
Carob wood

[ ] " herbal " from Guizhou.
[ ] Pinyin name Dò u Jiǎ o Chá I
[ ] Root of Delavay Clovershrub English name
[ alias ] southwest Jing sub tip.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: drug legume southwest Jing sub tip root.
Latin animal mineral name: Campylotropis delavayi ( Franch. ) Schindl.[Lespedeza delavayi Franch.]
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, digging root, washed, sliced, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Southwest Jing sub pin bush, tall 1-3m. Branchlets angled, in addition to lobular above and corollaceous outside, are adnate silk. Three leaves; stipules small, lanceolate; leaflets ovate or obovate, apex slightly big hard paper, leaflets, long 4.5-6cm, wide 2.5-4.5cm, apex rounded, slightly concave, base rounded slightly narrower, entire, puberulent below. Raceme densely, forming large terminal panicles, Admiral shape, long handle 5-6mm; calyx campanulate, calyx teeth 5 crack, narrowly lanceolate, to two times the length of calyx tube, the above 2 connate, with silky hairs; corolla dark purple, glabrous, ca. 1cm, keel, petal, wing valve table length. The pod is elliptic, long 5-7mm, prominent veins, was sparsely sericeous. Florescence in October, month of fruit period 10-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in wild grass slope, the roadside.
Resource distribution: distribution in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
[ ] taste slightly bitter cold; Xin;
[ ] the lung meridian
[ ] Shufeng Qingre functions. The main common cold fever;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 15-30g.
Excerpts from " Chinese Materia Medica " [ ]


Round cardamom

[ ] Dò u Pinyin name Kò u
English name [ ] Fructus Amomi Rotundus
[ alias ] white cardamom, round cardamom, nutmeg original, buckle meters.
[ source ] to Zingiberaceae Amomum compactum Amomum compactum Soland. Ex Maton fruit. Autumn when ripe, removed from the seeds for peel, broken.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herb. Leaves lanceolate, top with long pointed, with the exception of gross margin, glabrous; petiole absent. Ye Shechu was sparsely hairy, glabrescent only sparsely ciliate; leaf sheath mouth glabrous; inflorescences of spikes cylindric; bracts ovate-oblong; calyx tube hairs; corolla white or slightly yellowish; labellum elliptic, slightly concave, pale yellow, midrib has edged with purple orange belt; stamens 1; ovary pilose. Florescence 2 ~ May, fruit period from 6 to August.
[ ] born in ravine humid habitats Distribution Department, China cultivated in shade. Hainan, Yunnan, Guangxi has cultivated. Native to Indonesia.
[ character ] fruit is globose, diameter 0.8 ~1.2cm; surface yellowish white to yellowish brown, with 3 deep longitudinal groove, the top has protruding column bases, base the Ministry has a concave lower stipe marks, both ends of which are provided with light brown hair. Peel easily longitudinally fissured, which is divided into 3 chambers, each chamber containing the seeds of about 10 grains. The seeds are irregular polyhedron, abaxially slightly uplift, diameter of 3~ 4mm, surface dark brown, wrinkled. Gas aromatic, slightly cooler Weixin like camphor.
[ ] chemical composition containing eucalyptol, borneol, d- b-, a- pinene terpineol etc..
[ ] the taste of warm, spicy.
[ ] functions of wet and stomach, gas line width in. For loss of appetite, nausea, chest and stomach pain in the stomach.
[ note ] A.kravanh Pirre ex Gagnep. cardamom fruit is used as medicine.
[ ] " * dictionary " excerpt


Cardamom flower

[ source ] " pieces of new. "
[ ] Dò u Pinyin name Kò u Hu.
[ source ] to Zingiberaceae cardamom flower. The summer mining. Pick to pedicel, dried.
[ character ] dried flowers, a flat pressure long pieces, appearance light yellow, coated by a membranous shaped perianth, have significantly lower residual longitudinal veins, pedicel. Commodity mostly perianth fragments, with few pedicel. Micro aromatic.
[ ] taste spicy, flat.
[ ] functions of appetizers Qi, antiemetic, wide fullness.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 0.5~ 1.5 money.
[ note ] Yin heat jiyong.
[ ] " * dictionary " excerpt


Nutmeg shells

[ source ] this product is Zingiberaceae cardamom Amomum Kravanh Pierre ex Gagnep. Or Java Amomum Amomum compactum Soland ex Maton fruit is the dried ripe fruit of the cashew nut shell.
[ ], taste, temperature.
[ ] to the lung, spleen, stomach meridian.
[ ] of functions of wet gas, temperature antiemetic. Suitable for cold-damp stagnation, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal distension Wan.
[ usage] 3~ 6G, should be after the decoction of.
[ note ] ( 1) function and cardamom are identical, but the temperature is slightly reduced, the stress of weak.
[ ] " from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine "


Callery pear

[ ] Pinyin name Dò u L í
[ alias ] wild pear, pear, pear, iron deer Tang pear
[ source ] Rosaceae bean pear Pyrus calleryana Decne., with leaves, branches, roots, fruit is used as medicine.
[ ] habitat distribution of Yangtze River Basin provinces.
Taste [ ]
Root, leaf: slightly sweet, acerbity, cool.
Fruit: acid, sweet, bitter, cold.
[ indications ]
Root, leaf: Runfei cough, clearing away heat and toxic material. Attending lung dryness cough, acute conjunctivitis. The dosage of 0.5~ 1 two.
Fruit: the stomach, diarrhea. The dosage of 0.5~ 1 two, topical amount.
[ ] " from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine "



[ ] Dò u Pinyin name Liè Dā n
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Redanko plant beans broomrape total grass.
Latin plant animal name: Mannagettaea labiata H. Smith mineral
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of bean broomrape parasitic herbaceous, tall 10-11cm. The part on the ground only high 3-3.5cm. Stems stout, short. Leaves few, scaly, fresh lanceolate, ca. 1.5cm, wide 6-9mm. Flowers numerous, often 8-10 a dense clusters in the top of the stem, is head of Zhengzhou city; bracts ovate-lanceolate, long 1.8-2.2cm, wide 4-5mm. Apex acuminate, both surfaces subglabrous; bracteoles 2, linear-lanceolate; calyx tubular, apex 5 crack; corolla two lip, dry yellow, erect, 5-6cm long, corolla lobes and margin densely long woolly; stamens 4, inserted on corolla tube base from 1-1.2cm, filaments slightly brawny, long 3-3.5cm below middle, densely long woolly, upward gradient glabrous, anther densely yellow-white long woolly; ovary ovoid, style long 4-4.5cm, stigma subglobose. Florescence 6-7 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: often parasitic on Caragana ( Caragana ) on plant roots.
Resource distribution: distribution in sichuan.
[ indications ] swelling detoxification; diarrhea. The main boils innominate toxic swelling; diarrhea;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 3-10g. External: amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from " Chinese Materia Medica " [ ]


Beans Ma

[ ] Pinyin name Dò u M á
[ alias ] leprosy grass, Guangxi Ai Ma
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Urticaceae plant grape Yeai linen tape whole plant root.
Latin botanical name: Laportea violacea Gagnep. animal minerals ( L.vitifolia Hand.-Mazz. )
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn collection, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of shrubs or subshrubs, 1-2m. Upper stem and branchlets students bristles, bristles, coarse, long 3-4mm, with long wool pillow. Ye Husheng; petiolar long 4-8cm, the hard bristles; stipules ovate-triangular, apex 2 - lobed; leaf blade broadly ovate or subcordate, long 5-12cm, wide 4-10cm, apex acuminate, base often truncate, margin dentate, dark green above, is adnate size bristles, following often purplish, sparsely size bristles, cystoliths fine point, two clouds; basal veins 3, 1 on the lateral arcuate, lateral veins 3 to. Inflorescence monoecious; narrowly conical, branches short, male students in the lower leaf axils, with a short stalk, up to 8cm, female students near the top leaf axils, up to 20m, peduncle length 7-10CM, inflorescence axis being sized bristles. Male flowers in sessile; perianth segments 4 ( -5 ), connate to middle, sparsely fine bristles; stamens ( 4- ) 5; pistillode obpyriform. Female flowers with Terrier, tepals 4, unequal; ovary with short gynophore, stigma wire shape. Achenes obovoid, skew, slightly flat, two sides has verrucae, lower shrinkage of a stalk, born in short gynophore; pedicels in fruit inflated into an inverted oval membranous wing. Florescence 6-8 month, month of fruit period 8-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 200-1100m hillside woodland in.
Resource distribution: distribution in southwest Guangxi.
[ ] the taste of Xin Wen;
[ indications ] Qufeng desiccant; and a stomach of turbidity. The main rheumatic arthralgia; limb numbness and the digestive tract infection; chest; abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 6-15g; or leach liquor.
Excerpts from " Chinese Materia Medica " [ ]


Bean leaf.

[ ] Dò u Pinyin name Yè Shē n
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: for Erlang Mountain Primula Primulaceae plants.
Latin botanical name: Primula epilosa Craib animal fossil
Harvest and storage: 7-9 months digging roots, removed from fibrous roots, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herb. With short rhizomes and most thick long roots. Leaves basal, blossom time in new leaf base scaly, scales oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 6-20mm long, with brown; petiolar long 5-25mm, wide winged; leaf blade oblong-obovate or oblong-oblanceolate, blossom when the new leaves are undeveloped, old leaf length 5-10cm, width 2-4cm, apex rounded, base attenuate, margin with callose pointed triangular teeth, when the stem is nearly leathery, dark green above, rough, pale green below, only along veins sparsely yellow, slightly wider in rib. Scapes 3.5-14cm, terminal umbel with flower 2-5; bracts strip or strips lanceolate, membranous; pedicels long 3-10mm, long 4-20mm, covered with yellow hairs; calyx campanulate, long 7-11mm, 5 lobed, lobes ovate or ovate-lanceolate, outside yellow hairs; corolla purplish blue, there is sparse. Dark purple stripes, 5 lobed, lobes broadly obovate, width of 12mm, apex deeply 2 crack; long style flowers: corolla tube ca. 10mm, stamen from the crown cylinder basal ca. 4mm, style slightly protruding cylinder port; short style flowers: corolla tube length 14-17mm, stamens nearly crown cylinder mouth was born, style long 4-5.5mm. Capsule globose, wrapped in a enlarged persistent calyx. Seeds numerous, round, black, have small wart. Florescence 4-5 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 2000-2900m forest margins and damp rock.
Resource distribution: distribution in Hubei and the Western Sichuan ( Tianquan, Luding ).
[ ] taste Gan; cool
[ ] functions of clearing heat and removing dampness. The main jaundice; urine color of Huang Setong
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 9-18g.
Excerpts from " Chinese Materia Medica " [ ]


