
Bean curd residue

[source] from the "Compendium of Materia Medica gleaning". [name] D ò u Fu Zh. English [] residue from beans after making name [alias] snow. [source] Medicine source: bean curd, filter out the juice after the rest. Latin plant animal mineral name: Glycine max (L.) Merr.[Phaseolus Max L.] The original form of Soybean [] annual erect herbs, high 60-180cm. Stem stout, densely brown hirsute. Petiole length, densely yellow hirsute; stipules small, lanceolate leaves; three, terminal leaflets rhombic ovate, 7-13cm long, 3-6cm wide, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate or rounded, two sides all white villous, lateral leaflets smaller, obliquely ovate; leaf rachises and petiolules densely yellow hirsute. Racemes axillary; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, hairy; calyx Bracelet shaped, calyx teeth 5, lanceolate, the following 1 teeth were the longest, densely white villous; flowers small, white or pale purple, slightly lower calyx long; upper petal apex retuse, wing flap with 1 ears, keel sickle; stamens 10, two; ovary linear, coat. Pod shaped oblong, slightly curved, pendulous, yellow green, densely yellow hirsute. Seeds 2-5, yellow green or black, ovoid to subglobose, ca. 1cm. Florescence 6-7 month, month of fruit period 8-10. [distribution] Ecological environment: the widely cultivated. [] sweet taste bitter; flat; [] to the heart; large intestine [indications] cooling blood detoxification. The main hematochezia; innominate toxic swelling; wet rotten sore; ecthyma does not heal [usage] oral: fried yellow, green tea transfer service, 9-15g. External use: suitable, coating. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/


[source] from Yunnan "Simao province". [name] D ò u Fu Zh ā Gu. [source] Medicine source: Proteaceae plant Helicia nilagirica radish root, leaf. Latin plant animal mineral name: Helicia nilagirica Bedd. (H.errat-icaHook.f.; H.erratia Hook.f.var.J.var.sinica W.T.Wang) Harvesting and storage: from November to July the following year, harvest the fruit into the heat, go and impurities, dried. [original] tree morphology, high 5-12m. Bark gray. Ye Husheng; petiole length 1-3.5cm; leaf blade obovate oblong, elliptic or oblong lanceolate, 5-23cm long, 2.8-9cm wide, apex shortly acuminate or obtuse, base cuneate, slightly decurrent, margin entire, sometimes the edge or the upper half of a sparsely serrate; midrib above slightly convex, lateral veins 5-8 pairs, reticulate veins both sides were significantly. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, axillary racemes or axillary branchlets has fallen, 10-24cm long, densely rust colored pubescent, gradually glabrescent; pedicels usually geminate, base adnate; bracts lanceolate, pilose; perianth tube white or pale yellow; stamens 4, inserted on the perianth limb, anther oval; glands 4, dilute 1-2, extending into filamentous appendages below middle, spirally curved; ovary glabrous. Nuts slightly oblate spherical, diameter 2-3.5cm, apex mucronate, base suddenly narrow were short handle shape, green. Florescence 5-8 month, fruit period November to July of the following year. [distribution] Ecological environment: born in altitude 1000-2000m mountain and valley in the evergreen broad leaved forest. Distribution: distribution in Yunnan. [indications] pain nerves. The main headache insomnia; [usage] extraction of Helicid tablet. Oral: 25-75mg. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

Helicia root

[name] D ò u Fu Zh ā Gu ǒ G ē n [source] Medicine source: Proteaceae plant Helicia nilagirica root. Latin plant animal mineral name: Helicia nilagirica Bedd. (H.errat-icaHook.f.; H.erratia Hook.f.var.J.var.sinica W.T.Wang) Harvesting and storage: the annual can harvest, fresh or dried. [original] tree morphology, high 5-12m. Bark gray. Ye Husheng; petiole length 1-3.5cm; leaf blade obovate oblong, elliptic or oblong lanceolate, 5-23cm long, 2.8-9cm wide, apex shortly acuminate or obtuse, base cuneate, slightly decurrent, margin entire, sometimes the edge or the upper half of a sparsely serrate; midrib above slightly convex, lateral veins 5-8 pairs, reticulate veins both sides were significantly. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, axillary racemes or axillary branchlets has fallen, 10-24cm long, densely rust colored pubescent, gradually glabrescent; pedicels usually geminate, base adnate; bracts lanceolate, pilose; perianth tube white or pale yellow; stamens 4, inserted on the perianth limb, anther oval; glands 4, dilute 1-2, extending into filamentous appendages below middle, spirally curved; ovary glabrous. Nuts slightly oblate spherical, diameter 2-3.5cm, apex mucronate, base suddenly narrow were short handle shape, green. Florescence 5-8 month, fruit period November to July of the following year. [distribution] Ecological environment: born in altitude 1000-2000m mountain and valley in the evergreen broad leaved forest. Distribution: distribution in Yunnan. [] astringent taste; cool [indications] Sechang Zhixie; detoxification. The main enteritis; diarrhea; food poisoning; mushroom poisoning [usage]: Decoction taken orally, 30-60g. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

