
Wax gourd flesh

[ source ] from" after this draft"
[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Gu āRá n
[ ] Pulp of Chinese Waxgourd English name
[ alias ] gourd Lian
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: for the Cucurbitaceae melon fruit pulp
Latin animal mineral name: Benincasa hispida ( Thunb. ) Cogn.
Harvest and storage: edible gourd, melon fresh collection.
[ ] the original morphology of annual herbaceous or climbing frame. The stem is tawny hirsute and villous, angled trench, ca.6m. Leaves alternate; petiole stout, long 5-20cm, being brown bristles and villous; leaf blade reniform suborbicular, wide 15-30cm5-7lobed or sometimes lobed, lobes broadly ovate, apex acute, margin denticulate, base deeply cordate, both sides were rough, veins on abaxial leaf surface mesh, slightly elevated, dense the coat. Zheng must in leaf axils,2-3disambiguation, is coarse hair and long pilose. Flowers unisexual, monoecious; flowers solitary in axils of leaves, pedicels are stiff hairs; calyx tube debate, lobes triangular ovate, margin serrate, reflexed; corolla yellow,5divided to base, outreach; male flowers with stamens 3, filaments division, anthers ovate, chamber is in a S shape bend; female ovaries a long cylindrical or long ovate, densely fulvous hirsute, stigmas 3, slightly twisted. Pepo large, fleshy, round columnar or subglobose, length 25-60cm, diameter 10-25cm, surface with bristles and wax powder. Seeds numerous, ovoid, white or pale yellow, compressed. Florescence 5-6 month, month of fruit period 6-8.
[ ] taste sweet; flat
[ ] the lung meridian; glue cystine by
[ indications ] heat and thirst quencher; and water swelling. The main fever polydipsia; diabetes; gonorrhea; edema; carbuncle
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,30-60g; or wringer. External application: suitable, washed fried.
[ ] the discussion
1" resistance": on the juice : stop upset thirst, benefit small intestine, except for diabetes, poor in five.
2 Cui Yuxi" eating": Buzhong, in addition to gastrointestinal stroke. Kill three insects, stop vertigo.
3" schema": bath body wash.
4" Anhui medicine": Lee urine, resist polydipsia, heat dissipation of carbuncle.
5" history of Chinese medicine in Guangxi:" enough gunpowder injury.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Wax gourd vine

[ source ] from the" Hua Zi" on Chinese Materia Medica
[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Gu āTé n
[ ] Stem of Chinese Waxgourd English name
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: cucurbitaceous melon cane.
Latin animal mineral name: Benincasa hispida ( Thunb. ) Cogn.
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, fresh or dried
[ ] the original morphology of annual herbaceous or climbing frame. The stem is tawny hirsute and villous, angled trench, ca.6m. Leaves alternate; petiole stout, long 5-20cm, being brown bristles and villous; leaf blade reniform suborbicular, wide 15-30cm5-7lobed or sometimes lobed, lobes broadly ovate, apex acute, margin denticulate, base deeply cordate, both sides were rough, veins on abaxial leaf surface mesh, slightly elevated, dense the coat. Zheng must in leaf axils,2-3disambiguation, is coarse hair and long pilose. Flowers unisexual, monoecious; flowers solitary in axils of leaves, pedicels are stiff hairs; calyx tube debate, lobes triangular ovate, margin serrate, reflexed; corolla yellow,5divided to base, outreach; male flowers with stamens 3, filaments division, anthers ovate, chamber is in a S shape bend; female ovaries a long cylindrical or long ovate, densely fulvous hirsute, stigmas 3, slightly twisted. Pepo large, fleshy, round columnar or subglobose, length 25-60cm, diameter 10-25cm, surface with bristles and wax powder. Seeds numerous, ovoid, white or pale yellow, compressed. Florescence 5-6 month, month of fruit period 6-8.
[ ] habitat distribution throughout the country have cultivation.
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ ] to the liver through the lung;
[ indications ] clearing lung and eliminating phlegm; activating collaterals. The main pulmonary heat phlegm; adverse joints; rectal prolapse; sore scabies
[ usage]: orally taken decoction or Daozhi, double9-15g, fresh goods. External application: suitable, fried or burning ash washing water.
[ ] the discussion
1" Hua Zi": Herbal washing sore scabies.
2" schema": Daozhi clothing, solution of fungus toxin, washed fried rectocele.
3" Chinese Materia Medica": new active path, Lee joint, and blood, to wet wind.
4" with interest in dietary spectrum" : Autumn Siegen truncation, inserting bottle, juice, for treatment of lung heat, phlegm fire, internal carbuncle syndromes.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Melon leaf

[ source ] from the" Hua Zi" on Chinese Materia Medica
[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Gu āY è
[ ] Leaf of Chinese Waxgourd English name
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: for the Cucurbitaceae melon leaf.
Latin animal mineral name: Benincasa hispida ( Thunb. ) Cogn.
Harvest and storage: the summer to take, use fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of annual herbaceous or climbing frame. The stem is tawny hirsute and villous, angled trench, ca.6m. Leaves alternate; petiole stout, long 5-20cm, being brown bristles and villous; leaf blade reniform suborbicular, wide 15-30cm5-7lobed or sometimes lobed, lobes broadly ovate, apex acute, margin denticulate, base deeply cordate, both sides were rough, veins on abaxial leaf surface mesh, slightly elevated, dense the coat. Zheng must in leaf axils,2-3disambiguation, is coarse hair and long pilose. Flowers unisexual, monoecious; flowers solitary in axils of leaves, pedicels are stiff hairs; calyx tube debate, lobes triangular ovate, margin serrate, reflexed; corolla yellow,5divided to base, outreach; male flowers with stamens 3, filaments division, anthers ovate, chamber is in a S shape bend; female ovaries a long cylindrical or long ovate, densely fulvous hirsute, stigmas 3, slightly twisted. Pepo large, fleshy, round columnar or subglobose, length 25-60cm, diameter 10-25cm, surface with bristles and wax powder. Seeds numerous, ovoid, white or pale yellow, compressed. Florescence 5-6 month, month of fruit period 6-8.
[ ] habitat distribution throughout the country have cultivation.
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ ] the lung meridian; large intestine meridian
[ ] functions of heat dampness; detoxification. The main type of summer humidity; diarrhea; malaria, sore; bee sting.
[ usage]:9-15g orally taken decoction. Topical, moderate, research application.
[ ] the discussion
1" Materia Medica": Hua Zi on swelling drug administration and bee sting.
2" schema": diabetes, malaria fever; and baking research on years of malignant sore.
3" with interest in dietary spectrum": qingshu. Cure malaria, dysentery, diarrhea, thirst.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Melon seeds

[ ].
1from" Tang Bencao".
2" after this draft": white melon seeds, medicine must cream after the conjunction, the years, break out of nuclear, wash, dry, but takes the kind of beat.
[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Gu āZì Ji
[ alias ] white melon seeds, melon seeds, melon, melon seeds, melon rhinoceros flap
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: cucurbitaceous plant wax gourd seed.
Latin animal mineral name: Benincasa hispida ( Thunb. ) Cogn.
Harvest and storage: edible gourd; collection of mature seed; wash; dried
[ ] the original morphology of annual herbaceous or climbing frame. The stem is tawny hirsute and villous, angled trench, ca.6m. Leaves alternate; petiole stout, long 5-20cm, being brown bristles and villous; leaf blade reniform suborbicular, wide 15-30cm5-7lobed or sometimes lobed, lobes broadly ovate, apex acute, margin denticulate, base deeply cordate, both sides were rough, veins on abaxial leaf surface mesh, slightly elevated, dense the coat. Zheng must in leaf axils,2-3disambiguation, is coarse hair and long pilose. Flowers unisexual, monoecious; flowers solitary in axils of leaves, pedicels are stiff hairs; calyx tube debate, lobes triangular ovate, margin serrate, reflexed; corolla yellow,5divided to base, outreach; male flowers with stamens 3, filaments division, anthers ovate, chamber is in a S shape bend; female ovaries a long cylindrical or long ovate, densely fulvous hirsute, stigmas 3, slightly twisted. Pepo large, fleshy, round columnar or subglobose, length 25-60cm, diameter 10-25cm, surface with bristles and wax powder. Seeds numerous, ovoid, white or pale yellow, compressed. Florescence 5-6 month, month of fruit period 6-8.
[ character ]
Character identification of seed oblong or oval, flat, long 1-1.5cm, width 0.5-1cm thickness of about 0.2cm. Yellow-white surface, slightly rough, smooth edge ( unilateral melon seeds ) or both sides of each of the 1outer rings ( bilateral melon seeds ). End is slightly pointed, with 2small protrusions, larger protrusions on the micropyle, smaller as the hilum, while the other end is blunt. Testa slightly hard and brittle, stripped of skin, visible cotyledons2, white, hypertrophy, radicle short. Body light, rich and oily. Gas, slightly sweet flavor.
To plump, white color is preferred.
Microscopic identification of seed transverse: kind of skin epidermal cells of 1 columns, near wall grid, slightly thick, slightly more than 10columns of wood; the cortical parenchyma cells, wall micro lignified, with pits; inside the2-3 column stone cell; aerenchyma1columns of cells, abuts the stone cell, cell gap between the larger end; two a vascular bundle;1 rows of cells within the epidermis. Nucellar epidermis of1columns of cells, outer cuticle, medial to the remnants of the nucellus and endosperm. Central has2 cotyledons, fatty oil and aleurone cells.
Physical and chemical identification of the goods from coarse powder1g,10min20ml water boiling, cooling, filtering. To obtain filtrate, the plug in the tube, intense shaking, produce lasting one bubble. ( check the saponin)
[ ] winter melon seeds oil chemical composition14%, wherein triglycerides ( triglyce-ride ) the content of 72%-96%, the main fatty acids linoleic acid ( linoleic acid ), oleic acid ( oleic acid ), stearic acid ( stearicacid ), palmitic acid ( palmitic acid ) [1], and eighteen carbon acid ( octadecadienoic acid ), two eighteen three carbon acid (octdecatrienoic acid ) [2]. It contains lipids ( lipid ). With phosphatidylcholine ( phosphatidyl choline ), phosphatidyl has alcohol amine (pholphatidyl ethanolamine ), phosphatidyl serine ( phosphatidyl serine ), phosphatidylinositol ( phosphatityl inolitol ), sphingomyelin ( sphingomyelin ), cerebrosides ( cerebroside ) [2]. Also contain sterols:βsitosterol (β -sitosterol ), campesterol ( campesterol ), stigmasterol ( stigmasterol ) [2],24- already base cholesteric -7,25- two enolase (24-ethylcholesta-7,25-dienol ),24- already base cholesteric -7,22,25- three enolase (24-ethylcholesta-7,22,25-trienol,24- ) have base of cholesteric -7- enolase (24-ethylcholesta-7-enlo ),24- already base cholesteric -7,22- two (24-ethy-lcholesta-7,22-dienol ) - [3],24 α- has been the base of α - cholesteric -8,22- two alcohol (24 β -ethyl-5α -cholesta-8,α22 β - already base cholesteric -8,22,25(27) three - [24 β-ethyl-5α -cholesta-8,22,25(27) -simiarenol][4]. It contains three terpenoids; viscosity of enolase (glutinol), Simi Rhododendron alcohol (simiarenol),5,24- gourd ( cucurbita-5,24-dienol ) two - [5]. Go to fat after seed protein content of cool dynamic component [7] and selenium, chromium and other inorganic elements of [8].
[ ] the pharmacological effect
The 1, immune function of melon seeds by hot water extraction, dialysis to dialysis liquid, the liquid on mouse lymphocyte mitogenic activity in a dose-dependent manner. Dialysis fluid for B cell mitogenic agent, PBA ( clonal B cell activator) activity and adjuvant activity, make PFC ( width of plaque forming cell ) significantly increased, presents the immune function of [1].
2, on trypsin inhibitory effects from the melon seeds purified trypsin inhibitor, get 4can inhibit the activity of trypsin component, wherein two groups belong to small molecule trypsin inhibitor [2].
[ ] physicochemical identification identification of the goods from the coarse powder1g,20ml of water, boil 10min, cooling, filtration. To obtain filtrate, the plug in the tube, intense shaking, resulting in persistent foam. ( check the saponin)
[ ] processing sorting net impurity, when pounded. Or simmer micro fry. The dry place, mothproof and rat bite.
[ ] taste sweet; slightly cold
[ ] the lung meridian; large intestine meridian
[ indications ] Qingfei phlegm dampness eliminating carbuncles; drainage. The main phlegm heat cough; lung; acute appendicitis; whitish; belt; athlete; edema; drench card
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-15g; or at the end of the inquiry. External application: suitable, paste coating
[ note ]:" do not recorded" long take cold.
[ ] the discussion
1: the" Qi".
2" do not recorded" : the main trouble with no music.
3:" eating" Cui Yuxi Lee channel, to freshwater.
4" Hua Zi": herbal skin wind stripping black GAN, smooth skin.
5" schema": treatment of acute appendicitis.
The 6" Chinese Materia Medica" Sutra: appetizer spleen.
7" Chinese Materia Medica": attending the Heart Sutra Yun heat, small water drip pain, and nasal facial rosacea like beans, pain, yellow water out.
8" new" Materia Medica from : nourishing liver eyesight.
9" Chinese Materia Medica": the hook element primary intra-abdominal location, ulceration and stomach, where the inner damming, most drugs.
10: Chen nian-zu can moistening lung Huatan, and benefits to the stomach.
11" Shandong": Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of renal inflammation, urethritis, urination, beriberi, edema.
The 12" Chinese medicine": a plant of hemorrhoids gall, or washing.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Ku í
[ alias ] winter amaranth, smooth dish, astragalus, Capsella bursa-pastoris Baba leaves and soil
[ ] the Malvaceae mallow source for Malva verticillata L. to the root, stem, Haoi Ko ( Fructus malvae ). Summer digging with a complete grass, wash chopped dried.
[ ] stems, leaves taste: sweet, cold. Root: Gan, wen.
[ indications ]
Stems, leaves: clearing heat and removing dampness; for icteric hepatitis.
Root: Buzhong Yiqi; used qi asthenia, Yaoxisuanruan weakness, spontaneous, prolapse, uterine prolapse, chronic nephritis, diabetes mellitus.
[ usage]0.5~ 1two.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


