
Au split hair musk

[Pinyin] āo Liè Máo Shè Xiānɡ

[Alias​​] hair musk, mountain mint

[Source] source based medicine: Scrophulariaceae concave crack hair musk plant the whole plant.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Adenosma re-tusilobum Tsoong et Chin
Harvesting and storage: summer, fall harvest, cut and dried or fresh use.

[Original form] perennial herb, 5-20cm. Bend or camber base, the upper branches with little. Stems cylindrical, long soft hair was white. Single Leaves opposite; the lower part of the early dry leaves, the central largest, ovate to oval leaves, long 3-20mm, wide-base heart-shaped wedge to Asia, a sudden contraction into the stalk, apex obtuse to slightly pointed, edge irregular scalloped, above the equatorial long soft hair, thin hair on the back, densely yellow glandular dots, brown glandular dots left off the pit. Raceme top students, being a long soft hair; the lower part of leafy bracts, the small upward gradient; pedicel about 1mm; narrow strip of small bracts, shorter than calyx; deep cleft calyx 5; corolla purple, upper lip eggs oblong shape, no deep four missing lower lip lobes, stamens two strong, two-bedroom behind the anthers mature in only 1 room, another room is small and hollow, where one pair of anther room only 1 room mature, but later for small. Capsule oval, about 2mm. Flowers, fruit from August to November.

[Habitat distribution] environment: Born in 600-850m above sea level on the banks of streams wasteland.
Resource distribution: distributed in Guangxi, Yunnan.

[Taste] Weixin; of tepid

【Indications】 Sanyu pain. Main bruises

Dosage topical: the amount of fresh product, stir dressing; or transfer deposited into powder.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"

