinyin name be" n be n G
English name ] [ Ludwigia hyssopifo-lia ( G.Don ) Exekk
[ source ]
Medicine source: for Onagraceae plant leaves clove knotweed root.
Latin animal mineral name: Ludwigia hyssopifo-lia ( G.Don ) Exell.
Harvest and storage: Autumn digging, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of annuals, high 20-60cm, glabrous. Stems erect, with3-4 edge, branches slender. Leaves alternate; stalked or sessile; leaf blade lanceolate, long 1-3( - 9) cm, width 0.2-1.5( - 3) cm, apex acuminate, base narrowly cuneate, lateral veins11-17 on, entire. Medicine axillary; sepals 4, lanceolate,3veins; petals 4, yellow, oblong, ca.2.5mm, shorter than sepals; stamens 8; ovary inferior, styles short, stigma oblate. Capsule green or pale purple, length 1.2--2cm, diameter 1-2mm; seminal majority. Flowering in summer, autumn.
[ ] bitter taste; flat
[ function ] asthma cough Xiaoji Sanjie;. The main asthma cough; malnutrition; Luo Li;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-15g. External : the amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Grass grasshopper lotus

= [ ] C o M gave Pinyin name, Zh Li 's n
[ alias ] soil Zhimu, Mao Ji fern, cat ears, leading group of grass
[ source ] fern Adiantaceae grass grasshopper lotus Gymnopteris vestita ( Wall. ) Underw. [ Grammitis vestita Wall ], with rhizomes.
[ ] Taiwan habitat distribution, Sichuan, Yunnan.
[ ], slightly bitter taste of spice, cool.
[ ] functions anti-inflammatory, antipyretic. Treating typhoid fever.
[ usage]1to 3money, decoct with water.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


Herb Peony

[ source ] from the" Zhejiang temmokus yam planting Zhi".
[ ] C o M Pinyin name gave a n and D
English name [ ] Root or stem of Tube Clematis
[ alias ] peony rattan
[ source ] medicine source: as in Ranunculaceae Clematis hexapetala whole plant.
Latin animal mineral name: Clematis heracleifolia DC C.heracleifolia DC.var.ichangensis Rehd.et Wils. [ ]
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, cut, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Clematis hexapetala, basally woody. High 0.3-1m. Taproot stout, surface brown. Stems stout, vertical stripes, densely white brown villous. Leaves opposite, three leaves, up to30cm; petiole length4.5-15cm, hairy; leaves leathery or thickly papery, ovate, broadly ovate, or suborbicular, length 6-13cm, width 4-10cm, apex pointed, dark green above, nearly glabrous, following a pubescent, veins especially; terminal leaflet long shank, lateral petiolules short. Cymes terminal or axillary, pedicels stout, with white brown villous, each flower has a linear lanceolate bracts; flowers polygamous, bisexual flowers and male dioecious; flower diameter of 2-3cm; sepals 4, blue and purple, narrowly oblong or broadly linear, long 1.5-2CM, about 5mm wide, apex often revolute, the lower half closed tubular, white thick silky pubescent outside, glabrous inside, margin densely white villous students; petals absent; spring Rui long pilose; carpels numerous, some white sericeous. Achenes ovoid, ca.4mm, reddish brown, pubescent, night plume deposit styles, up to3cm. Flowering of 8-9 months, fr.9-10.
[ ] habitat distribution ecological environment : in hillside Valley, street or the forest edge.
Resource distribution: located in Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan.
[ character ] character identification, thick, woody; surface brown. Stem cylindrical, multiple cut section diameter 5-8mm, lower segment lignified upper stems, stems herbaceous, yellow or greenish brown, longitudinally angular. Leaves opposite, entire leaves of three leaves, apex lobule is large, broadly ovate, long wide all6-13cm, apex mucronate, base cuneate, undivided or 3lobed, margin coarsely serrate, petiolate; lateral leaflets subsessile, smaller. Cymes terminal or axillary, pedicels stout white brown hair, light blue flowers. Gas, slightly bitter taste.
[ ] taste spicy; Gan; bitter; sexual tepid
[ ] to the liver; the large intestine meridian
[ function ] Qufeng desiccant; for diarrhea and dysentery; eliminating carbuncle. The main rheumatic joint pain; diarrhea; diarrhea; tuberculous ulcer
[ usage]: orally taken Decoction9-15g; or sparkling wine. External: moderate, fried Tang Xun wash.
[ ]" Zhejiang temmokus clinical application of yam planting": put brothers articular gout. Peony rattan three jins, chopped, add red, white Achyranthes bidentata one or two, earth wind ( Araliaceae Qi Li Can ) two two, Wujiapi, brown sugar, red dates each jins, ten jins liquor immersion, sealing a month later, early in the day, according to the volume of the once before dinner.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Plant ash

