
Bur cane

[ source ] was contained in the" flora" guangdong.
[ ] Pinyin name C Gu I T e n be
English name [ ] Scabrous buttneria
[ alias ] plastic rattan.
[ source ]
Medicine source: Sterculiaceae bur cane, stem.
Latin animal mineral name: Byttneria aspera Colebr.
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of rattan wood calamus wailong the bur. Branchlets slightly pubescent young parts. Leaves alternate; petiole length 2-8cm, hairy; lobes broadly ovate, cordate or suborbicular, length 7-23cm, width 5.5-16cm, apex obtuse or acute, base cordate, the top few glabrous, below white stellate pubescent; basal veins 5. Cymes terminal or axillary; the flower is small, yellowish white, inner surface purplish red; sepals ovate, ca. 2mm, pubescent, apex acute; petals 5, alternating with sepals, apex 2 crack and a strip-shaped subsidiary body, about as long as sepals; stamens connate into a tube, and the development of stamen staminodes 5; Ovarian 5 rooms, every room has 2 ovule. Capsule spherical or oval sphere shape, diameter 3-4cm, students most stout spines and pubescent. Seeds oblong, ca. 12mm, black at maturity. Florescence spring, summer.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in open forest or mountain side.
Resource distribution: distribution in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places.
[ ] taste taste hard; Xin; slightly wet
[ ] liver kidney meridian;
[ function ] rheumatism; strong bones and muscles. The main rheumatic pain; lumbar muscle strain; traumatic fracture
[ usage] oral administration of Decoction: fresh goods, 9-15g, 30g. External : the amount, trace and apply.
[ ] the treatise" Xinhua outline of Materia Medica": root, stem: rheumatism, strengthen muscles function. For postpartum bones pain, rheumatism, lumbar muscle strain.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

