
Carob wood

[ ] " herbal " from Guizhou.
[ ] Pinyin name Dò u Jiǎ o Chá I
[ ] Root of Delavay Clovershrub English name
[ alias ] southwest Jing sub tip.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: drug legume southwest Jing sub tip root.
Latin animal mineral name: Campylotropis delavayi ( Franch. ) Schindl.[Lespedeza delavayi Franch.]
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, digging root, washed, sliced, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Southwest Jing sub pin bush, tall 1-3m. Branchlets angled, in addition to lobular above and corollaceous outside, are adnate silk. Three leaves; stipules small, lanceolate; leaflets ovate or obovate, apex slightly big hard paper, leaflets, long 4.5-6cm, wide 2.5-4.5cm, apex rounded, slightly concave, base rounded slightly narrower, entire, puberulent below. Raceme densely, forming large terminal panicles, Admiral shape, long handle 5-6mm; calyx campanulate, calyx teeth 5 crack, narrowly lanceolate, to two times the length of calyx tube, the above 2 connate, with silky hairs; corolla dark purple, glabrous, ca. 1cm, keel, petal, wing valve table length. The pod is elliptic, long 5-7mm, prominent veins, was sparsely sericeous. Florescence in October, month of fruit period 10-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in wild grass slope, the roadside.
Resource distribution: distribution in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
[ ] taste slightly bitter cold; Xin;
[ ] the lung meridian
[ ] Shufeng Qingre functions. The main common cold fever;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 15-30g.
Excerpts from " Chinese Materia Medica " [ ]


Round cardamom

[ ] Dò u Pinyin name Kò u
English name [ ] Fructus Amomi Rotundus
[ alias ] white cardamom, round cardamom, nutmeg original, buckle meters.
[ source ] to Zingiberaceae Amomum compactum Amomum compactum Soland. Ex Maton fruit. Autumn when ripe, removed from the seeds for peel, broken.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herb. Leaves lanceolate, top with long pointed, with the exception of gross margin, glabrous; petiole absent. Ye Shechu was sparsely hairy, glabrescent only sparsely ciliate; leaf sheath mouth glabrous; inflorescences of spikes cylindric; bracts ovate-oblong; calyx tube hairs; corolla white or slightly yellowish; labellum elliptic, slightly concave, pale yellow, midrib has edged with purple orange belt; stamens 1; ovary pilose. Florescence 2 ~ May, fruit period from 6 to August.
[ ] born in ravine humid habitats Distribution Department, China cultivated in shade. Hainan, Yunnan, Guangxi has cultivated. Native to Indonesia.
[ character ] fruit is globose, diameter 0.8 ~1.2cm; surface yellowish white to yellowish brown, with 3 deep longitudinal groove, the top has protruding column bases, base the Ministry has a concave lower stipe marks, both ends of which are provided with light brown hair. Peel easily longitudinally fissured, which is divided into 3 chambers, each chamber containing the seeds of about 10 grains. The seeds are irregular polyhedron, abaxially slightly uplift, diameter of 3~ 4mm, surface dark brown, wrinkled. Gas aromatic, slightly cooler Weixin like camphor.
[ ] chemical composition containing eucalyptol, borneol, d- b-, a- pinene terpineol etc..
[ ] the taste of warm, spicy.
[ ] functions of wet and stomach, gas line width in. For loss of appetite, nausea, chest and stomach pain in the stomach.
[ note ] A.kravanh Pirre ex Gagnep. cardamom fruit is used as medicine.
[ ] " * dictionary " excerpt


Cardamom flower

[ source ] " pieces of new. "
[ ] Dò u Pinyin name Kò u Hu.
[ source ] to Zingiberaceae cardamom flower. The summer mining. Pick to pedicel, dried.
[ character ] dried flowers, a flat pressure long pieces, appearance light yellow, coated by a membranous shaped perianth, have significantly lower residual longitudinal veins, pedicel. Commodity mostly perianth fragments, with few pedicel. Micro aromatic.
[ ] taste spicy, flat.
[ ] functions of appetizers Qi, antiemetic, wide fullness.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 0.5~ 1.5 money.
[ note ] Yin heat jiyong.
[ ] " * dictionary " excerpt


