
Immediate Malan

[name] D from N and T u M have L n [alias] tinea medicine [source] Medicine based sources: Acanthaceae plant horse blue all grass. Latin plant animal mineral name: Tarphochlamys affinis (Griff.) Bre-mek. [Adenosina affinis Griff.; Strobilanthes FFINIS (Griff.) Y. C. Tang] Harvesting and storage: the summer and autumn harvest, clean, fresh or dried. [original] immediate Strobilanthes cusia morphology herbaceous, up to 60cm. Stem base multi geniculate, much branched, tender stem with white strigose. Ye Duisheng; petiolate; leaf blade ovate, long 3-8cm, apex acuminate, both surfaces sparsely hispid, margin obtuse teeth. Spikelike inflorescence terete, terminal, long 3-6cm; bracts imbricate, broadly obovate to ovate, ca. 7mm; bracteoles slightly shorter than bracts, linear; calyx lobes 5, linear, three were with glandular hairs and long eyelashes; corolla purple, ca. 2.5cm, lobes 5, slightly two lip; stamens two, extended corollaceous outside, have degenerated stamen remnants of between 2 short stamens, filament base film is connected to both sides of the edge of the membrane, pilose. Capsule ca. 7mm, have small hair. 4 seeds. The habitat distribution [] Ecological environment: in the hillside grassland or shrubland in. Resource distribution: distribution in Guizhou, Yunnan and other places. [taste] bitter; Xin; cool [indications] insecticidal antipruritic. Treating tinea scabies; [usage] external: amount, Jiantang washing or fresh pound deposited. [excerpts] "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