Mallow root

[ source ]1from" materia medica by a"2" Materia Medica" Justice: sunflower of sweet cold and slippery, Genshi stems of seedlings, and are all the same, the function is equal, discharge heat stranguria, lubricating two, all wet-hot suitable persons.
[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Kuí Gē n
[ ] Root of Cluster Mallow English name
[ alias ] sunflower root, soil of astragalus.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Malvaceae wild sunflower Malva verticillata L. and Malva crispa L. mallow root.
Latin botanical mineral name: 1.Malva verticillata L.[M.pulchella animal Bernh.]2.Melva crispa L.
Harvest and storage: summer, is collected in autumn, washed, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology
1wild herbaceous biennial, high 60-90cm. The stem is stellate villous. Ye Husheng; petiolar long 2-8cm, just above the groove tomentose; stipules ovate-lanceolate, stellate pilose; leaf blade reniform to circle, diameter 5-11cm, usually palmately5-7 cleft, lobes short, triangular, obtusely pointed, edge is blunt teeth, two were very sparsely brown hairy or glabrous. Flowers3 to several flowers clustered in leaf axils, several sessile to have extremely short shank; involucral bracteoles3, linear-lanceolate, were cilia; calyx cupular,5 crack, broadly triangular, being sparsely stellate hirsute; corolla pale white to pale red, petals 5, long 6-9mm, apex concave, with claw; staminal column longer 4mm, hairy; style branches 10-11. Fruit oblate, diameter 5-7mm, mericarps 10-11, abaxial surface smooth, bilateral with reticulate. Seeds reniform, ca.1.5mm, purple-brown, bald clean. Florescence 3-11 month.
2of the species and wild sunflower mallow distinction: annuals, unbranched. Stems puberulent. Petiole slender, puberulous; leaf blade orbicular,5-7 cleft, diameter 5-8cm, base cordate, margin serrulate, particularly the wrinkling. Flowers white. Fruit oblate, ca.8mm, mericarps 11, mesh, finely pilose. Seed diameter of about1mm, dark black. Florescence 6-9 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in plain, mountain etc..
Resource distribution in China:1are distributed throughout.
2Southwest China and Hebei, Gansu, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan and other planting.
[ ] taste Gan; cold
[ ] to the spleen; Bladder Meridian of
[ ] clearing heat and diuresis functions; detoxification. The main edema; heating; belt; breast cancer; Ganchuang; snake bites
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g; or ramming juice. External application: suitable, grind end tune apply.
[ note ]" Materia Medica": justice of Spleen Yang depressed jiyong.
[ ] the discussion
1" materia medica by variorum": sunflower root juice solution oreoselinum poison.
2" do not recorded": primary malignant ulcer healing, leaching, Lee urine, Sichuan pepper virus solution.
3: the main Ganchuang glenoid, born on the surface, juice yellow, desirable root as ash and pig fat coating.
4" South Yunnan Materia Medica": broken nodes under the gas, gas, gas stop pain, sputum removing gall, raw powder, a purging, with honey fried.
5:" schema" and" slide, only diabetes, casual evil.
6" herbal" classification: treat woman leucorrhea, empty cough, night sweats.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Fructus malvae

Overview: the strains of the Mongolia family of traditional Chinese medicine, Malvaceae mallow for fruit is the dried ripe fruit of Malva verticillata L.. Summer, autumn two season when ripe, removed the impurities, drying in the shade.
Alias: still pock, sunflower, blue, white
Resistance type: no classification
The character and taste tropism: sweet, acerbity, cool.
Actions: diuresis, detumescence. For retention, edema, thirsty; urinary tract infections.
Usage and dosage:3~ 9g.
Storage : store in a cool, dry place.
Clinical application of:
1six taste Gardenia Decoction (" Mongolian traditional recipes" ). Detumescence. Treating heat edema. Gardenia jasminoides Fructus malvae9g9g touch-me-not9g licorice 9g coriander seed9g9g by oxytropis. The cool, heat edema of College party. Method to clear blood medicine gardenia, accompanied by cough antidote licorice, diuresis detumescence, medicine Fructus malvae by Oxytropis and water golden wind, Ko in the Bada hot, as with the. The party has detoxification, and water swelling power, for all heat edema have good effect.
2three Mongolia nationality flavor thistle powder prescription. Clearing heat, diuresis. For damp heat, piss pain. Thistle250g Fructus malvae party 150g150g above three taste, crushed into coarse powder, sieving, mixing, that is. Decoct with water, a 3 ~4.5g,2~ 3 times a day. Storage: sealed, moisture-proof.
3twenty-five flavor pearl balls Tibetan prescription. Tranquilizing and resuscitation. For stroke, hemiplegia, Kouyanwaixie, in the chaos, consciousness, such as delirium. Pearl 20g nutmeg40g travertine100g Tsaoko30g clove50g100g40g130g sandalwood rosewood cardamom Terminalia80g emblica100g80g40g100g hair of Terminalia chebula Retz cinnamon aloes wood crab50g80g Fructus malvae80g Piper longum 40g strawberry seedlings100g gold chlorite schist40g wide-angle30g vanilla celery40g on20g30g1g black grass seed bezoar musk1g above twenty-five taste, in addition to Pearl, saffron, musk, bezoar, wide angle, the remaining crushed into fine powder, pearl, saffron, musk, bezoar, wide angle, grinding into fine powder, and the powder with grinding, sieving, mixing. Water pills, drying, namely. Oral, a 4 ~5 pills,2to 3 times a day. 10pill weight3G.