[ source ]" plant ash treatment of Kaschin-Beck disease"
[ ] C o M Pinyin name be Hu
[ alias ] winter gray, gray (" the classics" Chenopodium album ), the firewood ash (" schema" ).
[ source ] for firewood burning ash.
[ ] because the chemical composition of plant species, ash components and its composition are also different. Less ash are nearly 0.2% ( for fresh plant words ), particularly much, such as tobacco was 20%, but the general content of ash, in 1 ~6%. Ash composition, mainly potassium oxide, silicon dioxide, calcium oxide, but also often contain sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur and traces of manganese, boron, copper etc..
Taste [ ]
Xin, temperature.
The" the": spicy, tepid.
The" schema": symplectic, lukewarm, toxic.
[ function ]
Treatment of Kashin-Beck disease, resist ulcer bad meat.
The" after the": Main sunspot, to You polyps, with erosion, mange scabies.
The" Tang Materia Medica": boiled bean, big edema.
The materia medica":" gleaning and vinegar iron heart cold qi4 pain and blood gas colic, cold is easy.
The" schema": treatment of dog bites, hot ash deposited in various diseases, inhibition of evil meat.
[ ] the cold sore stuffy attached side treatment, cold air into the abdomen, swollen with homicide: vinegar and hot ash of frequency. (" Qian Jin Fang" )
The clinical application of [ ]
The treatment of Kaschin-Beck disease
Use the ash leaching liquid observation prodromal period and I, II, III degree of Kashin-Beck disease in 469 cases, medication for more than 20 days, the clinical cure in 284 cases (60.6%); significantly improved in 114cases (24.3%);54 cases improved (11.5%);17 cases are invalid (3.6%). The prodromal period of efficacy is higher, with the aggravation of the disease, curative effect is reduced correspondingly. Occurrence effect time short2 days, the longest210 days. Cure the fastest time from 7 days to330 days, the slowest person, to4 months or less is more. The clinical recovery after discontinuation of69 PN, followed up for 10months, results of 1 cases of recurrence within 5 months. Preparation and usage: miscellaneous wood ash ( weeds or twigs burning ash )3 kg,10 kg of water, stirring after24 hour of immersion, filtration, and clarified liquid, heating the concentrated into 2 catties. Each with 30 to40 ml,3 times a day, can be taken for 6months. Or will the ash leaching liquid is heated, continue to concentrate into crystalline; another Sang Hua or mulberry dried, ground into a powder, according to 1:1 ratio is fully mixed, made of soya bean size water bolus,30 capsules each time,3 times a day. Also can plant ash mixing water, boil again, made concentrated decoction, filtering after taking. Dosage and usage with the leaching solution. After medication, except in a few patients nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, heartburn, dry mouth and other reaction, no other side effects.
The treatment of Keshan disease
Use the ash leaching solution in the treatment of69 patients with latent Keshan disease, medication3 months after recovery ( symptoms disappeared, EKG and X-ray heart shadow returned to normal ) in 3 cases,10 cases improved, aggravated in 4 cases. The adherence to treatment for6months in 25 patients, in the treatment of3 months of recovery and improved in 4 cases, aggravated in 1 cases; to continue treatment to 6 months, and 4cases improved further and recovery, is still worse in 1 cases. In view of this, combined with a certain relationship between treatment course. But there are also treated 37 patients, and27 cases without medication by comparative observation,3 months after the discovery of two groups of symptoms, signs, electrocardiographic changes were similar; but in the control group compared with the treatment of exacerbations group slightly, mainly cardiac enlargement case number. Therefore, the ash treatment effect is not obvious, to prevent the progression of the disease are not sure whether or not there is a role. In addition, use the ash leaching solution in the treatment of chronic Keshan disease:10cases after 3 months in most patients the symptoms have different degrees of improvement, but the signs and the amelioration of heart function is not obvious. The ash leaching liquid preparation with. Usage: 5years of age in 5ml,6~ 10 years old in10 ml,11~ 15 years old in15 ml,16 years above20 ml,3 times a day; or 9 years of age in 5 ml,9~ 17 years old in10 ml,17 years above15 ml, the daily morning and evening each take 1 times. Side effects with.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"