Bean leaf seven

[ ] Dò u Pinyin name YèQ ī
[ alias ] strictosidine lotus, lotus, mung bean, broad bean, gold scissors seven bean leaf langdu.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Sedum plants Yunnan red king big roots and grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Rhodiola yunnanensis ( Franch. ) S.H.Fu ( Sedum yunnanense Franch. )
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn collection, chopped washed use fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Rhodiola perennial herbs of Yunnan. Root neck is thick and long, straight hydrocarbon of up to 2cm, unbranched or few branched, apex are ovate-triangular scales. Stems solitary or few students, erect, up to 100cm. 3 impeller are unripe, dilute opposite, sessile; leaves ovate-lanceolate, elliptic to ovate-oblong, 4-9cm long, 2-6cm wide, apex obtuse, base rounded cuneate, margin sparsely serrate. Thyrses, long 5-15cm, repeatedly trigeminal branches; flowers unisexual, dioecious; dilute gender, male flowers small and much, sepals 4, petals lanceolate, 0.5mm long; 4, yellow green, spatulate, long 1.5mm, stamens 8, shorter than petals; female sepals, petals each 4, petals purple or green, linear, 1.2mm long; scales 4, nearly orbicular; carpels 4, egg shape divaricate, basally connate. Follicles, astral form, long 3-3.2mm, apex deflexed, beak length 1mm. Florescence 5-7 month, month of fruit period 7-8.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 2000-4000m hillside forest under rocks or brook edge rock.
Resource distribution: distribution in Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet and other places.
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ ] the lung meridian; kidney; liver by
[ ] functions of invigorating lung and kidney; heat cough; blood stasis and hemostasis. Main consumptive cough; lumbago due to deficiency of the kidney; sore throat; traumatic swelling and pain; traumatic bleeding
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 6-12g; or leach liquor. External: amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from " Chinese Materia Medica " [ ]


Soybean oil

[ source ] from the " compendium of Materia Medica ".
[ ] Dò u Pinyin name Yó u
English name [ ] Soya-bean Oil
[ source ] medicine source: for legume soybean Glycine max ( L. ) Merr. seed extract fatty oil.
Latin animal mineral name: Glycine max ( L. ) Merr. [Phaseolus Max L.]
[ ] the original morphology of soybean erect annual herb, high 60-180cm. Stems stout, densely brown hirsute. Petiole long, densely yellowish hirsute; stipules small, lanceolate; three leaves, terminal leaflets rhombic ovate, long 7-13cm, wide 3-6cm, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate or rounded, sides have white villous, side unripe flocculus is smaller, obliquely ovate; leaf axil and petiolules densely yellow hirsute. Racemes axillary; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, hairy; calyx. Calyx teeth lanceolate in shape, 5, the following 1 teeth, the longest, are densely white villous; corolla small, white or pale purple, slightly lower than the calyx grows; upper petal apex retuse, wing flap with 1 ears, keel sickle; stamens 10, two; ovary linear, hairy. The pod of oblong, slightly curved, ptosis, yellow green, densely yellow hirsute. Seeds 2-5, yellowish green or black, ovoid to subglobose, ca. 1cm. Florescence 6-7 month, month of fruit period 8-10.
[ ] habitat distribution ecological environment: the extensive cultivation.
[ character ] trait identification of yellow brown or yellow translucent liquid, oily greasy. Fragrance, when heating is more obvious. In the pure ethanol and ether, slightly soluble, chloroform, petroleum ether can be arbitrarily mixed. The relative density of 0.918-0.930. Refractive index of 1.473-1.478. Iodine value is 130-138. Saponification value is 190-195. Acid value not greater than 3.
[ ] the chemical composition of soybean oil fatty acids, saturated in general about 10%, more than for the unsaturated fatty acids. The former is mainly of stearic acid and palmitic acid ( stearic acid ) ( palmitic acid ), the latter mainly linoleic acid ( linoleic acid ), oleic acid ( oleic acid ) and linolenic acid ( linolenic acid ). In addition to the component ( 1.5%-2.5% ), mainly for phospholipid. Soybean sterol content is 0.38-0.53%, includingβ - sitosterol, stigmasterol (β -Sitosterol ) ( stigmasterol ) and campesterol ( campesterol ), the other containing the β - carotene ( 0.04-0.2mg%β -carotene ), vitamin E (i.e., tocopherol, tocopherol ) 90-110mg%, the basis of prey enolase (cycloartenol ) and squalene ( squalene ).
[ ] the taste of Gan Xin; temperature;
[ ] to the large intestine meridian
[ indications ] Runchang catharsis; insecticide detoxification. Lord worm obstruction; constipation; mange
[ usage]: stew oral temperature, 15-30g. External: appropriate, applying; or he medicine.
[ ] the paper 1 " compendium of Materia Medica ": Tu sore scabies, solution ZHI.
2 " with interest in dietary spectrum ": Runzao, detoxification, insecticidal.
Excerpts from " Chinese Materia Medica " [ ]


Bean tree

[ ] Pinyin name Dò u Zh āSh ù
[ alias ] gourd wood, red deer, white ridge linen, food, alpine, Bai Cangmu lamp at
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: styracaceous plants red poplar leaf leaves and roots.
Latin animal mineral name: Alniphyllum fortunei ( Hemsl. ) Makino[A.hainanense Hayata; A.Fortune ( Hemsl ) Makino form.hy-poglaucum C. Y. Wu "
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of deciduous trees, tall 15-20m. Bark dark gray, with irregular longitudinal crack, often have a white plaque. Ye Husheng; handle long 1-2cm, stellate pilose to glabrous; leaf blade elliptic, oblong-elliptic or obovate elliptic, long 7-15cm, wide 4.5-8cm, apex acute to acuminate, thin tail tip, base broadly cuneate or cuneate, margin serrulate, covered with brown stellate hairs, sometimes deciduous variable glabrous, below brown or gray, sometimes with white; lateral veins 7-12 pairs. Racemes or panicles, terminal or axillary, pedicels densely brown stellate hairs; bracteoles subulate, caducous; calyx cup-shaped, apex with 5 teeth; flowers white with pink, long 1.5-2CM, corolla lobes 5, both surfaces stellate hairy; stamens 10, 5 long and 5 short, filament radical ministry the development about 8mm tube; ovary densely yellow long fluff, room 5, style linear, stigma obscurely 5 crack. Capsule oblong, ripe when split into 5 fruit valve. Seeds numerous, oblong, both ends of the irregular membranous wings. Florescence 4-7 month; month of fruit period 8-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of 200-2200m in the evergreen broad leaved forest.
Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest and Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and other places.
[ ] taste spice; sexual tepid
[ indications ] Qufeng desiccant; and water swelling. Lord
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 3-10g. External application: suitable, washed fried.
Excerpts from " Chinese Materia Medica " [ ]




[ source ] was contained in the" Linhai".
[ ] Pinyin name Dù Fù Yú
[ ] English name Artedius; Cottus; Sculpin
[ alias ] four perch, catfish crossing parent fish, fish, Nianyu Chuan Ding V
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: as the cottidae animal Matsuko meat.
Latin botanical name: Cottus Pollux Gunther. animal fossil
Harvest and storage: all year round can be fishing, trapping, remove offal, fresh.
[ ] the original morphology of Songjiang bass, the front flat, gradually after nearly cylindrical. General ca.12cm. Head large, wide and flat snout length slightly blunt ocular side, slightly smaller, epistasis, concave, margin of two high convexity, forming eye edge. Occipitoparietal sides each have a top edge of the outer side of the pillow, a posterior edge, eyes below each one at edges, each edge has no spines. Export bounty, maxillary long, jaw, plow and palatal bone have villous dental group, around the vomer dental group into crescents. Preopercular spines on the4, larger spines. Body is scaleless and many small protrusions. The lateral line of position, straight, lateral hole about37. Dorsal finⅧ -10-12, basally slightly even, fin spines thin. Anal and second dorsal17-18, relative. The pectoral fin is large, oblong, up to second dorsal fin. The pelvic fins located in the pectoral base front. Caudal fin slightly rounded convex. Body tan with brown stripes, side5-6. The eye is dark brown radial lines. Dorsal fin spines in front with a large black spot. Branchial membrane and anal fin base orange. The fins are yellowish with black spots.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: nearly benthic fish, carnivorous. Spring spawning, in5-6friends enter freshwater juvenile growth fattening. Winter swimming to the Yangtze River Estuary and adjacent sea.
Resource distribution: distribution of our country from Bohai, the Yellow Sea and the East China sea.
[ ] taste sweet and warm;
[ ] to the spleen and stomach;
[ ] functions of spleen qi. The main deficiency of food less; epigastric pain; thin weakness; stool pond drain; infantile infantile malnutrition
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,30-60g.
[ ] the discussion
1" compendium of Materia Medica": attending pediatric difference is. This fish break, bite, seven that elimination.
2" dictionary of Chinese medicine" : the nature of warm, non-toxic. Attending to supplement the spleen and stomach, Yang Tao, treating dysphagia. Elimination of edema, treatment of scabies, and treating children clitoris, snapping bite size seven that elimination.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Du Genteng

[ alias ] big green grass
[ source ] Acanthaceae Du cane Justica quadiofolia Wall.
[ ] Zhejiang habitat distribution.
[ ] functions of clearing away heat and toxic material. When attending aphthae, heat, erysipelas, jaundice.
[ usage] from 1 to3.
[ note ] according to literature, past Shanghai has Yijian leaf hygrophila salicifolia Hygrophila lancea Miq. large grass.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