Mallow leaf

[ source ] from the" doctor" BIE Lu
[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Kuí Yè
[ ] Leaf of Cluster Mallow English name
[ alias ] mallow leaves, sunflower leaf amaranth, Achillea, winter of dish, Babaye board leaf.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Malvaceae wild sunflower Malva verticillata L. and Malva crispa L. mallow dies or leaves.
Latin botanical mineral name: 1.Malva verticillata L.[M.pulchella animal Bernh.]2.Melva crispa L.
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, fresh.
[ ] the original morphology
1wild herbaceous biennial, high 60-90cm. The stem is stellate villous. Ye Husheng; petiolar long 2-8cm, just above the groove tomentose; stipules ovate-lanceolate, stellate pilose; leaf blade reniform to circle, diameter 5-11cm, usually palmately5-7 cleft, lobes short, triangular, obtusely pointed, edge is blunt teeth, two were very sparsely brown hairy or glabrous. Flowers3 to several flowers clustered in leaf axils, several sessile to have extremely short shank; involucral bracteoles3, linear-lanceolate, were cilia; calyx cupular,5 crack, broadly triangular, being sparsely stellate hirsute; corolla pale white to pale red, petals 5, long 6-9mm, apex concave, with claw; staminal column longer 4mm, hairy; style branches 10-11. Fruit oblate, diameter 5-7mm, mericarps 10-11, abaxial surface smooth, bilateral with reticulate. Seeds reniform, ca.1.5mm, purple-brown, bald clean. Florescence 3-11 month.
2of the species and wild sunflower mallow distinction: annuals, unbranched. Stems puberulent. Petiole slender, puberulous; leaf blade orbicular,5-7 cleft, diameter 5-8cm, base cordate, margin serrulate, particularly the wrinkling. Flowers white. Fruit oblate, ca.8mm, mericarps 11, mesh, finely pilose. Seed diameter of about1mm, dark black. Florescence 6-9 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in plain, mountain etc..
Resource distribution in China:1are distributed throughout.
2Southwest China and Hebei, Gansu, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan and other planting.
[ ] the chemical composition containing mucus quality ( mucilage ).
[ ] taste Gan; cold
[ ] the lung meridian; liver; Gallbladder Meridian
[ ] functions of heat; dampness; slippery bowel Tongru. Primary lung heat cough; sore throat; toxic dysentery; jaundice; two.; than milk; furuncle carbuncle erysipelas;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-30g, fresh goods available to 60g, or ramming juice. External: amount, trace and apply; grind end tune apply, or fried water gargle.
[ note ]
Deficiency of intestinal smooth Jifu, pregnant women take it carefully.
1" do not recorded": its wounding.
2" gold and food therapy": Food Sunflower cuisine, a diet of persistent disease, hair.
The word"3" materia medica: virtual cold stomach, and wind disease, chronic disease, avoid the salty.
[ ] the discussion
The 1" Chinese Materia Medica": Commentaries on seedlings of Mallow, smooth, does not benefit the people.
2" duties to their parents: the elderly bedridden husband", stool thick barrier, can serve a magic pill, Maren Pills, pills by more. The complex service hollyhock. Spinach, swine blood, Tom Lee also natural. " In the" cloud" is also raised to slide.
3:" Tang Wangtao" and" compendium of medical secrets" cloud", a spot sores, all, all wearing white pulp, the evil poisonous gas. Boiled sunflower leaves, garlic taste to the stop. And" Holy Benevolent Prescriptions" Yiyun, infantile onset plaque, with raw sunflower leaves wrings juice less and suits, casual evil. According to the present order, this rule, lest their size two frequency, discharge its vitality, pox do not rise, hollyhock sliding body, can make two, seems out of place, and of Lai, and luck is different, so the treatment, time variation.
4" resistance": on the leaf: burning ash and ramming stem leaf end, cure sore. Boil juice, can slide the small intestine, single cooking juice, attending at the yellowing.
5 Cui Yuxi" eating": Shizhibu liver gallbladder, eyesight. Treating diabetes with heat, heat puzzled drinkers.
6" after this draft": pregnant women eat boiled leaves, is easy to produce tire slip.
7 Wang Ying" food Materia Medica": in addition to providing heat, treat malignant sore, bulk and lower heat diarrhea, women, children, erysipelas, and should eat. Summary:8" long" Yixin, reducing renal, slippery bowel, to water, promoting lactation.
9" Kunming drug-sik investigation report": treatment of abdominal distension.
10" Guizhou folk prescription set": whole grass : cure urination, body swelling, and used to facilitate corrosion, birth, prolactin.
11" Chongqing": Chinese herbal medicine of seedling leaf: pulmonary fire cough, TB, empty cough sweats.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Mallow seed

Overview: This product is Malva verticillata. Malvaceae mallow seeds. Summer and autumn harvest seed maturation. Student or mashed with.
Alias: sunflower, Aoina Ko
Resistance type: no classification
The character and taste tropism: sweet, cold. Large intestine, small intestine meridian to.
Actions: diuresis inducing, milk, runchang. Astringent cream Lek used for urination, pain, edema, galactostasis, breast distending pain, dry stool.
Usage and dosage: orally taken decoction,,9-15g, or into powder. Pregnant women with caution. Home and dry.
Storage: a dry place.
Clinical application of:
1sunflower tuckahoe powder (" synopsis of the Golden Chamber" ) treat gravid water, body weight, urination, wine is the aversion to cold, Touxuan: sunflower seed1 kilograms, tuckahoe 90g. For casual drinking10g, daily3, pee is more. In the mallow seed diuresis inducing, as monarch drug.
2( Saint mallow seed soup"." ) will not cure pregnancy, size:6G3G mallow seed, rhubarb. Decoction,2. In the mallow seed diuresis inducing, Runchang, as monarch drug.
3 treatment of transverse inverted square (" peaceful Holy Benevolent Prescriptions." ) the transverse anatropous, brothers first out: sunflower6G, oxhide gelatin, the30g talc. Decoction,2. In the mallow seed diuresis inducing, Runchang, as monarch drug.


In the winter

[ source ] from" Emei medicinal plants"
[ ] Pinyin name Dō n M áLì Ji
[ alias ] red smoke; Liu Mei; water hemp hemp willow root; water; water su Ma Ma Ma; flood; water seedling
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Urticaceae plant water hemp leaves.
Latin botanical name: Debregeasia orientalis C.J.Chen[D.edulis animal fossil auct.non ( Sieb.et Zucc Wedd.]. )
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of deciduous shrubs, up to 1-3m. Branchlets slender, densely appressed hairs. Ye Husheng3-6mm; petiole long; leaf blade lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, long 4-16cm, wide 1-3cm, apex acuminate, base rounded or obtuse, margin densely small teeth, above coarse, below the dense white short fluff; basal veins 3, lateral veins 5-6 pairs. Dioecious; inflorescence usually axillary unripe leaf scars, with short stalk, often two forked branches, each branch top the spherical clusters; staminate flowers: tepals 4, ca.1.5mm, stamens 4; female flower cluster diameter of about2mm. Infructescences globose, diameter up to7mm, achenes small, persistent tubular perianth yellowish orange, meat quality. Florescence 4-7 month, month of fruit period 6-8.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in the hills or low mountains or the edge of a forest stream.
Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest and Shaanxi, Gansu, Hubei, Guangxi and Hunan.
[ character ] trait identification of tender stem branches short and thin, top often have small buds, taupe, dense undercoat. Leaves shrivel, flattened lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, long 3-16cm, wide 1-3cm, apex acuminate, base cuneate or rounded, margin serrulate, above coarse, below densely covered with white hairs, lateral veins 5-6 pairs; petiolar long 0.3-1cm, Shorthair stipules ovate-lanceolate. Gas, slightly sweet flavor.
[ ], slightly bitter taste; cooler;
[ indications ] Shufeng Zhike; clearing heat and promoting eruption; removing blood stasis and hemostasis. The main exogenous cough; hemoptysis; pediatric acute infantile convulsion; measles airtight; traumatic contusions; women body mass; traumatic bleeding
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g; or ramming juice. External application: suitable, grind end tune apply; or fresh goods trace and apply; or washed fried.
[ ] the discussion
1" Emei medicinal plants" : published.
2" Guizhou plant medicine investigation:" heat, dampness, hemostatic, anti-dysentery, external treatment of sore.
3commonly used Chinese herbal medicine" Sichuan": leaves: effects of expelling wind and cold. Treatment of traumatic injury, measles without penetration and women body mass.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


In winter flax root

[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Lì Ji Má Gē n
[ alias ] water bast willow root
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Urticaceae plant water Ma root or root bark.
Latin botanical name: Debregeasia orientalis C.J.Chen[D.edulis animal fossil auct.non ( Sieb.et Zucc Wedd.]. )
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of deciduous shrubs, up to 1-3m. Branchlets slender, densely appressed hairs. Ye Husheng3-6mm; petiole long; leaf blade lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, long 4-16cm, wide 1-3cm, apex acuminate, base rounded or obtuse, margin densely small teeth, above coarse, below the dense white short fluff; basal veins 3, lateral veins 5-6 pairs. Dioecious; inflorescence usually axillary unripe leaf scars, with short stalk, often two forked branches, each branch top the spherical clusters; staminate flowers: tepals 4, ca.1.5mm, stamens 4; female flower cluster diameter of about2mm. Infructescences globose, diameter up to7mm, achenes small, persistent tubular perianth yellowish orange, meat quality. Florescence 4-7 month, month of fruit period 6-8.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in the hills or low mountains or the edge of a forest stream.
Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest and Shaanxi, Gansu, Hubei, Guangxi and Hunan.
[ ] slightly bitter taste; Xin Ping;
[ indications ] Qufeng desiccant; Huoxue Zhitong; alexipharmic detumescence. The main rheumatic arthralgia; traumatic contusions; fracture; traumatic hemorrhage; sore carbuncle swollen poison
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,9-15g. External application: suitable, grind end spread; or fresh goods trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Rabdosia rubescens