King grass

[ source ] fungi of the class Ascomycetes meat base mesh ergot vegetation king Cordyceps SP to bacteria, seat and body.
[ ] functions attending various snakebite, wound red and swollen, vertigo, diplopia, convulsions, in personnel.
[ usage] topical amount.
[ note ] has the big poison, can not be taken orally. Be careful not to take it when you are pregnant.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"

Sweet clover

[ ] C o M Pinyin name be X
[ alias ] iron broom, provincial head grass, alfalfa grass, wild monarch Khan
[ source ] bean sweet clover clover Melilotus suaveolens Ledeb., to complete grass is used as medicine. Summer and autumn harvest, washed, chopped dried.
[ ] taste hard, flat.
[ ] functions aromatic turbidity, cut malaria. For the summer wet chest tightness, halitosis, confusion, headache, malaria, dysentery.
[ usage]1.5~ 3money.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"

Stachys sieboldii

[ source ] from the" compendium of Materia Medica" gleaning
[ ] C o Sh Pinyin name be n C 's grave
English name [ ] Rhizome of Bear s-foot Fern
[ alias ] chorogi, Dettol, silkworm, dew, soil, because Chinese artichoke, worm infant food, soil, ginseng, Cordyceps soil soil core promoter, Mao Cai, wind son grass, grass, bull to Newark, screw dish
[ source ]
Source: for medicinal Labiatae plants Chinese artichoke tubers and the whole grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Stachys siebolidii Miq.
Harvest and storage: spring, autumn harvest. Digging tubers, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herb. Rhizomes creeping, its dense fibrous roots and at the top are suffering from large globular fertilizer stem horizontal root rhizome; stem height30-120m, the edge and upper section having bristles. Leaves opposite; petiole length1-3cm; leaf blade ovate or elliptic-ovate, length 3-12cm, width 1.5-6cm micro, apex acute or acuminate, base level up to shallowly cordate, margin crenate-serrate rules, both sides are adnate hispidulous; verticillaster inflorescence usually spend 6, most from the aligned growth5-15cm, terminal false spikes; small Xun strip type, puberulent; calyx narrowly campanulate, even teeth ca.9mm, outside glandular pilose,10 veins, teeth 5, triangular, spiny tip; corolla pink to purplish red, ca.1.2cm, cylinder with Mao Huan, upper lip erect, lower lip 3in the cleft, lobes suborbicular. Nutlets ovoid, dark brown, with tubercles; fl.7-8month, fruit period in September.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in water or wetland.
Resource distribution: located in Hebei, Shanxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Sichuan etc..
Cultivated [ ]
Biological characteristics of climate is not strict, but with a slightly cool climate is better. Soil with fecund, loose sand soil as appropriate.
Cultivation techniques of tuber propagation. In November after seedling to germination before spring, along with digging with plant. In the good earth, open1.3m wide row spacing, spices, according to the25cm, opening holes, each hole depth of about7cm, planted tuber2-3, cover soil thickness of 3-4cm, each300-375kg1hm2tuber.
Field management after emergence, weeding, fertilizing2 times, first times in April, second in May, Shi people and livestock manure water. In June33cm high feasible stems, topping, induce tuber growth.
[ character ] trait identification of rhizome in grain outward hammer, top some spiral, two slightly, length 1.5-4cm, diameter 3-7mm. Surface brownish yellow, much to shrink, twist tribute, with5-15links, internode visible punctate bud scars and root. Hard and brittle, easily broken, section smooth, white. Gas micro, sweet taste. Water immersion after the easy expansion, node marked.
Chemical composition of [ ]
The ground portion containing an alpine Polygonum on ET - 4 - methyl - 7-O - beta - (6'- O - acetyl -2 min. - Arlo glycosyl ) glucoside [ isoscutellarein-4, methylether-7-O beta (6- allosyl ) glucoside], different alpine baicalein - 7-O - beta (6 min. - O acetyl -2' - in terms of Los glycosyl ) glucoside [isoscutellarein-7-O - beta - (6 ' - O-acetyl-2 " - allosyl ) glucoside], Yang eugenol glycosides ( [1].
Tuber Water Su glycosides ( stachysoside ) A, B, C [2].
Leaf containing lavender leaf water su glycosides ( lavandulifolioside ) i.e. water su glycoside B, woundwort glycosides (stachysoside ) C, D [3].
The whole grass water su alkali (stachydrine ), choline ( choline ), stachyose ( stachyose ) [4].
Pharmacological action [ ]
Stachys sieboldii ground portion containing different alpine baicalein methyl ether - 7-O - beta (6- O - acetyl -2 ' - Arlo glycosyl ) glucoside0.25mmol / L can enhance calcium chloride induced hyaluronic acid enzyme activation, until the 0.2mol-L still depended on the concentration performance activation, but in0.5mol-L this effect was significantly attenuated; Yang eugenol glycoside 0.5mmol-L concentration of hyaluronic acid enzyme activity showed a concentration dependent enhancement; different alpine baicalein7-O beta (6- O - acetyl -2' - Arlo glycosyl ) glucoside completely no reinforcing effect, counter may be weaker inhibit hyaluronidase activity [1].