Root wood blue

[alias] mountain broom, Yamahana Ko [source] legume Indigofera plant flowers and blue Indigofera Kirilowii Maxim. ex Palibin, the roots are used medicinally. Spring and autumn can be collected, washed and dried. [] taste bitter, cold. [indications] Qingrejiedu, swelling and pain, laxative. For sore throat, lung heat cough, jaundice, hot junction constipation; external use in treating hemorrhoid gall, snake bite. [usage] 1 to 3 money; external use, root powder coating, or fresh root juice on to the skin. [from] "the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/


Bean yellow

[source] from the "therapeutic materia medica". [name] D ò u Hu á N and [Black soybean product] English name [alias] soybean. [source] Source: medicine for legume soybean Glycine max (L.) black seeds Merr. steam valve and processing. Latin plant animal mineral name: Glycine max (L.) Merr.[Phaseolus Max L.] The original form of Soybean [] annual erect herbs, high 60-180cm. Stem stout, densely brown hirsute. Petiole length, densely yellow hirsute; stipules small, lanceolate leaves; three, terminal leaflets rhombic ovate, 7-13cm long, 3-6cm wide, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate or rounded, two sides all white villous, lateral leaflets smaller, obliquely ovate; leaf rachises and petiolules densely yellow hirsute. Racemes axillary; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, hairy; calyx Bracelet shaped, calyx teeth 5, lanceolate, the following 1 teeth were the longest, densely white villous; flowers small, white or pale purple, slightly lower calyx long; upper petal apex retuse, wing flap with 1 ears, keel sickle; stamens 10, two; ovary linear, coat. Pod shaped oblong, slightly curved, pendulous, yellow green, densely yellow hirsute. Seeds 2-5, yellow green or black, ovoid to subglobose, ca. 1cm. Florescence 6-7 month, month of fruit period 8-10. [distribution] The ecological environment in our country: widely cultivated. [taste] Gan; temperature [] the spleen meridian; meridian [indications] Qufeng desiccant; strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi. The main dampness; joint rash pain; spleen eat less; stomach like a stuffy; scrotum itching [usage]: Decoction orally, 6-15g; or at the end of the research. External: pound deposited amount, at the end of the research. [the paper] 1 Yu Shen: Main dampness, knee pain, five Tibetan deficient Qi, stomach qi, embellish skin product. At the end of the Sheng, refined lard as pills clothes, can fat health of people. 2 "Compendium of Materia Medica": chewing with pruritus vulvae sweating. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

Beans Chai

[source] from the "Guizhou Chinese herbal medicine". [name] D ò u Ji ǎ o Ch á I [name] Root of Delavay Clovershrub English [alias] southwest 秔 sub branches. [source] Medicine source: drug legume southwest 秔 sub shoot root. Latin plant animal mineral name: Campylotropis delavayi (Franch.) Schindl.[Lespedeza delavayi Franch.] Harvesting and storage: the summer and autumn harvest, digging roots, wash, slice, dried. [] the original form Southwest 秔 sub pin bush, tall 1-3m. Branchlets angled, in addition to lobular above and the corolla, is adnate silk. Three leaves; stipules small, lanceolate; leaflets ovate or obovate, cardboard, terminal leaflet slightly larger, 4.5-6cm long, 2.5-4.5cm wide, apex rounded, slightly concave, base rounded slightly narrow, margin entire, puberulent below. Dense racemes, panicles, forming a large terminal flower butterfly shaped, long shank length 5-6mm; calyx campanulate, 5 - lobed calyx teeth narrowly lanceolate, calyx tube, over two times longer, the above 2 connate, with silky hairs; corolla purple, glabrous, ca. 1cm, keel, upper petal, wing flap a few long. Pod elliptic, long 5-7mm, prominent veins, be sparsely sericeous. Florescence in October, fruit period of 10-11 months. [distribution] The ecological environment in the mountain slope, the grass. Distribution: distribution of resources in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan etc.. [] cool taste bitter; Xin; [] the lung meridian [indications] Shufeng heat. The main wind hot cold fever; [usage]: Decoction taken orally, 15-30g. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/


Round cardamom

[name] D ò u K ò u [Fructus Amomi Rotundus] English name [alias] white cardamom, round cardamom, nutmeg original, buckle meters. [source] Zingiberaceae Amomum compactum Amomum compactum Soland. Ex Maton. Harvest in autumn when the fruit is ripe, removed from the seed peel by, broken. The original form of [] perennial. Leaves lanceolate, apex long tailed sharp, with the exception of gross margin, glabrous on both surfaces; petiole absent. Ye Shechu was sparsely hairy, glabrescent and only sparsely ciliate; leaf sheath mouth glabrous; spikes cylindric; bracts ovate - Naga Madokagata; calyx tube pubescent; corolla white or slightly yellowish; labellum oblong, slightly concave, pale yellow, with purple edges midrib with orange red tape; stamens 1; ovary densely villous. Florescence 2 to in May, fruit period from 6 to August. [] habitat distribution in ravine humid, more cultivation in China under the shade of a tree. Hainan, Yunnan, Guangxi has cultivated. Native to Indonesia. [character] fruit globose, diameter of 0.8 ~ 1.2cm; the surface yellow white to yellowish brown, with 3 deep longitudinal groove, a protruding column bases on the top, base the Ministry has concave stipe mark, both sides have a pale brown tomentose. The skin is easily longitudinally fissured, divided into 3 rooms, each room containing about 10 grain seeds. The seeds were irregular polyhedron, abaxially slightly uplift, diameter of 3 ~ 4mm, the surface is dark brown, with wrinkles. Aromatic, slightly cooler Weixin like camphor. [composition] containing eucalyptol, borneol, d- b- pinene, a- terpineol etc.. [taste] warm, spicy. [indications] dampness and stomach, the line width in the gas. For loss of appetite, chest tightness, nausea, abdominal pain and abdominal distension. [note] white cardamom A.kravanh Pirre ex Gagnep. fruit also. [*] excerpts from "dictionary" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