[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Lí n Cǎ o
[ alias ] mountain herbs, broken blood Dan, snow grass, No Ka, June, Hill Ebara, ice grass
[ source ]
Source: for medicinal Labiatae plants rice, entire grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Rabdosia rubescens ( Hemsl. ) Hara[Plectranthus rubescens Hemsl.; P.ricinispermus Pamp.]
Harvest and storage: harvest in autumn, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Cardamine soares, Bush, tall 0.5-1m. Rhizomes woody, a long fibrous roots. Stems erect, base nearly cylindrical, cortex longitudinally exfoliating, upper part of stem and branches are four prismatic, striate, brown or purplish red, densely sparsely pilose young very small, densely tomentose, with purple. Leaves opposite; petiole winged, even false handle long 1-1.3cm, upward gradient short; leaves ovate or rhombic ovate, long 2-6cm, wide 1.3-3cm, apex acute or acuminate, situation after apex a teeth longer, base broadly cuneate, attenuate suddenly become false wings decurrent, margin with coarse round tooth serrate, teeth with agenesis of the corpus callosum, it is scanty by small hydrophobic pilose and glandular dots, following closely by hoar short villi to nearly glabrous, veins often purplish red. Cymes3-5 flowers, stems and branches at the top are arranged in narrow panicles, total stem and2-5mm long pedicel and inflorescence axis densely puberulous, but often with purple; bracts diamond or diamond shape egg, round to lanceolate, upward gradient is small, in panicles lower is beyond the cyme inflorescence; bracteoles drill, linear or linear-lanceolate, puberulent; calyx bell form, long 2.5-3mm, outside densely gray hairs and glands of micro predict, marked with purple veins . Calyx teeth,10,5, slightly3/2type two lips, teeth are oval shaped triangle, near the blunt tip, about long. Half of the upper lip,3 teeth, tooth in the smaller, lower lip2 slightly larger and extended, when fruit calyx enlarged; corolla ca.7mm, but there are also smaller stamens reduced corolla, sparsely puberulent and glandular outside, crown length3.5-5mm, base shallowly saccate protruding above, to the throat diameter2-2.5mm two lips, limb, upper lip, apex with 4rounded teeth of lower lip broadly ovate, concave; stamens 4, slightly protruding stamens, or sometimes degenerate and concealed filaments flattened, below the middle of bearded; style filiform, apex equal out,2lobed; disk annular. Nutlets shape pouring egg three prism. Florescence 7-10 month, month of fruit period 8-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: born in hillside, scrub, woodland and roadside sunningdale.
Resource distribution: located in Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou.
[ character ]
Character identification, stems, base subrounded, upper square column shape, long 30-70cm. The lower surface is grey brown or grayish brown, longitudinally exfoliating skin; the upper epidermal red purple, gentle prying, hard brittle, section yellow. Leaves opposite, leaves fold, after flattening is ovate, long 2-6cm, wide 1.5-3cm, apex acute or acuminate, base broadly cuneate, attenuate suddenly become false wings decurrent, margin coarsely serrate, teeth with agenesis of the corpus callosum, above green brown, with glandular dots, pale green below, along veins sparsely pilose; petiolate. Cymose panicles terminal, total stem and flower peduncle and rachis densely pilose; small flowers; calyx campanulate, calyx teeth5, two lip, corolla two lip, stamens 4. Nutlets shape pouring egg three prism, light brown, glabrous. Micro gas smell, taste bitter, sweet.
In leaves, the color green is preferred.
Microscopic identification, leaf surface view: epidermal anticlinal wall winding; gland scale, many glandular hairs, glandular scale head oblate,4 cells, stem short, single cell;1-2 cell glandular head, the diameter of 16-24μ m, handle single cell; non glandular hairs less,1-3 cells, type of conical, long 32-120μm, base diameter of32 μ m; leaf margin and veins non-glandular hairs are more,2 cells, forms a hook shape. The lower epidermis and epidermal similarity, a straight shaft type pore.
[ ] stems and leaves with chemical composition of volatile oil in 0.05%, mainly forα - pinene (α pinene ),β- pinene (β -pinene ), limonene ( limonene ),7,8- palm leaf pigment (1,8-cineole ), p-cymene (ρ -cymene ), pelargonic aldehyde ( nonaldehyde ), capric aldehyde ( decanal ),β- Lam Hong Xi (β -elemene ), palmitic acid ( palmitic acid ). Ye Handong Ling of oridonin ( rubescensin A, oridonin ), Rubescensine B ( rubescensin B, ponicidin ),α- amyrin (α -amyrin ). Lushi oridonin ( ludongnin A ), Lushan Mountain oridonin ( lushanrubescensin A ), ursolic acid ( ursolic acid ), Xinyang rubescens, B ( xindongnin A, B ), Lushan Mountain of Rabdosia rubescens Caoyi, C, D ( lushanrubescensin, B, C, D ), Guizhou of oridonin ( guidongnin ),β- sitosterol (β -sitosterol ),β- sitosterol glucoside ( -D-β -sitosterol-D-glucoside ),2 α- hydroxy ursolic acid (2 α -hydroxyursolic acid ), ( circiliol) in line.
[ identify ] physicochemical identification, thin layer chromatography : take this product with ether powder1g,20ml4h after cold, concentrated sample, another oridonin control products. Each sample in the same G silica gel sheet, to ethane - acetone (6:4)11cm mounted, with iodine vapor color. For the test items for spectrum and reference substance in the corresponding location of chromatography, showed the same yellow spots.
[ ] bitter taste; Gan; slightly cold
[ ] functions of heat-clearing and detoxicating; promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. The main throat; cold headache; bronchitis; chronic hepatitis; rheumatoid arthritis; snake bites
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,30-60g; or wine.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Holly bark

[ source ] from the" Hua Zi" on Chinese Materia Medica
[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Q īn Pí
[ ] Bark of Purpleflower Holly English name
[ alias ] holly bark.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Ilex plants Ilex purpurea Hassk. Holly bark and root bark.
Latin botanical name: Ilex purpurea Hassk. animal minerals ( I.chinensis Sims )
Harvest and storage: the year may collect, use fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of holly evergreen trees, up to12m. Bark gray or light gray, glabrous. Ye Husheng5-15cm; petiole long; leaf blade leathery, usually narrowly elliptic, long 6-10cm, wide 2-3.5cm, apex acuminate, base cuneate, rarely rounded, margin sparsely shallowly serrate, dark green above and shiny, winter purple-red, midrib below. Flowers unisexual, dioecious, cymes inserted in leaf axils or in leaf axils; calyx 4 crack, petals 4, pale purple; stamens 4; ovary superior. Drupe is elliptic, long 6-10mm, red when ripe, including nuclear4, fruit handle is long about 5mm. Florescence in May, fruit is ripe period in October.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: often longer than in sparse woods.
Resource distribution: distribution in South China's Yangtze River over.
[ ] bark tannin, the chemical composition of volatile oil.
[ ] taste sweet; bitter cold;
[ ] liver spleen meridian;
[ indications ] Liangxue detoxification; hemostatic belt. Lord burns; menorrhagia; leucorrhea
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g. External: amount, trace and apply.
[ ]" the discusses Hua Zi Materia Medica": to blood, nourishing the skin.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Holly sub

[ source ] from the" compendium of Materia Medica" gleaning: frozen green, also a privet, when the mountains. But with the leaf Weiyuan and red for frozen green; leaf length and black for privet.
[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Q īn Zì Ji
[ ] Fruit of Purpleflower Holly English name
[ alias ] holly, frozen green trees.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Ilex purpurea Hassk. Holly Ilex plants fruit.
Latin botanical name: Ilex purpurea Hassk. animal minerals ( I.chinensis Sims )
Harvest and storage: winter when ripe, dried in the sun.
[ ] the original morphology of holly evergreen trees, up to12m. Bark gray or light gray, glabrous. Ye Husheng5-15cm; petiole long; leaf blade leathery, usually narrowly elliptic, long 6-10cm, wide 2-3.5cm, apex acuminate, base cuneate, rarely rounded, margin sparsely shallowly serrate, dark green above and shiny, winter purple-red, midrib below. Flowers unisexual, dioecious, cymes inserted in leaf axils or in leaf axils; calyx 4 crack, petals 4, pale purple; stamens 4; ovary superior. Drupe is elliptic, long 6-10mm, red when ripe, including nuclear4, fruit handle is long about 5mm. Florescence in May, fruit is ripe period in October.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: often longer than in sparse woods.
Resource distribution: distribution in South China's Yangtze River over.
[ ] taste sweet; bitter cold;
[ ] liver kidney meridian;
[ indications ] tonifying the liver and kidney; to rheumatism; hemostasis and astringing sores. The main early white beard and hair; the wind was arthralgia; peptic ulcer hemorrhage; hemorrhoids; ulcer not healing
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,4.5-9g; or leach liquor.
[ ] the discussion
1:" after this draft" leach liquor, to wind the blood.

2":" Bencaoqiuzhen Bugan Bushen Jiangu strong gluten.
3" Jiangsu medicine annals" : cure rheumatic arthralgia.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Dong Shanhu

[ ] Pinyin name Dō n Sh ān H ú
[ alias ] coral, jade, coral red coral, wild, wild hot pepper spicy eggplant
[ source ] the Solanaceae Solanum coral cherry Solanum pseudocapsicum L., be used as medicine with the root. Autumn, dried.
[ ] the salty taste, slightly bitter, temperature. Toxic.
[ indications ] pain. For the strain of lumbar muscles.
[ usage] from 0.5 to1. Leaching liquor service.
[ note ]
(1) the whole plant is toxic, more toxic than fruit. Poisoning symptoms of dizziness, nausea, sleepiness, severe abdominal pain, mydriasis.
(2) Solanum pseudo-capsicum L. var. diflorum coral bean ( Bitt. Vell. ), located in Hebei, Shaanxi and the central, South and southwest provinces.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


The fork boil medicine

[ ]" herbal" from Guizhou.
Pinyin name ] [ Duì Chā Dī n Yà o
[ ] Herb of Cupleaf Passionflower English name
[ alias ] fork hemorrhoids, grass, grass moth half wind, Larkspur, swallow tail, mouse bell, butterfly dark elimination, horseshoe dark disappear, slice leaf.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: passionflower plant cup leaves of passion fruit root, stem and leaf.
Latin botanical mineral name: Passiflora cupiformis Mast.[P. animal franchetiana Hemsl.; P.kwangsiensis H.L.Li]
Harvest and storage of autumn: digging the whole plant, wash away dirt, fresh or shredded, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of winding herbaceous vines, up to 6m with axillary tendrils. Ye Husheng; petiolar long 3-7cm, close base the Ministry has2 glands; Leaf Cup or nearly caudate cup-shaped,6-12cm long,4-10cm wide, apex truncate to deep2 lobed, base rounded to cordate, abaxially sparsely glandular dots; midrib extends into a small tip. Flowers bisexual; cymes axillary, flowers are brown,5- elected; flowers white, diameter 1.5-2CM; sepals 5, hairs, abaxially nearly top often with a hornlike appendages; petals 5, egg shape is elliptic, corona in 2 series, composed of many filamentous lobes; inner corolla pleated, with disk and female shuttle core handle; stamens 5, ovary subglobose, glabrous, style 3, curved upward. Berry diameter1-1.6cm, purple when ripe. Florescence in April, fruit period in September.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 1700-2000m slopes, roadsides and shrub grass valley.
Resource distribution: located in Hubei, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
[ ] cultivation
Biological characteristics of cool or temperate climate. The optimum growth temperature of 25-30 ℃, slightly cold, on behalf of the temperature drops to 0 ℃can safely overwintering. In soil, rich in humus and shuttle in the sandy loam cultivation is appropriate.
Cultivation techniques for seed reproduction. 5-6 month ripening fruit production, remove the peel, remove seeds, dry cleaning, immediately sows. By seeding. According to drilling, spaced 20cm ditch, ditch depth of 5cm covering2cm, water moisture. After sowing seedling15-20d. Breeding for more than half a year, to the warmth of spring planting. According to the spacing40cm ×cm points, each hill2 strains, plant roots pressing, irrigate enough water.
Field management of seedling height above of 30 cm, to support the vine climbing, to facilitate ventilation. To overgrown, proper pruning.
[ ] taste sweet; temperature puckery taste;
[ indications ] Qufeng desiccant; Huoxue Zhitong; sedative. The rheumatic heart disease; hematuria; whitish; hemiplegia; boils; trauma; eruptive disease abdominal distension and pain
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-15g; or wine. External: trace and apply.
[ note ]" Guizhou folk medicine": whisky, tofu and cold food.
[ ] a party
1, treatment of rheumatic heart disease cup west time of Nelumbo nucifera leaves at the end of the inquiry. 9g each time,3 times a day, to take in syrup. (" Chinese herbal medicines in Yunnan" )2, to treat hemiplegia fork boil medicine root 120g, wine, or external application.
In 3, treat cuts axe chops, bleeding on fork boil medicine leaf amount, chewed on.
In 4, cure eruptive disease abdominal distension, hematuria, whitish to fork boil medicine root 15g, fried water service.
In 5, treat furuncle carbuncle on the fork medicine leaf chewed apply affected part. (2-5party from the" Guizhou folk medicine" )
[ ] the discussion
1" Guizhou": Herbal detoxification, hemostatic, calming, analgesic. Treatment of boils, ax wound bleeding, Sha pneumoperitoneum pain, hematuria, whitish, hemiplegia.
2" Yunnan": Herbal sedative, dehumidification adjustable. Treatment of rheumatic heart disease.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