Wild ginger

From the" doctor" BIE lu.
1:" heaven" shanhaiching mountain grass Yan, its like a sunflower, which smell like Miwu, fine-sounding name, wild ginger, food has gall.
2: wild ginger root, leaf, Tao Hongjing like asarum, however small, gas.
3:" Tang Bencao" wild ginger, leaf Sikui, shaped like a horseshoe, so the saying of valeriana. Students in the shade of hill, Mizusawa wetland. Root like asarum, white to wait. This custom and generation, absurd. And the stem, the stem end leaf leaves, white flowers, but no aromatic gas; toxic, taking a spit, but healing sore scabies, not indiscriminate Du Heng also.
The 4" Chinese Materia Medica" Commentaries: studies with the root, the city
[ ] Pinyin name Dù Hé n
English name [ ] Forbes Wildginger Herb, Herb of Forbes Wildginger
[ alias ] arms, Heng Wei Xiang, Du, soil halogen, Chu Heng, Du Heng, soil, incense, sweet apricot horseshoe Huai, wild ginger, asarum, cymbals, soil sunflower, sunflower, southern grass Du asarum, Ma Xin, horseshoe asarum, mud, soil in the flower blossom.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Aristolochiaceae plants of Asarum forbesii rhizome and root or the whole plant.
Latin botanical name: Asarum forbesii Maxim. animal fossil
Harvest and storage:4-6months digging, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology
In 1studies of perennial herb. Rhizome short. Petiole 3-15cm; sporophyll Shenzhuang cordate or obovate, margin eyelash; leaves wide cordate to reniform shape, length and width of each3-8cm, apex obtuse or circular, base cordate, dark green above, midvein lined with white cloud, veins and its close relationship with short hairs, the light green. Flowers dark purple; flowers will grow 1-2cm; perianth tube campanulate or cylindric, long 1-1.5cm, diameter 8-10mm, not constricted larynx, laryngeal orifice diameter 4-6mm, membrane ring narrow width less than LMM, the inner wall, with obvious grid mesh, perianth lobes erect, ovate, smooth, without mastoid folds; connective slightly extend; ovary semi-inferior, styles free, apex shallowly 2. Stigma ovate, lateral. Florescence 4-5 month.
2 leaflets horseshoe fragrant perennial herb. Rhizome short. Petiole 3-15cm bacillus; leaves ovate or long ovate, margin eyelash; heart-shaped leaves, egg shaped, thin nearly hastate, long 3-6cm, wide 3.5-7.5cm, apex acute or obtuse, base cordate, usually dark green above, sometimes in the midrib is lined with white cloud, veins or near the edge has Shorthair below, pale green, or the beginning of purple and gradually subsided, or purple. Purple flowers; pedicel ca.1cm, sometimes downwardly bent; perianth tube globose, the diameter is about 1cm, throat constricted membrane strength, ring width of about 1mm, wall with a grid mesh, perianth lobes triangular-ovate, base mastoid rugae zone; connective extended, circular, central micro concave; ovary nearly. Stigma, style 6, egg shape, the top students. Florescence 4-5 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment:1in forests or ditches dankly.
2Yu Lin under the bushes or the stream sheltered places.
Resource distribution:1located in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Sichuan etc..
2located in Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi etc..
Character identification (1) studies often curled into a group. The roots of cylindrical, ca.1cm, diameter 2-3mm, surface light brown or grayish yellow, rough internodes 1-9mm. Thin cylindrical, length 7cm, diameter 1-2mm, surface grayish white or light brown or white, yellow-white section. Leaf blade flattened was wide heart kidney shaped heart shape, length and width are3-8cm, apex obtuse or rounded, above the main veins at both sides of the visible cloud, veins and leaf margin shorthair. I see a flower,1-2 in leaf axils, campanulate, purple brown. Fragrance, strong spicy, have a sense of Ma tongue. (2) leaflets of Valeriana rhizome short. Root diameter of l-2mm, sallow, white cross section. Complete after the leaf expansion heart-shaped, egg. Shape shape, length 3-6cm, width 3.5-7.5cm, apex acute or obtuse, base cordate, above the main vein in two cases when there is a cloud, veins and edge with short hairs; petioles3-15cm. Fragrance, taste spicy, slightly Ma tongue. To many, concentrated flavor is preferred.
Microscopic identification ( L ) Du Henggen: epidermal residual transverse section. The outer layer of cells1 columns; cortex with oil cells scattered in the endothelial layer obviously. The primary xylem of four or five prototype prototype. Parenchyma cells contain starch grains.
Root transverse section: epidermal cells inside have collenchyma. Cortex is broad, with oil cells scattered in the parenchyma cells contain starch grains. Vascular monocyclic type, often5-6. The pith is obvious.
Blade surface view: upper and lower epidermis stomata are the infinitive, and graphics oil cell. The epidermal cells of type of polygonal, vein is visible by L-4cells comprising the non glandular hairs, apical tip and slightly curved, with wall warts, long 132-160μ m,29.6-44.4μ m base diameter. Epidermal cells under irregular shape, anticlinal wall corrugated curved, glabrous. (2) leaflets horseshoe Vetiver transverse: outer layer cells to extend the cut; cortical cell about 19 columns, with oil cells scattered in the parenchyma cells, starch grains, primary xylem typically three prototype.
Root transverse section: cortical cell about 21 columns, bulk oil cells, parenchyma cells contain starch grains. Often the 6bundle.
[ ] the chemical composition
In 1studies from the whole grass isolated studies in (asarumin ) A, B, C, D, elemi lignans (elemicin ), asarum brain ( asarone ) and linoleic acid ( linoleic acid ). The whole grass ( dry goods ) containing volatile oil from volatile oil of2.6%, in addition to separation of methyl eugenol ( methyl eugenol ), methyl isoeugenol ( methyl isoeugenol ), two lignans (elemicin ) and card dry acid (kakuol), also contains: a- pinene ( a-pinene ), camphene ( camphene ),β- pinene (β -pinene ), the month Hang Xi (nyrcene), sabinene ( sabinene ), limonene ( limonene ),1,8- by pituitrin (1,8-cineole ), p-cymene ( p-cymene ),γ- Terpinene (γ -terpinene ), terpinolene ( terpinolene ) camphor, borneol, ( camphor ) ( borneol ), a- terpineol (a-terpineol),3,5- two methoxy toluene (3,5-dimethoxytouene ), Sassafras ether ( safrole ), trans - caryophyllene ( Trans-caryophyllene ),β- Ancient Yun Xi (β -gur-junene ), trans - β - Gold Acacia Xi ( trans- β-faranesene ), asarone ( asaricin ), Nutmeg ether ( myristicin ), with two lignans (isoelemicin ) etc..
2 leaflets Saruma henryi total grass ( dry goods )0.6% containing volatile oil, volatile oil components of:1,8- by pituitrin ( L,8-cineole ) ( linalool ), linalool, borneol ( bor-neol ), a- ( a-terpineol ), terpineol naphthalene ( naphthalene ), -5-2- isopropyl methyl ethyl ether (2-isopropyl-5methylanisole ), bornyl acetate ( bornylacetate )3,5- two methoxy toluene (3,5-dimethoxytoxytoluene ), Sassafras ether ( safrole ), trans - caryophyllene ( Trans-caryophyllene ),β- Ancient Yun Xi (β -gUr-junene ), trans - β - farnesene ( trans- β-farnesene ), Humulus scandens ene ( humulene ),β- Olive ene (β -maaliene ), methyl eugenol ( methyleugenol ),2,3,5- trimethoxy toluene (2,3,5-trimethoxytoluene ), nerolidol ( nerolidol ), asarone (asaricin), methyl isobutyl oil phenol ( Methylisoeugenol ), Nutmeg ether ( myristicin ), with elemicin ), two lignans of lignans ( isoelemicin ) and 2,4,5- trimethoxy propenylbenzene (24,5-trimethoxypropenylbenzene ), camphene ( camphene ), a- pinene ( a-pinen ),β- pinene (β -p Inene ), myrcene ( myrcene ),β - phellandrene (β -phel-landrene ),β- Terpinene (β -terpinen ),3,4- -24,6- two methyl, Xin three ene (3,4, -dimethyl-2,4,6-octatriene ), Eucarvone ( Eucarvone ), table ( epicamphor ), camphor isoborneol ( soborneol ), love grass brain (estragole), fifteen alkyl ( pentadecane ),β- bisabolene (β -bisabolene ),2- methoxy Sassafras ether ( croweacin ), limonene ( limonene ), farnesol ( farnesol ), card cumyl alcohol (kakuol),2,5- tert butyl thiophene (2,5-itertbutylthiophene ), trans Asarum brain ( trans-asarone ).
[ ] the pharmacological effect
1safrole paralysis functions, can make animal respiratory paralysis. Long time to cats and cattle with a small, cause and phosphorus poisoning like liver, kidney fatty degeneration, the dogs given0.75g episodes of vomiting in dogs, the lethal dose, subcutaneous or oral administration were 1g / kg.
2 Decoction29g/kg gavage to mice, analgesic effect.
3 Ma, volatile oil 0.15ml/kg intraperitoneal injection, significantly reduce the spontaneous activity of mice;0.025,0.03,0.05ml/kg intraperitoneal injection, on mice under threshold dose of pentobarbital sodium have synergistic sleep effect;0.075,0.15ml/kg could prolong mice pentothal sleep time;0.25ml/kg against pentylenetetrazol induced seizure, also against electroconvulsive seizures;0.15,0.25ml/kg can enhance mouse hypoxia tolerance;0.075,0.15ml/kg on rat with cooling function.
4 with 0.02%-0.1% Marsing volatile oil 0.2ml gavage, can reduce the high cholesterol blood lipid in mice, and the dose-response linearity.
[ ] on the toxicity of mice by intraperitoneal injection of LD501.823g/kg, LD500.672g/kg.
[ ] physicochemical identification identification of take the powder 1g; plus ether5ml shake after the leaching of 15min, filtration. Take1ml filtrate the evaporating dish, after the ether scattered after 1% vanillin sulphuric acid reagent, solution from light brown to purplish brown. ( check the volatile oil)
[ ] TC picking to processing impurities, pat to mud, washed with water, slightly run after the cut, dried.
[ ] the taste of spice; temperature; the small poison
[ ] the lung meridian; liver; kidney; urinary bladder
[ ] functions of expelling the wind and cold; phlegm and water; promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. The main cold; phlegm cough and asthma; edema; cold and dampness; traumatic injury; headache; tooth pain; pain; eruptive disease scrofula; abdominal pain; swelling venom; snake bites
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, grind end,1.5-6g;0.6-3g; or leach liquor, topical : moderate, grind end blowing the nose, or fresh goods trace and apply.
[ note ] body empty sweats, cough haemoptysis and not to be taken by pregnant women.
[ ] of party1emetic side (" a" rear elbow ), in treating respiratory wheeze, yet the diaphragm in ruffian is frowsty, stubborn phlegm stasis. 2 treatment of snakebite Party (" Zhejiang temmokus yam planting annals" ), the rule of snakebite, local swelling and pain what. 3San ( sweat" Xinglin abstract" ), treating wind-cold headache.
[ ] the discussion
1" doctor" BIE Lu: treating cold cough inverse.
2" resistance": stop on gas ran panting and drink blood, phlegm, broken, the main room tumour gall diseases.
3" compendium of Materia Medica": getting rid of the cold, under the gas water broken blood, phlegm, insecticidal.
4" history of Chinese medicine in Guangxi": dredging, cold, expectorant, diuresis.
5" Jiangsu medicine annals": sweating, expectorant. Cure a cold headache, toothache, sore tongue.
6" Zhejiang": Annals of Tianmu yam planting emetic, expectorant, diuresis. Treatment of bronchitis and edema.
7" the classics": Studies on incense channeling, and asarum similarity, so the drug store to charge on behalf of asarum. But the gas cloud, can not search for polyester Shaoyin by cold, little Asarum by ear.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Du Jingshan

From" after this draft".
[ ] Pinyin name Dù Jī n Sh ān
[ alias ] soil, water, Mt. Hengshan foot bridge leaves, Yama Ko, pepper tree, gold Shagen tea, white tea, Imperata cylindrica, wild pepper, Yama Keika, the clock
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Myrsinaceae plant Du Jingshan root or stem and leaf.
Latin animal mineral name: Maesa japonica ( Thunb ) Moritzi ·[Doraena japonica Thunb.]
Harvest and storage: the year may collect, abluent, cut use fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Bush, tall 1-3m. Erect, sometimes decumbent or climbing; branchlets with finely striate, sparsely lenticellate. Ye Husheng5-13mm; petiole long; leaf blade leathery, sometimes thin, oval to lanceolate or elliptic, obovate to oblong-obovate, generally about 10cm, width of 3cm, Zhu ends acuminate, acute or obtuse, sometimes caudate-acuminate, base cuneate, obtuse or rounded, several entire or above middle most sparsely serrate, or except base are sparsely serrulate; abaxial midvein conspicuously, uplift, lateral veins 5-8 pairs, less obvious, Obata Naoda tooth tip. Racemes or panicles, single1 or 2-3axillary, long 1-3cm, only near base with a few branched; bracts ovate, long not to 1mm; pedicels 2-3mm, glabrous or very sparsely puberulent; bracteoles broadly ovate or reniform, close to calyx base, with sparsely ciliate or fine glandular dots; flowers like the length of about 2mm, sepals ca.1mm, ovate to nearly circular, with obvious vein gland stripes, lobes long tube for1 /3or less, ovate or reniform, edge slightly serrulate; stamens inserted in corolla central slightly, included; filaments and anther length, anther ovate, back with glandular dots; stigma lobed. Fruit is globose, diameter 4-5mm, fleshy, glandular stripes with vein, persistent calyx bag fruit apex, often Guansu latch style. Florescence 1-3 month, fruit period in October or May.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 300-2000m slopes or limestone scrub woodland or under.
Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest and Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and other places.
Character differentiation stem cylindrical, length, surface tawny, with fine streaks and sparsely lenticellate. Blade breaking, to complete the flattened oval, elliptic-lanceolate, obovate or oblong-ovate,5-15cm long,2-5cm wide, apex acute or acute, base cuneate or rounded, margin above the middle of a tooth. Gas micro, taste bitter.
Ye Heng: microscopic section of upper and lower epidermal cells flat square, outer skin, occasionally unicellular non-glandular hairs. Palisade tissue2columns of cells, through the midrib, midvein under the skin of medial collenchyma; midrib bundle the week of tough, lateral around the fiber bundle parenchyma, scattered in the secretory cavity. The mesophyll and the parenchyma cells visible clusters of calcium oxalate and yellow brown inclusions.
[ ] chemical constituents of fruits containing maesaquinone ( maesaquinone ) [1].
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ ] functions of expelling wind evil; solution of epidemic toxin; swelling expansion. The main infectious diseases; and sends the rest of indeterminate; body aches; irritability; thirst; edema; traumatic swelling and pain; traumatic bleeding
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15~ 30g. External application: suitable, washed fried or trace and apply.
[ ] the discussion
1" after this draft" : the main temperature - and hair from indefinite, polydipsia, headache, heart impatient. The leaves Daolan, with new wine dip, Jiashi clothes, spitting out saliva very evil.
2" Hunan": dispelling wind and cold, drug Zhi detumescence expansion. Treatment of low back pain, cold headache, dizzy his eyes.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]



