
Chinese juniper

[ ] C Pinyin name B gave I
[ alias ] mountain juniper cypress, Cupressus funebris, short spines
[ source ] cypress section Juniperus Juniperus taiwaniana Hayata, epith mut, be used as medicine with the root.
[ ] Shaanxi, Gansu habitat distribution, Shanxi, Fujian, Jiangxi.
[ ] taste bitter, cold.
[ function ] attending attending measles, body heat reclaim.
[ usage] 4 ~ 5 money.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"

Celastrus flagellaris

[ ] Pinyin name C B. O N n Sh 's T n e e to be
[ alias ] ivy.
[ source ]
Medicine source: Celastraceae plant Celastrus root, stem thorn.
Latin animal mineral name: Celastrns flagellaris Rupr.
Harvest and storage: spring and autumn harvest, dry cleaned.
[ ] the original form of thorn of Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb lianoid shrubs, up to 8m. Stems and branches, often with rooting. The outer 1 pairs of bud scales night latch, a sharp hooked spines, often hook attached to a tree. Leaves alternate, submembranous, broadly ovate or suborbicular, length 3-5.5cm, width 2-5cm, apex shortly acuminate, base subrounded or broadly cuneate, leaf margin with bristles shape with fine teeth. Cymes axillary clusters 1-3 to many flowered; flowers unisexual, pale yellow, 5 count, calyx bell, 5 crack; petaline spoon oblong; filaments inserted on the male edge of disk degeneration, ovary of female flowers; filaments very short, ovarian 3 rooms, style column, post 3 crack, crack tip and deep 2 crack, reflexed. Capsule globose, yellowish green, 3 valves. Seed 3-6, dark red, covered by orange-red aril. Florescence in June, fruit period in October.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: was born in the wilderness, forest, river and Shi Po.
Resource distribution: distribution in Northeast and Hebei, Shandong, Zhejiang.
[ ] the bitter taste of spice; flat;
[ function ] Qufeng desiccant; promoting blood circulation and relieving pain; swelling detoxification. The main rheumatic arthralgia; numbness of limbs; traumatic injury; amenorrhea; diarrhea; ulcer; snake bites
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 15-30g. External: moderate, grind end adjustable coating.
[ note ] pregnant woman forbids.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Celastrus flagellaris fruit

[ ] Pinyin name C B. O N n Sh 's T n be Gu i e e
[ source ]
Medicine source: Celastraceae plant thorns Celastrus flagellaris Rupr. The fruit of celastrus.
Latin animal mineral name: Calastrus flagellaris Rupr.
Harvest and storage : autumn harvest, dried.
[ ] the original form of thorn of Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb lianoid shrubs, up to 8m. Stems and branches, often with rooting. The outer 1 pairs of bud scales night latch, a sharp hooked spines, often hook attached to a tree. Leaves alternate, submembranous, broadly ovate or suborbicular, length 3-5.5cm, width 2-5cm, apex shortly acuminate, base subrounded or broadly cuneate, leaf margin with bristles shape with fine teeth. Cymes axillary clusters 1-3 to many flowered; flowers unisexual, pale yellow, 5 count, calyx bell, 5 crack; petaline spoon oblong; filaments inserted on the male edge of disk degeneration, ovary of female flowers; filaments very short, ovarian 3 rooms, style column, post 3 crack, crack tip and deep 2 crack, reflexed. Capsule globose, yellowish green, 3 valves. Seed 3-6, dark red, covered by orange-red aril. Florescence in June, fruit period in October.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: was born in the wilderness, forest, river and Shi Po.
Resource distribution: distribution in Northeast and Hebei, Shandong, Zhejiang.
[ ] the seeds with chemical composition of Celastrus orbiculatus yellow matter (celaxanthin ) and maize yellow matter ( zeaxanthin ).
[ ] bitter taste; Xin Ping;
[ function ] tranquilizing mind; activating blood circulation and relieving pain; swelling detoxification. The palpitation and insomnia; musculoskeletal pain and numb toothache;;; sores
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 6-25g.
[ ]" from Chinese Materia Medica

Celastrus flagellaris leaf

[ ] Pinyin name C B. O N n Sh 's T n Y keyword to be e e
[ source ]
Medicine source: Celastraceae plant thorns Celastrus flagellaris Rupr. The leaves of celastrus. 0
Latin animal mineral name: Celastrns flagellaris Rupr.
Harvest and storage: spring, summer harvest, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original form of thorn of Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb lianoid shrubs, up to 8m. Stems and branches, often with rooting. The outer 1 pairs of bud scales night latch, a sharp hooked spines, often hook attached to a tree. Leaves alternate, submembranous, broadly ovate or suborbicular, length 3-5.5cm, width 2-5cm, apex shortly acuminate, base subrounded or broadly cuneate, leaf margin with bristles shape with fine teeth. Cymes axillary clusters 1-3 to many flowered; flowers unisexual, pale yellow, 5 count, calyx bell, 5 crack; petaline spoon oblong; filaments inserted on the male edge of disk degeneration, ovary of female flowers; filaments very short, ovarian 3 rooms, style column, post 3 crack, crack tip and deep 2 crack, reflexed. Capsule globose, yellowish green, 3 valves. Seed 3-6, dark red, covered by orange-red aril. Florescence in June, fruit period in October.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: was born in the wilderness, forest, river and Shi Po.
Resource distribution: distribution in Northeast and Hebei, Shandong, Zhejiang.
[ ] bitter taste; flat
[ function ] blood stasis; heat-clearing and detoxicating. The main injuries; boil; snake bites
[ usage] oral administration: moderate, Daozhi red wine. External : the amount, trace and apply.
[ note ]" northeast": pregnant women do not use medicinal plants.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Thorn of Bi sativa

[ source ] from the" Kunming" common folk herbal medicine.
[ ] Pinyin name C B Xi keyword
English name [ ] rhizome of Spiny Greenbrier
[ alias ] red castor seed sativa, beauty, Gracilaria fan leaf
[ source ]
Medicine source: Liliaceae Smilax for support.
Latin animal mineral name: Smilax ferox Wall.ex Kunth
Harvest and storage: fall, winter and spring excavation, removal of stems and leaves and fibrous root, washed, sliced dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Smilax ferox climbing shrub. The number of stems and branches with vertical stripes, sparsely spiny. Leaves alternate; petiole length 5-25cm, accounting for about 1 of the length of the / 2-3 / 4 with sheath, usually only a few petioles with tendrils, dropping point is located in the sheath above; leaf blade thickly leathery to papery oval, Caine, ovate-elliptic to oblong, long 3-16cm, width 1.5-9cm, below usually pale, some green, dry ash yellow green or dark green. Umbels born Ye Shang young branchlets; peduncles long 1-2.5cm, occasionally joint, receptacle of inflorescence often extended to how much a racemose inflorescence; flowers unisexual, dioecious; tepals 6, yellowish green or white; male flowers are long outer 4-8mm, width 2-3mm, inner tepals slightly narrower, stamens 6; female than male flowers small 3-6mm, perianth segments, with 6 staminodes, ovarian 3 rooms, post 3 crack. Berry is globose, diameter 8-15mm, red when ripe. Flowering of 3-4 months, fr. 10-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in forests, thickets or hill shade.
Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest and Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places.
[ ] the bitter taste of spice; flat;
[ function ] rheumatism; Lee urine; solution sore. The main rheumatic arthralgia stranguric urination; turbidity; simplex itching; ecthyma
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 9-15g. External: moderate, washed fried.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Stab shank rosette fern

[ source ] was first recorded in flora of China"".
[ ] Pinyin name C B n Li 's n Zu to be which Ju e
English name [ ] Wall Angiopteris
[ alias ] spiny handle a Buddism godness Guanyin 's seat
[ source ]
Medicine source: as a Buddism godness Guanyin Lotus branch plant thorn handle seat a Buddism godness Guanyin Mountain lotus rhizome.
Latin animal mineral name: Angiopteris muralis Ching
Harvest and storage: autumn, winter harvest, wash, go to the fibrous root and petiole, use fresh or dried.
[ ] the original form of thorn handle a Buddism godness Guanyin s seat, a large terrestrial ferns, plant height can reach more than 2m. Ye Er pinnate, along the rib sparsely brown scaly; pinnae herbaceous, alternate, linear-lanceolate, ca. 68cm, towards the ends of the gradient narrowly, base and top width of about 7cm, central width of about 13cm, rachis long 2cm, pinnae piece about 37 pairs, alternate or opposite to the upper, lower development above the middle, slightly obliquely upward; basal 2 to elliptic-ovate, length 4cm, width of about 1.7cm, the lower part of the pinna is relatively short, broadly lanceolate, long 5-6cm, width 1.7-1.8, central slightly long, lanceolate, long 6.3-7.5cm, width of 1.6cm, the upper and middle similar, sometimes slightly sickle shaped, base slightly unequal, subtruncate or a broadly cuneate, apex shortly acuminate, leaf margin irregularly serrulate; vein bifurcation, nearly horizontal inclined exhibit, no inverted Ting false veins; rachis with squamous protrusions, feather shaft rear most small head raised, ventral mask longitudinal groove, to apex narrowly winged. Sori with leaf margin of about 1.5mm Department of health, with oblong or elliptic, long 1.5-2mm, by 12-16 sporangia.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : born in the mountain forests of.
Resource distribution: distribution in Guangdong, Guangxi and other places.
[ ] mild astringent taste; cooler;
[ ] functions of clearing heat and removing dampness; phlegm and relieving cough; alexipharmic detumescence. The main diarrhea; diarrhea; lung heat cough; Luo Li; mumps; carbuncle boils; fracture; snake bites
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 15g. Topical; right amount, trace and apply.
[ ] the treatise" Xinhua outline of Materia Medica" : Roots: leaf light, dry, cool. A heat dissipating, cough, swelling, Zhixie function. For pneumonia cough, snakebite, fracture, scrofula, furuncle, carbuncle mumps, enteritis and dysentery.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Stab shank star

[ alias ] green star, Araceae, white star, star seven, seven, three, Fu Lin crab snake taro
[ source ] Araceae thorn handle Arisaema asperatum N star E Brown, with tubers.
[ ] Hubei habitat distribution.
[ function ] poisonous. Expectorant cough, pain. And cure injury, ulcer.
[ usage] apply treats the diseases.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"

Thorn series

[ source ]" Materia Medica" Fujian
[ ] C B Pinyin name
[ alias ] pour tray, tray (" Materia Medica" famine relief ), fasting, fasting, rice Bao Bo Lin Miao, and early (" Fujian Materia Medica" ), rice seedling, field Elimination Torsion, parent, field angle male (" Zhejiang temmokus yam planting annals" ).
[ source ] for the Rosaceae Rubus hirsutus Thunb leaves and roots. Spring, summer harvest, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of small deciduous shrubs, up to 1 meters high. Stems slender and weak, prickly and densely glandular hairs. Odd pinnate, leaflets 3 to 5, ovate-lanceolate or egg shape is elliptic, long 3 - 7 centimeters, 2 to 3.5 cm wide. Apex acute or acuminate, base rounded to broadly cuneate, margin with irregular blocks carved serrate, two slightly below villous, sparsely glandular hairy; stipules lanceolate. Flowers white, ca. 4 cm, apex single branchlets, pedicels 3 to 6 cm long, with pilose and glandular hairs; sepals lanceolate triangle, both surfaces densely tomentose, apex long tip; petal obovate-elliptic. Aggregate fruit globose, hot red. Florescence 4 to May. Fruit 5 to June.
[ ] was born in mountain habitat distribution, forest margins or on the roadside. The distribution of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong and other places.
[ ] the chemical composition containing astragalus glycoside and trefoil bean petal glycosides.
[ ] acid taste, flat, non-toxic.
[ ] functions of clearing away heat and toxic material. Cure summer vomiting and diarrhea, hot headaches, colds, jaundice.
[ ] a party
The treatment of sore throat, toothache, headache, epistaxis: thorn spinach leaves money. Some stew served with salt.
The treatment of tonsillitis: fresh pineapple thorn root three two, rice one or two. Decoction, honey two two transfer service. ( following a" taste of the Chinese Materia Medica" )
The treatment of pediatric febrile hair surprised: rice torsion eliminating one money. Water decoction.
The refractory jaundice: rice torsion eliminating root four two, yellow two two. A small quantity of water decoct juice, after meals.
The treatment of infantile summer-heat furuncle: rice torsion eliminating leaves, pound takes juice dressing. ( the following a" Zhejiang temmokus yam planting annals" )
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"