For reference

[ ] from Kunming."" common folk herbal medicine
Pinyin name ] [ Duì Duì Shē n
[ English ] Root of Nepal Rattlesnake Plantain name
[ alias ] little chicken, chicken kidney.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: as Orchidaceae long distance bird foot orchid tubers.
Latin plant animal name: Satyrium nepalense D. Don mineral
Harvest and storage: harvest in autumn, and dried in the sun.
[ ] the original form of long distance bird foot orchid, terrestrial plants. High 30-45cm, tuber suboblong, two and2-3cm, long. Stems erect,1-2leaves and1-2sheathlike scales. Leaves elliptic, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, following a long 7-10CM, wide 3.5-5.5cm, more or less acute, margin crisped. Racemose inflorescence terete,8-9cm long, with 20or so flowers crowded; bracts ovate-lanceolate, deflexed, longer than ovary; pollen in red; sepals strip elliptic, long 4-5mm, width of 1mm, obtuse at apex, lateral sepals oblong-ovate, few and sepals equaling, slightly wider, the first end the edge of a few fine margin; petals and sepals are similar but slightly shorter, labellum is located above, cucullate, nearly hemispherical shape, diameter of about 5mm, apex obtuse, deflexed, mouth very wide; from the slender, drooping, equal to or longer than ovary, ca.1cm; ovary elliptic, long 6-8mm, glabrous.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 1400-2700m mountain forests or glade grass.
Resource distribution: located in Yunnan, Tibet.
[ ] taste Gan Ping;
[ ] to the kidney; the Heart Sutra
[ ] strong lumbar kidney functions. The lumbago due to deficiency of the kidney; chronic nephritis; impotence; palpitations
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g.
[ ] the discussion
1" Kunming folk medicinal herbs commonly used:" tonifying the kidney nourishing heart. Treatment of lumbago due to deficiency of the kidney.
2" Guizhou drug-sik Directory:" impotent.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


On the tree

[ ]" herbal" from Guizhou.
Pinyin name ] [ Duì Jié Shí Gē n
[ ] Root of Reddish Beautyberry English name
[ alias ] small red fruit root
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: dicotyledonous plants for medicine of the Verbenaceae reddish beautyberry root.
Latin botanical name: Callicarpa rubella Lindl. animal fossil
Harvest and storage: collected in autumn, washed, sliced dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Bush, tall 1-3m. Branchlets yellow-brown star Zhengzhou Zhi and multicellular glandular hairs. Leaves opposite; nearly sessile; leaf blade obovate name obovate-elliptic,10-20cm long,3-10cm wide, apex caudate or acuminate, base cordate, nearly auriculate or oblique, margin serrulate, neat coarse teeth, surface covered with multicellular hairs simple, abaxially stellate hairs, wool, single angle of glandular hairs and yellow glandular dots; lateral veins 6-10 pairs. Cymes axillary, wide 2-4cm,4-6 time differences, and hairy branchlets and peduncles long;2-3cm; bracts small, ovate; calyx cupular calyx teeth, moisture or obtusely triangular, stellate hairy and glandular hairs and yellow glandular dots; corolla purplish red, yellow, green or white, ca.3mm, first end 4lobed, lobes obtuse, glandular puberulous and yellow glands; stamens 4, long for the crown2 times; ovary hairy. Fruit purplish red, ca.2mm. Florescence 5-7 month, month of fruit period 7-11.
[ ] the hard flat taste;
[ ] liver spleen meridian;
[ ] functions of cool heat hemostasis; dispelling wind and relieving pain. The main hematemesis; hematuria; migraine; rheumatic arthralgia
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

The section of the leaf

[ ]" herbal" from Guizhou.
Pinyin name ] [ Duì Jié Yè
[ ] leaf of Reddish Beautyberry English name
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: grand entertainment division plant wing handle acanthaceous indigo leaves or roots.
Latin animal mineral name: Pteracanthus alatus ( Wall.et Nees ) Bremek. [Ruellia alata Wall.; Strobilanthes wallichii Ness; Goldfussia thomsonii Hook.]
Harvest and storage: root, summer, autumn digging, wash, cut, dried; leaf, summer and autumn harvest, fresh.
[ ] the original morphology of wing handle Strobilanthes cusia perennial is herbaceous, tall 30-70cm. Stems four prismatic, lower red brown, is light brown fine fluff. Leaves opposite; stipitate; leaf blade shape is elliptic, long 7-12cm wide 3-4.5cm, apex long acuminate, base cuneate, slightly oblique and decurrent, margin shallowly serrate above, scanty by shorthair. Inflorescences axillary, with sessile; bracts leaflike, ovate; calyx5deeply lobed, lobes linear, ca.10mm; corolla purplish blue, inside there are dark markings.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in water or shade wetland.
Resource distribution: located in Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
[ ] taste acrid in taste and cool;
[ ] to the Heart Sutra
[ ] functions of heat-clearing and detoxicating; promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. The main boils; labor pain
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-15g; or wine. External: fresh goods amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


The section of the blade root

[ ]" Guizhou herbal medicine".
Pinyin name ] [ Duì Jié Yè Gē n
[ source ] for the Acanthaceae plant on leaf root.
[ ] taste, salty, cold.
[ ] functions of promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. Treatment of labor pain: the section of the blade root one or two, five money of Acanthopanax senticosus. Wine service.
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt


Polystichum tsus-simense

[ source ] from the" Zhejiang temmokus yam planting Zhi"
Pinyin name ] [ Duì Mǎě R Ju é
English name [ ] Tsushima Shield Fern, Tsushima Holly Fern
[ alias ] house chicken, fern dichotoma, line Cocktail
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Dryopteridaceae in Polystichum tsus-simense roots or leaves.
Latin animal mineral name: Polystichum tsus-simense ( Hook. ) J. Smith[Aspidium tsus-simense Hook.]
Harvest and storage : roots collected all the year round, with good autumn collection. After removing the leaves out, clean, fresh or dried leaves of spring collection, fresh.
[ ] the original morphology of plants with high30-50cm. Rhizomes nearly erect, with the base of petiole is black brown ovate-lanceolate and brown diamond shape scale. Leaves fascicled; petiolar long 15-30cm, straw color, to sparsely black linear scales; leaf blade lanceolate, long 15-30cm, wide 8-15cm, base unchanged narrowly, two pinnate; pinnae sickle lanceolate, base on1 small pinna and protrusions, and the rachis parallel, usually lobed, the pinnules edge with spiny teeth, lobes have pinnately veined, veins or a single bifurcation. Sori borne top small veins; indusia round kidney form.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 400-3000m hillside forest edge cracks in the rock.
Resource distribution: distribution in the south, southwest and Shaanxi, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Tibet and other places.
[ ] bitter taste; cold; cool
[ ] to the heart; spleen meridian
[ ] functions of clearing away heat and toxic material; cooling blood to dissipate blood stasis. The main dysentery; swollen red eyes; mastitis; furuncle poison; bleeding hemorrhoids; burn and scald
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-15g. External: amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


On the fern root

[ source ]" Zhejiang temmokus yam planting Zhi"
Pinyin name ] [ Duì Mǎě R Jué Gē n
[ ] as a source of Dryopteridaceae in Polystichum tsus-simense rhizome.
[ indications ] cure swollen red eyes.
[ usage] fresh Polystichum tsus-simense rhizome ( removing the hair ) one or two, boiling water, add sugar, morning and evening meals every day.
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt

On student 's ear

Pinyin name ] [ Duì Shē ně R Ju é
[ alias ] Pteris vittata, ash Cyrtomium fortunei
[ source ] fern Dryopteridaceae opposite ear Polystichum deltodon ( Bak. ) Diels, to complete grass is used as medicine.
[ ] Anhui, Taiwan habitat distribution, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan.
[ ] acid, astringent taste, slightly cold.
[ indications ] Huoxue pain, swelling, diuresis, prevention of colds; external use in treating traumatic injury, snake bite.
[ usage] the whole grass5 money, boiling water for tea. Topical formulations of pound, apply affected part.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"