[ source ] from the" compendium of Materia Medica" gleaning.
[ ] Pinyin name Dù Juā n
English name [ ] Little cuckoo
[ alias ] any of Jue, Gui, son of Du Yu, the cuckoo bird, Gui, blame the bird, son, urge to return, Yang bird
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Rhododendron simsii animal small cuckoo meat.
Latin botanical name: Cuculus poliocephalus Latham animal fossil
Harvest and storage: Summer capture, kill, removing the feathers and offal, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of small cuckoo, body length is about 28cm. The upper body is gray, but gray cheeks; eyelid yellow. Tail black, with white spots along the central shaft, the outer with white stripes. Lower body white, mixed with fine black markings. Mouth black mouth and mouth, yellow; the tarsometatarsal, toes and claws are yellow.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: often perches in the dense broad-leaved forest breeding period often also in Liu Cong or reed sugar water on a tall tree. Not since the nesting. Good call, five once, tweet off. Feed on insects.
Resource distribution: distribution in most parts of China, summer all over the eastern china. In the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the area to the north for the summer birds.
[ ] taste sweet; flat
[ ] to the Heart Sutra
[ ] nourishing tonifying functions; detoxifying insecticides; promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. The main after Tixu disease; deficiency of Qi and blood; sore fistula; traumatic swelling and pain; adverse joints
[ usage] oral administration: cooking,1-2 only; or burned dark, grind end, every time 1.5-3g. External: appropriate, thin cut paste.
[ ] the treatise" compendium of Materia Medica": sores healing fistula worm, cut, paste of processing.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]



From the" compendium of Materia Medica".
[ ] Pinyin name Dù Juā n Hu.
[alias] red ambulate, ambulate, Yamashi hill, azalea, Rhododendron, chemical, return, Yama Ka, red mountain, clear and bright flowers, red wood Folium Rhododendri Panhua, with safflower, camellia, flowers, birds and insects primroses, azalea, Rhododendron simsii, next spring flowers, flowers, flowers Changchun
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Ericaceae azalea flower.
Latin animal mineral name: Rhododendron simsii Planch.[R Sweet var.simsii Maxim Indicum; R.indicum ( L. ) Sweet var.Ignescens Sweet]
Harvest and storage:4~ May blossom harvesting, drying.
[ ] the original morphology of deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub, high 2-5m. Much branched, young branchlets densely reddish brown or brown flat strigose, old branches gray-yellow, glabrous, bark slit. Flower buds ovoid, the middle part of the back side is brown strigose, margin eyelash. Leaf spring type two; leaves papery, short, long, summer leaves leathery, ovate-elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, long 3-6cm, wide 2-3cm, apex acute, with a mucro, base cuneate, margin entire, surface sparsely is reddish brown strigose, abaxially densely brown strigose, veins more and more. Flowers 2-6, umbels, clustered branch end; pedicel ca.5-8mm; calyx 5deeply lobed, lobes ovate to lanceolate, long 3-7mm, outside densely Cao Fumao and eyelashes; corolla broadly funnelform, rose to pink, purple, long 3-5cm,5 lobed, lobes nearly obovate,1flap and above nearly2valve inside the crimson spots; stamens 10, filaments of dilute 7-9, part of small hair, anthers purple; ovary ovoid,5 room,5-8mm long, densely long flat hispid, style slightness. Capsule ovoid,1-1.2cm long, densely brown hispid, persistent calyx. Florescence 4-6 month, month of fruit period 7-9.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in hilly or flat, sparsely filled in.
Resource distribution: distribution in the Yangtze River flow or with south each district, east to Taiwan, West to Sichuan, Yunnan.
[ ] cultivation
Biological characteristics of happy sunshine, but avoid sun exposure, adapted to acid soils, bogey with calcareous earth. In the cool and wet environment cultivation.
Cultivation techniques of mass production of usable sow reproduction. Temperature maintained at 15~ 20 ℃, humidity60%,2~ 3weeks after sowing to germination. Reserved for the seed can also be ramets propagation. In addition, cutting strip is also easy to survive.
[ ] the flower contains chemical composition of anthocyanin and flavonoid glycosides. Have been identified in anthocyanin compounds are cyanidin3- glycoside ( cyanidin3-glucoside ), cyanidin3- galactoside ( cyanidin3 galactpside ), cyanidin3- Alibo glycoside ( cyanidin-3- arabinoside ), cyanidin3,5- two glucoside ( Cyanidin3,5-diglucoside ), cyanidin3- galactoside -5- glucoside ( Cyanidin3galactoside-5-glucoside ); rockii tree peony3,5- two glucoside ( peonidin 3,5-diglucoside ) [1,2], and malvidin3,5- two glucoside ( malvidin3,5-diglucoside ) [1]. Flavone and flavonoid glycosides with rutin ( rutin ), (azalein ) [3] cuckoo yellow glycosides, quercetin ( quercetin ), ( azaleatin ) [4] azaleatin; kaempferol ( kaempferol ),5-3- galactoside (5 methyl ether 3Galacto side ),3- galactoside azaleatin ( Azaleatin3galactoside ) azaleatin rhamnoside,3- ( azaleatin3rhamnoside ), myricetin5- ether 3- rhamnoside ( Myricetin5methyl ether3rhamnoside ), myricetin5- ether 3- galactoside ( Myricetin5methyl ether3 - galactoside ), cotton of endothelin3- galactoside ( gossypetin3galactoside ) [1], quercetin 3- galactoside ( quercetin3, galacetoside ) quercetin 3- rhamnoside ( quercetin 3Rham noside ), quercetin glycoside3- Arabia (quercetin3 arabinoside) [1].
[ ] pharmacological effects of intraperitoneal injection of mouse azalea Decoction antitussive ( cough induced by ammonia water spray ), the ethyl acetate extract, chloroform extract and mother liquor, the separated crystal armour and crystalline B ( flavonoids ) also has antitussive effects of. Mouse Ig decoction has expectorant ( phenol red method). Guinea pig peritoneal injection without relieving Decoction ( antihistamine spray method ).
[ ] taste Gan; acid; flat
[ ] to the liver spleen and kidney;;
[ ] functions and blood; menstruation; cough; rheumatism; solution sore. The main hematemesis; pain; metrorrhagia; menstruation; cough; rheumatoid arthritis; furuncle sore carbuncle
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,9-15g. External: amount, trace and apply.
[ attach ]1cure leucorrhea party party (" Zhejiang folk medicinal herbs commonly used" ): Rhododendron, knuckle claws, with cook. 2refractory epistaxis Party (" Guizhou herbs" ): Rhododendron simsii Planch flowers, angelica, decoct with water.
[ ] the discussion
1" herbal" treat hematemesis: classification, metrorrhagia, to cold, and blood.
2" Guizhou folk prescription set": treating irregular menstruation, only red collapse; leaching liquor is taken orally, can cure rheumatism. Stop the pain.
3" Sichuan Traditional Chinese medicines cure": abdominal pain and diarrhea, bleeding hemorrhoids and endogenous cough.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Azalea root

[ ] from Zhejiang."" common folk herbal medicine.
[ ] Pinyin name Dù Juā n Hu āGē n
[ alias ] along the tiger, Tiger Hill, of azalea root
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Ericaceae azalea root.
Latin animal mineral name: Rhododendron simsii Planch.[R Sweet var.simsii Maxim Indicum; R.indicum ( L. ) Sweet var.Ignescens Sweet]
Harvest and storage: the year may collect, clean, fresh or dried slices.
[ ] the original morphology of deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub, high 2-5m. Much branched, young branchlets densely reddish brown or brown flat strigose, old branches gray-yellow, glabrous, bark slit. Flower buds ovoid, the middle part of the back side is brown strigose, margin eyelash. Leaf spring type two; leaves papery, short, long, summer leaves leathery, ovate-elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, long 3-6cm, wide 2-3cm, apex acute, with a mucro, base cuneate, margin entire, surface sparsely is reddish brown strigose, abaxially densely brown strigose, veins more and more. Flowers 2-6, umbels, clustered branch end; pedicel ca.5-8mm; calyx 5deeply lobed, lobes ovate to lanceolate, long 3-7mm, outside densely Cao Fumao and eyelashes; corolla broadly funnelform, rose to pink, purple, long 3-5cm,5 lobed, lobes nearly obovate,1flap and above nearly2valve inside the crimson spots; stamens 10, filaments of dilute 7-9, part of small hair, anthers purple; ovary ovoid,5 room,5-8mm long, densely long flat hispid, style slightness. Capsule ovoid,1-1.2cm long, densely brown hispid, persistent calyx. Florescence 4-6 month, month of fruit period 7-9.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in hilly or flat, sparsely filled in.
Resource distribution: distribution in the south of the Yangtse River country, east to Taiwan, West to Sichuan, Yunnan.
[ character ] trait distinguishing root slender cylindrical, bending, branching. Unequal length, diameter of about1.5cm, root head enlargement, with most woody caudex. Surface gray-brown or reddish brown, smooth, with a network of fine wrinkles. The wood is hard, hard to break, section of light brown. Odorless, tasteless.
[ ] acid taste Gan; temperature;
[ ] functions and blood hemostasis; swelling and pain. The main abnormal menstruation; epistaxis hematemesis hematochezia metrorrhagia;;;; diarrhea; abdomen distending pain; rheumatoid arthritis; traumatic injury
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g; or leach liquor. External application: suitable, grinds end apply; or fresh root bark trace and apply.
[ ] the discussion
1 Wang Lianshi" herb": Li string rule book, can the rooter. Ethics, and the tiger ( Rhododendron root ), steaming clothes. 2" vegetation will side": treatment of red and white chronic dysentery, vaginal bleeding, intestinal wind blood, anal fistula, traumatic injury, raw muscle.
3" herbal" treat hematemesis: classification, metrorrhagia. To cold, and blood.
4" Guizhou folk prescription set": treating irregular menstruation, only red collapse; leaching liquor is taken orally, can cure rheumatism.
5" Jiangxi": blood, hemostasis herbal.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Rhododendron fruit

