
Du Jingshan

From" after this draft".
[ ] Pinyin name Dù Jī n Sh ān
[ alias ] soil, water, Mt. Hengshan foot bridge leaves, Yama Ko, pepper tree, gold Shagen tea, white tea, Imperata cylindrica, wild pepper, Yama Keika, the clock
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Myrsinaceae plant Du Jingshan root or stem and leaf.
Latin animal mineral name: Maesa japonica ( Thunb ) Moritzi ·[Doraena japonica Thunb.]
Harvest and storage: the year may collect, abluent, cut use fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Bush, tall 1-3m. Erect, sometimes decumbent or climbing; branchlets with finely striate, sparsely lenticellate. Ye Husheng5-13mm; petiole long; leaf blade leathery, sometimes thin, oval to lanceolate or elliptic, obovate to oblong-obovate, generally about 10cm, width of 3cm, Zhu ends acuminate, acute or obtuse, sometimes caudate-acuminate, base cuneate, obtuse or rounded, several entire or above middle most sparsely serrate, or except base are sparsely serrulate; abaxial midvein conspicuously, uplift, lateral veins 5-8 pairs, less obvious, Obata Naoda tooth tip. Racemes or panicles, single1 or 2-3axillary, long 1-3cm, only near base with a few branched; bracts ovate, long not to 1mm; pedicels 2-3mm, glabrous or very sparsely puberulent; bracteoles broadly ovate or reniform, close to calyx base, with sparsely ciliate or fine glandular dots; flowers like the length of about 2mm, sepals ca.1mm, ovate to nearly circular, with obvious vein gland stripes, lobes long tube for1 /3or less, ovate or reniform, edge slightly serrulate; stamens inserted in corolla central slightly, included; filaments and anther length, anther ovate, back with glandular dots; stigma lobed. Fruit is globose, diameter 4-5mm, fleshy, glandular stripes with vein, persistent calyx bag fruit apex, often Guansu latch style. Florescence 1-3 month, fruit period in October or May.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 300-2000m slopes or limestone scrub woodland or under.
Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest and Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and other places.
Character differentiation stem cylindrical, length, surface tawny, with fine streaks and sparsely lenticellate. Blade breaking, to complete the flattened oval, elliptic-lanceolate, obovate or oblong-ovate,5-15cm long,2-5cm wide, apex acute or acute, base cuneate or rounded, margin above the middle of a tooth. Gas micro, taste bitter.
Ye Heng: microscopic section of upper and lower epidermal cells flat square, outer skin, occasionally unicellular non-glandular hairs. Palisade tissue2columns of cells, through the midrib, midvein under the skin of medial collenchyma; midrib bundle the week of tough, lateral around the fiber bundle parenchyma, scattered in the secretory cavity. The mesophyll and the parenchyma cells visible clusters of calcium oxalate and yellow brown inclusions.
[ ] chemical constituents of fruits containing maesaquinone ( maesaquinone ) [1].
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ ] functions of expelling wind evil; solution of epidemic toxin; swelling expansion. The main infectious diseases; and sends the rest of indeterminate; body aches; irritability; thirst; edema; traumatic swelling and pain; traumatic bleeding
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15~ 30g. External application: suitable, washed fried or trace and apply.
[ ] the discussion
1" after this draft" : the main temperature - and hair from indefinite, polydipsia, headache, heart impatient. The leaves Daolan, with new wine dip, Jiashi clothes, spitting out saliva very evil.
2" Hunan": dispelling wind and cold, drug Zhi detumescence expansion. Treatment of low back pain, cold headache, dizzy his eyes.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