[ source ] was contained in the" China Medicinal animal Zhi".
[ ] Du ìXi āPinyin name
[ ] English name Prawn
[ alias ] shrimp, prawn, prawn
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Penaeidae animal Chinese prawn, shrimp, prawn, Penaeus monodon Mergui variety of shrimp meat or all.
Latin animal mineral name: 1.Penaeus chinensis ( Osbeck ) [Penacus orientalis Kishinouye]2.Penaeus penicillatus Alcock3.Penaeus merguiensis de Man4.Penaeus monodon Fabricius[P.bubulus Kubo; P.tahitensis Heller]
Harvest and storage: the spring catch. Prawn with catch is trawling ( fishing ), clapnet method, net hanging method and dry cell method. After catching, abluent shelled, take out the meat, fresh or cooked dried.
[ ] the original morphology
1Chinese prawn, grow up and laterally compressed body. Female180-240mm male body length, body length 130-170mm, carapace thin, smooth, slightly transparent, head cuirass hard big, the central front extension growth and a pointed head, upper margin with7-9teeth, lower margin with3-4teeth on the lower sides, with1on the eye, with handle. Brow ridges extending into the stomach near the brow ridge spines; after only extends to the middle of the carapace. Carotid sulcus, hepatic groove fine and apparent, clear liver puncture, orbital antennal groove is wider, eye gastric ridge very obvious. The head has appendages5, first, second to become the 2to whip tentacles, the second pair of antennae, particularly long, antennal spine is obvious; the other3pairs of appendages, become1 on the jaw and 2 pairs of maxilla. Thoracic appendages8, before 3to become maxillipeds, are a part of the remaining mouthparts;5for foot, before 3on the foot end are pincer, to third for most grown up, after 2to end a claw. Female body clasper presents disc-shaped, located at fourth, fifth on the foot base, is a central longitudinal fissure, for the spermatheca, in front of a circular protrusion, a densely hairy surface. Abdominal section 7, to buckling, section 4-6central backside with longitudinal ridges; abdominal appendages6, first of females are endopod minima, male endopod deformation as the bell-shaped clasper. Sixth for the uropod, stout, and abdominal section seventh end very sharp tail section into the tail fan. Female sex gonad maturity are light blue, brown and blue pigment cell surface spread. The male is slightly brown, thorax and abdominal appendage micro was red, the uropod half blue and red folder.
2shrimp, in shape, color and size etc, are quite similar with Chinese prawn. But on the upper edge of the lower edge of the 4-67-8 teeth, tooth. On the side of the shallow ditch, backward more shallow, to the stomach tattoo disappears beneath the. Forehead after ridge extends to the head near the trailing edge on the breastplate,1-2 has a shallow concave. On the base of the slightly higher than the convex end, back, relatively fine, first antenna whip and carapace length is approximately equal to or slightly shorter. The male copulatory organs lobular, apex rounded, margin setose, the two sides to the ventral curl. Female body clasper disc, front top tubercles from small, spiny tail section, back with a central longitudinal groove, the two side edges of the rear half of a bristle. Female than male individual. Body greyish blue head, blue point.
3Dark Kat prawn, figure and Chinese shrimp is also similar, but on the upper edge of the lower edge of the 4-58-9 teeth, tooth, on the side of the shallow ditch, backward more shallow, backward more shallow, to the stomach and stabbed beneath the brow ridge extends to after disappearing, head cuirass near the trailing edge. On the base of the back side view is very high, triangular, end is fine, first antenna whip and carapace length is approximately equal to or slightly shorter. Female clasper front top tubercles from considerable.
4of Penaeus monodon, this species is one of the largest of the genus Penaeus shrimp, female body length 300-350mm. On the upper edge of the lower edge of the 2-46-8 teeth, tooth, on the base of speciality, end of coarse, eye gastric ridge is shorter, straight liver ridge, fifth foot without external. Body with brown and dark green and white horizontal stripes, but often with the environment, age and color difference resort limb shank outside were yellow.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment:1inhabits shallow sea sediment, at night often slowly swim in the sea in the submucosa, feed on benthic polychaetes, small crustaceans, software and other vertebrate animal larvae, diatoms and so fresh. Every year in March from Hainan to Bohai yellow shell bait and reproductive migration, winter returned to yellow Hainan department for wintering migration. The male shrimp in October between 10-11 month in sexual maturity, mating, female shrimp to second years April sexual maturity, each tail female shrimp spawning hundreds of thousands to about 1000000 grains, eggs and stored in a female body clasper spermatophore within semen also put up and fertilization, the day begins hatching, young shrimp grow rapidly.
2inhabits the depth of 25-40m within the sandy seabed, shrimp often clustered in near the mouth of the river or sea life. In May7-8 month gonadal maturation, shrimp have been consistent with the standard of goods, from December to January the following year for wintering period.
3inhabiting littoral water depth of 25m within the sandy seabed.
4inhabits muddy or sandy seabed, shrimp or cluster in the aquatic weed in omnivorous. Mature outward seawater around 100m deep sea migratory, breeding period before returning to shallow water. Female shrimp is large, average weight of 350-400g, big up to500g.
Resource distribution:1China is mainly distributed in the Yellow Sea, Bohai and the northern East China Sea, the South China Sea are a small. A northern has a large number of artificial breeding.
2China's distribution in the Zhejiang Zhoushan the East China Sea, the South China Sea to the south coast of. Now the south of artificial breeding of the main varieties.
The 3China distributed in Guangdong, Fujian and other coastal. Have to undertake breed aquatics artificially.
The 4China located in Zhejiang, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi coast, is Taiwan's main cultured species.
[ ] muscle chemical composition containing protein, lipid, carbohydrate, amino acids. Visceral and chitin containing p- carotene, sea urchin, canthaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin.
[ ] the pharmacological effect
1 pairs of smooth muscle, Chinese prawn water solution on isolated rat uterus, duodenum, ileum, stomach and bladder smooth muscle contractile function is, this contraction function, not by the M- receptor blocking drugs atropine sulfate and αreceptor antagonist phentolamine against and blocking, and was5- serotonin (5-HT ) receptor blockade cyproheptadine and blocking against cold. Show Chinese prawn on contraction of the smooth muscle function is generated by5-HT receptor activated by.
2 on vascular function, to the isolated rat hindlimb perfusion of Chinese prawn aqueous, liquid flow was significantly reduced in hind limbs of rats. Show Chinese prawn aqueous solution on isolated rat vascular contraction.
Effect of3on milk secretion, shrimp and mud garlic mixture of intragastric administration with10g/kg, can promote the secretion of breast milk in mice.
[ ] sweet and salty taste; temperature;
[ ]8functions of kidney yang; nourishing yineyo extinguish wind. The main deficiency of kidney yin deficiency impotence; pneumatic; tetany; stroke hemiplegia; breast sore ulcer not healing time.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g; cooking or leach liquor. External: amount, trace and apply.
[ ] the paper" China Medicinal animal fauna" : the kidney and strengthening yang, invigorating stomach and benefiting qi function. Treating kidney deficiency impotence, spermatorrhea, weakness of spleen and stomach qi deficiency symptoms such as sore, not convergence.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Shrimp shell

[ source ] was contained in the" China Medicinal animal Zhi".
Pinyin name ] [ Duì Xiā Ké
[ alias ] shrimp shell
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Penaeidae animal Chinese prawn, shrimp, prawn, Penaeus monodon Mergui variety of shrimp shell.
Latin animal mineral name: 1.Penaeus chinensis ( Osbeck ) [Penacus orientalis Kishinouye]2.Penaeus penicillatus Alcock3.Penaeus merguiensis de Man4.Penaeus monodon Fabricius[P.bubulus Kubo; P.tahitensis Heller]
Harvest and storage: collect, dried.
[ ] the original morphology
1Chinese prawn, grow up and laterally compressed body. Female180-240mm male body length, body length 130-170mm, carapace thin, smooth, slightly transparent, head cuirass hard big, the central front extension growth and a pointed head, upper margin with7-9teeth, lower margin with3-4teeth on the lower sides, with1on the eye, with handle. Brow ridges extending into the stomach near the brow ridge spines; after only extends to the middle of the carapace. Carotid sulcus, hepatic groove fine and apparent, clear liver puncture, orbital antennal groove is wider, eye gastric ridge very obvious. The head has appendages5, first, second to become the 2to whip tentacles, the second pair of antennae, particularly long, antennal spine is obvious; the other3pairs of appendages, become1 on the jaw and 2 pairs of maxilla. Thoracic appendages8, before 3to become maxillipeds, are a part of the remaining mouthparts;5for foot, before 3on the foot end are pincer, to third for most grown up, after 2to end a claw. Female body clasper presents disc-shaped, located at fourth, fifth on the foot base, is a central longitudinal fissure, for the spermatheca, in front of a circular protrusion, a densely hairy surface. Abdominal section 7, to buckling, section 4-6central backside with longitudinal ridges; abdominal appendages6, first of females are endopod minima, male endopod deformation as the bell-shaped clasper. Sixth for the uropod, stout, and abdominal section seventh end very sharp tail section into the tail fan. Female sex gonad maturity are light blue, brown and blue pigment cell surface spread. The male is slightly brown, thorax and abdominal appendage micro was red, the uropod half blue and red folder.
2shrimp, in shape, color and size etc, are quite similar with Chinese prawn. But on the upper edge of the lower edge of the 4-67-8 teeth, tooth. On the side of the shallow ditch, backward more shallow, to the stomach tattoo disappears beneath the. Forehead after ridge extends to the head near the trailing edge on the breastplate,1-2 has a shallow concave. On the base of the slightly higher than the convex end, back, relatively fine, first antenna whip and carapace length is approximately equal to or slightly shorter. The male copulatory organs lobular, apex rounded, margin setose, the two sides to the ventral curl. Female body clasper disc, front top tubercles from small, spiny tail section, back with a central longitudinal groove, the two side edges of the rear half of a bristle. Female than male individual. Body greyish blue head, blue point.
3Dark Kat prawn, figure and Chinese shrimp is also similar, but on the upper edge of the lower edge of the 4-58-9 teeth, tooth, on the side of the shallow ditch, backward more shallow, backward more shallow, to the stomach and stabbed beneath the brow ridge extends to after disappearing, head cuirass near the trailing edge. On the base of the back side view is very high, triangular, end is fine, first antenna whip and carapace length is approximately equal to or slightly shorter. Female clasper front top tubercles from considerable.
4of Penaeus monodon, this species is one of the largest of the genus Penaeus shrimp, female body length 300-350mm. On the upper edge of the lower edge of the 2-46-8 teeth, tooth, on the base of speciality, end of coarse, eye gastric ridge is shorter, straight liver ridge, fifth foot without external. Body with brown and dark green and white horizontal stripes, but often with the environment, age and color difference resort limb shank outside were yellow.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment:1inhabits shallow sea sediment, at night often slowly swim in the sea in the submucosa, feed on benthic polychaetes, small crustaceans, software and other vertebrate animal larvae, diatoms and so fresh. Every year in March from Hainan to Bohai yellow shell bait and reproductive migration, winter returned to yellow Hainan department for wintering migration. The male shrimp in October between 10-11 month in sexual maturity, mating, female shrimp to second years April sexual maturity, each tail female shrimp spawning hundreds of thousands to about 1000000 grains, eggs and stored in a female body clasper spermatophore within semen also put up and fertilization, the day begins hatching, young shrimp grow rapidly.
2inhabits the depth of 25-40m within the sandy seabed, shrimp often clustered in near the mouth of the river or sea life. In May7-8 month gonadal maturation, shrimp have been consistent with the standard of goods, from December to January the following year for wintering period.
3inhabiting littoral water depth of 25m within the sandy seabed.
4inhabits muddy or sandy seabed, shrimp or cluster in the aquatic weed in omnivorous. Mature outward seawater around 100m deep sea migratory, breeding period before returning to shallow water. Female shrimp is large, average weight of 350-400g, big up to500g.
Resource distribution:1China is mainly distributed in the Yellow Sea, Bohai and the northern East China Sea, the South China Sea are a small. A northern has a large number of artificial breeding.
2China's distribution in the Zhejiang Zhoushan the East China Sea, the South China Sea to the south coast of. Now the south of artificial breeding of the main varieties.
The 3China distributed in Guangdong, Fujian and other coastal. Have to undertake breed aquatics artificially.
The 4China located in Zhejiang, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi coast, is Taiwan's main cultured species.
[ ] muscle chemical composition containing protein, fat, calcium, iron, amine, arsenic, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B12, homarine ( nomarine ), phosphate. Protein hydrolysis to cystine, cysteine, arginine, histidine, lysine, tryptophan, tyrosine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alanine, serine, glycine, taurine and other amino acids. Histidine containing enzymes and antelope, arylamidase ( arylarnidase ), cathepsin D ( cathepsin D ), carboxypeptidase A ( carboxypeptidase, A, B ), containing spermidine ( spermidine ),3,3- two amino two propyl amine (3,3'-diaminodipropylamine ), such as trimethylamine polyamine class. Contain beta-cryptoxanthin ( cryptoxantnin ).
[ ] taste sweet; salt; cool
[ ] and antipruritic functions. The main neurasthenia; the scale;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,10-15g. External application: suitable, grind end caesar.
[ ] the paper" China Medicinal animal fauna" : the kidney and strengthening yang, invigorating stomach and benefiting qi function. Treating kidney deficiency impotence, spermatorrhea, weakness of spleen and stomach qi deficiency symptoms such as sore, not convergence.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Stemona tuberosa