[ ] Pinyin name Dù Juā n Hu āGu ǒSh í
[ alias ] red azalea
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Ericaceae Rhododendron fruit.
Latin animal mineral name: Rhododendron simsii Planch.[R Sweet var.simsii Maxim Indicum; R.indicum ( L. ) Sweet var.Ignescens Sweet]
Harvest and storage:8-10 month when fruit is ripe harvest, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub, high 2-5m. Much branched, young branchlets densely reddish brown or brown flat strigose, old branches gray-yellow, glabrous, bark slit. Flower buds ovoid, the middle part of the back side is brown strigose, margin eyelash. Leaf spring type two; leaves papery, short, long, summer leaves leathery, ovate-elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, long 3-6cm, wide 2-3cm, apex acute, with a mucro, base cuneate, margin entire, surface sparsely is reddish brown strigose, abaxially densely brown strigose, veins more and more. Flowers 2-6, umbels, clustered branch end; pedicel ca.5-8mm; calyx 5deeply lobed, lobes ovate to lanceolate, long 3-7mm, outside densely Cao Fumao and eyelashes; corolla broadly funnelform, rose to pink, purple, long 3-5cm,5 lobed, lobes nearly obovate,1flap and above nearly2valve inside the crimson spots; stamens 10, filaments of dilute 7-9, part of small hair, anthers purple; ovary ovoid,5 room,5-8mm long, densely long flat hispid, style slightness. Capsule ovoid,1-1.2cm long, densely brown hispid, persistent calyx. Florescence 4-6 month, month of fruit period 7-9.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in hilly or flat, sparsely filled in.
Resource distribution: distribution in the Yangtze River flow or with south each district, east to Taiwan, West to Sichuan, Yunnan.
[ ] the taste of Gan Xin; temperature;
[ ] functions of promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. The main traumatic swelling and pain
[ usage] oral administration: grind end,1-2g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Rhododendron Leaf

[ ] from Zhejiang."" common folk herbal medicine.
[ ] Pinyin name Dù Juā n Hu āY è
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Ericaceae Rhododendron leaf.
Latin animal mineral name: Rhododendron simsii Planch.[R Sweet var.simsii Maxim Indicum; R.indicum ( L. ) Sweet var.Ignescens Sweet]
Harvest and storage: spring and autumn harvest, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub, high 2-5m. Much branched, young branchlets densely reddish brown or brown flat strigose, old branches gray-yellow, glabrous, bark slit. Flower buds ovoid, the middle part of the back side is brown strigose, margin eyelash. Leaf spring type two; leaves papery, short, long, summer leaves leathery, ovate-elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, long 3-6cm, wide 2-3cm, apex acute, with a mucro, base cuneate, margin entire, surface sparsely is reddish brown strigose, abaxially densely brown strigose, veins more and more. Flowers 2-6, umbels, clustered branch end; pedicel ca.5-8mm; calyx 5deeply lobed, lobes ovate to lanceolate, long 3-7mm, outside densely Cao Fumao and eyelashes; corolla broadly funnelform, rose to pink, purple, long 3-5cm,5 lobed, lobes nearly obovate,1flap and above nearly2valve inside the crimson spots; stamens 10, filaments of dilute 7-9, part of small hair, anthers purple; ovary ovoid,5 room,5-8mm long, densely long flat hispid, style slightness. Capsule ovoid,1-1.2cm long, densely brown hispid, persistent calyx. Florescence 4-6 month, month of fruit period 7-9.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in hilly or flat, sparsely filled in.
Resource distribution: distribution in the Yangtze River flow or with south each district, east to Taiwan, West to Sichuan, Yunnan.
[ ] the chemical composition of the leaves and young shoots containing flavone, coumarin, three terpenes, organic acid, amino acid, tannins, phenolic, sterols, sterol cardiac glycoside, volatile oil; flavonoids in Rhododendron simsii A and B, Matteuccia alcohol ( matteucinol ) and alcohol ( matteucinol ) of Matteuccia and the ostrich fern glycoside ( matteucinin ) [3], also containing ursolic acid ( ursolic acid ) and Qin wood toxin (an-dromedotoxin) [5].
[ ] see the pharmacological effects of Rhododendron molle strips.
[ ] acid taste; flat
[ ] functions of heat-clearing and detoxicating; hemostasis; resolving phlegm and relieving cough. The main boils; urticaria; trauma; bronchitis
[ usage] : the amount of fresh goods, external trace and apply; or washed fried. Oral administration of decoction,:10-15g.
[ ] the discussion
1" herbal" classification: wash hot sores.
2" Zhejiang" : the common folk herbs detumescence hemostasis.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Du Juanlan

[ alias ] abacus seven, head seven, three seven shoots, Rhizoma Bletillae
[ source ] orchid tainia plant Rhododendron blue Cremastra mirata A. Gray, Liparis tschancii schelecht. The drug is collected in autumn, washed clean, dried or fresh.
[ ], astringent taste of spice, flat.
[ indications ] Qingrejiedu, lungs and cough, activating blood and relieving pain. For pulmonary abscess, cough, traumatic injury, furuncle.
[ usage]3~ 5money; topical amount, pound apply affected part.
[ note ] (1)" Chinese Pharmacopoeia" in the adder's-tongue tc.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


Du Li

[ ] D ùL íPinyin name
[ alias ]", Mi Ri, No Riko, earth pear
[ source ] Rosaceae of Pyrus betulaefolia Bunge Pyrus betulaefolia Bunge, with bark, fruit is used as medicine.
[ ] Liaoning, Hebei habitat distribution, Shanxi, Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei.
[ ]: taste of fruit acid, sweet, bitter, cold.
[ indications ]
Fruit : the digestion and relieving dysentery. Diarrhea: if 1two, decoct with water.
Branches, leaf: governance cholera, vomiting and abdominal pain more than, cramps, nausea vomiting food.
Bark: washed fried refractory skin ulcer.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


Du Lian

[ ] Pinyin name Dù Lià n
[ alias ] Hainan Du neem, buttons, hand punches Dan ling.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: as Meliaceae Du neem leaves.
Latin botanical name: Turraea pubescens Hellen animal fossil
Harvest and storage: the year may collect, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original form of Du Lian bush, tall 2-3m. Branches pendulous, brown, with stripes. Leaves alternate; petiole to1cm, tomentose; leaf blade elliptic, ovate or obovate,5-10cm long,2-4.5cm wide, apex acuminate, base cuneate, dilute suborbicular, entire or have not obvious sparsely blunt teeth, dilute sinuolate, sparsely pilose when young sides, especially. Flowers bisexual, racemes axillary, flowers in corymbs of short, type,4-5 having a flower, tomentose; pedicels long; calyx shorter, navicular, outside tomentose,5tooth crack, cracked teeth triangular; petals 5, white, linear spatulate,3-4.5cm long,5-6mm wide, apex acute; stamens 10, anthers inserted staminal tube cracked tooth, stamen length and narrow,4-9 cleft, lobes with anther length of 1-2 times, usually2 crack greatly, glabrous; disk pack surrounding base of ovary; ovary short, take to long, protruding stamens and stigmas tube, bottle shape. Capsule globose, diameter 1-1.5cm, glabrous, with 5 seed. Seeds oblong, usually curved like the crescent, the length of about 7mm, width of 3mm. Florescence 4-7 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in low altitude or near the bushes.
Resource distribution: distribution in Guangdong, Hainan.
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ ] functions of heat-clearing and detoxicating; convergence diarrhea. The main diarrhea; diarrhea; sore throat; traumatic bleeding
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-15g. External: fresh goods amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Du Song

[ ] Pinyin name Dù Sō n
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: for the family Cupressaceae Du Song foliage and cones.
Latin botanical mineral name: Juniperus rigida Sied animal .Et Zucc.
Harvest and storage: autumn foliage and cones mining, mining, insolation reserves.
[ ] the original morphology of evergreen shrub or small tree. Branch skin brown gray, longitudinal fissure; branches straight show, pyramidal or conical crown; branchlets pendulous, young branchlets often Chengsan prismatic, glabrous. Leaf strips of thorn-shaped,3 impeller are unripe, thick, hard, base not decurrent, a joint, apex acute, long 12-17mm, width of LMM, above the recessed into a deep groove, groove has1 narrow white band, has the following apparent longitudinal ridge. Monoecious or dioecious, cones solitary axillary; the male cone elliptical or subglobose, long 2-3mm. Cone sphere shape, diameter 6-8mm,2-3years mature, mature pale brown black or blue black, there is white. Seeds subovoid, ca.6mm, apex acute, there are 4less obvious ridge.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in the northeast normal growth at an altitude of 500m the following areas in North China, northwest area, grow at altitudes of1400-2200m strip;
Resource distribution: distribution in the northeast, North China and Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and other places.
[ character ] trait distinguishing dry mature cones were spherical or oval, diameter 7-8mm, violet Brown or black, lustrous surface, obscurely glaucous. 2-3containing seeds, also have 1or 4. Seeds ovoid, ca.6mm, brown, apex acuminate,4 of which do not significantly corners. Special fragrance, taste sweet.
[ ] the chemical composition of cones containing volatile oil, mainly of α - pinene (α -pinene ), myrcene ( myrcene ), ( limonene ), limonene on Cymene (p-cymene ),β- elemene (β -elemene ), caryophyllene ( caryophyllene ), Humulus scandens ene (humulene ),γ- Bi cubeb ene (γ -cadinene ), Terpinene -4- alcohol (terpinen-4-ol), borneol ( borneol ), citronellol ( citronellol ) and ethyl ether (anethole) etc.. Ye Hansui Hua Shan double flavonoids (amentoflavone), ( podocar-pusflavone) A Nageia biflavones, cypress double flavonoids (hinokiflavone ). Branches, leaf volatile oil, its composition and volatile oil from the fruit of similarity. Heartwood containsα- and β - cedrene ( cedrene ) a variety of terpenoid compounds and organic acid.
[ ] Du Song seeds of pharmacological effects of petroleum ether extract in vitro on Staphylococcus aureus inhibition, diluted to1:1600 still can suppress bacterial growth. Petroleum ether extract in order will with 3% sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate,3%3% potassium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide solution found by the part has an antibacterial effect, diluted to l:12800 also have a role, but on Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium and Shigella dysenteriae then no effect. Will this vacuum distillation the distilled fluid on Staphylococcus aureus in diluted to1:12800also has antibacterial action. The chemical determination of this antibiotic for rosin acid ( abietic acid ) isomer.
[ ] taste sweet; bitter; flat
[ ] Qufeng functions; analgesia; dehumidification; diuretic. The main rheumatoid joint pain; gout; nephritis; edema; urinary tract infections
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-9g. External: amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Du Songshi