Nutmeg flower

[source] "pieces" new. [name] D ò u K ò u Hu. [source] Zingiberaceae cardamom flowers. The summer harvest. Pick to pedicel, dried. [character] dried flowers, elongated pieces of flat pressure, appearance light yellow, surrounded by membranous shaped perianth, have obvious longitudinal veins, lower residual pedicel. Commodity mostly perianth debris, a few. A slight aroma. [] taste symplectic, flat. [indications] appetizers Qi, antiemetic, wide fullness. [usage]: oral decoction, 0.5 ~ 1.5. [note] Yin jiyong. [*] excerpts from "dictionary" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

Nutmeg shell

[source] this product is Zingiberaceae cardamom Amomum Kravanh Pierre ex Gagnep. The shell or Amomum compactum Amomum compactum Soland ex Maton is the dried ripe fruit. [] taste symplectic, temperature. [] to the lung, spleen, stomach. [indications] Huashi Qi, warm the antiemetic. Suitable for cold damp stagnation, abdominal distension, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting. [usage] 3 ~ 6G, after the decoction of yi. [note] (1) function and cardamom is same, but the temperature slightly reduced, the force is weak. [from] "the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

Bean pear

[name] D ò u L í [alias] wild pear, pear, pear, deer iron Tang pear [source] Rosaceae Pyrus Pyrus calleryana Decne., in the leaves, branches, roots, fruit is used as medicine. [distribution] provinces in the Yangtze River valley. [taste] Leaf: root, slightly sweet, acerbity, cool. Fruit: acid, sweet, bitter, cold. [indications] Leaf: root, Runfei cough, clearing away heat and toxic material. Indications Feizao cough, acute conjunctivitis. Dosage 0.5 ~ 1 two. Fruit: the stomach, diarrhea. Dosage 0.5 ~ 1 two, topical amount. [from] "the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/


Bean Orobanche

[name] D ò u Li è D ā N and [source] Medicine source: all grass plants of Orobanchaceae bean orobanche. Latin plant animal mineral name: Mannagettaea labiata H. Smith Harvesting and storage: the summer and autumn harvest, dried. The original form [] bean Orobanche parasitic herbaceous, tall 10-11cm. The ground part is only 3-3.5cm. Stem stout, short. Ye Shaoshu, scaly, fresh lanceolate, length 1.5cm, width 6-9mm. Flowers numerous, often the top 8-10 a dense cluster was born in stem, a head of Zhengzhou city; bracts ovate lanceolate, long 1.8-2.2cm, wide 4-5mm. Apex acuminate, both surfaces subglabrous; bracteoles 2, linear lanceolate; calyx tubular, apex 5 - lobed; corolla two - lipped, dry yellow, erect, long 5-6cm, corolla lobes inner surface and margin densely long woolly; stamens 4, inserted at base of corolla tube length 1-1.2cm, filaments slightly stout, long 3-3.5cm, below the middle of densely long woolly, upward gradually glabrous, anthers densely yellow white long woolly; ovary ovoid, style 4-4.5cm, stigma subglobose. Florescence 6-7 month. [distribution] Ecological environment: often parasitic on Caragana (Caragana) plant roots. Distribution: distribution of resources in sichuan. [indications] swelling detoxification; diarrhea. The main boils innominate toxic swelling; diarrhea; [usage]: Decoction taken orally, 3-10g. External: pound deposited amount. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

