
Thorn of Coptis chinensis

[ source ] from Shaanxi" herbal".
[ ] Pinyin name C Hu 's n Li 's n to be
English name [ ] root of Soulie Barberry
[ source ]
Medicine source: Berberidaceae plant leaves ten credit, Western Hubei ten credit and ten Mengzi credit roots and stems.
Latin animal mineral name: 1.Mahonia flavida Schneid.2.Mahonia decipiens Schneid.3.Mahonia hancockiana Takeda.
Harvest and storage: four seasons were collected, root: remove fibrous roots, wash the dirt, dried leaves, stems : the removal of impurities, dried.
[ ] the original morphology
1 leaves ten. Evergreen shrub, high 2m. Wooden white, grey, yellow section. Stems erect, bark rough, grey and white. Leaves alternate; pinnate, petiolate; leaflets usually 5-9, leathery, leaf blade lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, apex acute or acuminate, base cuneate, margin serrate above 3-5 needle-like, dark green, glossy, surface light green. About order terminal racemose, several racemes arranged into paniculate, axillary withdrawn by bud scales; sepals 9, in 3 whorls; petals 6, yellow. Berry globose, ripe when blue purple. Flowering 4-5.
2 West Hubei ten credit evergreen shrub, high 1-2m. Diameter of vertical, bark yellow. Leaves alternate, pinnately compound, leaflets; 3-7; terminal petiolule length 2.5-4cm, lateral leaflets sessile; leaves leathery, leaflets ovate, length 4-8cm, width 3-405cm, terminal leaflet is larger, length 8-9cm, width 5-6cm, apex acuminate, base truncate or slightly cordate. Edge 4-6 spinose serrate, two dark green, with raised and open. Racemes fascicled racemes long 2-3, 5-6cm, 4-6cm pedicel long; sepals 9, 3 round, ovate or oblong-elliptic; yellow flowers, petals obovate, apex retuse, matrix based on dense glands; stamens 6; ovary contains 2 ovules, have short styles. Flowering 8-9.
3 Mengzi ten credit evergreen shrub, high 2-3m, stems erect, unbranched. Leaves leathery, pinnately compound leaves, with leaflets 9-13; terminal petiolule length 1.5-2.5cm, large ovate to ovate, lateral petiolules, smaller, obliquely ovate, long 4-8cm, 2-4cm wide, apex acute, spiny, base broadly cuneate or rounded, margin slightly revolute, with spiny tooth. Racemes Lou Hezhi plexus in stem apex; flowers 3 base, yellow; ovary with few ovules. Berries dark blue, tegument whitening. Flowering of 4-5 months, fr. 6-7.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: 1, roadside slopes was born in or near the woods.
In 2, an elevation of 850-1500m mountain shrub in.
Born in 3 in hillside, roadside bushes.
Distribution of resources distribution in Yunnan: 1.
2 products in Western Hubei.
3 Distribution in Yunnan.
[ ] the taste of bitter cold;
[ ] the liver meridian tropism;
[ function ] detoxification; resolving phlegm and relieving cough. The main cold and fever; sore throat, enteritis, diarrhea; jaundice; hypertension; tuberculosis La hemoptysis; traumatic injury; toothache
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 9-15g. External: moderate, grind end powder.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