Stachys sieboldii Water Su alkali slightly random taste, no pharmacological effects, since the urine discharged after oral administration. It can slow down the frog heart contraction frequency [2].
[ ] taste sweet; flat
[ ] the lung meridian; liver; spleen meridian
[ function ] Table clearing dampness indications; detoxification; tonifying spleen. The main common cold of wind-heat; coughing; jaundice; drench card; sore throat; snake bites
[ usage]: oral decoction, the grass root15-30g,30-60g; or leach liquor; or at the end of drying research. External: moderate, decoction or ramming compress wash.
[ note ]
1" Quanzhou Materia Medica": because of Xulao induced paralysis is not available.
2" the materia medica": dirty cold jiyong. Take a diarrhea.
[ ] the discussion
The 1" Chinese Materia Medica": a root: leach liquor except Fengpo blood; the main Creek virus, cooking.
2" through" materia medica: root: Lord take note of wind, casual blood analgesia, the festival also be single, ramming screening at the end, the wine warm.
3" herbs of preparing to" : Roots: dispel wind and remove dampness. Leach liquor broken bones.
4" south of the Five Ridges": root herbs recorded: cineration, boiling water. Asthma, colic, abdominal pain; at the end of treatment for snake sore.
5" Jiangxi folk medicine": the roots, treat woman yellow leucorrhea, damp-heat jaundice, limbs and joints pain.
6" Zhejiang folk medicine: Roots:" good governance wandering arthritis, vomiting blood.
7" Quanzhou Materia Medica": the grass: carminative antispasmodic, analgesic from rheumatic fever, detoxification. The rule of tuyere eye udfxrl, paralysis, rheumatic pain.
8" the materia medica" : Roots : cure throat moth, diphtheria swelling and pain, gingival swelling, upset, gonorrhea; external foot dislocation.
9" Guangxi drug-sik directory" : Roots: treating traumatic, cough; flavivirus, infantile malnutrition.
10 Guangzhou air force" commonly used Herbal Handbook:" the whole grass: dispelling wind and moisture, cooling blood and diuresis. Treatment of tetanus, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic low back pain, lumbar muscle strain, hematuria.
The 11" Chinese herbal medicine in Fujian:" the roots: clearing away heat and cooling blood, dehumidification stranguria. Treatment of lung cancer, breast cancer, lymph turbidity, blood in the stool, herpes zoster.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Grass rattan black

[ ] C o T Pinyin name be e n be W reports
[ source ]
Medicine source: Lamiaceae plant cylinder crown flower of grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Siphocranion macranthum ( Hook.f. ) C.Y.Wu [ Plectranthus macranthus Hook.f ]
Harvest and storage: harvest in autumn, washed clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original shape of cylinder crown flower, perennial herb. Roots slender, spreading prostrate; stems erect, Chang Ji Department of volt ground rise, high 250-70cm, middle and lower leaves, blunt four prismatic, single or sometimes branched. Leaves opposite; petiole length0.5-3cm, near blade nearly sessile; leaf blade submembranous, oval lanceolate, long 3-10cm,2.5-5cm wide, apex acute, base broadly cuneate, margin sparsely with callosal sharp thick saw stare, green above, very sparsely with festival when Xiao Gang gross, the following more pale, puberulent veins, lateral veins on 4-6. Racemes terminal, single or sometimes with spikes; bracteoles opposite, night latch, ciliate, lanceolate, long 4-10mm; calyx flowers small, long only about 4mm, fruit is extremely increase, up to1.2cm wide, bell-shaped, outside puberulent, calyx teeth5, how much is two labiate corolla pink, purple or purplish blue, up to2.5cm, cylindric, throat slightly dilated, limb short5lobed,2lip, upper lip4 crack, lobation egg round table, lower lip slightly longer, nearly circular, slightly concave; stamens 4, included on the long; stigma2 crack, ovary glabrous. Nutlets ovoid, brown, punctate, base the Ministry has a white mark7-10, flowering, fruit10-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: born in evergreen or mixed forest in.
Resource distribution: located in Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, sichuan.
[ ] taste acrid in taste and cold;
[ ] Shufeng Qingre functions; alexipharmic detumescence. The main common cold of wind-heat headache; red eyes; boils
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-9g. External : the amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Grass welling