Beans Ma

[name] D ò u M á [alias] leprosy grass, Guangxi Ai Ma [source] Source: medicine for Urticaceae plant grapes Ye Aima took root plant. Latin plant animal mineral name: Laportea violacea Gagnep. (L.vitifolia Hand.-Mazz.) Harvesting and storage: summer, autumn collection, washed, dried in the sun. The original form [] shrubs or subshrubs, 1-2m. The upper stem and twig bristles, bristle hard, long 3-4mm, with long hair pillow. Ye Husheng; petiole length 4-8cm, hard bristles; stipules triangular ovate, apex 2 - lobed; leaf blade broadly ovate or subcordate, 5-12cm long, 4-10cm wide, apex acuminate, base often truncate, margin dentate, dark green above, is adnate size bristles, often purplish, sparsely size bristles, cystoliths fine point, two clouds; basal veins 3, 1 on the lateral arcuate, lateral veins 3 on. Inflorescence monoecious; narrowly conical, branches short, male students in the lower leaf axils, with a short stalk, up to 8cm, female students near the top leaf axils, up to 20m, peduncle length 7-10CM, inflorescence axis by size bristles. Male flowers nearly no stalk; tepals 4 (-5), connate to middle, sparsely fine bristles; stamens (4-) 5; pistillode inverted pear shaped. Female flowers with stem, tepals 4, unequal; ovary with short gynophore, stigma wire shape. Achenes obovoid, slightly compressed, skew, both sides have the wart, lower shrinkage to handle, borne on short gynophore; pedicels in fruit expanding into an inverted oval membranous wing. Florescence 6-8 month, month of fruit period 8-11. [distribution] Ecological environment: the hillside woodland at altitude of 200-1100m. Distribution: distribution of resources in southwest Guangxi. [taste] Xin; temperature [indications] Qufeng desiccant; and stomach dampness. The main body of the rheumatic arthralgia; Ma; chest tightness and epigastric fullness and abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea; [usage]: Decoction orally, 6-15g; or dip wine. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/


Bean Orobanche

[name] D ò u Li è D ā N and [source] Medicine source: all grass plants of Orobanchaceae bean orobanche. Latin plant animal mineral name: Mannagettaea labiata H. Smith Harvesting and storage: the summer and autumn harvest, dried. The original form [] bean Orobanche parasitic herbaceous, tall 10-11cm. The ground part is only 3-3.5cm. Stem stout, short. Ye Shaoshu, scaly, fresh lanceolate, length 1.5cm, width 6-9mm. Flowers numerous, often the top 8-10 a dense cluster was born in stem, a head of Zhengzhou city; bracts ovate lanceolate, long 1.8-2.2cm, wide 4-5mm. Apex acuminate, both surfaces subglabrous; bracteoles 2, linear lanceolate; calyx tubular, apex 5 - lobed; corolla two - lipped, dry yellow, erect, long 5-6cm, corolla lobes inner surface and margin densely long woolly; stamens 4, inserted at base of corolla tube length 1-1.2cm, filaments slightly stout, long 3-3.5cm, below the middle of densely long woolly, upward gradually glabrous, anthers densely yellow white long woolly; ovary ovoid, style 4-4.5cm, stigma subglobose. Florescence 6-7 month. [distribution] Ecological environment: often parasitic on Caragana (Caragana) plant roots. Distribution: distribution of resources in sichuan. [indications] swelling detoxification; diarrhea. The main boils innominate toxic swelling; diarrhea; [usage]: Decoction taken orally, 3-10g. External: pound deposited amount. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

Beans Ma

[name] D ò u M á [alias] leprosy grass, Guangxi Ai Ma [source] Source: medicine for Urticaceae plant grapes Ye Aima took root plant. Latin plant animal mineral name: Laportea violacea Gagnep. (L.vitifolia Hand.-Mazz.) Harvesting and storage: summer, autumn collection, washed, dried in the sun. The original form [] shrubs or subshrubs, 1-2m. The upper stem and twig bristles, bristle hard, long 3-4mm, with long hair pillow. Ye Husheng; petiole length 4-8cm, hard bristles; stipules triangular ovate, apex 2 - lobed; leaf blade broadly ovate or subcordate, 5-12cm long, 4-10cm wide, apex acuminate, base often truncate, margin dentate, dark green above, is adnate size bristles, often purplish, sparsely size bristles, cystoliths fine point, two clouds; basal veins 3, 1 on the lateral arcuate, lateral veins 3 on. Inflorescence monoecious; narrowly conical, branches short, male students in the lower leaf axils, with a short stalk, up to 8cm, female students near the top leaf axils, up to 20m, peduncle length 7-10CM, inflorescence axis by size bristles. Male flowers nearly no stalk; tepals 4 (-5), connate to middle, sparsely fine bristles; stamens (4-) 5; pistillode inverted pear shaped. Female flowers with stem, tepals 4, unequal; ovary with short gynophore, stigma wire shape. Achenes obovoid, slightly compressed, skew, both sides have the wart, lower shrinkage to handle, borne on short gynophore; pedicels in fruit expanding into an inverted oval membranous wing. Florescence 6-8 month, month of fruit period 8-11. [distribution] Ecological environment: the hillside woodland at altitude of 200-1100m. Distribution: distribution of resources in southwest Guangxi. [taste] Xin; temperature [indications] Qufeng desiccant; and stomach dampness. The main body of the rheumatic arthralgia; Ma; chest tightness and epigastric fullness and abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea; [usage]: Decoction orally, 6-15g; or dip wine. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/


Bean leaf.

