

Source. From "the plant is a map test". [name] D ò u B à n L job [Herb or root] English name of Fourleaf Peperomia [alias] bean Pyrola, rock band of grass, grass seeds, bean like seeds Pyrola, asarum, stone blossom, four tile, rock bean, bean straw, round leaves, stone, rock melon dish from the flower, stone tile grout, a stick of incense, three years. [source] Medicine source: all grass green watercress Piperaceae or hairy leaves the watercress. Latin plant animal mineral name: 1.Peperomia tetraphylla (Forst.f.) Hook.etArn.2.Peperomia tetraphylla (Forst.f.) Hook.et Arn var. sinensis (C.CD.) P.S.Chen et P.C.Zhu. Harvesting and storage: summer harvest, cleaning, use fresh or dried. The original form [] 1 watercress green annual tufted herbs, high 10-30cm. Stem fleshy, base prostrate, many branched, lower nodes usually producing adventitious roots, internodes with thick vertical edges. Leaves crowded, 3-4 verticillate, nearly equal size; petiole length 1-2mm, glabrous or pubescent; leaf blade oblong or suborbicular, 9-12mm long, 5-9mm wide, blunt ends or round leaves, glabrous or puberulous, veins 3, slender, usually not obvious; leaves with fleshy, with pellucid dots, dry when the pale yellow, and display the wrinkles. Spike solitary, terminal or axillary, long 2-4.5cm; peduncle slightly more rachis short and thin, was sparsely hairy or subglabrous, and inflorescence rachis densely pubescent; bracts suborbicular, with a short handle, shield shaped; flowers small, bisexual, without perianth, and bracts on inflorescence axis sag department; stamens 2, flower silk short, anthers nearly oblong; ovary ovoid, room 1, stigma terminal, subcapitate, pubescent. Berry ovoid globose, apex acute, long near 1mm/ florescence 2-4 month and 9-10 months. 2 hairy leaves and green watercress watercress green the different point depends on plant is short, even the inflorescence length 3-5cm. Stem branched, densely hirsute. The leaf is lesser, rhombic elliptic, long 6-8mm, wide 5-6mm, both surfaces densely hirsute, abaxially. Inflorescences short, in florescence is long 7-11mm, peduncles densely hirsute. Florescence 4-9 month. [distribution] Ecological environment: 1 in Forest Wetland or rock mountain and stone gap wet places, sometimes in the trunk. 2 born in the stone or a tree. Distribution of resources: 1 located in Fujian, Taiwan, Hainan, Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Guangxi etc.. 2 distributed in Guizhou, Yunnan. [character] with shape identification of stem surface coarse longitudinal ridge, with adventitious roots at nodes. Fleshy, dry shrinkage, flattened is oblong or suborbicular, shaped like a bean, long 8-12mm, wide 4-8mm, surface pale yellow, with pellucid dots, veins not obvious; petiole very short. The top branches or leaf axils usually spikes, inflorescence rachis densely hairy. Gas micro, light. [taste] Xin; suffering; tepid [] the lung meridian; liver; spleen [indications] Shujinhuoxue; dehumidification; phlegm cough. The main rheumatism muscles pain; injuries; sore furuncle swollen poison; pharyngitis; stomatitis; diarrhea; watery diarrhea; sushi needless; rickets in children; over strained cough; asthma; pertussis [usage]: Decoction orally, 10-15g; wine or dip into the pill, powder. External use: the amount, fresh pound deposited or twisted juice coated, or Decoction fumigation. [the paper] 1 "Zhiwu Mingshi tukao": in treating traumatic. 2 "Guizhou herbal": cough, invigorating the spleen. 3 "Yunnan Chinese herbal medicine": heat detoxification, relieve muscle. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