[ ] from Yunnan Materia Medica"."
[ ] C o W Pinyin name be I L n to be Golf
English name [ ] Root of Veined Inula
[ alias ] clematis, black medicine, iron feet welling, copper feet welling, black welling, Hagen, grass Lingxian, black cohosh, black root, chrysanthemum, wheeling Hagen medicine, black grass
[ source ]
Source: for medicinal Compositae Inula nervosa wall root.
Latin animal mineral name: Inula nervosa Wall.
Harvest and storage: the fall of the excavation, wash cut, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Inula nervosa wall perennial, high 20-70cm. Rhizome short, dense most root; root fleshy, dark brown, thick1.5-3mm. Stems erect, single or few fascicled; all were carried out, the upper part was very close with verrucous base yellowish brown to be nonplussed over sth. the bristles; the upper or from central with slender branches. Leaves alternate; leaf blade elliptic, lanceolate or oblanceolate, basal leaves smaller; the middle and lower leaf length5-10cm, width 2-3.5cm, lower attenuate growth handle, edge from above middle shallow or apparent serrations, top urgent narrowly, apex slightly pointed, two sides has base verruciform hispid, but the veins in under the mask of long hair, lateral veins 4to several, and lower leaf edge parallel to upper leaves, sessile. Capitate in single or a few branches are arranged in a corymbose, diameter 1.5-2.5cm, peduncle slender; involucral hemispherical, long 6-8mm; involucral bracts4-5layer, the outer layer is a bit short, elliptic-lanceolate, was long hispid, inner linear-lanceolate, apex purplish red, pilose, ciliate; rays than involucre tablets 2times, tongue white, long 8-9mm, linear elliptic; tubular flower corolla hair5-6.5mm, yellow, having a pointed oval triangular lobes; crested white, after slightly yellow, with the tubular flower corolla length. Achene is cylindrical, with rill, long 2-2.5mm, sericeous. Flowering of 7-10 months, fr.9-12.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in low mountain area under forest, grass and wet grassland.
Resource distribution: located in Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan
[ character ] trait distinguishing the rhizome short, irregular in shape, has a plurality of stems traces, and with many brown hairy or not hairy; under the 10number of roots, the surface is dark brown or gray brown, ca.10-20cm, diameter 1-3mm, often distorted, rugose. Easily broken, section has a pale yellow heart ( xylem ), often from the forming layer and skin separation. Slightly bitter flavor.
[ ] taste acrid in taste bitter; temperature;
[ functions ] rheumatism; through main and collateral channels; xiaojizhitong. The main rheumatic pain; Wan cold pain in the abdomen; abdominal distention dyspepsia; dysphagia; Rheumatic beriberi
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,9-15g.
[ ] the discussion
1" South Yunnan Materia Medica": treatment of chest and diaphragm in cold qi4 pain, open stomach, can treat dysphagia, cold injury of muscles and bones, check wet beriberi. Soju decoction, dispel the spleen wind.
2" Guizhou folk medicine": Supplement Qi and blood, sweat.
3" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan": rheumatism, through main and collateral channels, Xiaoji zhitong. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, pain, stomach pain, indigestion, fish of larynx.
4" Yunnan selected medicinal plants of Simao": desiccant diuresis, cough expectorant. A cold, cough, high fever.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Equisetum pratense