Sea cucumber

[ ].
From" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan".
The 1" Chinese herbal medicine in Yunnan: selected" Yiwei, sedation, tonifying kidney, invigorating yang. Treat neurasthenic, indigestion, uterine prolapse, leucorrhea overmuch, impotence.
The 2" Chinese herbal medicine in Yunnan:" tonifying qi blood, ground bones. Treatment of neurosis, anemia, Feixu cough, traumatic injury, fractures.
[ ] Pinyin name C Sh n
English name ] [ Largeflower Morina, Root of Largeflower Morina
[ alias ] thorn teasel
[ source ]
Medicine source: teasel plant thorn Dipsacus japonicus total grass and Qinghai.
Latin animal mineral name: 1.Morina nepalensis D . Don [ M.beton-icoides ] 2.Morina kokonorica Benth Hao [ M.paruifolora auct . Non Kar . Et Kir]
Harvest and storage: 6-7 months of recovery, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology
1 stab teasel perennial, high 20-50cm. Stems single or 2-3 branched, sparsely pilose by upper column. Basal leaf blade linear-lanceolate, length 10-20cm, width 0.5-1.2cm, apex acuminate, base attenuate, into a sheath clasping, margin entire, with scattered bristles, glabrous, veins obvious; stem leaves opposite, 2-4, oblong shape to lanceolate, to gradually small, margin with bristles. Flowering stems from the basal Ye Pangsheng; pseudocapitate inflorescences terminal, diameter 3-5cm, including 10-20 flower, branches near the top at the leaf axils lower intermediate a few flower exist; involucral bracts ovate to ovate-orbicular, margin basally with hard spines; small involucre campanulate, 8-10mm long; calyx tubular, long 7-9mm, gap is very big, up to half of the calyx, margin villous and toothed spines; corolla red or purple, diameter 7-9mm, irregular, slightly zygomorphic corolla tube nearly, bending, lobes 5, obcordate, long 3-4mm, apex concave; staminal 4, two strong, inserted on corolla throat; style high stamens, stigma head shape. Achenes cylindrical, long 4-6mm, blue and brown, being short, apex obliquely truncate. Flowering of 6-8 months, fr. 7-9.
The 2 Qinghai sea cucumber with thorn teasel distinction : Ye Shen divided almost to the midrib. Calyx is long 10-15mm, calyx lobes 2 or 3 split, split into 4-6 small lobes, small cleaved long ovate to ovate-lanceolate, apex spinose tips most. Flowering of 6-8 months, fr. 8-9.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: born in 1 in an elevation of 3200-4000m grasslands on mountain slopes.
Born in 2 in an elevation of 3400-4900m grasslands on mountain slopes, thickets, river gravel.
Resource distribution: 1 distributed in Yunnan, Tibet, sichuan.
2 located in Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Tibet etc..
[ ] taste sweet; bitter; temperature
[ ] indications of stomach and relieve pain; swelling pus. The main epigastric pain; sore carbuncle swelling; purulent wounds
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 3-5g. External: moderate, grind end spreader.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Thorn tea Maytenus wood

[ ] Pinyin name C Ch 's M I D n M be
[ alias ] skin pepper.
[ source ]
Medicine source: for plants of Guangxi thorn tea leaves.
Latin animal mineral name: Maytenus variabilis ( Loes. ) C.Y.Cheng f.inermis C.Y.Cheng et W.L.Sha
Harvest and storage: spring, summer harvest, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Guangxi thorn tea bushes, high 1-1.5m. Leaves alternate, or fascicled; petiole length 2-3mm; leaf blade papery, long elliptic lanceolate or narrow oval, long 2.5-8.5cm, 1.5-2.5cm wide, apex rounded or obtuse, base cuneate, margin serrulate no wave music. Inflorescences simple or 2-3 axillary, pedunculate longer, usually less 1-2cm, 5mm; the flower is small, 5. Capsule cardioid, ripe red brown. Flowering 9-10 month, fruit next year 5-7 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: montane shrub.
Resource distribution: distribution in Guangxi.
[ ] bitter taste; Xin; chill
[ ] detoxification functions; dampness; anticancer. Primary ulcer of lower limb; tinea capitis; psoriasis; tumor
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 15-30g; or into the pill, powder. External: moderate, grind end tune apply; or fresh goods trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Thorn tooth Pteris

[ source ] was contained in the" China higher plant".
[ ] Pinyin name C Ch F n W keyword to be I Ju e
English name [ ] all-grass of Disparate Brake
[ alias ] half double, half of the flag
[ source ]
Medicine source: Pteridaceae plant thorn tooth Pteris entire grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Pteris dispar Kunze
Harvest and storage: collected all the year round, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of terrestrial perennial pteridophytes, plants with high 30-80cm. Rhizome short and very dense brown, lanceolate scales. Leaves herbaceous, dense, type two; petiole to nutrition chestnut chestnut brown, long 8-12cm, 3-4 edge, smooth, only in the base of a brown linear scales, shaft and shaft on both sides of a narrow margin uplift on a short shaft; leaf blade oblong or oblong-lanceolate, length 15-40cm, width 6-15CM, apex caudate, two back to the singular deeply pinnatifid or two back half deeply pinnatifid; lateral pinna 4-6 to handle short, triangular in shape, pinnae lanceolate or triangular, base oblique, apex caudate, feather crack of rachis, first to the utmost, length 5-8cm, width 2-3cm 4-9; lobes, oblong or narrowly oblong, only nutrition leaf apically sharp thorns serrate; lateral veins bifurcation, small veins extending to sawtooth within. Sporophyll and nutrition leaves similar long, leaf blade narrowly ovate; lateral lobes of the pinna 5-7, apex acuminate. Sori line, was born in the pinna rim small veins, only the top male sterile; indusia linear, membranous, ash green, margin entire.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in an elevation of 400-950m broadleaf forests and woodland or under.
Resource distribution: distribution of Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou etc..
[ ] chemical composition containing an fern glycoside ( isopteroside ) C, enantio - 11 hydroxy - 15 - oxygen generation - kauri - 16 - Xi - 19 - hydroxy acid ( ent-11 alpha hydroxy-15-oxo-kaur-16-en-19-carboxylic acid ), enantio - 11 hydroxy - 15 - oxygen - alkyl - 19 - 16S - kauri hydroxy acid ( ent-11 alpha hydroxy-15-oxo-16S-kaurane-19-carboxylic acid ), enantio - 11 hydroxy - 15 - oxygen generation - 16R - kauri alkyl - 19 - hydroxy acid ( ent-11 alpha hydroxy-15-oxo-16R-kaurane-19-carboxylic acid ), to reflect the 7 alpha, 9 - two hydroxy 15 - oxygen generation - 16S - kauri alkyl - 19 -, 6 beta - lactone ( ent-7 a, 9-dihydroxy-15-oxo-16S-laurane-19, 6 p - olide ), to reflect the 7 alpha, 9 - two hydroxy 15 - oxygen generation - kauri - 16 ene 19, 6 p - lactone ( ent-7 alpha, 9-dihydroxy-15-oxo-kaur-16-en-19 -, 6 p - olide ), also contains the thorn tooth Pteris glucoside [ glycoside ( Pteris dispar ) ] A, B, C.
[ ] taste bitter astringent; cool;
[ ] to the liver; the large intestine meridian
[ ] heat-clearing and detoxicating functions; and cooling. The main dysentery; diarrhea; mumps; rheumatism; traumatic injury; boils; snake bites
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 15-30g. External : the amount, trace and apply.
[ ] the treatise" Xinhua outline of Materia Medica": the whole grass, bitter, astringent, cool. Detoxification, bleeding Shengji, removing blood stasis and activating function. Used for enteritis, diarrhea, mumps, rheumatism, sore, snake bites and bruises. Guangxi folk roots with hemostasis. According to the cloud, the effect of Yunnan Baiyao approximation.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Thorn calyx of Rubus

[ source ] was contained in the" China higher plant supplement".
Pinyin name ] [ C keyword Xu 's n G u Zi
English name [ ] Spinycalyx Raspberry
[ alias ] Huang Suomei, small red
[ source ]
Medicine source: for the Rosaceae plant thorn calyx raspberry root.
Latin animal mineral name: Rubus alexeterium Focke
Harvest and storage: summer, fall the excavation, removal of stems and leaves, washed, sliced, dried.
[ ] the original form of thorn calyx raspberry shrubs, high 1-2m. Older branchlets reddish brown, glabrous, often with white Creme, hooked prickles. Petiole densely villous, sparsely hook fine prickles; stipules linear, long pilose; leaflets 3 ( - 5 ), terminal leaflets rhombic, side unripe flocculus is long ovate or elliptic, long 3-4 ( 5) cm, 1.5-3cm wide, apex acute, base cuneate, margin with irregular sharp sawtooth, above V villous, densely gray-white tomentose below. 1-4 flower flowers; pedicels pilose and fine prickles; flower diameter of 1.5-2CM; calyx of up to 2cm, outside densely acupuncture and villous; petals white, suborbicular, base the Ministry has a very short claw, shorter than sepals. Fruit globose, harboring the calyx, diameter of up to 1.5 ( 2) cm, yellow, glabrous. Flowering of 4-5 months, fr. 6-7.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of 3700m Valley Creek, barren mountain or forest open office.
Resource distribution: distribution in Sichuan, Northwestern Yunnan and southern Tibet.
[ ], the bitter taste of light; flat
[ ] to the liver; lung; large intestine meridian
[ ] functions of clearing heat and removing dampness, promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation. The main dysentery, intestinal wind blood, jaundice, nephritis, musculoskeletal pain, sprains, irregular menstruation, infantile pertussis, impetigo
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 6-12g.
[ ] the treatise" Xinhua outline of Materia Medica": root: treating irregular menstruation, red and white dysentery, intestinal blood, nephritis, jaundice, infantile pertussis, edema.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Gill cover grass

[ source ]" Sichuan commonly used Chinese herbal medicine"
[ ] Pinyin name C G, I C be o
[ a ] large spines cover
[ source ] as the Compositae Luoping thistle root. Autumn in root, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial, up to 1.5 meters high. Root stout, fibrous roots of white. Stems erect, with conspicuous longitudinal furrow, sparsely coiled fine fluff. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, 15 to 40 cm long, margin pinnately parted, lobes ovate-triangular, apex acupuncture, acupuncture and edge small eyelashes and serrate, base broadly, decurrent into the ear, green or dark green above, below white, densely white arachnoid hairs, upper stem leaves gradually smaller. Capitate, raw stems and branches end; involucre of 1 ~ 4, the outer layer of the shortest, lanceolate, gradually extending inward, to linear-lanceolate, on top of a white spines; all bisexual flowers; corolla tube elongated, 5 crack greatly; stamens 5, anthers born crown tube swelling department, united to form a column style apex 2 lobed. Achenes, oblong or cylindrical, dry crested yellow red. Florescence 5 to June. Fruit 7 to August.
[ ] in the roadside grass habitat distribution Xiangyang department. Distribution of Sichuan etc..
[ ] taste bitter, flat.
[ ] and functions, water, wind, tonic. Treatment of vomiting blood, blood, edema, weak, traumatic injury, carbuncle, swelling, prurigo, mange.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 1 ~ 2 two.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"