Nutmeg shells

[ source ] this product is Zingiberaceae cardamom Amomum Kravanh Pierre ex Gagnep. Or Java Amomum Amomum compactum Soland ex Maton fruit is the dried ripe fruit of the cashew nut shell.
[ ], taste, temperature.
[ ] to the lung, spleen, stomach meridian.
[ ] of functions of wet gas, temperature antiemetic. Suitable for cold-damp stagnation, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal distension Wan.
[ usage] 3~ 6G, should be after the decoction of.
[ note ] ( 1) function and cardamom are identical, but the temperature is slightly reduced, the stress of weak.
[ ] " from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine "


Callery pear

[ ] Pinyin name Dò u L í
[ alias ] wild pear, pear, pear, iron deer Tang pear
[ source ] Rosaceae bean pear Pyrus calleryana Decne., with leaves, branches, roots, fruit is used as medicine.
[ ] habitat distribution of Yangtze River Basin provinces.
Taste [ ]
Root, leaf: slightly sweet, acerbity, cool.
Fruit: acid, sweet, bitter, cold.
[ indications ]
Root, leaf: Runfei cough, clearing away heat and toxic material. Attending lung dryness cough, acute conjunctivitis. The dosage of 0.5~ 1 two.
Fruit: the stomach, diarrhea. The dosage of 0.5~ 1 two, topical amount.
[ ] " from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine "



[ ] Dò u Pinyin name Liè Dā n
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Redanko plant beans broomrape total grass.
Latin plant animal name: Mannagettaea labiata H. Smith mineral
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of bean broomrape parasitic herbaceous, tall 10-11cm. The part on the ground only high 3-3.5cm. Stems stout, short. Leaves few, scaly, fresh lanceolate, ca. 1.5cm, wide 6-9mm. Flowers numerous, often 8-10 a dense clusters in the top of the stem, is head of Zhengzhou city; bracts ovate-lanceolate, long 1.8-2.2cm, wide 4-5mm. Apex acuminate, both surfaces subglabrous; bracteoles 2, linear-lanceolate; calyx tubular, apex 5 crack; corolla two lip, dry yellow, erect, 5-6cm long, corolla lobes and margin densely long woolly; stamens 4, inserted on corolla tube base from 1-1.2cm, filaments slightly brawny, long 3-3.5cm below middle, densely long woolly, upward gradient glabrous, anther densely yellow-white long woolly; ovary ovoid, style long 4-4.5cm, stigma subglobose. Florescence 6-7 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: often parasitic on Caragana ( Caragana ) on plant roots.
Resource distribution: distribution in sichuan.
[ indications ] swelling detoxification; diarrhea. The main boils innominate toxic swelling; diarrhea;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 3-10g. External: amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from " Chinese Materia Medica " [ ]


Beans Ma

[ ] Pinyin name Dò u M á
[ alias ] leprosy grass, Guangxi Ai Ma
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Urticaceae plant grape Yeai linen tape whole plant root.
Latin botanical name: Laportea violacea Gagnep. animal minerals ( L.vitifolia Hand.-Mazz. )
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn collection, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of shrubs or subshrubs, 1-2m. Upper stem and branchlets students bristles, bristles, coarse, long 3-4mm, with long wool pillow. Ye Husheng; petiolar long 4-8cm, the hard bristles; stipules ovate-triangular, apex 2 - lobed; leaf blade broadly ovate or subcordate, long 5-12cm, wide 4-10cm, apex acuminate, base often truncate, margin dentate, dark green above, is adnate size bristles, following often purplish, sparsely size bristles, cystoliths fine point, two clouds; basal veins 3, 1 on the lateral arcuate, lateral veins 3 to. Inflorescence monoecious; narrowly conical, branches short, male students in the lower leaf axils, with a short stalk, up to 8cm, female students near the top leaf axils, up to 20m, peduncle length 7-10CM, inflorescence axis being sized bristles. Male flowers in sessile; perianth segments 4 ( -5 ), connate to middle, sparsely fine bristles; stamens ( 4- ) 5; pistillode obpyriform. Female flowers with Terrier, tepals 4, unequal; ovary with short gynophore, stigma wire shape. Achenes obovoid, skew, slightly flat, two sides has verrucae, lower shrinkage of a stalk, born in short gynophore; pedicels in fruit inflated into an inverted oval membranous wing. Florescence 6-8 month, month of fruit period 8-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 200-1100m hillside woodland in.
Resource distribution: distribution in southwest Guangxi.
[ ] the taste of Xin Wen;
[ indications ] Qufeng desiccant; and a stomach of turbidity. The main rheumatic arthralgia; limb numbness and the digestive tract infection; chest; abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 6-15g; or leach liquor.
Excerpts from " Chinese Materia Medica " [ ]


Bean leaf.

