
Solanum khasianum

[ ]" Kunming folk medicinal herbs commonly used."
[ ] Pinyin name C Ti. N Qi e
[ alias ] bitter, bitter day eggplant (" belladonna" Chinese herbal medicine in Yunnan ).
[ source ] for the Solanaceae plant thorn eggplant fruit. Harvest in autumn, and dried in the sun.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herbs, about 1 meters high. Stems erect, branched, all densely yellowish hirsute and needle puncture. Leaves alternate; rhombic broadly elliptic, 7.5 to 11 cm long, 5 to 9 cm wide, margin irregularly angular wave teeth, apex acuminate, base cordate, two assassination, glandular hairs, can secrete mucus, two veins are sparsely lengths. Cymes from 2 to 4 flower composition, pedicels slender, was a rough and thorns; calyx 5 lobed, round shape, hair and thorns; corolla white or yellowish, petals 5, ovate-lanceolate, hair. Berry is globose, ripe when there is deep green, yellow when ripe. Seeds numerous, light brown.
[ ] in the mountain forest habitat distribution or barren. Distribution of Yunnan.
[ ] the chemical composition of berries contain solasodine, sitosterol, diosgenin. Also contain solasodine glycosides, solamargine, solasonine and thorn solanine, as well as alkaloids from Solanum khasianum alkali.
[ ]" the taste of Kunming folk medicinal herbs commonly used": bitter, cold, a small drug.
[ function ]" attending Kunming folk medicinal herbs commonly used": antiphlogistic detoxify, sedation and analgesia. Cure rheumatism traumatic pain, neuropathic headache, stomachache, toothache, mastitis, mumps.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 1 ~ 2. External: ramming coated or grinds the powder powder.
[ ] a party
The rule will be his sore: Solanum khasianum leaf, fruit dry grind end, aggravate floor powder, mixed with honey. (" Kunming folk medicinal herbs commonly used" )
The toothache: Solanum khasianum fresh fruit mash, the tooth pain. (" Chinese medicinal herbs of Yunnan." )
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"