The teasel gourd

[ alias ] milk silkworm, small the teasel gourd, wild bitter gourd
[ source ] the Asclepiadaceae Cynanchum plants the teasel gourd Cynan chum corymbosum Wight [ Cyathella corymbosa ( Wight ) Tsiang et Zhang], to complete grass is used as medicine. Annual recoverable, dried.
[ ] taste Gan, pale, flat.
[ ] functions Qi, prolactin, detoxification. For lack of milk, neurasthenia, chronic nephritis.
[ usage] 0.5 ~ 1 two.
[ note ] ( 1) has called on orchitis, hematuria, amenorrhea, tuberculosis, hepatitis, and can also be used.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"

The teasel gourd Spartina

[ source ]" herbal" from Guizhou.
[ ] Pinyin name C Gu M C o million.
English name [ ] root of Low Greenbrier, Dwarf Greenbrier
[ alias ] Thoreau thorn thorn, mullet
[ source ]
Medicine source: Liliaceae Smilax for lobular root.
Latin animal mineral name: Smilax microphylla C.H . Wright.
Harvest and storage: the year may collect, washed, sliced dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Smilax microphylla shrubs climbing. Stems and branches with spines, long 1-3mm, branches, often with a longitudinal ridge. Leaves alternate; petiole length 3-15mm, accounting for a total length of 1 / 3-1 / 2 base of petiole narrowly sheath, often fall off not see, generally with tendrils, leaf abscission point is located in the petiole near apex; leaf blade papery or thinly leathery, leaf shape change is bigger, the same plant has two kind of entirely different leaf shape, leaf, egg shape lanceolate, ovate or lanceolate in shape, length 2.5-10cm, width 0.5-5cm, apex shortly acuminate, base obtuse, truncate or rounded, slightly pale white north. Umbels single student leaf axils; peduncle long 2-5mm, significantly shorter than petiole, minority and petiole subequal; inflorescence holds inflated, and the multiple necking existing bracteoles, so that the receptacle of inflorescence number rosulate; flowers pale green, dioecious; male flower is long elliptic, the inner wheel outer tepals slightly narrower than, anther long filament 1 / 2-2 / 3; female flowers slightly smaller than the male, with 3 staminodes. Berry diameter 5-7mm. Purple black when mature.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in an elevation of 500-1600m limestone scrub or in crevices.
Resource distribution: located in the southwest, and Shaanxi, Gansu, Hubei, Hunan and other places.
[ ] taste bitter and pungent; cool
[ ] Qufeng functions; dampness heat. The main rheumatic fever paralysis; hot urination; leucorrhea; it is
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 6-15g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]



[ ] Pinyin name C Gu I G n C O transactions.
[ alias ] Hu cocklebur, horse, horse wolf, wolf stalk firewood dog licorice
[ source ] of Glycyrrhiza legume genus Glycyrrhiza Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora Maxim., to root and fruit is used as medicine. Root annual recoverable; fruit autumn collect after maturity, are dried in the sun.
[ ], the taste of Gan Xin, temperature.
[ function ]
Infructescences : prolactin. For lack of milk production.
Root: insecticide. Topical treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis.
[ usage] infructescence 2 ~ 3 money; root topical amount, water decoction fumigation.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


Caesalpinia Cristal

[ source ] Guangzhou forces" commonly used Herbal Handbook"
[ ] Pinyin name C Gu I S M reports
[ alias ] busy fruit nail ( Guangzhou army" commonly used Herbal Handbook" )
[ source ] for legume bur hematoxylin leaves. The summer collection, dried.
[ ] the original morphology lianoid shrubs, entire individual plant has recurved barbs, every department is yellow pilose. Leaves 30 to 45 cm long; pinnae 6 ~ 9 pairs, opposite, the leaflets borne often stipulelike small spines 1 to; leaflets 6 ~ 12 on, long elliptic, long 1.5 - 4 centimeters, 1.5 to 2 cm wide, apex obtuse and has a small convex tip, base oblique; stipules large, leaflike, often splitting, dropping. Racemes axillary, with long stalks, dense upper, lower sparse; bracts cone, hair, deflexed, blossom falls off gradually; calyx lobes 5, inside and outside are covered with rusty hairs; petals yellow, or top 1 piece of erythema, oblanceolate, not longer than calyx, claw. Pod quadrature circle, long 5 - 7 centimeters, top having a beak, outside with elongated needle. Seeds 2 to 3, subglobose, lead gray, shiny. Florescence 8 to October. Fruit from October to March the following year.
[ ] was born in woodland scrub habitat distribution, seaside villages wasteland. Distribution of Guangdong, Guangxi, Taiwan and other places.
[ ] the chemical composition of pod contains tannin 30 ~ 48%. The seed contains saponins, sterols, fatty oil, starch.
[ ], pharmacological effects of seed bark and leaves contain bitter components Bonducin or Guilandinin, as a kind of resin acids, according to a kind of cloud quinine antimalarial effect, but on experimental malaria invalid; its antipyretic effect still needs to be sure. This bitter components can be further divided into four parts: part A has certain antibacterial effect; part B on rabbit with fever, diuretic effect, also has certain antibacterial effectiveness; part D was killed ( insect ) role of earthworm. Bitter components and seed extract with mild lower canine blood pressure, inhibition of frog heart function, and the effects of water extract of.
[ ] Guangzhou army taste" commonly used Herbal Handbook: bitter, cold".
[ ] Guangzhou forces commonly used functions" Herbal Handbook:" Quyu Zhitong, clearing away heat and toxic material. Treatment of acute and chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, carbuncle sore furuncle.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 2 ~ 3. External: trace and apply.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"


Bur cane

[ source ] was contained in the" flora" guangdong.
[ ] Pinyin name C Gu I T e n be
English name [ ] Scabrous buttneria
[ alias ] plastic rattan.
[ source ]
Medicine source: Sterculiaceae bur cane, stem.
Latin animal mineral name: Byttneria aspera Colebr.
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of rattan wood calamus wailong the bur. Branchlets slightly pubescent young parts. Leaves alternate; petiole length 2-8cm, hairy; lobes broadly ovate, cordate or suborbicular, length 7-23cm, width 5.5-16cm, apex obtuse or acute, base cordate, the top few glabrous, below white stellate pubescent; basal veins 5. Cymes terminal or axillary; the flower is small, yellowish white, inner surface purplish red; sepals ovate, ca. 2mm, pubescent, apex acute; petals 5, alternating with sepals, apex 2 crack and a strip-shaped subsidiary body, about as long as sepals; stamens connate into a tube, and the development of stamen staminodes 5; Ovarian 5 rooms, every room has 2 ovule. Capsule spherical or oval sphere shape, diameter 3-4cm, students most stout spines and pubescent. Seeds oblong, ca. 12mm, black at maturity. Florescence spring, summer.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in open forest or mountain side.
Resource distribution: distribution in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places.
[ ] taste taste hard; Xin; slightly wet
[ ] liver kidney meridian;
[ function ] rheumatism; strong bones and muscles. The main rheumatic pain; lumbar muscle strain; traumatic fracture
[ usage] oral administration of Decoction: fresh goods, 9-15g, 30g. External : the amount, trace and apply.
[ ] the treatise" Xinhua outline of Materia Medica": root, stem: rheumatism, strengthen muscles function. For postpartum bones pain, rheumatism, lumbar muscle strain.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Bur cane.

[ alias ] [ Lijiang ] Yunnan rattan of Eucommia ulmoides
[ source ] Celastraceae bur cane. Euonymus acanthocarpus Franch . Var. Scandens ( Loes. ) R . A . Blak., rattan.
[ ] Yunnan habitat distribution.
[ ] the bitter taste, temperature.
[ function ] Qufeng desiccant, activating collaterals. Treating rheumatic pain, bleeding trauma, traumatic injury; external use in treating fracture.
[ usage] 2 to 3 money, decoct with water. Topical pound outsourcing.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"

Effects of Euonymus

[ source ]" herbal" from Guizhou.
[ ] Pinyin name C Gu I W keyword I M 's o
English name [ ] Root of Wilson Euonymus
[ alias ] button flowers, rocks, little tree wind.
[ source ]
Medicine source: Celastraceae plant thorns Euonymus root.
Latin animal mineral name: Euonymus wilosnii Sprague
Harvest and storage : autumn harvest, slices dried.
[ ] the original form of thorn Euonymus evergreen climbing shrub, plant height of 6m. Leaves opposite; petiole length 1-1.5cm; leaf blade thinly leathery, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, length 8-15cm, width 2-5cm, apex acuminate, margin sparsely shallowly toothed, base cuneate, lateral veins on the leaf base 3. Cymes three to four divisions, peduncles long 2-4cm, long 4-5mm with pedicel; green, 4 number, diameter of about 7mm. Capsule is pale yellow, densely yellowish elongated soft thorn, diameter ( even the thorn) about 2cm, thorn long 5-8mm. Seed orange aril. Florescence in June, fruit is ripe period in October.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in the valley forest.
Resource distribution: located in Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, sichuan.
[ ] the taste of spice; temperature
[ ] to the spleen
[ function ] Qufeng desiccant; Huoxue Zhitong; and water swelling. The main rheumatic arthralgia; labor; edema
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 15-30g; LEACH liquor. External: moderate, washed fried.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Thorn of rosin

[ ] C Pinyin name H I S n to be transactions
[ alias ] Codium
[ source ] algae Chlorophyta thorn Haisong Codium fragile ( Sur. ) Hariot, with fronds.
[ ] of taste sweet, salty, cold.
[ ] drive lumbricoides functions.
[ usage] decocted in water.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"

Thorn of Zanthoxylum

[ alias ] wild pepper pepper, rock
[ source ] Rutaceae thorn simulans Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC., to root, fruit is used as medicine.
[ ] Yunnan habitat distribution.
[ ] the chemical composition of volatile oil from 0.57 to 2%.
[ ] of taste, Ma Xin, temperature.
[ functions ] warming spleen and stomach for dispelling cold, pain, insecticidal, contraception. Attending stomach pain, rheumatism arthralgia, contraception, bug to accumulate abdominal pain.
[ usage] 3 to 5 money, fruit 1 to 3 money.
[ ]" the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine extracts



[ ] Pinyin name C Hu 's I
[ alias ] Acacia, thorny tree
[ source ] Robinia pseudoacacia L legume Acacia, with flowers.
[ ] habitat distribution of northeast and Northwest China, North China, East china.
[ ] leaf chemical composition containing Robinin ( Acaciin, C28H32O13, 4H2O ), acacetin ( acacetin, C16H12O5 ), three glucoside, Robinin ( Robinin, C33H40O19 ), tannin etc..
[ function ] hemostasis. Attending colorectal blood, hemoptysis, hematemesis, and women with red collapse.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"