[ ] Dò u Pinyin name Yè Shē n
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: for Erlang Mountain Primula Primulaceae plants.
Latin botanical name: Primula epilosa Craib animal fossil
Harvest and storage: 7-9 months digging roots, removed from fibrous roots, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herb. With short rhizomes and most thick long roots. Leaves basal, blossom time in new leaf base scaly, scales oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 6-20mm long, with brown; petiolar long 5-25mm, wide winged; leaf blade oblong-obovate or oblong-oblanceolate, blossom when the new leaves are undeveloped, old leaf length 5-10cm, width 2-4cm, apex rounded, base attenuate, margin with callose pointed triangular teeth, when the stem is nearly leathery, dark green above, rough, pale green below, only along veins sparsely yellow, slightly wider in rib. Scapes 3.5-14cm, terminal umbel with flower 2-5; bracts strip or strips lanceolate, membranous; pedicels long 3-10mm, long 4-20mm, covered with yellow hairs; calyx campanulate, long 7-11mm, 5 lobed, lobes ovate or ovate-lanceolate, outside yellow hairs; corolla purplish blue, there is sparse. Dark purple stripes, 5 lobed, lobes broadly obovate, width of 12mm, apex deeply 2 crack; long style flowers: corolla tube ca. 10mm, stamen from the crown cylinder basal ca. 4mm, style slightly protruding cylinder port; short style flowers: corolla tube length 14-17mm, stamens nearly crown cylinder mouth was born, style long 4-5.5mm. Capsule globose, wrapped in a enlarged persistent calyx. Seeds numerous, round, black, have small wart. Florescence 4-5 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 2000-2900m forest margins and damp rock.
Resource distribution: distribution in Hubei and the Western Sichuan ( Tianquan, Luding ).
[ ] taste Gan; cool
[ ] functions of clearing heat and removing dampness. The main jaundice; urine color of Huang Setong
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 9-18g.
Excerpts from " Chinese Materia Medica " [ ]


Bean leaf seven

[ ] Dò u Pinyin name YèQ ī
[ alias ] strictosidine lotus, lotus, mung bean, broad bean, gold scissors seven bean leaf langdu.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Sedum plants Yunnan red king big roots and grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Rhodiola yunnanensis ( Franch. ) S.H.Fu ( Sedum yunnanense Franch. )
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn collection, chopped washed use fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Rhodiola perennial herbs of Yunnan. Root neck is thick and long, straight hydrocarbon of up to 2cm, unbranched or few branched, apex are ovate-triangular scales. Stems solitary or few students, erect, up to 100cm. 3 impeller are unripe, dilute opposite, sessile; leaves ovate-lanceolate, elliptic to ovate-oblong, 4-9cm long, 2-6cm wide, apex obtuse, base rounded cuneate, margin sparsely serrate. Thyrses, long 5-15cm, repeatedly trigeminal branches; flowers unisexual, dioecious; dilute gender, male flowers small and much, sepals 4, petals lanceolate, 0.5mm long; 4, yellow green, spatulate, long 1.5mm, stamens 8, shorter than petals; female sepals, petals each 4, petals purple or green, linear, 1.2mm long; scales 4, nearly orbicular; carpels 4, egg shape divaricate, basally connate. Follicles, astral form, long 3-3.2mm, apex deflexed, beak length 1mm. Florescence 5-7 month, month of fruit period 7-8.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 2000-4000m hillside forest under rocks or brook edge rock.
Resource distribution: distribution in Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet and other places.
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ ] the lung meridian; kidney; liver by
[ ] functions of invigorating lung and kidney; heat cough; blood stasis and hemostasis. Main consumptive cough; lumbago due to deficiency of the kidney; sore throat; traumatic swelling and pain; traumatic bleeding
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 6-12g; or leach liquor. External: amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from " Chinese Materia Medica " [ ]


