
Diego split yellow pansy

[source] only contained in the "higher plants of China". [name] Di Li Hu N and J from n English [name] Thickwing Corydalis [alias] thick wing corydalis. [source] Medicine based sources: the Papaveraceae Diego all grass yellow pansy's crack. Latin plant animal mineral name: Corydalis dasyptera Maxim. Harvesting and storage: in summer and autumn, the roots digging, wash, dry or dry. The original form of [] Diego split yellow pansy perennial herb, high 5-35cm, lead gray, glabrous. Taproot slender, ranging from coarse fibrous distorted, much a horsetail, ca. 10cm. Rhizome slender cylindrical, long 5-10cm, the upper end is covered with scales. Stems L-2, clustered, usually unbranched. Basal leaves 5-8; petiole length 2-10cm, base sheathlike; leaf blade profile narrowly oblong, and the handle length, width 1.7-2.5cm, pinnatisect, lobes 7-15, sessile, then 2-3 parted, ultimate lobes ovate to obovate, margin entire, subleathery, usually imbricate stack pressure; stem leaves no or 1, small, short shanks. Racemes terminal, 2-8cm long, close a flower flowers 5-15; proximal bracts are pinnatipartite, is not lobed; pedicel length 10-15mm, shorter than bracts; sepals small, apex dentate; corolla yellowish brown to yellowish, long 16-21mm, outer petals debate piece ovate cucullate, the central back crista high and extends to the distance, away from the cylindrical, ca. as long full flap 1/2, outer petals under the claw portion dilated into ovate, slightly concave; ovary oblong, as long as pedicel 2 times, stigma square hastate, apical 2 - lobed. Capsule oblong, ca. 12mm, the width is about 2.5mm. Seeds 2 columns, 4-6 gold, ball shaped, about 2mm in diameter, black, shiny. Florescence 6-8 month. The habitat distribution [] Ecological environment: born in 3500-4800m altitude alpine grassland rock seam in woodland or under. Resources distribution: distribution of Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Tibet etc.. [taste] bitter astringent; cold; toxic; [to] by heart; liver; stomach [indications] Qingrejiedu; hemostasis astringing sores. The main fever fever; jaundice hepatitis; enteritis; traumatic hemorrhage; sore ulcer after failing to close [usage] oral: at the end of the research, 2-3g. External use: amount, grind end apply. The discussion of "Xinhua materia medica [] outline": hemostasis astringing sores function. For traumatic bleeding, ulcer, ulcer, rupture, durable, high fever. [excerpts] "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