[ ]."" Chinese Medicine Pharmacology
[ ] Pinyin name Dù Sō n Sh í
[ ] Morimatsu Ko ( alias" Ningxia Handbook of Chinese herbal medicine" )
[ source ] to Cupressaceae plants Du Song fruit. In October when the fruit is ripe to lay, drying in the shade.
[ ] the original morphology
Du Song, aka: collapse of pine, pine, juniper stick.
Shrubs or trees, up to 10meters. Bark dark brown, the tree has a longitudinal strip crack, crown conical or round. 3 leaves verticillate, needle form, grow 10 ~20 centimeters, ca. 1 mm wide, apex acute, surface has a deep groove and a white stomatal bands, qualitative hard, thorn in hand. Flowers axillary, unisexual, male ovate, for more on stamen, from 4 to4.5 mm long, yellow; female ball,3 mm long, green. Seed cones usually globose, diameter8mm, purplish brown, the surface is white. Florescence in May. Fruit period in October.
[ ] Yu Xiangyang hillside habitat distribution growth, dry barren sandy land. Distribution of Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Inner Mongolia and northeast and other places.
[ character ] the dried ripe fruit is spherical or elliptical in shape, diameter 7~ 8mm, purplish brown, shiny, with white surface. Containing seeds of 2~ 3, there are1or4. Seeds ovoid, brown. Special fragrance, taste sweet.
[ ] the chemical composition
Cone containing volatile oil, in36.3%,α - pinene myrcene12.9%,Δ 3- CARENE0.8%, limonene1.6%, p-cymene0.9%,β - Elemene in2%, Ishi Take was0.4%, with0.4% of Humulus scandens,γ- cadinen0.2%, pine oil, borneol and citronellol enol 0.02%0.20%,0.05%, anethole.
The leaves contain amentoflavone, Nageia, little cypress double double flavone A flavone. Branches, leaf volatile oil, its composition and volatile oil from the fruit of similarity
Heartwood contains various terpenoids, of which the main is δ- cadinen,α- and β - cedrene accounted for about 70%, other two hydrogen calamus, percussion and terpene, test ofβ - elemene, farnesene, caryophyllene, Humulus scandens ene, bisabolene,β- Qin sub -,α- turmeric ene, thujopsene,α- and β - calamus test Xi,α -,β -,γ- and δ - Acorus calamus L,α-,β - calamus enol,3 β - hydroxy sandaracopimaric acid, ferruginol, Yagi Sugi, cedar resin phenol,Δ6- to hydrogen ferruginol,6,12- two hydroxy - rosin four ene -5,8,11,13- -7 ketone,12- methoxy - rosin three with -8,11,13- glycol -7 β,11,12- methoxy - rosin allyl -6four,8,11. -1113- alcohol,7 β,12- two methoxy - rosin three with -8,11,13- alcohol -11,7 β- ethoxy -12- methoxy - rosin three with -8,11,13- alcohol -11, yellow cedar alcohol, and tropolone sesquiterpene alcohols such as nootka.
[ ] Du Song seeds of pharmacological effects of petroleum ether extract in vitro on Staphylococcus aureus inhibition, diluted to1:1600 still can suppress bacterial growth, petroleum ether extract in turn will with 3% sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate,3%3% potassium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide solution found by the part has an antibacterial effect, diluted to1:12800 also has role, but on Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium and Shigella dysenteriae then no effect. Will this vacuum distillation the distilled fluid on Staphylococcus aureus in diluted to1:12800also has antibacterial action. The chemical determination of this antibiotic for rosin acid isomers.
[ indications ]
Carminative, dehumidification, diuresis.
①" Chinese Medicine Pharmacology": diuretic transpiration. For edema, urinary genital diseases, such as gout.
②Wang Dianxiang" pharmacognosy": a stomach and excitatory effect. For heart disease or liver disease caused by edema.
The" Ningxia Handbook of Chinese herbal medicine": sweating, removing dampness, analgesia.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,0.3~ 1money. External: trace and apply.
[ ] of Party rule rheumatoid joint pain: Gin amount, Daolan topical. (" Ningxia Handbook of Chinese herbal medicine" )
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt


Du Xiang

[ alias ] trumpet tea
[ source ] Ericaceae genus Ledum broad leaves Du Xiang Ledum palustre L. var. dilatatum Wahl., with leaf extract volatile oil. Summer collection, drying in the shade.
[ ], taste, bitter, cold.
[ function ] antitussive, antiasthmatic expectorant attending. For chronic tracheitis.
[ usage] Ledum oil ( each pill50mg )2 pill each time,2 times a day.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


Eucommia ulmoides

Overview: This product is Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. Duchonko plants the dried bark of Eucommia ulmoides. 4- June stripping, scraping the skin coarse, stacking" sweating" to the endothelium is purple brown, dried.
Alias: wood, cotton, silk, Sizhong Sixian peel.
Resistance type: no classification
The character and taste tropism: Gan, wen. Liver, kidney.
Functions and indications: nourishing liver and kidney, strengthening bones and muscles, tocolysis. For lumbago due to deficiency of the kidney and blood circulation, weakness, pregnancy, fetal irritability; hypertension.
Usage and dosage:6~ 9g.
Storage : keep dry and ventilated places.
Clinical application of:
1eucommia bark wine (" outside stage secret" ) treatment of fulminant lumbago. The25g Eucommia ulmoides, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Chuanxiong 15g. 3 flavor to the wine2 jins stains cut,5 night, with little to drink. The medicine has side in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv and tonifying the liver and kidney, strong bones and muscles.
2pills (" Sixian teasel Shi Fang" ) treatment of liver and kidney deficiency gas weak wind, foot knee may not be practical, lumbar pain, wind toxin streamer through, to hard, piss this medicine five Lek, internal, adjustable cooling of fine, strong bones and muscles, puzzle light. Eucommia ulmoides150g, Wujiapi, windproof, coix seed, notopterygium, teasel, Achyranthes bidentata90g, dioscorea sativa120g150g, student of Rehmannia glutinosa. For the last,3 litres of wine, green salt90g, use250g to papaya, salt and wine cooked into a paste, and pestle pills such as great son of Wu, take 50 pills each time, the hollow before food, warm wine soup. In treatment of liver and kidney deficiency of Eucommia ulmoides and Dipsacus ache of waist, legs to walk, adverse dengzheng.
3 single flavor with pig kidneys with stewed eat, cure kidney back pain, leg knee weakness, frequent urination.

Du Zhongteng

[ ] Pinyin name Dù Zhò n Té n
[ alias ] vine, red soil, Eucommia Eucommia Eucommia ulmoides, soft, white rattan, rattan, the white glue nine twotooth Achyranthes root, chicken mouth rattan, Thunbergia, Matsu To, Shira To, Duan, pen must be large soil rattan, rattan, white skin and core node.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Apocynaceae plant Du Naka To, red Naka To and Mao Du Du Naka To bark and root bark.
Latin animal mineral name: 1.Paraharium micranthum ( A.DC. ) Pierre[Ecdysanthera micranthaA.Dc.]2.Parabarium chunnianum Tsiang3.parabariumhuaitingiiChunetTsiang
Harvest and storage: autumn harvest, stripping bark and root bark, sliced, dried.
[ ] the original morphology
1stout woody climbers. Branches with lenticels inconspicuous, with latex, except for corolla, glabrous. Leaves opposite; petiole 1-1.5cm, slightly hairy; leaf blade elliptic or ovate-elliptic,5-8cm long,1.5-3cm wide, apex acuminate, base acute. Inflorescence racemose, terminal and axillary, flowers small dense, red; calyx5 crack greatly, the inner surface of basal glands do not or lack, lobes lanceolate; corolla white or pink, urn-shaped, lobes in the bud invagination; stamens 5, inserted on corolla tube base, anthers sagittate, flower filaments short; disk annular; ovary puberulent, styles short, stigma conical. Follicles base dilated, apex gradually grow to Reiz beaklike. Seed up to 2cm; hair is about 4cm long silky white. Florescence 3-6 month, month of fruit period 7-12.
2and Du Zhongteng 's difference lies in: the blades oval shape is elliptic, abaxially black papillary glands. Follicles twin or sometimes: a rudimentary; hair length is about 1.5cm. Florescence 4-11 month, fruit period in August to February of next year.
The 3and two kinds of difference: all lines except for corolla, are densely ferruginous pilose. Hair whorls, ca.3cm. Florescence 4-6 month, fruit period in July to June of next year.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment:1 born in altitude 300-800m Valley, sparse or dense forests, thickets, water etc..
2 born in altitude 250-500m mountain forest.
3 born in altitude 200-1000m tropical rainforest, woodland in wet area.
Resource distribution:1distributed in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan etc..
2distributed in Guangdong, Hainan. Guangxi.
3species in Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou and other places.
Character identification in Du Nakato Kihide a roll or groove, thickness 1-2.5mm. Strip on the outer surface of the cork, grey brown or pale yellow, with wrinkles and a horizontal lenticels, yellow-white, scraping the cork was red brown, relatively flat. The inner surface of reddish brown or yellowish brown, with fine longitudinal stria. Fracture surface with white plastic wire connected, slightly resilient. Gas micro, taste bitter, astringent.
The red Duduten bark irregular drum shape or a groove shape, thickness 1-3mm. The outer surface is violet Brown or dark brown, wrinkled and transverse crack, lenticels sparse, spotty, scraping the cork was purplish red or reddish brown. The inner surface of purple brown, with dense longitudinal stria. Fracture surface with white plastic wire connected, slightly resilient.
The wool Duduten bark with drum shape or a groove shape, thickness 2-5mm. The outer surface of the ash brown, slightly rough, without transverse crack, lenticels sparse small, grayish white, scraping the cork brown red. Or yellow brown. Fracture surface with white plastic wire connected, slightly resilient.
Microscopic identification of bark transverse : ⑴Du Zhongteng phellem cells: more than 10columns, shear walls thicker phelloderm, lignified, obvious. Cortex has a plurality of narrow, stone cell populations scattered, near phelloderm with intermittent cyclic permutation, some cell containing brown; some stone cells accompanied by non wood fiber. Phloem is broad, the stone cell populations and laticifer scattered, sometimes visible glial mass. Ray1-5 wide columns of cells. The parenchyma cells with calcium oxalate crystal and small starch grains.
The red Du Zhongteng cork cells more than 10columns. Cortical narrow, many stone cell populations scattered, near phelloderm1-4 column stone cells arranged in intermittent zoning; several or dozens of fiber bundles. Phloem is wide, the lateral and central stone cells scattered in the. Latex tube is numerous, sometimes visible glial mass. Ray2-6 wide columns of cells. The parenchyma cells with calcium oxalate crystal and small starch grains.
The hairy Du Zhongteng cork cell4-10column. Narrow stone cell cortex, single or several communities scattered, or arranged in intermittent ring fiber bundles can be seen. Phloem is wide, the lateral dispersion with stone cells; latex tube. Ray1-5 wide columns of cells. The parenchyma cells with calcium oxalate crystal and small starch grains.
Powder characteristics:⑴Du Zhongteng: red brown.
①stone cells, clustered or scattered in rectangular, square, oval, or irregular in shape, length of 40-90μ m,20-60μ m in diameter, the majority of stone cell layer obviously. Fibrous stone cell length of 180μ M. The calcium oxalate crystal diameter side,10-25μ M. The starch grains, leather grain oval, round, triangle, the diameter of 4-15μ m, the umbilical point of figure ten, herringbone or cracks. The rubber strip, bent or twisted into a ball shape, the diameter of 30-60μ M. The milk tube diameter is30-40μ M. The fiber is less, a thin wall, a wall thickness, diameter of 20-30μ M. The cork cell surface view of a polygon, the diameter of 15-50μ M. ⑧screen wall sieve area small, oval or round. When ray width 1-5columns of cells.
The red Du Zhongteng red brown. ①calcium oxalate crystal diameter side,15-30μ M. The stone cell pale yellow, oval, square, rectangle, triangle type or irregular in shape, length of 30-120μ m,15-40μ m in diameter, hole ditch and wall hole, wall thickness, cavity size, often containing brown. Branching stone cell, wall thickness, layer, a diameter of 80μ m, fibrous stone cell length to 225μ M.
The plastic wire is bent or twisted into a group, the diameter of 12-54μ M. The milk tube diameter is15-23μ m, common plastic wire. The fibers are uncommon, wall thickness, diameter of 15-25μ M. The screen wall screen domain of the small, round or oval. The cork cell surface view polygonal, diameter 12-23 μM. No starch grains, a single particle, oval or round; compound grain diameter2-3,4-10μ M. When ray width 2-6columns of cells.
The hairy Du Zhongteng red brown. ①calcium oxalate crystal diameter side,15-30μ M. The stone cells, oval, square, rectangular type, length of 43-110μ m,23-45μ m in diameter, wall and hole groove significantly larger, cell. The starch grains, the diameter of 4-15μ m, single particle, oblong or oval, triangular, umbilical point short seam shape. The rubber strip, bent or twisted into a block, the diameter of 15-40μ M. The milk tube diameter of 35μ M. The fiber is less, fusiform shape, wall thickness, diameter of 15μ M. The screen wall sieve area is small, oval or long oval. ⑧cork cell surface view polygonal, diameter 15-56 μM. When ray width 1-5columns of cells.
[ ] bitter taste; micro Xin; sexual tepid; small poison
[ ] liver kidney meridian;
[ indications ] rheumatism; strong bones and muscles. The main rheumatic arthralgia; Yaoxisuanruan; traumatic injury
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-9g; or leach liquor. External: amount, trace and apply or at the end of the inquiry and.
[ note ] oral overdose have dizziness, vomiting and other symptoms of poisoning. Antidote available licorice 60g, decoct with water; or60g15g with brown sugar, ginger, decoct with water. This product can not be used in mixed cropping of Eucommia ulmoides.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Du Dutenye