Flower of Robinia pseudoacacia

[ source ] from the" Guizhou folk prescription set".
[ ] Pinyin name C Hu 's I Hu.
English name [ ] Flower of Black Locust
[ alias ] locust, locust, Hu Teng.
[ source ]
Medicine source: for leguminous plants locust flower.
Latin animal mineral name: Robinia pseudoacacia L.
Harvest and storage: 6-7 bloom when the harvest inflorescence, pick flowers, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Robinia pseudoacacia deciduous trees, usually about 15m. Bark gray-brown, with deep fissures; branchlets dark brown, with lancet, glabrous; winter buds small, in deciduous anterior concealed in the base of petiole. Leaves odd-pinnate, rachis with shallow trench, basally inflated; leaflets 7-19 oval, oblong or oval, long 2-5.5cm, 1-2cm wide, apex rounded or slightly concave, with small spines, base rounded or broadly cuneate, margin entire, glabrous above or childhood back slightly fine; petiolules ca. 2mm, with small spiny stipules. Racemes axillary, ptosis, long 10-20cm, rachis hairy, peduncular long 7mm, densely hairy; calyx campanulate, apex lobed into 5 gear, slightly two Labiatae, pilose; corolla white, fragrant, upper petal suborbicular, base clawed, with 2 yellow spots, wing flap bending inwards, keel bend, the lower joint; stamens 10, two body, upper separation or half separation; style heads pilose, apex. Pod strip-shaped long oval, flat, length 5-10cm, width l-1.5cm, red brown, ventral suture line have narrow wing, seed does not cross diaphragm. Seed 3-10, reniform, dark brown, with small dark spots. Flowering of 4-6 months, fr. 7-8.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in road and cottage nearby.
Resource distribution: widely cultivated throughout the country.
Cultivated [ ]
Biological characteristics of tropical tree species, in the the Yellow River basin, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, growth is good. Likes the warm, sunny. Soil with deep, loose, fertile, well drained loam best. Ability to drought, salt resistance, alkali resistance.
Cultivation techniques of seed propagation can be generally used, with points, root and cutting propagation.
Field management of locust for shallow root tree, gale after each easy rock roots, so should pay attention with the soil pressure of rhizosphere, in order to avoid dumping.
Pest control four Limacodidae damage leaf; spot coat wax cicada damage cadre, it is the application of Isoprocarb prevention; longicorn beetle also damage cadres.
[ character ]
Character identification of this product slightly bird shape or not open for hook sickle, long 1.3-1.6cm. For the lower part of a bell-shaped calyx, brown, was a bright white pubescent, apex 5 - tooth crack, base the Ministry has flower stalk, the near upper joint section 1, slightly rough, the section under the narrow. Upper corolla, petals 5, shrinkage, sometimes broken or shedding, wherein the upper petal 1, large, often reflexed, wing flap 2, on both sides, a narrow, keel petals 2, upper connate, ca. sickle, 10 stamens, 9 filaments connate, 1 filaments lower participation commissure, ovary linear brown, style campylotropous, apex pubescent. A soft, light body. Gas micro, sweet taste.
Microscopic identification of powder characteristics: yellowish green. The petals of fragment on epidermal cell anticlinal walls slightly curved or straight, wavy bend, claw cell longitudinal elongation, cell wall with obvious cuticle texture; epidermal cell shape of upper epidermis. The calyx of the epidermal cells of polygonal, calyx base cells vertically elongate, sometimes visible non glandular hairs; epidermal cell shape. The epidermis, but not glandular hairs and dense, and see the hole. The non glandular hair everywhere, to complete the long 131-413 m, straight or slightly curved, to 2 cells, basal cells in short, apical cell length. The calyx of parenchyma cells can see, some cells contained yellowish brown or reddish purple material. The filaments in the outer skin cells, narrowly oblong. The ovary is sometimes visible outer skin fragments, cell is narrow, long 20-39 m, width 9-15 M. The pollen grain diameter of 30-35 m, smooth wall. The catheter and small, often for screw thread. Method of calcium oxalate crystal or can see, long 4-10 M.
[ ] take chemical composition containing Robinin ( Robinin ), bean acid (canaline), castor toxicity protein (ricin), tannins, flavonoids.
[ ] physical and chemical identification of thin layer chromatography identification: sample in methanol solution to the silica gel G thin-layer, with n butyl alcohol acetic acid - water ( 4 : 1: 1), and then spray 1% aluminum chloride ( ALCL3 ) ethanol solution under ultraviolet light, fluorescent observation spots, Robinin Rf = 0.46, if the switch ( 4 : 1: 2) expansion agent Rf = 0.54, with isopropyl alcohol - water ( 7.6: 2.4) as developing solvent when Rf = 20.7O.
[ ] taste sweet; flat
[ ] the liver meridian tropism
[ function ] hemostasis. The main hemoptysis; e. blood; blood; uterine bleeding
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 9-15g; or bubble tea.
[ ]" the treatise of Guizhou folk prescription set": stop e blood, hemoptysis, and treat women with red collapse.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


[ source ] from Sichuan Province of" medicine".
[ ] Pinyin name C Hu 's n B have to be
English name [ ] root of Slenderstalk Mahonia, root of Chinese Mahonia, Slender-stalk Mahonia
[ alias ] mouse agouti, Coptis, barbed skullcap, wood mountain, wild Radix Scutellariae radix scutellariae.
[ source ]
Medicine source: Berberidaceae plant leaves and ten credit, fine stalk ten credit, CLHUANGBO from Yunnan and Changyang ten big contribution of root and stem.
Latin animal mineral name: 1.Mahonia ganpinensis ( Levl ) Fedde ( M.comfusa Sprague ) 2.Mahonia gracilipes ( Oliv. ) Fedde3.Mahonia mairei Takeda4.Mahonia sheridaniana
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn is collected, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology
1 leaves and ten credit evergreen shrub, high 2m, old fence section is gray, yellowish green. Leaves imparipinnately compound; petiole short, broad flat; Stipule linear, ca. 1cm; leaves leathery, small 4-7 on, leaf blade ovate-elliptic to oblong, long 4-7cm, 1-1.5cm wide, apex long acuminate, base cuneate or slightly oblique, above green, shiny, pale green below, margin with spiny 2-7 on, vein below is not obvious. Racemes long 6-12cm, 3-7 fascicled stem top, pedicels ca. 3mm, bracteoles ovate, ca. 2mm; sepals 9, in 3 whorls, a petal, outer sepals ovate, round and round sepals ovate-elliptic; petals 6, longer than calyx ovate elliptic, shorter stamens 6;; pistil 1, almost no style, stigma capitate; Ovarian 1 rooms, with 2 ovule. Berry ovoid, ca. 7mm, blue, with white. Flowering of 8-9 months, fr. 10-12.
2 fine stalk ten credit evergreen shrub, high 1-2m. Stems erect, section yellow. Leaves alternate; pinnately compound, leaflets 5-7 piece, thick leather sanctions; leaf blade elliptic, elliptic-obovate, basal leaflets smaller, up gradually, length 4-15cm, width 1.5-5cm, apex acuminate, is a spiny, base cuneate, each side has 2-5 sparsely serrate, teeth end of a spiny, above dark green, glossy, green and yellow below, be waxy white, lateral leaflets sessile, terminal leaflet has a shank, long 3-7cm. Raceme ca. 20mm, 2-3 fascicled, axillary withdrawn by bud scales; pedicels slender, filiform, ca. 1cm, bracteoles 1; sepals 9, in 3 whorls, ovate; chemical deep purple, relatively sparse, petals 6, oblong, base the Ministry has 1 pairs of nectar glands; stamens 6, free; ovary oocytes, stigmas flattened, intermediate retuse, no style. Berry ovoid, dark blue. Flowering of 8-9 months, fr. 10-12.
3 CLHUANGBO from Yunnan evergreen shrubs, M. Stems erect, bark rough, yellow brown, section. Leaves alternate; pinnate, long 25-50cm, long 9-16 of leaflets usually, 21; leaf blade oval lanceolate, up to 8cm, apex long acuminate, spiny, base broadly cuneate or subtruncate, margin with 2-3 spinose serrate, green above, following common green, reticulate veins inconspicuous. Racemes of up to 20cm, 3-5 branches clustered at stem apex; sepals 9, each round of 3, yellow flowers, a diameter of about 5mm, petals 6, base the Ministry has 1 pairs of nectary. Berry spheroid, ripe when blue-black, by whitening. Flowering of 3-4 months, fr. 6-8.
4 Changyang ten credit evergreen shrubs, height of about 1m. Leaves alternate, pinnately compound, leaflets; 7-11; leaf blade ovate, long 1.5-5cm, 1-3cm wide, apex shortly acuminate, base broadly rounded or nearly cuneate, margin with needle teeth 3-4; terminal petiolule length 1.5-2.5cm, elliptic-lanceolate, up to 10cm long, wide 3-3.5cm. Racemes long 5-7cm, often fascicled racemes 3 lane - 1cm; pedicels long 4mm; outer calyx CP circular shape egg, in sepals ovate, inner sepals elliptic; petals obovate, length 6mm, width 3mm, base the Ministry has 2 nectary; stamens 6, long 3.5mm; ovary with 2 ovule. Berry ellipsoid, ca. 1.5cm, diameter of about 1cm, farinose, no night latch style. Flowering of 7-8 months, fr. 9-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: 1 was born in the hillside in the undergrowth.
2 montane forest edges or irrigation in.
Born in 3 in Sunningdale, near the village of mountain area.
4 the elevation of 2500m mountain mixed forest in.
Resource distribution: 1 distributed in Hubei, Guizhou, sichuan.
2 species in Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan.
3 Distribution in Yunnan.
4 Distribution in Hubei.
[ character ] dried root is cylindrical, about 1.5cm in diameter, surface brownish yellow, with vertical lines. Section of bright yellow, white wood department. Quality hard. Micro gas smell, taste bitter.
[ ] the taste of bitter cold;
[ ] liver kidney meridian;
[ function ] heat dampness, heat-clearing and detoxicating. The main damp-heat dysentery; diarrhea; swollen red eyes; in addition to heat; deficiency; hemoptysis; dizziness; rheumatism; carbuncle swollen sore
[ usage] oral administration of Decoction: fresh goods, 10-15g, 30-60g. External: moderate, grind end powder.
[ ] the discussion
1" and" two will be party: Tom Lee, clear leader Lee, in addition to wind-heat. Treatment of dog bites, insect.
2" Tianbao Materia Medica": clear fire antipyretic. The rule head within the nebula disorder, mania.
3" Fujian folk medicine": antipyretic, in addition to deficiency. Treatment of tinnitus, dizziness.
4" Sichuan Journal of Chinese Materia Medica": clearing heat, detoxification. Treatment of damp-heat dysentery, swollen red eyes, boils and rheumatic swelling.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

CLHUANGBO from stem and leaf

[ ]" Emei medicinal plants."
[ ] Pinyin name C Hu 's n B n J which be to be the Y keyword
[ source ] for the Berberidaceae CLHUANGBO from stem and leaf of a plant. From 7 to October.
[ ]" the taste of Sichuan commonly used Chinese herbal medicine": bitter, cold.
[ function ]
1."" Emei medicinal plants: powder treating impetigo. Decoction, treatment, a fire teeth.
The common Chinese herbal medicine" Sichuan": clearing away heat and toxic material. Treatment of damp-heat dysentery, swollen red eyes, boils, rheumatic swelling.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 5 ~ 8. External: milling and.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"

Agouti yellow cedar

[ ] Pinyin name C Hu 's n B Y keyword to be impossible
[ source ]
Medicine source: Berberidaceae plants of Berberis Heteropoda Schrenk leaves.
Latin animal mineral name: Berberis Heteropoda Schneid.
Harvest and storage: spring, summer harvest, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Berberis Heteropoda Schrenk, deciduous shrub, high 1-2m. Stems erect, base much branched, branches brown, old branch gray, thorn single or 3 bifurcation, long 1-3cm, dark brown. Leaves fascicled, leathery; leaf blade ovate, obovate or elliptic, long 2.5-7cm, 2-5cm wide, apex obtusely rounded, base attenuate, margin entire or sparsely serrate, above green, yellow green below, with no clear venation. Racemes are sparse, with 3-9 flower; flowers yellow, diameter 8-12mm, peduncular long 5smm; bracts lanceolate; sepals broadly ovate, pale red; petals 6, base with 2 rounded glands; stamens 6; ovary cylindric, style apex discoid, ovules 6, with a short handle. Berry is globose or oval shaped, dark purple, is a layer of ash. Seed 5-6, wrinkled, florescence 5-6 month, fr. 7-8.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in 1000-1500m elevation slopes and bushes, plain flood land also has growth.
Resource distribution: distribution in Xinjiang.
[ ] the main functions of pulmonary tuberculosis
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 10-15g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Thorn of Coptis chinensis