[name] D ò u Y è Sh ē n [source] Medicine source: Primulaceae plants. The roots of Erlang mountain. Latin animal plant mineral name: Primula epilosa Craib Harvesting and storage: 7-9 months to dig up the roots, remove the fibrous root, washed, dried in the sun. [the original shape] perennial. With thick short rhizomes and most coarse long fibril. Leaves basal, flowering base young leaves scaly, scales oblong or oblong lanceolate, long 6-20mm, in brown; petiole length 5-25mm, wide wing; leaf blade oblong obovate to oblong oblanceolate, flowering of new leaves often not fully grown, the old leaves is 5-10cm long, 2-4cm wide, apex rounded, base attenuate, triangular tooth edge callose pointed, dry nearly leathery, dark green above, rough, below virescent, only along veins sparsely yellow hair, slightly wider in the ribs. Scape height 3.5-14cm, terminal umbel with flowers 2-5; bracts linear or linear lanceolate, long 3-10mm, membranous; pedicel length 4-20mm, covered with yellow hair; calyx campanulate, 7-11mm long, 5 crack, lobes ovate or ovate lanceolate, outside yellow hairs; corolla purplish blue, there are sparse. Dark purple stripes, 5 - lobed, lobes broadly obovate, width of 12mm, apex deeply 2 - lobed; long Hua Zhuhua: corolla tube ca. 10mm, stamens from the corolla tube basal ca. 4mm, style micro extends out of the cylinder mouth; short styled flowers: corolla tube length 14-17mm, stamens near crown cylinder mouth health, style long 4-5.5mm. Capsule subglobose, package to increase the persistent calyx inside. Seeds numerous, round, black, a wart small. Florescence 4-5 month. [distribution] Ecological environment: in altitude 2000-2900m forest margins and shade wet rock. Resource distribution in Hubei and Western Sichuan (Tianquan, Luding). [taste] Gan; cool [indications] clearing heat and removing dampness. The damp heat jaundice; yellow urine and pain [usage]: Decoction orally, 9-18g. [from] the "Chinese herbal medicine" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/

Bean leaves seven

[name] D ò u Y è Q ī [alias] Hu Doulian, how to cook the mung bean lotus, gold scissors, beans seven, bean leaf euphorbia. [source] Medicine source: Crassulaceae plant Yunnan Hongjing large root and whole plant. Latin animal plant mineral name: Rhodiola yunnanensis (Franch.) S.H.Fu Sedum yunnanense Franch.. Harvesting and storage: the summer and autumn collection, chopped washed use fresh or dried. [the original shape] Yunnan how to eat Rhodiola perennial. Root diameter long, straight hydrocarbon can reach 2cm, unbranched or few branched, apex is ovate triangular scales. Stems solitary or few health, erect, up to 100cm. 3 impeller are unripe, dilute sessile on students; leaves ovate lanceolate, elliptic to ovate oblong, 4-9cm long, 2-6cm wide, apex obtuse, base rounded cuneate, margin sparsely serrate. Thyrses, long 5-15cm, multiple trigeminal branches; flowers unisexual, dilute bisexual, dioecious; male flowers small, sepals 4, lanceolate, long 0.5mm; petals 4, yellow green, spatulate, 1.5mm long, 8 stamens, more petals shorter; female sepals and petals each 4, petals green or purple, linear that long 1.2mm; scale 4, half round; carpels 4, ovate - spread, basally connate. Follicles, stellate, apex long 3-3.2mm, deflexed, beak length 1mm. Florescence 5-7 month, month of fruit period 7-8. [distribution] Ecological environment: in altitude 2000-4000m slopes of rock under trees or rocks on the river side. Resource distribution in Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet etc.. [taste] bitter; cool [the] lung; kidney; liver [indications] Bufei Yishen; Qingre Zhike; blood stasis and hemostasis. The main consumptive cough; kidney lower back pain; sore throat; and traumatic injury; traumatic hemorrhage [usage]: Decoction orally, 6-12g; or dip wine. External: pound deposited amount. [from] the "Chinese herbal medicine" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/