[ ] Pinyin name Dù Zhò n Té n Yè
[ alias ] vine leaves of Eucommia ulmoides
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Apocynaceae plants Eucommia leaves and hairy Du Naka To.
Latin animal mineral name: 1.Paraharium micranthum ( A.DC. ) Pierre[Ecdysanthera micranthaA.Dc.]2.Parabarium chunnianum Tsiang3.parabariumhuaitingiiChunetTsiang
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, dried.
[ ] the original morphology
1stout woody climbers. Branches with lenticels inconspicuous, with latex, except for corolla, glabrous. Leaves opposite; petiole 1-1.5cm, slightly hairy; leaf blade elliptic or ovate-elliptic,5-8cm long,1.5-3cm wide, apex acuminate, base acute. Inflorescence racemose, terminal and axillary, flowers small dense, red; calyx5 crack greatly, the inner surface of basal glands do not or lack, lobes lanceolate; corolla white or pink, urn-shaped, lobes in the bud invagination; stamens 5, inserted on corolla tube base, anthers sagittate, flower filaments short; disk annular; ovary puberulent, styles short, stigma conical. Follicles base dilated, apex gradually grow to Reiz beaklike. Seed up to 2cm; hair is about 4cm long silky white. Florescence 3-6 month, month of fruit period 7-12.
2and Du Zhongteng 's difference lies in: the blades oval shape is elliptic, abaxially black papillary glands. Follicles twin or sometimes: a rudimentary; hair length is about 1.5cm. Florescence 4-11 month, fruit period in August to February of next year.
The 3and two kinds of difference: all lines except for corolla, are densely ferruginous pilose. Hair whorls, ca.3cm. Florescence 4-6 month, fruit period in July to June of next year.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment:1 born in altitude 300-800m Valley, sparse or dense forests, thickets, water etc..
2 born in altitude 250-500m mountain forest.
3 born in altitude 200-1000m tropical rainforest, woodland in wet area.
Resource distribution:1distributed in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan etc..
2distributed in Guangdong, Hainan. Guangxi.
3species in Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou and other places.
[ ] taste bitter astringent; flat;
[ ] functions of bone; hemostasis. The main traumatic fracture; traumatic bleeding
[ usage]: the amount of external, or at the end of the inquiry and the trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

The leaves of Eucommia ulmoides

[ ] Pinyin name Dù Zhò n Y è
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Duchonko plants Eucommia leaf.
Latin botanical name: Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. animal fossil
Harvest and storage: autumn harvest, removing impurities, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of deciduous trees, up to 20m. Bark gray-brown, rough, broken open with a plurality of filaments. Young branchlets have brown hair, later glabrescent, old branches have lenticels. Leaves alternate; petiole is long1-2cm, above the groove, are scattered hairs; leaf blade elliptic, ovate or oblong, long 6-15CM, wide 3.5-6.5cm, apex acuminate, base rounded or broadly cuneate, dark green above, pale green below, slightly wrinkled old leaves, margin serrate; lateral veins 6-9 pairs. Flowers unisexual, dioecious, flowers in branches of current year base, male flowers apetalous, pedicels glabrous; stamens ca.1cm, glabrous, without pistillode; female flowers solitary, pedicels ca.8mm, ovarian 1 rooms, apex2 crack, gynophore short. Samara flat, long elliptic, apex2 lobed, base cuneate, surrounding with thin wing nut; located in the central, and fruiting pedicels jointed with joint. Early spring blossom, after autumn fruit ripening.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of 300-500m low mountains, sparse forests in valleys.
Resource distribution: located in Shaanxi, Gansu, Zhejiang, Henan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, etc.. Now widely planted.
Character identification this much shrinkage, crushing, intact leaves are flattened oval or ovoid,6-14cm long,3-7cm wide, dark yellow green, apex acuminate, base rounded or broadly cuneate, margin serrate, lower surface veins pubescent; petiole 1-1.5cm. Brittle fracture, visible elastic white rubber wire. Gas, slightly bitter taste.
In order to complete, yellow-green, no impurities. Microscopic identification of the product powder is tan. Non glandular cell, broken, complete up to 350μ m,10-30μ m diameter. Rubber wire is more, irregular strip or twisted into bundles or mission, the diameter of 3-12μ m, the surface was granular. Hole for the infinitive, often a single scatter, accessory cell4-6, horny texture clear, guard cells have annular texture.
Physical and chemical identification of (1) take the coarse powder of about 1g,10ml of water, soaking 30min, filtration, filtrate dripping potassium ferricyanide one three ferric chloride solution2 drops significantly, deep blue. ( check the chlorogenic acid) (2) take the coarse powder of about 2G, plus 50%20ml ethanol, soaking 2h, filtration, filtrate and active carbon amount, mix placed approximately10min, filtration. To obtain filtrate5ml, plus5ml ethanol,0.5% ethanol solution of methyl amino benzaldehyde hydrochloride5ml,1ml, hot water bath ( temperature not exceeding 80 degrees Celsius ) on lmin was heated, dark purple, gradually appear blue. ( check aucubin )3quality mark" of Chinese medicinal materials in Jiangsu province standard"1989 edition provides: impurity shall not exceed 2%, acid insoluble ash content shall not be over8%.
[] both chemical composition containing rafter acid (geniposidic acid) sub glycosides, Liriodendron glycosides (liriodendrin), resin phenol glucoside (pinoresinol diglucoside), alcohol (eucommiol), 1- Eucommia Eucommia ulmoides by alcohol (1-deoxyeucommiol), catechol (catechol), 3- (3- hydroxyphenyl) propionate (3- (3-hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid), two (dihydrocaffeic acid) hydrogen caffeic acid, guaiacol glycerol (based on guaia-cylglycerol), trans -4- - cyclohexane carboxylic acid (-1- trans-4-hydroxycy-clohexane-1-carboxylic acid), Shi (tartaric acid), fumaric acid (fumaric acid), syringaresinol two glucoside (syringaresinol digluco-side), Harper (Harpagide acetate) - acetate, Ajuga glycosides (ajugoside), red grape Ajuga glycosides (reptoside), aucubin (aucubin), chlorogenic acid (chlorogenic acid), alkaloids (alkaloids), sugar (sugars) [6] and saponins, tannins, lactone, coumarin and its glycosides, resin, protein, Eucommia ulmoides gum (guttapercha) [7]; also contains 2- ethyl furyl acrolein (2-ethylfurylacrolein) consisting mainly of volatile components, including 7 alcohol, aldehyde, ketone, 3 4, 2 esters, 18 hydrocarbon and 1 phenolic; The amino acid glutamate ( glutamic acid ) ( serine ), proline, serine, glycine ( proline ) ( glycine ) ( alanine ), alanine, valine ( valine ), methionine, isoleucine ( methionine ) ( isoleucine ) ( histidine ), histidine, threonine ( threonine ), lysine, arginine ( lysine ) acid ( arginine ) [9]; also contains linoleic acid ( linoleic acid ) composed of fatty acid and calcium based inorganic elements.
[ ] the pharmacological effect
1sedative, analgesic effect of Eucommia Leaf Decoction20g/kg filled the stomach of mouse after 1hours,2 hours,3 hours, the spontaneous activity of mice was significantly reduced, and in 2 hours, the most obvious. Hot plate experiment confirmed the mice by intraperitoneal injection of Eucommia Leaf Decoction and alcohol sedimentation liquid12g/kg can enhance mouse induced pain threshold, has obvious analgesic effect.
2Effect on cardiovascular system of 2.1. on cardiac function of Eucommia Leaf Decoction and alcohol sedimentation fluid 0.2g on isolated guinea pig heart has significantly increased coronary blood flow effect. 20g/kg infusion on rabbit, intravenous isoproterenol induced ST elevation and T wave change no antagonistic effect.
2.2. hypotensive effect of anesthetized dogs and cats intravenous injection of Eucommia Leaf Decoction0.4g/kg after the rapid drop in blood pressure, maintain5 minutes to pick up gradually; intravenous doses above 1g/kg, blood pressure decreased significantly, can maintain a long time. Alcohol extract also has antihypertensive effects, but the pressure amplitude and duration than the water decoction of difference. In anesthetized dogs and cats in the step-down test proves, eucommia leaf water decoction and alcohol extract in the short-term repeated intravenous administration can produce rapid tolerance phenomenon, continuous administration of 3-4or even not hypotensive effect. Eucommia leaf water decoction and65% alcohol extract of6g/kg intravenously can cause a significant decrease in blood pressure in rabbits. Eucommia leaf water solution, alcohol, ether and refined various ingredients such as sugar, alkaloid, aucubin, chlorogenic acid in rabbits after intravenous injection to varying degrees, the hypotensive effect of.
In 3the effect on immune function of mice gavage of Eucommia Leaf Decoction and alcohol sedimentation liquid ( crude drug)10g / kg, for 10 days, can inhibit the 2,4- two dinitrochlorobenzene ( DNCB ) caused by delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction, and can fight with large doses of hydrocortisone induced T cell percentage reduction, can make the tumor mouse T cells in the peripheral blood of percentage increased, peritoneal macrophage phagocytic cell function is enhanced, the immune cells showed a biphasic regulation. Mouse daily gavage of Eucommia Leaf Decoction of 6G / kg, a total of 6 days, having improved murine phagocytic carbon ink particle effect, the mouse blood carbon particle clearance rate and Ig3g/kg Astragalus, Codonopsis pilosula were roughly equivalent. Eucommia leaf Decoction12g/kg gavage, of the effect of hydrocortisone by phagocytic function of erythrocyte have obvious effects on the phagocytic activity, increased, indicating Du Zhongyou enhanced immune function.
Ig4the anti-inflammatory effects of eucommia leaf alcohol extract on10g/kg, egg white foot swelling inhibition, but weak role than sodium salicylate. Ig eucommia leaf Decoction on6G / kg, egg white foot swelling has obvious effect, can make the peripheral blood eosinophil decrease, but for the removal of the adrenal gland of rat peripheral blood eosinophilia decreased, description of Eucommia ulmoides leaves depends on the presence of adrenal gland. Eucommia leaf Decoction of 10G / kg, administered for 5 days, can make the mouse blood lymphocyte percentage were significantly lower, juvenile mouse thymic atrophy; leaf Decoction on10g/kg, for 8 consecutive days, the plasma cortisol levels increased significantly, and the adrenal glands of rats in the vitamin C content reduce.
5Effect on glucose metabolism of Eucommia ulmoides leaves Decoction on10g/kg, daily by gavage for 2times, for 8 days, can make the content of liver glycogen of mice was significantly higher, make blood sugar content was also significantly elevated.
6for the house of eucommia leaf water decoction and alcohol extract on isolated rat uterus are inhibited, acetylcholine and can fight for palace excitatory effects.
7other roles in10% leaf Decoction by mouse free drink served 30 days, have apparent antifreeze effect, can prolong the mice at -3℃survival time. Leaf water extract has anti-lipid peroxidation. Using radioimmunoassay observed in Eucommia Leaf Decoction10g/kg gavage can significantly improve in mouse plasma cAMP and cGMP levels.
8 toxicity of Eucommia Leaf Decoction in mice by intraperitoneal injection of the lethal dose is 8.64 ± 0.59g/kg. Daily gavage to mice of Eucommia Leaf Decoction and alcohol sedimentation liquid40g / kg, even3D, abnormal phenomenon. Du Zhongshui Decoction and alcohol sedimentation liquid12g/kg rats were given by gavage, on 21 consecutive days, found no histological changes.
Processing [ ]
1 leaf: to remove impurities, shredding, sieve to ashes.
2fry salt eucommia leaf: take the net of Eucommia ulmoides leaves, salt spray evenly, slightly dull, fry a focal spot. Each leaf100kg, salt2kg.
Characters: see authentication work pieces. Dry storage container, place in a cool dry place.
[ ] micro spicy taste; temperature
[ ] into the liver kidney meridian;
[ ] functions of nourishing liver and kidney; the strong physique; reducing blood pressure. The main low back pain; knee aching and limp weakness; essential hypertension
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Belly pull