[ source ] from Shaanxi" herbal".
[ ] Pinyin name C Hu 's n Li 's n to be
English name [ ] root of Soulie Barberry
[ source ]
Medicine source: Berberidaceae plant leaves ten credit, Western Hubei ten credit and ten Mengzi credit roots and stems.
Latin animal mineral name: 1.Mahonia flavida Schneid.2.Mahonia decipiens Schneid.3.Mahonia hancockiana Takeda.
Harvest and storage: four seasons were collected, root: remove fibrous roots, wash the dirt, dried leaves, stems : the removal of impurities, dried.
[ ] the original morphology
1 leaves ten. Evergreen shrub, high 2m. Wooden white, grey, yellow section. Stems erect, bark rough, grey and white. Leaves alternate; pinnate, petiolate; leaflets usually 5-9, leathery, leaf blade lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, apex acute or acuminate, base cuneate, margin serrate above 3-5 needle-like, dark green, glossy, surface light green. About order terminal racemose, several racemes arranged into paniculate, axillary withdrawn by bud scales; sepals 9, in 3 whorls; petals 6, yellow. Berry globose, ripe when blue purple. Flowering 4-5.
2 West Hubei ten credit evergreen shrub, high 1-2m. Diameter of vertical, bark yellow. Leaves alternate, pinnately compound, leaflets; 3-7; terminal petiolule length 2.5-4cm, lateral leaflets sessile; leaves leathery, leaflets ovate, length 4-8cm, width 3-405cm, terminal leaflet is larger, length 8-9cm, width 5-6cm, apex acuminate, base truncate or slightly cordate. Edge 4-6 spinose serrate, two dark green, with raised and open. Racemes fascicled racemes long 2-3, 5-6cm, 4-6cm pedicel long; sepals 9, 3 round, ovate or oblong-elliptic; yellow flowers, petals obovate, apex retuse, matrix based on dense glands; stamens 6; ovary contains 2 ovules, have short styles. Flowering 8-9.
3 Mengzi ten credit evergreen shrub, high 2-3m, stems erect, unbranched. Leaves leathery, pinnately compound leaves, with leaflets 9-13; terminal petiolule length 1.5-2.5cm, large ovate to ovate, lateral petiolules, smaller, obliquely ovate, long 4-8cm, 2-4cm wide, apex acute, spiny, base broadly cuneate or rounded, margin slightly revolute, with spiny tooth. Racemes Lou Hezhi plexus in stem apex; flowers 3 base, yellow; ovary with few ovules. Berries dark blue, tegument whitening. Flowering of 4-5 months, fr. 6-7.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: 1, roadside slopes was born in or near the woods.
In 2, an elevation of 850-1500m mountain shrub in.
Born in 3 in hillside, roadside bushes.
Distribution of resources distribution in Yunnan: 1.
2 products in Western Hubei.
3 Distribution in Yunnan.
[ ] the taste of bitter cold;
[ ] the liver meridian tropism;
[ function ] detoxification; resolving phlegm and relieving cough. The main cold and fever; sore throat, enteritis, diarrhea; jaundice; hypertension; tuberculosis La hemoptysis; traumatic injury; toothache
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 9-15g. External: moderate, grind end powder.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Barbed skullcap

[ ] Pinyin name C Hu 's n Q n be Golf
[ alias ] ten credit, mouse agouti, thorn of Coptis chinensis.
[ source ]
Medicine source: Berberidaceae plant leaf thorn treats the whole plant.
Latin animal mineral name: MahoniafargesiiTakeda
Harvest and storage : the four seasons is collected, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of big leaf thorn treats evergreen shrub, high 1.5-2m. Stems erect, stout. Pinnately compound, usually with lobular 9-15, or more; leaflets leathery, ovate or oblong, ca. 7cm, about 4.5cm wide, apex acuminate, margin revolute, 2-7 has a large spiny serrate, without flocculus handle. Racemes clustered at stem top, to erect; flowers yellow, slightly pendulous; pedicel short and thin. Berry ovoid, apex stigma night latch when ripe, dark blue, and white.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: born in the roadside or in the jungle.
Resource distribution: distribution in Guizhou.
[ ] the taste of bitter cold;
[ function ] clearing heat and detoxicating; indications. The main coughing tuberculosis hemoptysis; jaundice; damp-heat diarrhea; diarrhea; swollen; eczema
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 9-15g. External: moderate, grind end powder, or fried wash the affected area.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


Tribulus terrestris

[ ].
From" Commentaries" materia medica.
[ ] Pinyin name C J L golf golf
English name [ ] Puncturevine Caltrop Fruit
[ alias ], Tribulus terrestris, Tribulus terrestris, bypass, son of man, flexion, stop line, jackal, or push, i.e. plume quinoa, Tribulus terrestris, Tribulus terrestris, son of agency soil Tribulus terrestris, aqua, triangle, triangle, octagonal thorn thorn thorns, Tribulus terrestris, wild water chestnut, bone, hard, Ji Li Ling Ji Li Gutu, thorns dog, seven Dan, Indra, water chestnut thorn thorn.
[ source ]
Medicine source: puncturevine caltrop fruit and flower fruit disease of Chenopodium album.
Latin animal mineral name: 1.Tribulus terrestris L.2.Tuibulus cistoides L.
Harvest and storage: 8-9 monthly fruit turn from green to yellow when mature, most has been cut, whole plant, in a few days, threshing, and dried in the sun.
[ ] the original morphology
1 thistle herb. Stems usually branched basally, procumbent ground, angulate, up to about 1m; the strains were spun silk shape fluff. Stipules lanceolate, small, pointed, ca. 3mm; leaves even-pinnate, opposite, one long; long leaf length 3-5cm; l.5-2cm wide, usually with 6-8 pairs of leaflets; short leaf length 1-2cm, with 3-5 pairs of leaflets; leaflets opposite, oblong, long 4-15mm, apex acute or obtuse, surface glabrous or only along midrib with silky hairs, abaxially with white Fu Sheng filiform hairs. Pale yellow flowers, and small, neat, single students in short leaf axils; pedicel long 4-10mm, sometimes up to 20mm; sepals 5, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, ca. 4mm, abaxially hairy, night latch; petals 5, obovate, apex slightly truncate, alternating with sepals; stamens 10, a students with disk basally, base with scalelike glands. Ovary 5 carpels. Fruit is a schizocarp, five angle shape or spherical, composed of 5 star-shaped arrangement fruit petals, each fruit valve with long spines on the 1, abaxially hispidulous and tubercles. Flowering of 5-8 months, fr. 6-9.
2 Tribulus cistoides perennial. Stems prostrate or ascending, densely pilose. Leaves opposite, long 2.5-4.5cm, 4-7 to having leaflets; leaflets subsessile or shortly stipitate, papery, oblong or obovate-oblong, apex subrounded and acute, base oblique; stipules opposite, lanceolate or nearly falcate, ca. 6mm. Flowers large, single student leaf axils, diameter of about 3cm, pedicels ca. and leaf long; sepals lanceolate, ca. 8mm, outside pilose; petals obovate-oblong, ca. 20mm; ovary yellowish hirsute, style stout, ca. 2mm, stigma lobes small. Schizocarp. 8-12mm, tubercles and sharp 2-4. Florescence in May.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: 1 was born in barren hills, fields and field.
Born in 2 in beach sand beach or wasteland.
Resource distribution: 1 distributed in all parts of the country.
Located in Hainan, Yunnan 2.
Cultivated [ ]
Biological characteristics of likes the warm and humid climate, drought tolerance, be afraid of waterlogged. With plenty of sunshine, loose and fecund, good drainage of sandy soil on the optimum cultivation, rainy regions and clay, depressions were not right for sowing.
Cultivation techniques of seed propagation: causal shell hard, before sowing to milling fruit, the fruit valve isolation, then rub spines, sow. As the high ridge, according to the spacing 50cm x 40cm to open the hole, hole depth 10cm, 5-6 per sow the seeds, soil, a little repression.
Field management seedling 6-8cm time seedling, seedling and seedling removing dense weak, when lacking lines up the seedling promptly, and timely cultivating. May blossom before nitrogen fertilizer 1 times, with human excrement and urine, increasing application of superphosphate. To regularly clean up the furrow, lest water in field. If the need for timely irrigation.
[ character ]
Character identification ( 1 ) by the 5 Thistle multiple mericarps, radially arranged in five prismatic is globose, diameter 7-12mm. Goods often split into single mericarps, axe shape triangle, long 3-6mm, yellowish green, abaxially uplift, with vertical edges and a plurality of thorns, and the thorns and symmetrical short spines on the 1, a V-shaped separately, two sides of rough, netted, greyish white; pericarp hard, woody, containing 3-4 grain seed. Seeds ovoid, slightly compressed, with oily. Gas micro, bitter in taste.
( 2) Tribulus cistoides carpophore back only 1 pairs of strong points acupuncture; fruit containing seeds of 4-6 particle. With fruit, full of solid, uniform grey color is preferred.
Microscopic identification of powder characteristics: Ji Li to grayish yellow or yellow green. The endocarp stone cell oval, triangular, rectangular or irregular in shape, the diameter of 15-43 m, approximately to 118 m, 4-15 wall thickness of M, some pits in dense, thick cell wall is not obvious. The inner rind fibers on several layers arranged in a crisscross pattern arrangement; fiber length, diameter 4-27 m, wall thickness, wood. The mesocarp parenchyma cells with calcium oxalate crystal. The seed coat cells surface show kind of polygonal, anticlinal lian-zhu-wall thickening, periclinal wall thickening in with strip, lignified; section is square, anticlinal wall strip thickening, to within about 1 / 2 to the cell. Another visible endosperm cell and catheter.
[ ] with chemical composition of fruit of Tribulus terrestris saponins ( tribuloside ) that silver Linden glycoside ( tiliroside ), kaempferol ( kaempferol ), kaempferol - 3 - glucoside ( kaemopferol-3-glucoside ) - 3 -, kaempferol, quercetin rutinoside ( kaempferol-3-rutinoside ) ( quercetin ), vitamin C, also contains diosgenin ( diosgenin ). The seed contains trace amounts of tryptamine ( Harman ), in seed oil of main fatty acid palmitic acid ( palmitic acid ), stearic acid ( stearic acid ) ( oleic acid ), oleic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid ( linoleic acid ) ( linolenic acid ).
Pharmacological action [ ]
1 the role of the cardiovascular system: thorns stem leaf crude saponin preparation Tribusponin may enhance the cat and rabbit heart contractility, slow heart rate, dilatation of the coronary artery and peripheral vascular disease, and show moderate hypotensive effect. Tribulus is obviously against cardiac ischemia.
2 on the smooth muscle function: portion of the aqueous extract on rats of isolated intestine against acetylcholine contraction role, alkaloids part also can fight in the isolated rat intestine and frog rectus abdominis muscle acetylcholine induced contraction by.
The 3 part: diuretic effect of easing the diuretic effect of alkaloids.
4 anti arteriosclerosis and antiplatelet aggregation of rabbit oral: l0ml / kg Tribusponin doses, on 60 consecutive days, can significantly reduce the experimental blood hypercholesterolemia cholesterol levels, elevated lecithin cholesterol ratio. Prevention of experimental can significantly impede blood cholesterol levels, and inhibited lecithin cholesterol ratio decreased, in addition, also having blocked arteries, cardiac and hepatic lipid deposition effects.
5 strong and anti-aging effects: thorns stem leaf crude saponin on mice exposed to high temperature, low temperature, hypoxia and swimming stress has obvious protective effect: and can significantly reduce the rat adrenal vitamin C ( Vc ) content, also can suppress the large doses of hydrocortisone induced depletion occurs, the content of Vc induced by ACTH fall protection. Resection of bilateral adrenal after mice, the hypoxia tolerance function no longer reproduce. These effects may be related to the adrenal cortex is concerned, the regulation of its function from depletion may be one way to achieve strong.
6: Tribesta ( strong effects of Tribulus Terrestris on Preparation ) given to male rats oral administration can significantly stimulate spermiogenesis, exciting match Tory cells ( Sertolicell ) activity, increased sexual desire; give female rats can promote oestrus, improving reproductive capacity.
[ identify ] physicochemical identification ( 1) take the powder 5g, adding 20ml, water-bath heating 15min, filtration. With 5ml filtrate, the plug in the tube, the strong shaking, placing 15min, foam without apparent disappearance. ( check the saponin) ( 2) take the goods of 5g powder with 70% ethanol, 20ml 3h, immersion, filtration. With 5ml filtrate, the evaporating dish steaming, plus a small amount of acetic anhydride residue dissolved, add a few drops of concentrated sulfuric acid, reddish purple. ( check the saponin)
Processing [ ]
1 thorns: drift to sediment, in addition to the net residual spines.
2 salt Thistle: take thorn thorns, mix with salt, bored in a saucepan, simmer scrambled to slightly yellow, taken out, dried ( every thorns 100 jins, 2 jins of 8 salt two, add appropriate amount of boiling water of clarifying ).
[ ] bitter taste; Xin Ping;
[ ] to the liver; lung; kidney; the Heart Sutra
[ ] liver functions; Jieyu; Qufeng eyesight. Primary headache; vertigo; chest pain; breast distending pain; dairy closed clausura amenorrhea; red eye; ocular; rubella pruritus; vitiligo; curing scrofula sores;
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 6-9g, or into the pill, powder. External: moderate, boiling water washing powder; or at the end of the inquiry.
[ note ]
1 blood gas is weak and the pregnant woman take it carefully.
The word" 2" materia medica: Yin deficiency, blood Tianjin boring to essence of disease, are banned.
3" must match the materia medica": hepatic asthenia, conception, two disabled.
[ ] of Party of treating wind itch Party ' secrets ' side of Longtan, rule edema Party ' Holy Benevolent Prescriptions ',
[ ] the discussion
1 "kai-materia Medica": not the cloud, ( son of the thistles )"" cloud" temperature," Yun Han don't record. This resistance Xuan Tong, long take not cold, without obstructing heat, the temperature is.
2" compendium of Materia Medica": Ancient kidney dispelling wind, all with Tribulus terrestris, later kidney multipurpose Shayuan thorns, or to boil ointment and medicine, fears his work is not very far.
3" Materia Medica": the words of Tribulus terrestris, to wind down the gas, water changes in medicine. The Xuan Tong soon, can carry can disappear, line and stagnant air, take more long take, go to lag. " Don't record" main body wind itching, dryness and obstinate rheumatism, all eyes of ocular disease; Zhen Fang Li, main tendons knot, fish atrophic lung disease, Keni pus and blood disease; Su Shifang main water knot dropsy, tympanites dyspneal fullness, jaundice yellow beriberi disease; lee side of main blood into disease, renal mass abdominal hernia chest, pharyngitis, milk to milk rock . ". General speaking,"" don't record the main wind, Zhen the main gas, Sue 's main water, and Lee's main, namely the change in meaning or. However, four of the said that although different, to delay new, is designed, so gynaecology party this birth abortion, and to yan.
The 4" Chinese Materia Medica": Tribulus terrestris is also good, cooling blood, yin. Fill should be cooked to the thorn, with cold should not even sashimi ramming. To wind detoxification, white good.
5" new" materia medica: thorns, sandy as, Tribulus terrestris L times, type is different, and the eyesight to wind a. But the crux of Tribulus terrestris L good break, while sandy thorns can also; sandy thorns good stop spermatorrhea drowning, cure leucorrhea, pharyngitis, Xiao Yin Khan, and Tribulus terrestris is not also.
6" the classics": on Tribulus terrestris L for treating wind sheer to the drug, the wind into the Shaoyin, to guide the jueyin. Eye disease for wind and wood wind evil, Sheng eye disease, wind, bright eyes away. " The classics" specially destroy evil blood accumulation, cure pharyngitis milk difficult to bitter, discharge, Wen Nengxuan, Xin Nengrun, this function of the ear of Tribulus terrestris. Long wear long muscle, bright light, with its essence into the renal benefits also, this refers specifically to the sandy thorns. The treatment of phlegm eliminating carbuncle of ethos, kidney, and must prick for total pioneer.
7" plant is in": thorns, close clinical guide" book", used to open depression, where the hips, between horizontal boring milk stagnant air, inflation pain unbearable, fry into the gas delivery, suits extremely. Cover its aroma, can move, and transverse row swings, non-drug he to leave can be compared.
8" Chinese materia medica and read": Tribulus terrestris, good work and broken, designed into the lung, liver, lungs and liver of the hysteresis,, so can cure wandering arthritis eye disease, breast disease such as accumulation. Temperature and bitter Xin Sanzhi products, to dispel the PV for use, no tonic work also.
9 Zhang Shouyi: Tribulus terrestris," the classics" is called its smell pungent and warm, but all this is used to disperse wind-heat cold, very effective, exogenous, all do not have this. Zhen Quan is able to heat, is" the classics" warm words, fear is clerical error. Light with a money to half of the money, weight to two, money. Old books more than this and states that the sandy up two of a kind, near Lake" schema" also not for two material analysis. But the thorn, this check for leakage and dispersion of wind-heat, while sandy thorns, for nourishing liver and kidney in medicine, quality is great different, will not be the same with the name of Tribulus terrestris, and mixing for a case. Near Lake" schema" for Su Song, Kou Zongshi said, with sandy thorns for Tribulus terrestris, and thorn are only known thorns, with its color than Shayuan thorns of tetrahedrite, more pale, like Su Song, Kou Zongshi said, is not very appropriate.
10" Shen Nong's Materia Medica": the main evil blood, broken key accumulation, pharyngitis, milk difficult.
11" doctor" don't record: main body wind itching, headache, cough inverse lung injury, atrophic lung disease, relieving restlessness, lower gas; pediatric head sore, carbuncle swollen pruritus vulvae, can make the skin powder.
12" resistance": George Zhu Fengli of ulcers, places broken blood, therapy to spit pus, main dystocia, to hot.
13" Hua Zi": treatment of renal mass materia medica kidney, lung mediastinum with, ecbolic abortion.
14" through" materia medica: Main anal fistula, Yin Khan, and her hair, leukorrhea.
15" compendium of Materia Medica": treating wind secret and Ascaris heart pain.
16" would be about the medical mirror": purging liver qi and scattered, except the red eye cover, lung cancer, mammary cancer, eczema.
17" Materia Medica": new town liver-wind, purge liver-fire, Yiqi Huatan, scattered wet broken blood, eliminate ulcer, bulk sore.
18" Nanjing folk medicinal herbs" : for red and white dysentery.
19" Jiangsu plant medicine annals": treating hypochondriac pain, healing the wounds, to wind and activating blood circulation.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Prickly pear