Soybean oil

[source] from the "compendium of Materia Medica". [name] D ò u Y ó u [English name] Soya-bean Oil [source] medicine source: legume soybean Glycine max (L.) Merr. seed extract the fatty oil. Latin animal plant mineral name: Glycine max (L.) Merr. [Phaseolus Max L.] [the original shape] soybean annual erect herbs, high 60-180cm. Stem stout, densely brown hirsute. Petiole long, densely yellow hirsute; stipules small, lanceolate leaves; three, terminal leaflets rhombic ovate, 7-13cm long, 3-6cm wide, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate or rounded, two sides all white villous, lateral leaflets smaller, obliquely ovate; leaf rachises and petiolules densely yellow hirsute. Racemes axillary; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, hairy; calyx Bracelet shaped calyx teeth 5, lanceolate, the following 1 teeth are long, densely white villous; flowers small, white or pale purple, slightly lower calyx length; upper petal apex retuse, wing flap with 1 ears, keel sickle; stamens 10, two; ovary linear, coat. Pod shaped oblong, slightly curved, pendulous, yellow green, densely yellow hirsute. Seeds 2-5, yellow green or black, ovoid to subglobose, ca. 1cm. Florescence 6-7 month, month of fruit period 8-10. [distribution] ecological environment: the widely cultivated. [character] character identification was yellow brown or light yellow transparent liquid, oily and greasy. Fragrance, heating is more obvious. Slightly soluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform, petroleum ether and can be arbitrarily mixed. The relative density is 0.918-0.930. The refractive index of 1.473-1.478. The iodine value is 130-138. Saponification value was 190-195. The acid value is less than 3. [fatty acid composition] soybean oil, saturated in general about 10%, more than for the unsaturated fatty acid. The former is mainly stearic acid (stearic acid) and palmitic acid (palmitic acid), the latter is mainly linoleic acid (linoleic acid), oleic acid (oleic acid) and linolenic acid (linolenic acid). In addition to the component (1.5%-2.5%), mainly for the phospholipid. Sterol in soybean oil for 0.38-0.53%, including beta sitosterol, stigmasterol (β -Sitosterol) (stigmasterol) and campesterol (campesterol), the other containing beta carotene (β -carotene) 0.04-0.2mg%, vitamin E (i.e., tocopherol, tocopherol) 90-110mg%, Ringwood pineapple enolase (cycloartenol) and squalene (squalene [taste] Xin Gan; temperature; [the] large intestine [indications] Runchang catharsis; insecticide detoxification. Lord worm obstruction; constipation; scabies [usage]: stew oral temperature, 15-30g. External use: apply Tucha; or he medicine. [the paper] 1 "compendium of Materia Medica": Tu sore scabies, solution ZHI. 2 "with interest in the diet spectrum": Runzao, detoxification, insecticide. [from] the "Chinese herbal medicine" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/

Bean dregs tree

[name] D ò u Zh ā Sh ù [alias] white wood, red Ling Ma, deers, white lights, alpine Wang, Bai Cangmu [source] Medicine source: Styracaceae in alder Leaves Roots and leaves. Latin animal plant mineral name: Alniphyllum fortunei (Hemsl.) Makino[A.hainanense Hayata; A.Fortune (Hemsl) Makino form.hy-poglaucum C. Y. Wu " Harvesting and storage: the summer and autumn harvest, washed, dried in the sun. [the original shape] deciduous trees, 15-20m. Bark dark gray, with irregular longitudinal cracks, often with gray white patches. Ye Husheng; peduncle length 1-2cm, stellate pilose to glabrous; leaf blade elliptic, oblong elliptic or obovate elliptic, long 7-15cm, wide 4.5-8cm, apex acute to acuminate, dilute the tip of the tail, base broadly cuneate or cuneate, margin serrulate, both sides are brown stellate hairs, sometimes deciduous variable glabrous, below brown or gray white, sometimes with white; lateral veins 7-12 pairs. Racemes or panicles, terminal or axillary, pedicels densely brown stellate hairs; bracteoles subulate, caducous; calyx cup-shaped, apex 5 cracked teeth; flowers white with pink, 1.5-2CM long, corolla lobes 5, both surfaces stellate hairs; stamens 10, 5 long 5 short, filament base the joint growth of about 8mm tube; ovary densely yellow long hair, room 5, style linear, stigma not obvious 5 crack. Capsule oblong, ripe when split into 5 fruit valve. Seeds numerous, oblong, both ends of the irregular membrane wing. Florescence 4-7 month; fruit of 8-10 months. [distribution] Ecological environment: in the elevation of 200-2200m in evergreen broad-leaved forest. Resource distribution in the southwest and Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi etc.. [taste] Xin; tepid [indications] Qufeng desiccant diuresis detumescence. The Lord [usage]: Decoction orally, 3-10g. External use: amount, fried washed. [from] the "Chinese herbal medicine" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/



[source] set out in the "annals of Linhai". [name] D ù F ù Y ú English [name] Artedius; Cottus; Sculpin [alias] four catfish perch, Du sculpin, 舩 矴 fish, V 念鱼 [source] Medicine source: cottidae animal flesh of Matsuko. Latin plant animal mineral name: Cottus Pollux Gunther. Harvesting and storage: all year round can be fishing, viscera was removed after arrest, fresh. [the original shape] Songjiang perch, body front flat, gradually after nearly cylindrical. Generally about 12cm. Head large, wide and flat long kiss slightly blunt, eyes a bit small, lateral superior, concave to flat, margin of two high convex, eye edge formation. Top occipitalis on each side of a parieto occipital ridge, the outside each have one eye edge, eyes below each one now edges, each edge has no spines. Export bounty, maxillary long, jaw, plough and palatal bone were villiform teeth group, left and right vomer teeth group into half moon. The preopercle has 4 spines, spines on the larger. Body and there are a lot of small protrusions scaleless. In the lateral line, flat, side hole about 37. Dorsal fin Ⅷ -10-12, base slightly even, fin spines and. Anal 17-18, compared with the second dorsal fin. Pectoral oblong, wide, up to second dorsal fin. The pelvic fins located below the pectoral fin base front. Caudal fin trailing edge slightly rounded convex. Tawny, side of the body with brown stripes 5-6. Eye week dark brown radial lines. The dorsal fin spine is a large black spot. Branchiostegal membrane and anal fin base is orange red. The fins yellowish with black spots. [distribution] Ecological environment: in benthic small carnivorous fish. Spring spawning, 5-6 friends in juvenile into water for growing and fattening. Winter swim to the estuary and offshore. Distribution: China located in Bohai, the Yellow Sea and the East China sea. [] taste sweet; temperature [] the spleen meridian; meridian [indications] strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi. The main spleen eat less; epigastric pain; thin weak; loose stool; rickets in children [usage]: Decoction taken orally, 30-60g. [the paper] 1 "Compendium of Materia Medica": the attending pediatric difference type. This fish broke, bite, seven elimination. 2 "China pharmacy dictionary": the nature of warm, non-toxic. Attending the spleen and stomach, impotence Road, treatment of dysphagia. Eliminate edema, treatment of scabies, treatment of children with clitoral size, break open bite seven elimination. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/