Pinyin name ] [ Duì Yè Bǎ I B ù
English name [ ] Tuber Siemona Root
[ alias ] hundred large department, wild asparagus root, mountain Department
[ source ] for stemonaceae plant Stemona tuberosa Stemona tuberosa L. root.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial climbing herbs, up to5m. Upper stem winding. Leaves opposite, wide egg form, grow 8 ~30cm, width 2.5 ~10cm, apex acute or acuminate, base shallowly cordate, margin entire or microwave shape, vein7 ~ll; petiole is long 4~ 6cm. Flowers axillary; flowers with a bracteoles lanceolate; perianth segments 4, lanceolate, yellow green, with purple veining. Capsule obovoid flat. Florescence 5 ~ June, fruit period from 7 to August.
[ ] to habitat distribution in shade shrubbery, crook, roadside and valley and damp rock. Production of Hubei, Fujian, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou.
[ character ] root thicker, grow 10 ~26cm, diameter 1 ~2cm; surface grayish yellow, shallow longitudinal wrinkles; quality than the solid.
[ ] with the chemical composition of Stemona tuberosa alkali (tuberostemonine ), different to the leaf stemonine ( isotuberootemonine ), time of Stemona tuberosa alkali ( hypOtubcro6temonInc ), oxidation of leaf stemonine ( oxytuberstemonine ), for Ming (stemine ), alkali, alkali, cotinine (stenine) etc..
[ ] bitter taste.
[ ] the same upright Department functions.
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt


The leaves of grass

[ source ]" medicinal plants in desert areas of China"
Pinyin name ] [ Duì Yè Cǎ o
[ alias ] Cynanchum komarovii, bovine, gourd, side flower seedling wood of Cynanchum
[ ] as a source of Asclepiadaceae family plants Cynanchum HANCOCKIANUM entire grass. Summer, autumn harvest, dry cutting.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herbaceous, tall 20 ~40 centimeters, stem short, fibrous roots. Stems erect, tufted, all glabrous, lower slightly woody. Leaves large, alternate, short handle, to lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, margin entire, margin slightly revolute. Umbellate cyme, side in axils of leaves; flowers dark purple. Follicles2, siliquiform. Seed flattened. The top coat.
[ ] was born in the hillside habitat distribution, mixed forest and scrub, dry riverbed, river sand. Distribution of Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other places.
[ ] the bitter taste, temperature, toxic.
[ function ] Huoxue attending, analgesic, anti-inflammatory.
[ note ] this product is not toxic, oral.
[ ] a party
①the cure of all joint pain: Cynanchum komarovii take a complete grass money, fried concentrated water, a hot towel and smoked it.
The toothache: Cynanchum komarovii take a complete grass money, fried water gargle, can't swallow, to avoid poisoning.
③the cure: Cynanchum komarovii root, water simmer in water, wash affected area.
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt


Ye Dou

[ source ] from the" Yunnan selected medicinal plants of Simao"
Pinyin name ] [ Duì Yè Dò u
[ ] Leaf of Ringworm Senna English name
[ alias ] from Africa, the wing handle the Akebia
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: legume pod for wings of Cassia leaf.
Latin botanical name: Cassia alata L. animal fossil
Harvest and storage: summer, fall choose sunny picking, removed from stem branches, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of wing pod cassia, high 1.5-3m. Branches stout, green. Stipules triangular; even-pinnate, nearly sessile, long 30-60cm, on the ventral surface of the petiole and rachis has 2longitudinal edges, narrowly winged; leaflets leathery,6-12, obovate-oblong or long elliptic, long 8-15cm, wide 3.5-7.5cm, downward gradually small, apex obtuse and a small pointed head, base obliquely truncate, veins obvious bulge below; petiolules near. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, has long stem, simple or branched, long 10-50cm; admiral shaped, yellow, purple veins were located in the upper part; the3 stamens degenerated,7 stamens development, the following2anthers large, the small side. Pod long ribbon, long 10-20cm, wide 1.2-1.5mm, each fruit valve central top cross to basal wings, wing paper, with obtuse teeth; seeds 50-60, flat, triangular. Flowering in November to January the following year, fruit period in December to February of next year.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in sparse forests or more arid hillside.
Resource distribution: distribution in Guangdong and south area of Yunnan.
[ character ] leaves more complete or broken. Leaflets oblong, apex obtuse, long 5-15, wide 5-7cm, a fine tip, base broadly rounded, and in the side slants big. Under the surface of the main veins prominent. Ye Huang green. Hard leathery. Rachis narrowly winged on both sides. Gas micro, taste bitter.
[ ] leaf chemical composition containing rhein, emodin ( Rhein ) ( emodin ),4,5- -1- two hydroxy methylol content (4,5-dihydroxy-1-hydroxymethylanthrone ),4,5- -2- two hydroxy methyl anthraquinone (4,5-dihydroxy-2-hydroxymethylanthraquinone ), different chrysophanol physcion ( isochrysophanol ), -L- glycoside ( physcion-L-glucoside ).
[ ] the pharmacological effect
1 inhibits muscle tumors: leaf acid extract on inoculated into mice thigh muscle in sarcoma37 had mild injury.
2purgative, antibacterial effect: leaf, fruit containing anthraquinone rickets, a purgative, antibacterial effect.
[ taste ] hard; cold temperature
[ ] to the heart; spleen meridian
[ indications ] dispelling pathogenic wind and removing dampness, relieving itching, laxative. The skin pruritus, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, herpes, furuncle ulcer, constipation
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-6g, after the. External: appropriate, fresh leaf Daozhi eraser; or modulated into ointment dressing.
[ ] the treatise" Yunnan selected medicinal plants of Simao": insecticide, itching. Treatment of neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, skin itching, furuncle ulcer.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Ye Lin

[ ]" herbal" from Guizhou.
Pinyin name ] [ Duì Yè Lí n
[ alias ] line ginseng, ginseng flower
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Asclepiadaceae plants Tibet pendant flowers full of grass or root.
Latin botanical name: Ceropegia pubescens Wall. animal fossil
Harvest and storage: the whole grass, summer harvest, fresh or dried; root, in the early spring digging, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herbaceous vines. Fibrous fascicular, fleshy, up to 6cm; a slender stalk, rice straw color, slightly hairy twigs. Leaves opposite, membranous; petiole is long3-4.5cm, top has clustered glands around 10, groove is provided above; leaf blade ovate-orbicular, thin oblong, long 4-15cm, wide 1-6cm, apex acuminate, base subrounded, margin entire, both surfaces of micro with short hairs; lateral veins on each side of5, arc rise; cyme inflorescences axillary, flowers about 8flowers; calyx 5 crack, glandular; corolla tube, yellow, up to 5cm, lobe apex inflexed and adhesive; the outer corona cupular, flat, apex spinescent hairy, the inner wheel with 5ligule; pollinia each chamber in 1. Follicles lanceolate, ca.13cm, to apex attenuate. Seed lanceolate, with yellow silky hair, ca.3.5cm. Florescence 7-9 month, month of fruit period 10-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of2000-3200m hardwood forest.
Resource distribution: distribution in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet and other places.
[ taste ] Xin; cold
[ ] to the Heart Sutra
[ ] insecticide detoxification functions. The main ascariasis; furuncle
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,30g. External: fresh goods amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Ye Lingen

[ ]" herbal" from Guizhou.
Pinyin name ] [ Duì Yè Lí n Gē n
[ alias ] line ginseng, ginseng flower
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Asclepiadaceae plants Tibet pendant flowers full of grass or root.
Latin botanical name: Ceropegia pubescens Wall. animal fossil
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herbaceous vines. Fibrous fascicular, fleshy, up to 6cm; a slender stalk, rice straw color, slightly hairy twigs. Leaves opposite, membranous; petiole is long3-4.5cm, top has clustered glands around 10, groove is provided above; leaf blade ovate-orbicular, thin oblong, long 4-15cm, wide 1-6cm, apex acuminate, base subrounded, margin entire, both surfaces of micro with short hairs; lateral veins on each side of5, arc rise; cyme inflorescences axillary, flowers about 8flowers; calyx 5 crack, glandular; corolla tube, yellow, up to 5cm, lobe apex inflexed and adhesive; the outer corona cupular, flat, apex spinescent hairy, the inner wheel with 5ligule; pollinia each chamber in 1. Follicles lanceolate, ca.13cm, to apex attenuate. Seed lanceolate, with yellow silky hair, ca.3.5cm. Florescence 7-9 month, month of fruit period 10-11.
[ ] habitat distribution distributed in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet and other places.
[ ] cold spicy taste;
[ ] to the large intestine meridian
[ indications ] insect. The main ascariasis
[ usage] grind end of water service.
[ ] drive lumbricoides: clinical application of Ye Lingen grind end two money. The rice washing water service.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Ficus hispida

Pinyin name ] [ Duì Yè Ró n
[ alias ] milk tree, milk, more waxy tree, Minoru water gourd
[ source ] Moraceae Ficus genus Ficus hispida Ficus hispida L. F., root, leaf, fruit, bark used as medicine. Annual recoverable, dried.
[ ] taste light, cool.
[ ] functions of clearing heat and removing dampness, Xiaoji phlegm. For colds, bronchitis, dyspepsia, diarrhea, rheumatic arthritis.
[ usage]0.5~ 1two.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


On the combined

[ ]" Hunan journal" drugs.
Pinyin name ] [ Duì Yè Sà n Hu.
[ alias ] pig woman rattan, fish spicy tree
[ source ] for Yichang Viburnum Caprifoliaceae plant stem, leaf, root. Stem and leaf, vigorous growth when the harvest; root, annual recoverable. Dried.
[ ] the original morphology of deciduous shrubs, tall 2 ~4 meters. Upper part of branchlets pilose. Leaves opposite, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, long 3- 8centimeters, wide 2~ 4cm, apex acuminate, base rounded, margin with triangular pointed serrulate above rough, sparsely stellate hairs, following more frequent; petiole short, is yellowish villous, base the Ministry has drill stipules2shape. Cymes terminal, with 5branches, diameter 2.5 ~4 centimeters; calyx short cylindrical, with 5 teeth, outside densely stellate hairy, persistent; corolla 5lobed, lobes radiate; stamens 5, inserted in corolla, corolla slightly protruding from the outside; ovary inferior, densely tomentose, style short, cylindrical tip,3 crack. Drupe, flat ovate-elliptic, reddish brown, sparsely stellate hairy. Florescence in May. Fruit period in September.
[ ] in the mountain habitat of wild shrub forest. Distribution of Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Sichuan etc..
[ ] taste flat, astringent, non-toxic.
[ indications ] the effects of expelling wind and cold, dampness itching.
[ ] a party
①treating wind-cold-dampness arthralgia: Yichang Viburnum money, Cocculus trilobus eight money, Herba Siegesbeckiae five money, shake bamboo cancellation module. Water decoction.
②cure feet itching: Yichang Viburnum leaf Daozhi, apply to affected areas.
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt


On four pieces of tile

[ ] from Guiyang folk medicinal herbs"."
Pinyin name ] [ Duì YèS ìKuà I W ǎ
[ English ] stem and leaf of Serrate name Chloranthus
[ alias ] four to four tiles, leaf, a flower, four kings, king, four pairs of gold, gold, gold arrow four-leaf clover.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Chloranthaceae plants and their Chloranthus serratrs ( Thunb. ) Roem.et Schult. stems and leaves.
Latin animal mineral name: Chloranthus serratrs ( Thunb. ) Roem.et Schult.
Harvest and storage: spring, summer, autumn three season harvesting, chopped washed, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original form and has perennial is herbaceous, tall 15-50cm. The roots of passengers, stubby, with most yellow root. Stems erect, solitary or several in a cluster, with distinct, glabrous, lower nodes on2 pieces of scalelike leaves. Leaves opposite,4-6was born in distal part of stem; petiolar long 8-25mm; leaves elliptic, obovate or ovate-lanceolate, long 7-15cm, wide 3-6cm, apex gradually narrow growing tip, base cuneate, margin with sharp and dense serrate, teeth have a gland, both surfaces glabrous; lateral veins 6-8 pairs; scalelike leaves membrane matter, triangle; stipules small. Spikes terminal, sometimes axillary, simple or2-3branched; peduncle long 1-3.5cm; bracts triangular or circular, apex constant tooth crack; flowers white; stamens 3, anthers proximally connate with ovary, the upper part of the lateral, central connectives have 1room 2 of the anther connectives, both sides each have 11anthers 2-loculed; connectives oblong,3connective phase hold, central connective inward, long 2-3cm, and lateral connective equaling or slightly longer, chamber in the connective middle or above middle; ovary ovoid, no style, stigma short. Drupe subglobose, green. Florescence 4-5 month, month of fruit period 6-8.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : the mountain forest and grass wet valley stream.
Resource distribution: distribution Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Fujian, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, guangdong.
[ ] and has chemical composition of ground section containing N- β - phenyl ethyl -3- (3,4- methylene two methoxy phenyl ) acrylamide ( N- β-phenethyl-3- (3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl propenamide ) ), N-β - phenyl ethyl -3- (3,4- two methoxy phenyl ) acrylamide ( N- β-phenethyl-3(3,4-eimethoxyphenyl ) propenamide ).
[ ] the taste of spice; flat; toxic
[ ] to the heart; spleen; kidney
[ ] Qufeng Jiedu Huoxue attending functions; itching. The main cold; cough; rheumatic pain; traumatic injury; ulcer base; irregular menstruation
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-9g; or Daozhi; or leach liquor. External: amount, trace and apply; or dipping sauce inunction.
[ note ]" Zhejiang folk medicinal herbs commonly used:" the plant is poisonous, not long-term use; the open fracture, not for external application, in order to prevent substantial absorption of poisoning.
[ ] the discussion
1" Guizhou folk prescription set": for traumatic injury. Be antitussive and expectorant, in addition to rheumatism, and activating blood, menstruation, blood stasis; external carbuncle swollen, mange.
2" Shanghai": Chinese herbs activating blood circulation to remove stasis, dispelling wind and cold, cough and phlegm. A cold wind cold headache, cough, asthma, rheumatism pain, irregular menstruation, traumatic injury.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


On the root of Yau Ma Tei

Pinyin name ] [ Duì Yè Yó u Má Gē n
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: East Viburnum Caprifoliaceae plant root.
Latin botanical name: Viburnum taitoense Hayata. animal fossil
Harvest and storage: the autumn and winter, digging, sliced dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Taiwan Viburnum shrubs, up to 2m. Young branchlets, buds, below the leaf veins are stellate pilose; winter buds with 1 pairs of narrow flake. Leaves opposite; petiole 6-10( -15) mm; leaves thickly papery or leathery, leaf blade oblong, oblong-lanceolate or obovate-oblong,6-11cm long,2-4cm wide, apex mucronate to suborbicular, base broadly cuneate or subrounded, margin except base has a shallowly serrate, teeth tops convex head, dark green above and glossy, lateral veins 5-6 pairs, arcuate, together with the midrib on very depression, marked below projections, small veins slightly raised below. Inflorescence terminal, ca.3cm, width of 2cm; peduncle slender, ca.2cm; calyx tube cylindric campanulate, ca.2mm, calyx limb with5 micro gear; corolla white, funnelform, ca.6mm, corolla tube ca.5mm, diameter of about2mm, lobes suborbicular, ca.3mm; stamens; style slender, far higher than calyx teeth, stigmas capitate. Drupe red, broadly elliptic, ca.9mm, about 6mm in diameter; the number of nuclear irregular hexagonal, there is a closed tube shaped deep ventral groove.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 1600-3000m rocky scrub or valley streams.
Resource distribution: located in Taiwan, Hunan and Northern Guangxi.
[ ] the taste of sweet taste; cool
[ function ] regulate menstruation pain attending. Advocate produce blood stasis dysmenorrhea after abdominal pain;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,30-60g.
[ note ]" Hunan:" do not use drug of pregnant women.
Excerpts from" [ ]


On the oil.

Pinyin name ] [ Duì Yè Yó u M áY è
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: for honeysuckle plants in Taitung, the stems and leaves of viburnum.
Latin botanical name: Viburnum taitoense Hayata animal fossil
Harvest and storage: spring, summer harvest, fresh.
[ ] the original morphology of Taiwan Viburnum shrubs, up to 2m. Young branchlets, buds, below the leaf veins are stellate pilose; winter buds with 1 pairs of narrow flake. Leaves opposite; petiole 6-10( -15) mm; leaves thickly papery or leathery, leaf blade oblong, oblong-lanceolate or obovate-oblong,6-11cm long,2-4cm wide, apex mucronate to suborbicular, base broadly cuneate or subrounded, margin except base has a shallowly serrate, teeth tops convex head, dark green above and glossy, lateral veins 5-6 pairs, arcuate, together with the midrib on very depression, marked below projections, small veins slightly raised below. Inflorescence terminal, ca.3cm, width of 2cm; peduncle slender, ca.2cm; calyx tube cylindric campanulate, ca.2mm, calyx limb with5 micro gear; corolla white, funnelform, ca.6mm, corolla tube ca.5mm, diameter of about2mm, lobes suborbicular, ca.3mm; stamens; style slender, far higher than calyx teeth, stigmas capitate. Drupe red, broadly elliptic, ca.9mm, about 6mm in diameter; the number of nuclear irregular hexagonal, there is a closed tube shaped deep ventral groove.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 1600-3000m rocky scrub or valley streams.
Resource distribution: located in Taiwan, Hunan and Northern Guangxi.
[ ] taste slightly bitter taste; Xin; cold
[ indications ] blood stasis pain; laxative. The main injuries; constipation
[ usage] oral Decoction: fresh goods,15-30g,60g; grind end, every time 15g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]



Overview: This product is Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. Labiatae Salvia miltiorrhiza roots and rhizomes of. Spring, autumn two season of excavation, removal of sand, dry.
Alias: red, purple salvia, Dahongpao, wood sheep.
Resistance type: Huoxue Tiaojing pills
The character and taste tropism: bitter, slightly cold. The heart, liver.
Actions: to stop pain, activating blood flow, heart chufan. For irregular menstruation, amenorrhea dysmenorrhea, { sign } abdominal accumulation, thoracic and abdominal pain, heat arthralgia pain, sore throat, insomnia; hepatosplenomegaly, angina pectoris.
Usage and dosage:9~ 15g. Not with hellebore with. Home and dry. Home and dry.
Storage: a dry place.
Clinical application of:
1Tianwang Buxin Dan (" school note woman cure" ) treat Yin heat, hung up card. Virtual annoying little sleep, heart palpitations, Shenpi, nocturnal forgetful, dry stool, sore tongue, red tongue less moss, pulse counting. 120g15g rehmannia root, ginseng, Radix Scrophulariae15g,15g, white tuckahoe 15g, from15g15g30g, Platycodon, Schisandra, angelica30g, from30g30g30g, Ophiopogon japonicus, arborvitae seed, wild jujube kernel30g. on to the end, Lian pill as large as sycamore seeds, Zhusa Mi, five money for clothes, face lie bamboo Decoction of money, or round eyes soup. Method of Salvia miltiorrhiza in blood and blood, nourishing the heart Chufan, as adjuvant.
2 Effect of Danshen Decoction (" song" when the treatment of blood stasis of the heart and stomach ) of all pain. 30g salvia, sandalwood, Amomum villosum5G. to a water cup, fry seven minutes. Method of red-rooted salvia Huoxue Zhitong, live in and raise, not to hurt the blood stasis, as monarch drug.
3Huoluoxiaoling Dan (" Medical Co participation in the West." ) treatment of Qi and blood stagnation syndrome. Abdomen pain, or leg pain, or traumatic bruises, or inside the sore. Angelica15g,15g salvia, frankincense, myrrh15g15g. Water decoction. Method of promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis with Salvia miltiorrhiza, as the official medicine.


Northeast centaury

[ source ] Gentianaceae northeast centaury Centaurium meyeri ( Bunge ) Druce [Erythraea meyeri Bunge], with floral complete grass is used as medicine.
[ ] in Liaoning, Jilin distribution habitat, Inner Mongolia.
[ ] taste bitter, cold.
[ ] functions of clearing away heat and toxic material. Treating hepatitis, cholecystitis, have a fever, headache, toothache, tonsillitis.
[ usage] formula,2~ 3money.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


In mpsilurus

[ alias ] sheep, blind, blind, blind touch of rat
[ source ] Cricetidae animal of Manchurian zokor Myospalax psilurus Milne-Edwards., to the overall drying research at the end. The four seasons can catch, abdominal sliver, the tile baked to yellow and black, grind.
[ ] taste salty, cold.
[ indications ] alexipharmic detumescence. For lymphatic system tumors at the beginning, aplastic anemia, chemotherapy, radiotherapy induced leukopenia, chronic hepatitis, systemic lupus erythematosus.
[ usage] from 1 to1.5.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"
