
Bean pear

[name] D ò u L í [alias] wild pear, pear, pear, deer iron Tang pear [source] Rosaceae Pyrus Pyrus calleryana Decne., in the leaves, branches, roots, fruit is used as medicine. [distribution] provinces in the Yangtze River valley. [taste] Leaf: root, slightly sweet, acerbity, cool. Fruit: acid, sweet, bitter, cold. [indications] Leaf: root, Runfei cough, clearing away heat and toxic material. Indications Feizao cough, acute conjunctivitis. Dosage 0.5 ~ 1 two. Fruit: the stomach, diarrhea. Dosage 0.5 ~ 1 two, topical amount. [from] "the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