Du Genteng

[alias] hygrophila [source] Acanthaceae Du Genteng Justica quadiofolia Wall. [] Zhejiang habitat distribution. [indications] detoxification. Treating aphtha, seasonal heat toxin, erysipelas, jaundice. [usage] 1 to 3. [note] according to historical records, the past Shanghai has 以剑 leaf hygrophila salicifolia Hygrophila lancea Miq. as the grass. [from] "the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/



This product is plants of Aristolochiaceae Du Asarum forbesii Maxim. roots. (British) Forbes Wildginger Rhiaome Alias: Saruma henryi, south of asarum, Ma xin. Plant morphology: perennial. Gen lower stem having most white fibrous roots, aroma. Ye Kuan heart to reniform cordate, length, width of 3 ~ 8cm, two slightly hairy, margin densely pilose on veins and quilt; petiole is long 7 ~ 15cm. Flowers solitary in axils of leaves; perianth tube campanulate, apex 3 - lobed, outside the pale brown purple, yellow significantly into reticulate, inner surface of purple, netlike ridges; stamens 12; ovary inferior, style 6. Capsule fleshy. Florescence 3 to in April, fruit period from 5 to June. Hill slopes, forest next. In Jiangsu, Zhejiang. Sampling: 4 ~ October harvest, washed and dried. Traits: the roots was not planning a thin cylindrical, ca. 2cm, diameter of 1 ~ 2cm, pale brown to gray brown, with a link, the top residual dried leaf, lower clusters of numerous fibrous roots. The root length of 7cm, diameter of 1 ~ 2mm, the surface of gray white to pale brown, longitudinally rugose; qualitative hard, broken face white. Aromatic, spicy. Chemical composition: containing volatile oil, including Huang Zhangmi (safrole), clove - phenol (Eugenol) etc.. Taste: warm, spicy; a small drug. Net of medicine of www.PharmNet.com.cn finishing Indications function: expelling wind and cold, pain. For wind cold headache, rheumatic arthralgia, phlegm cough, his tongue sores, earache. http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/

Maesa japonica

Source. From "through" materia medica. [name] D ù J ī N and Sh ā n [alias] soil in Mt. Hengshan, foot bridges, water leaves, eggplant, Hu Jiaoshu, Jin Shagen, mountain tea, white tea, cogongrass wild pepper, sweet scented osmanthus, Shui Guangzhong [source] Medicine source: as the root or stem and leaf of plant in the Myrsinaceae maesa. Latin plant animal mineral name: Maesa japonica (Thunb) Moritzi · [Doraena japonica Thunb.] Harvesting and storage: the year can be collected, washed, cut into sections use fresh or dried. The original form of [] shrub, high 1-3m. Erect, sometimes decumbent or climbing; branchlets with finely striate, sparsely lenticellate. Ye Husheng; petiole length 5-13mm; leaf blade leathery, sometimes thin, elliptic to lanceolate oblong, or obovate to oblong obovate, generally about 10cm, width 3cm, Zhu end acuminate, apex acute or obtuse, sometimes caudate acuminate, base cuneate, obtuse or rounded, few entire or above middle with sparsely serrate, or with the exception of the base are sparsely denticulate; abaxial midvein conspicuously, uplift, lateral veins 5-8 pairs, not very clear, direct access to the tip end. Racemes or panicles, axillary or a single 1 2-3, long 1-3cm, only near base with a few branched; bracts ovate, long not to 1mm; pedicel length 2-3mm, glabrous or very sparsely puberulent; bracteoles broadly ovate or reniform, close to calyx base, sparsely ciliate or fine. Glandular dots; flowers like the length of about 2mm, sepals ca. 1mm, oval to nearly round, with obvious vein glandular stripes, lobes long tube of 1 / 3 or less, ovate or reniform, slightly serrated edge; stamens adnate to corolla slightly on the middle, included; filaments and anther length, anther the oval, dorsal glandular; stigma lobed. Fruit globose, diameter 4-5mm, fleshy, glandular stripes with vein, persistent calyx fruit apex package, often 冠宿 persistent style. Florescence 1-3 month, fruit period in October or May of next year. [distribution] Ecological environment: the mountain slopes or lime scrub woodland or be born at altitude of 300-2000m. Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest and Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi etc.. Character. Morphological identification of stem cylindrical, length, surface tawny, with fine streaks and sparsely lenticellate. Leaf blade broken, complete oval, elliptic lanceolate, obovate or oblong ovate, flattened is 5-15cm long, 2-5cm wide, apex acuminate or acute, base cuneate or rounded, margin above middle tooth. Gas micro, bitter taste. Microscopic identification of leaf cross-section: upper and lower epidermal cell wall flat square, horny, occasionally unicellular non glandular hairs. 2 rows of cells of palisade tissue, through the midrib, midvein epidermis inside collenchyma tissue; vascular bundle of Zhou Ren type, outside around the fibers, parenchyma of scattered in the secretory cavity. Mesophyll and parenchyma cells visible calcium oxalate crystals and yellow brown inclusions. [containing Maesa quinone chemical composition] fruit (maesaquinone) [1]. [] taste bitter cold; [indications] Qufeng solution of evil; epidemic disease; pathogen. The main infectious diseases; and send for the uncertain; body aches; irritability; thirst; edema; and traumatic injury; traumatic hemorrhage [usage]: oral decoction, 15 ~ 30g. External use: amount, fried washed or pound deposited. [the paper] "Compendium of Materia Medica": through 1 main temperature miasma and hair from adventitious, polydipsia, headache, heart ankle. The leaves Daolan, with new wine soaked, Jiashi clothes, spit out the saliva is evil. 2 "Hunan drug Zhi": Qufeng cold, detumescence bilge. Treatment of lower back pain, cold headache, dizzy eyes. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/