[ source ]" and" so that we
[ ] C L Pinyin name golf Hu.
[ source ] for the Rosaceae plant the flowers of Rosa roxburghii tratt.
[ ] taste Gan, ping.
[ ] only Xie Li functions.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 1 ~ 3.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"

Rosa roxburghii leaves

[ source ] from vegetation will be party"".
[ ] Pinyin name C L Y keyword Golf
English name [ ] Leaf of Single Roxburgh Rose
[ alias ], Chenopodium leaf
[ source ]
Medicine source: for the Rosaceae plant silk flowers and a single silk floral leaves.
Latin animal mineral name: 1.Rosa roxburghii Tratt.2..Rosa roxburghii Tratt.f.normalis Rehd . Et Wils.
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn leaf collection, fresh, dried.
[ ] the original morphology
1 silk flower shrubs, height of about 1-2.5cm; bark grayish brown, flaky exfoliation; branchlets often paired prickles. Pinnately compound; leaflets 9-15, even the petiole length 5-11cm; petiole and rachis sparsely minute prickles; stipules large part adnate to petiole; leaflets elliptic or oblong, long 1-2cm, 0.5-1cm wide, apex acute or obtuse, base broadly cuneate, margin minutely sharply serrate, glabrous on both surfaces. Flowers bisexual; flower 1-3 flower borne on short branch top; calyx lobes 5, usually broadly ovate, two sides has fluff, dense needle; flower diameter of 5-6cm; double or semidouble, outer petals, the inner wheel is small, pale red or pink, micro aromatic; stamens numerous, inserted in the cup rim of calyx tube; carpels the majority, styles free. Fruit oblate, diameter 3-4cm, green, outside densely acupuncture, places the calyx lobes erect. Flowering of 5-7 months, fr. 8-10.
2 of this variant flower for the single, pink, diameter 4-6cm.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: born in 2 in an elevation of 500-2500m sunny slope, gully, roadsides and shrub in.
Resource distribution: 1 located in the southwest and Shaanxi, Gansu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Tibet and other places.
2 located in the southwest and Shaanxi, Gansu, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hubei, Guangxi and other places.
[ ] acid, astringent taste; cold
[ ] the lung meridian
[ function ] heat Jieshu, detoxification and healing, hemostasis. The main hemorrhoids, carbuncle, heat burnout, traumatic bleeding
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 3-9g. External: moderate, grind end, sesame oil, use fresh or trace and apply.
[ ] the discussion
1" vegetation will side": therapy scabies, carbuncle, sore.
" 2": Guiyang folk medicinal herbs in treating infantile herpes simplex, trace and apply; external hemorrhoids, drying, pulverizing, sesame oil dressing. Also decoction.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Thorn pear

[ ] Pinyin name C L Z Golf
[ alias ] light fruit, thorn betel nut, wood, silk reeling pear flower
[ source ] Rosaceae rose Rosa Rosa roxburghii Tratt., to root and fruit is used as medicine. Summer fruit harvest, autumn grubbing, use fresh or dried.
[ ] taste acid, astringent, flat.
[ ] root: Xiaoshi spleen functions, convergence diarrhea. Food for the abdominal distension, dysentery, enteritis, spontaneous sweating, spermatorrhea, leucorrhea, menorrhagia, bleeding hemorrhoids.
Fruit: Jieshu, xiaoshi. Treatment of vitamin C deficiency.
[ usage] root 0.5 ~ 2 two. Fruit 3 to 5.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


[ source ] from the" Handbook of Chinese herbal medicine" in Henan province.
[ ] C L Golf Pinyin name
[ alias ] red small broom iron broom seedling, seedling, pheasant crest grass
[ source ]
Medicine source: as Chenopodiaceae Berger entire grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Herba Chenopodii Aristati
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn harvest the whole grass, removing impurities, washed and dried.
[ ] the original morphology of annual herbaceous plants, usually conical in shape, high 15-40cm. Stem erect, much branched, striate, old reddish, usually glabrous or sparsely hairy. Leaves alternate, with a short handle; leaf blade narrowly lanceolate to linear, length 2-5cm, width 4-10mm, first Swiss acuminate, base narrow, margin entire, primary veins conspicuous, white. Inflorescence borne in axil branch end and, as a compound two dichasial cyme, at the end of the branched acupuncture shape; flowers small, bisexual, subsessile; tepals 5, oblong, apex obtuse or cuspidate, back slightly fleshy, green, margin membranous, fruit development. Stamens 5, not exserted. Utricle rounded, apex flattened, not included in perianth, pericarp membranous, adnate to seed. Seed horizontal, round, edge angles, dark brown, shiny. Flowering of 8-9 months, fr. 9-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in sandy land, cropland. Next, for farmland weeds.
Resource distribution: distribution in the northeast, north, northwest and Shandong, Henan.
[ character ]
Character identification the turf yellow to yellow green. Leaves shrivel broken, entire. Inflorescence borne in axil branch end and, at the end of the branches of acupuncture. Utricles oblong, pericarp pellucid membranous, adnate to seed. Seed round, dark brown, long and less than 1mm, shiny. Gas, slightly bitter taste.
Microscopic identification of powder characteristics : 1 leaf epidermal cells of vertical Zhou Biping straight, lower epidermal anticlinal wall corrugated bend, have infinitives stoma. The utricle surface view: peel film, surface collapse, the cell contour. The skin epidermal cells of grid, brown. The corolla lobes parenchyma cells contain calcium oxalate crystal sand. The stigma cells mostly long papilloma. The pollen grains of spherical shape, diameter of about 20 m, surface visible powder hole bit.
The branch end spiked, composed of numerous end tip of parenchyma cells.
[ ] taste pale; flat
[ ] Huoxue Tiaojing; functions; Qufeng zhiyang. Primary dysmenorrhea; menorrhagia; amenorrhea; atopic dermatitis; such as measles
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 6-9g. External: washed fried.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