Soybean oil

[ source ] from the " compendium of Materia Medica ".
[ ] Dò u Pinyin name Yó u
English name [ ] Soya-bean Oil
[ source ] medicine source: for legume soybean Glycine max ( L. ) Merr. seed extract fatty oil.
Latin animal mineral name: Glycine max ( L. ) Merr. [Phaseolus Max L.]
[ ] the original morphology of soybean erect annual herb, high 60-180cm. Stems stout, densely brown hirsute. Petiole long, densely yellowish hirsute; stipules small, lanceolate; three leaves, terminal leaflets rhombic ovate, long 7-13cm, wide 3-6cm, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate or rounded, sides have white villous, side unripe flocculus is smaller, obliquely ovate; leaf axil and petiolules densely yellow hirsute. Racemes axillary; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, hairy; calyx. Calyx teeth lanceolate in shape, 5, the following 1 teeth, the longest, are densely white villous; corolla small, white or pale purple, slightly lower than the calyx grows; upper petal apex retuse, wing flap with 1 ears, keel sickle; stamens 10, two; ovary linear, hairy. The pod of oblong, slightly curved, ptosis, yellow green, densely yellow hirsute. Seeds 2-5, yellowish green or black, ovoid to subglobose, ca. 1cm. Florescence 6-7 month, month of fruit period 8-10.
[ ] habitat distribution ecological environment: the extensive cultivation.
[ character ] trait identification of yellow brown or yellow translucent liquid, oily greasy. Fragrance, when heating is more obvious. In the pure ethanol and ether, slightly soluble, chloroform, petroleum ether can be arbitrarily mixed. The relative density of 0.918-0.930. Refractive index of 1.473-1.478. Iodine value is 130-138. Saponification value is 190-195. Acid value not greater than 3.
[ ] the chemical composition of soybean oil fatty acids, saturated in general about 10%, more than for the unsaturated fatty acids. The former is mainly of stearic acid and palmitic acid ( stearic acid ) ( palmitic acid ), the latter mainly linoleic acid ( linoleic acid ), oleic acid ( oleic acid ) and linolenic acid ( linolenic acid ). In addition to the component ( 1.5%-2.5% ), mainly for phospholipid. Soybean sterol content is 0.38-0.53%, includingβ - sitosterol, stigmasterol (β -Sitosterol ) ( stigmasterol ) and campesterol ( campesterol ), the other containing the β - carotene ( 0.04-0.2mg%β -carotene ), vitamin E (i.e., tocopherol, tocopherol ) 90-110mg%, the basis of prey enolase (cycloartenol ) and squalene ( squalene ).
[ ] the taste of Gan Xin; temperature;
[ ] to the large intestine meridian
[ indications ] Runchang catharsis; insecticide detoxification. Lord worm obstruction; constipation; mange
[ usage]: stew oral temperature, 15-30g. External: appropriate, applying; or he medicine.
[ ] the paper 1 " compendium of Materia Medica ": Tu sore scabies, solution ZHI.
2 " with interest in dietary spectrum ": Runzao, detoxification, insecticidal.
Excerpts from " Chinese Materia Medica " [ ]


Bean tree

[ ] Pinyin name Dò u Zh āSh ù
[ alias ] gourd wood, red deer, white ridge linen, food, alpine, Bai Cangmu lamp at
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: styracaceous plants red poplar leaf leaves and roots.
Latin animal mineral name: Alniphyllum fortunei ( Hemsl. ) Makino[A.hainanense Hayata; A.Fortune ( Hemsl ) Makino form.hy-poglaucum C. Y. Wu "
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of deciduous trees, tall 15-20m. Bark dark gray, with irregular longitudinal crack, often have a white plaque. Ye Husheng; handle long 1-2cm, stellate pilose to glabrous; leaf blade elliptic, oblong-elliptic or obovate elliptic, long 7-15cm, wide 4.5-8cm, apex acute to acuminate, thin tail tip, base broadly cuneate or cuneate, margin serrulate, covered with brown stellate hairs, sometimes deciduous variable glabrous, below brown or gray, sometimes with white; lateral veins 7-12 pairs. Racemes or panicles, terminal or axillary, pedicels densely brown stellate hairs; bracteoles subulate, caducous; calyx cup-shaped, apex with 5 teeth; flowers white with pink, long 1.5-2CM, corolla lobes 5, both surfaces stellate hairy; stamens 10, 5 long and 5 short, filament radical ministry the development about 8mm tube; ovary densely yellow long fluff, room 5, style linear, stigma obscurely 5 crack. Capsule oblong, ripe when split into 5 fruit valve. Seeds numerous, oblong, both ends of the irregular membranous wings. Florescence 4-7 month; month of fruit period 8-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of 200-2200m in the evergreen broad leaved forest.
Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest and Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and other places.
[ ] taste spice; sexual tepid
[ indications ] Qufeng desiccant; and water swelling. Lord
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 3-10g. External application: suitable, washed fried.
Excerpts from " Chinese Materia Medica " [ ]