[ ] C o W Pinyin name be keyword n J n to be
[ alias ] horse beard
[ source ]
Medicine source: Equisetaceae grass ask the whole grass type.
Latin animal mineral name: Equisetum pratense Ehrh.
Harvest and storage: the summer excavation, washed, dried or fresh.
[ ] the original morphology of Equisetum pratense, perennial, high 15-50cm. Rhizomes horizontal, black brown. Spring sporangium stems slightly fleshy, pale brown, with dense green round branched. Leaf sheaths ca.1.5cm, tooth separation sheath, triangle, long point, central Tan, margin white, membranous. Nutritional stems single, sharp wave ridge and spines, branches slender, often level or at right angles to launch.. Spore spike blunt; spores mature stem apex withered branches, to produce green, gradient, and nutritional stems from the same.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in forest, forest edge, shrub and weeds ravine at.
Resource distribution: distribution in the northeast, north, northwest and Hubei.
[ character ] character identification, the whole plant dry shrinkage, branches often fall off. The stems have many whorls of slender branches. Tooth separation sheath, triangle, which is of 1.5cm length, apex acute, mid brown, white membranous edges. Gas, light.
[ ] the chemical composition from - 3 - Double glucoside ( kaempferol-3-diglucoside ), kaempferol - 3 - rutinoside ( kaempferol-3-rutinoside ), kaempferol - 3,7 - Double glucoside ( kaempferol-3-diglucoside-7-glucoside ), quercetin - 3 - rutinose - 7 - glucoside ( quercetin-3-rutinoside-7-glucoside ) ( quercetin ), quercetin, kaempferol ( kaempferol ).
Pharmacological action [ ]
1antihypertensive effect, grass ask type water extract (1:1) in rabbits with different routes of Administration ( gavage, abdominal amine injection, intravenous ) have very significant antihypertensive effect, oral antihypertensive maintain 3-6h, a political decline in blood pressure31.2% ( average), repeated application of rapid tolerance. The water extract of Equisetum pratense to acetylcholine hypotensive effect of sensitizing, M cholinergic receptor block drug products to a plug, the antihypertensive effect abate or disappear. Grass No.1Jing inhibit adrenergic pressor effect; for the occlusion of the common carotid artery blood flow induced pressor response inhibition; cut off the fan out of nerve after antihypertensive effect significantly weakened, so that a central inhibition of Equisetum pratense.
2against myocardial ischemia, Equisetum pratense extract extract (1g crude drug / ml ) intravenous injection of 1.5-3.0g / kg on guinea pig by the thriving and prosperous body posterior lobe hormone induced by standard II leads ECG S-T segment and T wave amplitude increased, slowing of the heart rate, have significant antagonism. The electrocardiogram RR, PQ, OT and ORS interval is administered before significant extension. Equisetum pratense extract 10-15g / kg mice were given intraperitoneal injections, can improve the low voltage and under conditions of hypoxia tolerance, enhanced given induced by isoproterenol hypoxia tolerance, so that the oxygen consumption in mice rate than the control group decreased 32.8%. Myocardial86Rb uptake rate in the low dose group (10g / kg ) and high dose group (15g / kg ) than in the control group were decreased by 8.2%,26.4%; and against isoproterenol induced myocardial and plasma Camkp were increased.
3CNS depression, use of Equisetum pratense extract0.2g / 10g or 0.4g / 10g mice were given intragastrically can strengthen the hypnotic effects of the sodium pentobarbital, the last time required shrinkage rent and sleep time extension of yesterday. Equisetum pratense on 0.2g / 140g abdominal loved people administration to mice, there is weak against, Ning Jingjue effect, can prolong the latency of the same dose of Jing Jue; also can prolong the mice to Nikethamide Jing Jue latency. In the hot plate method proof of Equisetum pratense extract0.2g / 10g intraperitoneal injection has obvious analgesic effect.
4 toxicity, Equisetum pratense extract to mice by intraperitoneal injection of LD50was 38.9 + / -2.66G / kg, after administration of the drug20min, mouse activity weakened, ptosis, reflective retardation, poisoning the righting reflex disappear. Equisetum pratense extract1mg / ml to 0.3ml / min constant rate intravenous, drug after a mean of 40.4+ / -3.6nub, ST, T waves appear markedly or inverted, QRS prolongation or arrhythmia. Minimum toxic dose of 26.4 + / -1.95g / kg; minimum lethal dose of 31.3+ / -1.7g / kg.
[ ] bitter taste; flat
[ function ] Huoxue attending; diuretic; anthelmintic. Atherosclerosis of aorta; painful urination adverse; intestinal parasites.
[ usage] oral administration of Decoction: fresh goods,5-10g,30-60g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]