Prunus spinosa

[ source ]" Plateau" of Chinese herbal medicine in treatment of manual
[ ] C L Pinyin name
[ alias ] tea Ru ( Tibetan name )
[ source ] as the Saxifragaceae plant large spiny fruit tea sugar cane. In 8 ~ September, mining will be ripe fruit, with sugar made from fruit stand.
[ ] the original morphology of deciduous shrubs, 1 ~ 3 meters high. There are 3 pieces of acupuncture, thorn grows to 2 cm, a trident form, gross; internodes dense growth bristles with or without bristles. Leaves suborbicular or circular, 2 to 2.5 cm long, wide 2 ~ 3 cm, leaf blade 3 deeply lobed, base truncate or slightly cordate, apex obtuse lobes, both surfaces sparsely pubescent and vein axils of hair is dense, or nearly glabrous; petiole is long 1 ~ 3 cm, sparsely pilose or white short hair, often mix of capitate glandular hairs. Take 1 to 2 flower of Dan Shengzhi end, green or reddish; sepals oblong, sepals and calyx angle outside the glandular villous; petals white, elliptic, long calyx half; stamens protrude petals, apex with cup-shaped glands; ovary glandular bristles quality, style longer than stamens. Berries glabrous or with sparse glandular bristles, fruit is close globose or elliptic, 1.6 cm long, purple. Flowering and fruiting period from 6 to September.
[ ] distribution habitat in forests and riparian thickets. Located in Sichuan, Yunnan, Tibet and other places.
[ ] acid taste, flat.
[ ] into the liver meridian tropism.
[ ] functions for atrophic gastritis, bile deficiency disease.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 2 ~ 3 of money; or as a snack to eat.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"


Spiny chestnut

[ ]" Shaanxi herbal medicine".
[ ] Pinyin name C L Zi
[ alias ] savage head
[ source ] for the Rosaceae plant fine stalk rose fruit. In 8 ~ September, fruit picking, remove stalks, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of deciduous shrubs, 2 ~ 3 meters high. Stems erect, reddish brown, much branched, with sharp thorns. Leaves alternate, odd pinnately compound; leaflets 9 to 11, ovoid, apex obtuse or rounded, margin with single or double serrate, base ministry wide wedge, sessile flowers: single or clustered, pale red; petals 5; stamens numerous; carpels numerous. Fruit spherical, with bristles, deep red. Florescence 6 to July. Fruit 8 to September.
[ ] on hillslopes distribution habitat street or the forest grass from. Distribution of Shaanxi.
[ ] the taste of glycocholic acid puckery taste, flat.
[ function ] astringent, detumescence. Dysentery and hemorrhoids.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 3 ~ 5.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"


Thorn of Polygonum

[ ] C Pinyin name Li gave o
[ alias ] Polygonum senticosum, solve urgently, snakes don't drill, cat tongue grass, fire crow acid grass
[ source ] Polygonum divaricatum Polygonum plant thorns Polygonum senticosum ( Meisn. ) Franch . Et Sav., to complete grass is used as medicine. Summer collection, removing the mud dry.
[ ] acid taste, slightly hard, flat.
[ ] functions detoxify detumescence, dampness itching. For eczema, impetigo, furuncle carbuncle, furuncle, snake bite.
[ usage] should not be oral, topical washing water or Daolan deposited the affected area.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"

Thorn Ling

[ source ]" Outline" gleaning
[ ] Pinyin name C L n be Golf
[ alias ] wild turbot (" classes" )
[ source ] for Trapaceae wild turbot.
[ ] the original morphology of annual aquatic herbs. Floating leaves usually inclined square, or triangular diamond, 2 to 5 cm long, 2 to 7 cm wide, glossy above, the following main veins slightly long nap, the upper edge of a Sharptooth, basal margin wide wedge, whole reason; petiole is long 5 - 10 centimeters. Flowers white, axillary. Fruits of four corners or two corners sharp thorns, spines above the green, two to two spines elongate, lower down, fruit stalk is thin and short. Florescence 7 to August. Fruit is ripe period in October.
[ ] in the pond in the wild habitat distribution or field within. Distribution of the Yangtze River basin.
[ ] the taste of" medica gleaning": Wei Gan, Ping, non-toxic.
[ ]" Outline" gleaning functions: Sibu spleen and stomach, thirst Sheng Jin, Ping liver-qi, through renal water, beneficial blood digestion. The old man cooking, spleen, only Xie li.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"

Thorn Ling root

[ source ]" Outline" gleaning
[ ] Pinyin name C L n G n to be Golf
[ source ] for Trapaceae wild turbot root.
[ function ] lishuitonglin.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 0.5 ~ 1 two.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"

Aralia elata

[ ] Pinyin name C L: n Y 's to be
[ alias ] thorn old tooth, magpie started, Aralia, tiger Yang.
[ source ]
Medicine source: to Araliaceae Liaodong Aralia root bark and tree bark.
Latin animal mineral name: Aralia elata ( Miq. ) Seem. [ Dimor-phanthus elatus Miq; Aralia mandshuricaMaxim.]
Harvest and storage: spring, autumn digging root, root bark or stripping stripping bark, removing impurities in the soil, cut or slice, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of shrubs or small trees, high 1.5-6m. Branchlets sparsely most fine thorn, thorn grows 1-3mm, base of the liver; young branchlets often elongated straight, up to 1.5cm. Leaves two to three back pinnate, long 40-80cm; petiole length 20-40cm; stipules and petiole basally connate, separation of partial linear, ca. 3mm, margin hairy; pinnae are lobule 7-11, base the Ministry has 1 pairs of leaflets, leaf blade ovate to ovate-elliptic, length 5-15cm, width 2.5-8cm, apex acuminate, base rounded to cordate, thin wedge, green above, pale green below. Umbels diameter 1-1.5cm; peduncles long 0.8-4cm, pedicels ca. 7mm, are densely pubescent; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, membranous; flowers yellow; calyx glabrous, ca. 1.5mm apex 5 tooth cleft, lobes ovate-triangular; petals and sepals equaling, ovate-triangular, flowers: stamens 5;; ovary inferior, room 5, styles 5, free or basally connate. Drupe spherical, berry, black, diameter 4mm, have 5 edge. Flowering of 6-8 months, fr. 9-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: born around 1000m elevation mountain forest.
Resource distribution: located in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other places.
[ character ]
Character identification: root bark is cylindrical, single volume or double drum shaped, slightly curved or irregular distortion, long 15-36cm, 1.5-3.0mm thick; the outer surface of a light brown or grayish brown, some cork scaly peeling, peeling off, with longitudinal inner surface wrinkles, dark brown yellow or yellow-white; lenticels rounded or oval, protrusions or dangerous. Brittle, easily broken, section smooth, pale yellow white or white, with light blue fluorescence under UV light. Gas micro, taste slightly astringent and bitter, chew without fiber slag sense. Dry skin is not tight curl single volume or double cylinder, a straight, a curved, long 10-15cm, 1.5-2.0mm thick; outer surface is iterated, wrinkled, rough, and the inner surface of the root bark of similarity. Hard brittle, easily broken, section fibrous. Gas micro, taste slightly astringent and bitter, chewing the rough.
Microscopic identification of the root bark of transverse: cork layer for progression to several columns of cells. Cortical stenosis. Phloem ray width 2-4 columns of cells, often undulate curved lateral, medial relatively flat, secretory canal majority, tangential annular, diameter of 46-127 ~ M. The parenchyma cells containing fine acting powder, some containing calcium oxalate crystallization.
[ ] the chemical composition of root bark and roots contain oleanolic acid - 28-O - beta - D - pyran glucoside ( oleanolic acid-28-O - P - glu-copyranoside), sugar ( sucrose ), daucosterol ( daucosterol ), oleanolic acid ( oleanolic acid ), daucosterol - 6 ' - palmitate ( ( 6 - O-palmitoyl ) - beta - sitos-terol-3-O - P - D-glucoside ), Aralia saponin ( Araloside ) A, C, G, Aralia saponin A methyl ester ( Araloside A methylester ), ( silphioside ) A Silphium glycosides, Panax japonicus saponins ( chikusetsusaponin ) Ib, Pingbian three seven saponins (stipuleanosides) R1 and R2, acanthopanax sessiliflorus glycosides ( acanthoside ) D twenty-four ( tetracosanoic acid ), carbonate, alpha - the song of the two sugar ( a - kojibiose ), Liaodong Aralia saponin ( elatosides ) A, C, and F, oleanolic acid 3-O - beta - D - glucuronide ( oleanolic acid-3-O - P - D-glucuronopyranoside), Aralia saponin ( tarasaponin ) I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, Aralia saponin of methyl ester ( tarasaponin III methyl ester ), Panax japonicus saponin IV methylphenidate ( chikusetsusaponin methyl ester ), dummy ginseng saponin (pseudoginsenoside) RT1, fifteen acid methyl ester ( methyl pentadecanoate ), sixteen acid methyl ester ( methyl hex Adecanoate ), eighteen acid methyl ester ( methyl octadecanoate ), twenty acid methyl ester ( methyl eicosanoate ), twenty-six ( hexaccoan ), twenty-six alkyl alcohol ( 1-hexacosanol ), ( stigmasterol ), soy sterols sitosterol ( sitosterol ), sugar ( sucrose ), amino acids ( amino acid ), vitamins ( vitamin B1 ) and volatile oil.
Pharmacological action [ ]
1: Liaodong on the cardiovascular effects of Aralia saponin on isoproterenol induced myocardial ischemia and myocardial infarction induced by coronary artery ligation in rats, has good protection effect. Total saponin 5mg / kg intraperitoneal injection, can significantly improve the isoprenaline-induced myocardial ischemia ECG changes; to significantly reduce the ischemic myocardial tissue creatine phosphokinase ( CPK ) release, decreasing ischemia myocardial tissue and plasma free fatty acids, and protect the myocardial tissue of superoxide dismutase activity in.
2 on hypoxia tolerance of mice: effects of Liaodong Aralia saponin can obviously improve the anoxia endurance, reduced oxygen consumption rate; for by potassium or sodium nitrite induced mouse histotoxic hypoxia and ligation of bilateral carotid arteries induced by cerebral circulation obstacle has protective effect on hypoxia, brain hypoxia improves animal. Saponins can also make the oxygen partial pressure was significantly elevated, increased arteriovenous oxygen difference. The paper proves that the total soap can increase the transport of oxygen in blood, improve tissue oxygen utilization of, at the same time on hypoxia induced alkalosis also improved.
3 other role: Liaodong Aralia saponin of saline to mice by intraperitoneal injection, for 7 consecutive days, could significantly stimulate prostaglandin E2 alpha and E2 synthesis, the cMAP content increased, cGMP content decreased significantly, without effect on histamine release. Liaodong of Aralia elata on intestinal stimulant, the contraction is enhanced; on isolated uterine smooth muscle has some excitement, and the uterus in vivo showed inhibition.
[ ] Liaodong type methanol extracts of toxicity of mice 2G / kg can make the most of the animal death; rabbit gastric perfusion 5g / kg also can cause death. Total saponin on mice with stomach LD50 of 724mg / kg. Accumulative toxicity test, has no toxic and side reaction. Micronucleus test and dominant lethal experiment, glycosides on survival of litter, dead embryo number and mutagenicity index and distilled water as compared to the control group showed no significant difference, has no mutagenic effect. Testicle cells chromosome aberration test shows, total saponin on mice testis germ cell chromosome aberration induced by. Liaodong Aralia has diarrhea.
[ ] taste slightly bitter flavour; Gan; flat;
[ function ] the kidney qi; Qufeng Lishi Huoxue Zhitong. The main deficiency weakness; kidney impotence; epigastric pain; diabetes; insomnia; rheumatic arthralgia; waist weakness; traumatic injury; fracture; expansion; edema; rectal prolapse; mange
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 15-30g, fresh goods double; or sparkling wine. External : the amount, trace and apply; or fried Tang Xun wash; or leach liquor Tu.
[ note ] hyperactivity of liver Yang Shen clothing.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]