[ ]" Sichuan Traditional Chinese medicines."
[ ] D ùL āPinyin name
[ alias ] you, you reference (" Sichuan Traditional Chinese medicines" ), on to the Senate, two parameter, radish ginseng, soil Patrinia (" Kunming folk medicinal herbs commonly used" ).
[ source ] for the Dipsacaceae plant southwest capsule shell flower root. In spring or autumn seedling, seedling stem dried mining root, remove stems of seedlings, shake the sand, dry.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herb. Taproot stout, meat quality. Stems30to 70 cm, slightly four prismatic, edges are provided with grooves, pilose, lower sparse or nearly glabrous, densely glandular hairy upper between. Leaves opposite, obovate or oblong, a pinnatipartite, not rules, lobe margin with irregular large serrate, teeth protruding into the gland, green above, pale green below are pilose, basal leaves petiolate, gradually, nearly sessile. The flowers are small, white, into the evacuation of two dichasial cyme ( sometimes assumes Sanqi cymes ); a small bud piece 4, green, with glandular trichomes, apex purplish red, epicalyx cystic,8prism, light green, with 8small sharp teeth; calyx is small, pale green,5small teeth fissure; corolla white or microstrip purple, funnelform, lobes5, inside hairy; stamens 4, adnate to corolla tube on the lower part; pistil 1, stigmas capitate. Achene with a short beak, hidden in the saccular epicalyx. Florescence in August.
[ ] was born in the hillside forest habitat distribution under half back office, forest, forest edge in the roadside or grass slope. Distribution of Sichuan, Yunnan. Production of sichuan.
[ character ] dry roots of a strip-shaped or fusiform, multiple single branch, fewer branches slightly like kusnezoff Monkshood Root, grow 3 ~7 centimeters, diameter 0.9~ 1.5 centimeters. Surface brown or gray-brown, rough and irregular longitudinal wrinkles, and a small protrusion furuncle scab. Reed head flat section, a remnant stem trace. Tail tapered bottom end of small, blunt or slightly pointed, sometimes more broken. A solid mass, a fiber. Taste of hemp, toxic, do not taste. To root stout, uniform, succulent hypertrophy is preferred.
Taste [ ]
Xin Gan, Wen, toxic.
①" Sichuan" of traditional Chinese medicines, lukewarm, taste Xin Gan, toxic.
The" Kunming folk medicinal herbs commonly used:" flat, slightly sweet and bitter.
[ ] to the" Sichuan Traditional Chinese medicines:" into the lung, spleen by two.
[ indications ]
Air impotence, heart hemostasis. Treatment of impotence, leucorrhea, rheumatic heart disease, Xulao cough, stab bleeding.
①" Sichuan": history of Chinese medicine for warming kidney and Invigorating Qi, smoke detoxification. Treatment Xulao cough.
The" Kunming folk medicinal herbs commonly used:" Qi, Yang, nourishing the heart; topical hemostatic.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,1.5~ 3money; or at the end of the inquiry. External: grinds end apply.
[ ] a party
①treat Qi Down: soil Patrinia money grind end, into the egg, add brown sugar to eat steamed.
The treatment of impotence: soil defeated Sauce Fried grind end, boiling water delivery service.
The treatment of rheumatic heart disease: soil Patrinia money, Bai Ziren money. Grind end, liver total two two, eat steamed.
The treatment of stab wound bleeding: soil Patrinia,100divisions, grind end, external wounds. (choose a" Kunming civil commonly used herbs" )
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt

Tarenna attenuata

Pinyin name ] [ D áL ún M ù
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Rubiaceae plants tarenna mollissima whole plant.
Latin animal mineral name: Tarenna attenuata ( Voigt ) Hutch.[Stylocoryna attenuata voigt]
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, cut, cut into pieces or the bundled, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Ukrainian export trees, shrubs and small trees,2-6m. Glabrous. Leaves opposite; petiole 6-12mm; stipules long5-7mm, basally connate into a complete sheath surrounds the branchlets; leaf blade lanceolate or oblanceolate,6-12cm long,2-4cm wide, apex acuminate, base cuneate, glabrous and glossy on both sides. Inflorescence terminal, corymbose flowers arranged in cymes, branches opposite; bracteoles minute, subulate; flowers with short stalk; calyx tube turbinate, calyx brim lobes triangular; corolla white, throat hairy, apex5 crack, opening the; style glabrous; ovules 1 per locule. Fruit globose, black when dry. Florescence 3-7 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in low elevation forest.
Resource distribution: distribution in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and other places.
[ ] acid taste; Xin; bitter; tepid
[ ] Qufeng functions swelling; blood stasis pain. The main injuries; rheumatoid arthritis; gastrointestinal angina; cellulitis; abscess; stomatitis
[ usage]: the amount of external, leach liquor or wine wipe; wet compress. Oral: decoction,15-30g or leaching liquor service; or water decoction.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Chinses Angelica

Overview: This product is the Umbelliferae Angelica Angelica sinensis ( Oliv. ) Diels root is the dried root. The excavation, removed from fibrous roots and sediment, until the water slightly after evaporation, bind small, shelf, with fireworks slowly smoked dry.
Alias: dry return.
Resistance type: no classification
The character and taste tropism: sweet, spicy, temperature. Liver, heart, spleen.
Actions: blood and blood, menstrual pain, Runchang catharsis. For blood deficiency chlorosis, palpitations, dizziness, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, cold abdominal pain, intestinal constipation dry, rheumatism, falling injury, superficial infection. Liquor angelica and activating blood flow. For amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, rheumatism, falling injury.
Usage and dosage:6~ 12g.
Storage : store in a cool, dry place, moisture-proof, moth.
Clinical application of:
1of Danggui Buxue Decoction (" differentiation on endogenous" ) to treat fever due to deficiency of blood. Muscle heat surface red, polydipsia desire to drink, pale tongue, pulse small and empty, according to weight. Also treat woman menstruation, postpartum blood deficiency fever headache or sore, ulcer, nonunion. 30g6G Astragalus, angelica. Decoction, fasting clothes. Method of Yangxue angelica and camp, Buxu effect a permanent cure, as the official medicine.
2 Angelica four Decoction (" Treatise on the" ) for blood deficiency and cold coagulation meridians syndrome. Extremities, cold, pale tongue with white fur, pulse fine ones or heavy fine; or cold into main and collateral channels, waist, leg, foot pain, femoral. Angelica12g9g9g, cassia twig, peony, licorice.15g,5g,3G rice, jujube9 pieces. Water decoction. In the bitter Xinganwen, can not only complement the camp blood deficiency, a temperature line of blood stagnation, as monarch drug.
Buyanghuanwu soup3five (" Lin medical error" ) treated with Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome of stroke. Hemiplegia, mouth and eyes vortex oblique, angular salivation, frequency of urination and enuresis not dim, tongue, white fur, pulse delay. Astragalus Angelica tail120g,6G,5g was3G, red peony root, Chuanxiong safflower3G,3G, kernel3G. Water decoction. Method of Angelica tail blood and blood stasis, and not to hurt the blood is clever, as the official medicine.



[ source ] from the Guangzhou air force" commonly used Herbal Handbook"
[ ] Pinyin name Dā n Gu īTé n
[ alias ] to King, the Qiang sieve, Chloris, incense, Udo, insurance and Qiang, Ardisia, osmanthus, catch the wind soil small arrow, Mi To
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Myrsinaceae Chinese angelica root and stalk cane.
Latin plant animal name: Embelia parviflora Wall.[Samaraparviflorum Kurz] mineral
Harvest and storage: the year may collect, clean, sliced, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of climbing shrubs or lianas, long 3M above. Branchlets usually2 columns, densely ferruginous villous, glandular dots or slightly stellate hairy. Leaves alternate; petiole is long2, about 1mm, pilose; leaf blade ovate, firmly papery,1-2m long,0.6-1cm wide, apex obtuse or rounded, base subrounded, dilute truncate, margin entire, ciliate leaf number, only concave midvein pilose, abaxially ferruginous villous or scales, subapically sparsely glandular dots. Sub umbels or cymes, axillary, usually recurved hidden in the leaves, ferruginous villous,2-4 having a flower or slightly more; pedicel ferruginous villous; bracteoles lanceolate to subulate, ca.1mm, outside sparsely puberulent; take 5numbers, sepals ovate or subtriangular, apex many glandular, ciliate; petals white or pink, separation, long 1.5-2.5mm, ovate, oblong-elliptic or oblong, apex retuse, near apex glandular punctate, margin and inside densely puberulent; stamens in female flowers degradation, in male flowers with petals long beyond or long. In the1 /3petals, anthers back with glandular dots; pistil in female flowers with petals equaling, style base was sparse puberulent, sometimes glandular branches point, flat or slightly divided, dilute shield. Fruit is globose, diameter of 5mm or less, dark red, glabrous, persistent calyx reflexed. Flowering in December to May the following year, month of fruit period 5-7.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of 300-1800m forest, forest edge or shrub.
Resource distribution: located in Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet and other places.
[ ] taste bitter astringent; temperature;
[ ] liver kidney meridian;
[ ] functions of blood; blood; strong waist. The main deficiency syndromes; menstruation; amenorrhea; postpartum weakness; Yaotui pain; traumatic fracture
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15~ 30g. External: fresh goods amount, trace and apply.
[ ] the discussion
1 Guangzhou air force" commonly used Herbal Handbook:" by filling empty fatigue, promoting blood circulation, waist, strong, Yi Jing yang. Treating irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, anemia, stomach pain, leucorrhea.
2" Yunnan selected medicinal plants of Simao": activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis, regulating menstruation pain, bone. Treatment of fracture, traumatic injury, irregular menstruation, diarrhea.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]