[ ] Pinyin name C M e i
[ alias ] dahurian rose fruit, root
[ source ] Rosaceae rose Rosa davurica Rosa davurica Pall., with flowers, fruit and roots are used medicinally. Summer flowers, dried fruit; fruit, root and mining.
[ ] of taste, slightly bitter: sweet flowers, temperature.
Fruit: acid, temperature.
Root: bitter, astringent, flat.
[ function ]: hemostasis, attending flowers and blood, Jieyu menstruation. For hematemesis, metrorrhagia, intercostal neuralgia, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation.
Fruit: strengthening the spleen and stomach, help digestion. For indigestion, loss of appetite, stomach and abdominal distension, children dyspepsia.
Root: expectorant cough, diarrhea, bleeding. For chronic bronchitis, enteritis, bacterial dysentery, functional uterine hemorrhage, traumatic injury.
[ usage] spend 1 to 2 money; fruit, root of 3 ~ 5.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


Dahurian rose fruit

[ ] from the" Heilongjiang" of traditional Chinese medicine.
[ ] Pinyin name C M e I Gu I
English name [ ] Dahurian Rose Fruit, Fruit of Dahurian Rose
[ alias ] berry fruit, thorn wood fruit
[ source ] medicine source: for the Rosaceae plant Rosa davurica, light Ye Shan dahurian rose fruit.
Latin animal mineral name: Rosa davurica Pall.
Harvest and storage: fruit in mature off immediately, dried, dried or fresh fruit calyx removed, cut in half, remove the stones, and then drying.
[ ] the original morphology of 1 Rosa davurica erect shrubs, high 1-2m. Branches glabrous branchlets and petioles, base the Ministry has a pair of yellow prickles, thorns curved, base in. Pinnately compound leaves, leaf 7-9, even the petiole length 4-10cm; petiole and rachis pubescent, glandular hairs and sparse prickles; stipules adnate to petiole large, margin glandular serrate, following pubescent; leaflets - rounded or broadly lanceolate, long 1.5-3cm, 0.8-1.5cm wide, apex acute or obtuse, base broadly cuneate, margin nearly above middle have sharply serrate, glabrous above, ash green, glaucous, puberulent or glandular dots. Flowers solitary or several fascicled; petals pink about 4cm in diameter; leaf stalk with glandular hairs; styles free, slightly protruding stigmas torus export department. Fruit globose or ovoid, diameter 1-1.5cm, red. Sepals night latch, upright. Flowering 6-7. Fr. 8-9.
2 Ye Shan rose this mutation and Rosa davurica distinction: leaflets up to 4cm, the granular glands, usually glabrous, pubescent only along veins.
[ ] habitat distribution ecological environment: born in 1 in 430-2500m elevation slopes Yang or forest edges, hilly grassland.
Born in 2 in hillside Yang department.
Resource distribution: 1 located in the northeast, North China and other places.
2 distribution in the Northeast region.
[ character ] dry fruit spherical, wall hard brittle, orange red, diameter 1.2cm, seeds are furry, a total of about 24 grains. Sweet and sour flavor.
[ ] the chemical composition of Rosa davurica fruit contains organic acids, sugars, pectin, vitamin C, carotenoid, phenolic compounds leucoanthocyanidin (leucoanthocyanindin ), pigments ( anthocyanindin ) ( catechin ), catechin, trace elements ( calcium, magnesium fluoride, etc.), protein, silver Linden glycoside ( tiliroside ), the Ephedra tanning booths ( casuarictin ), 1, 2, 3, 6 - four - O - galloyl - beta - D - glucose ( 1, 2, 3, 6tetraO-galloyl - P - D-glucose), 1, 2, 3, 6, five O galloyl - beta - D - glucose ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 6-Penta-O-galloyl - P - D-glucose), agrimonine ( agrimoniin ), ( laevigatin ) of tannins in Fructus Rosae Laevigatae added D, F, dahurian rose fruit hormone ( davuriciin ) M / 1, D / 1, D / 2, T / 1, and oleanolic acid ( oleanolic acid ).
Pharmacological action [ ]
L. Anti-aging effects in in vitro trials, dahurian rose fruit powder can improve in cultured human lymphocytes and sheep erythrocyte superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) activity, particularly in the drug then cultured 12h results significantly. The integral test, in the culture medium added with 1% rose powder; the maximum and average lifespan of Drosophila significantly prolonged, rat serum lipid peroxide ( LPO ) content decreased, SOD activity in red blood cells. 2% rose fruit extract concentrated juice ( each LML is equivalent to 0.06g raw ) orally can improve mouse liver SOD activity, inhibition of mouse liver LPO and cardiomyocyte lipofuscin formation, and can significantly reduce the mouse tail tendon of hydroxyproline content. Dahurian rose fruit extract capsule 30d1 treatment, observe each other 1-3 courses, for the elderly subjective sensory changes, sleep, appetite, energy, physical strength is improved obviously, and can improve intelligence, especially to enhance the thinking and memory abilities and extrapyramidal features significantly, while on cardiopulmonary function also have different degrees of improvement. And the 70% to take the drug in biological age was significantly delayed in older people. On 60 years ago at the beginning of the older group effect is most obvious, up to a maximum of 11 years.
2 the role of the immune system of dahurian rose fruit extract 0.1g / only gavage continuous 7d, of textile noise reduce hemolysin content, lymphocyte, macrophage phagocytic rate and index is obviously improved. Experiments show that, dahurian rose fruit on noise induced immunosuppression has good centralizing effect. Dahurian rose fruit extract to match the 8% suspensions orally, can make the tumor-bearing mice T lymphocyte subsets, T ( T. ) Cell number increased, decreased T inhibition ( T / s ) cell number, increase T / H / Ts ratio, and the 60 / Co irradiated mice leukocytes decreased, and after radiation in the third returned to normal levels, description of Rosa davurica Pall. Could enhance the tumor-bearing mice cellular immune function. And the serum hemolysin level ( HC / 50 ) was significantly elevated, suggesting that it has enhanced the role of humoral immunity.
3 anticancer effect of ethanol extract of dahurian rose fruit, equivalent to the LG / ml dried fruit juice, in vitro simulated gastric conditions, can block the two methyl nitrosamines ( DMN ) synthesis, the blocking rate and rose juice volume has positive correlation ( r = 0.879 ). At 37 degrees C, the equivalent of 1.4g dahurian rose fruit juice (containing the 3mg vitamin C ) on the DMN synthesis blocking rate is 82.72%, and 3mg vitamin C blocking rate is only 20.66%. In vitro under the same conditions, rats, dahurian rose fruit juice blocking rate was 98.49%, Vc was 9.04%, suggestive of Rosa davurica Pall. Could significantly blocking the synthesis of DMN, and juice in addition to vitamin C, may contain blocking effects more unknown components. In addition, by enhancing the free radical scavenging ability of immune ability, and can resist the urethane induced mouse lung adenomas, and the induced cancer of mice peripheral blood SOD activity, glutathione peroxidase ( GSH-Px ) activity, serum soluble elevated blood levels. The Lpo content decreased. Dahurian rose fruit water concentrated extract 1.44g / kg free drinking, successive 3 weeks, there are 60 / Co radiated rat erythrocytes in SOD content and GSH-PX activity in whole blood, prove its L against radiation injury in mice. Tips of dahurian rose fruit can be used as a tumor chemotherapy and radiotherapy as adjuvant treatment agent.
4 Effect on cardiovascular system of dahurian rose fruit extract 1ml village when in 2G crude drug, alcohol extract 1ml corresponds to the LG crude drug injection, having a relaxation of rabbit aortic strips in rats, reduce blood pressure and cerebral vascular resistance, increased coronary blood flow, reducing the cat coronary resistance role. Inhibition of free atrial contraction, slow heart rate, against rabbit posterior pituitary hormone induced myocardial ischemia during S-T period, against mouse normobaric hypoxia and isoproterenol induced hypoxia effects, and inhibition of rabbit platelet gathering and thrombosis in rats, its effective component and contains flavone compounds related to.
5 liver function can reduce the experimental carbon tetrachloride, ethanol, nitrite rubber and other damage to the liver, changes in human serum alanine aminotransferase ( ALT ) and turbidity abnormalities, reduce and eliminate the degeneration and necrosis of liver cells, reduce inflammation and fibrosis, the liver protective effect of oleanolic acid on its rich. To give sodium nitrite and aminopyrine in serum of rats with ALT and sorbitol dehydrogenase ( SDH ) activity than normal group increased 1 times, and cause liver cell degeneration and necrosis, under the same conditions, the same to rose juice of ALT rats and SDH vitality to maintain normal levels, liver cells also did not suffer injury.
6 anti fatigue, anti hypoxia effect of dahurian rose fruit dry powder by ethanol refluxing extraction, ethanol recovery followed by ethyl acetate after the residue into l% suspension, mouse peritoneal injection of 0.5ml, 2h, hypoxia tolerance in mice experimental survival time was significantly higher than that in the control group, and in mouse loading swimming test, swimming time was significantly higher than that of the control group.
7 other of anti-inflammatory on formaldehyde-induced arthritis in rats effectively. The rose fruit gavage can obviously promote the metabolism of nucleic acids and proteins in mouse bone marrow cells. The rose fruit extraction and separation of pure products of silver Linden glycoside, on the culture conditions of human embryonic lung fibroblasts ( 2BS-C ) in DBA damage repair, 8h began to have effect on DNA repair, 24h growth rate increased significantly. Dahurian rose fruit juice in rats with gastric can significantly stopped two methyl nitrosamines ( DMN ) synthesis, Yin its fault rate is 98.49%, dahurian rose fruit in vitro tests have the same shade off DMN synthesis.
8 toxicity of rose water and alcohol extracts the mouse intravenous injection, its LD / 50 respectively 4.5 ( 4-5 ) g / kg and 5 ( 4.3-5.8 ) g / kg, dahurian rose fruit flavones mouse intravenous injection of LD / 50 is a 956 ( 872-1048 ) mg / kg. Subacute toxicity test shows that, the heart, liver, kidney organ toxicity reaction.
[ ] toxicity toxicity: the mouse intravenous injection, dahurian rose fruit water extract of LD50 4.5g / kg, dahurian rose fruit alcohol extract of LD5.0 g / kg.
[ ] acid taste bitter; temperature;
[ ] to the liver; spleen; stomach; bladder
[ function ] Jianpi Xiaoshi; Huoxue Tiaojing; astringing lung. The main indigestion; anorexia; abdomen distending pain; diarrhea; menstruation; dysmenorrhea; atherosclerosis; tuberculosis cough
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 6-10g.
[ ] the discussion
1" Heilongjiang": Traditional Chinese medicine to help digestion. Treating infantile indigestion.
2" Handbook of common Chinese herbal medicines" Spleen Qi, nourishing blood and regulating menstruation. For indigestion, and diarrhea, stomach pain, abnormal menstruation.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]