[source] from the "Compendium of Materia Medica gleaning". [name] D ù Ju ā n English [name] Little cuckoo [alias] any of 鴂, Jun, Zi Jun, Du Yu, cuckoo bird, bird, resentment, urge to return, Yang bird [source] Medicine source: Ericaceae Rhododendron animal meat. Latin plant animal mineral name: Cuculus poliocephalus Latham Harvesting and storage: Summer catch, kill, remove the feathers and offal, fresh or dried. [] the original form small cuckoo, body length of about 28cm. The upper part of the body is gray, but gray eyelid yellow cheek. Oba Haikuroki, the white spots along the plume axis, the lateral white stripes. Lower body white, mixed with small black markings. Dark black mouth, mouth and mouth yellow; tarsometatarsal, toes and claws are yellow. [distribution] Ecological environment: often habitat in the dense forest breeding period often in willow clump or reed sugar water of tall trees. Not since the nesting. Good Ming, five sound once, song endless. Feed on insects. Resource distribution: distribution in most area of our country, the summer in East china. In the Yangtze River and the area to the north for the summer migratory birds. [] taste sweet; flat [] the heart meridian tropism [indications] nourishing tonic; poison; Huoxue zhitong. The main after Tixu disease; deficiency of Qi and blood; sore fistula; traumatic swelling; adverse joints [usage] oral: cooking, 1-2 only; or burn existence, grind end, each time 1.5-3g. External use: moderate, thin cut paste. [the paper] ":" Compendium of Materia Medica sore fistula worm, thinly sliced, fried paste. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/



Source. From "Compendium of Materia Medica". [name] D ù Ju ā n Hu. [alias] red Rhododendron molle, mountain, pomegranate, azalea, Rhododendron, chemical, brilliant Yamahana, return of red mountain Rhododendron, clear and bright flowers, red wood, 爿花 Erigeron safflower, camellia, flowers, birds and insects primroses, azalea, rhododendron flowers, flowers, flowers bright spring Changchun, Ying Chunhua [source] Medicine source: to Rhododendron Rhododendron flower. Latin plant animal mineral name: Rhododendron simsii Planch.[R Sweet var.simsii Maxim in-dicum; R.indicum (L.) Sweet var.Ignescens Sweet] Harvesting and storage: Recovery 4 ~ May flowers, dried. The original form [] deciduous or semi evergreen shrub, high 2-5m. Much branched, young branchlets densely red brown or brown and compressed strigose, old branches grayish yellow, glabrous, bark diastema. Flower buds ovate, the middle part of the back is brown strigose, margin ciliate. Ye Erxing; spring leaves papery, short summer long, leathery, ovate elliptic, or ovate lanceolate, 3-6cm long, 2-3cm wide, apex acute, with mucro, base cuneate, entire, surface sparsely covered with reddish brown strigose, abaxially densely brown strigose, veins more many. Flowers 2-6, umbels, fascicled branch end; pedicels ca. 5-8mm; calyx deeply 5 - lobed, lobes ovate to lanceolate, long 3-7mm, outside densely strigose and eyelashes; corolla broadly funnelform, rose - pink, purple, long 3-5cm, 5 - lobed, lobes obovate, above 1 flap and nearly 2 flap with deep red spots; stamens 10, dilute 7-9, filaments puberulent in lower part, anthers purple; ovary ovoid, room 5, long 5-8mm, densely long flat hairy, styles slender. Capsule ovoid, 1-1.2cm long, densely brown strigose, persistent calyx. Florescence 4-6 month, month of fruit period 7-9. [distribution] Ecological environment: born in hilly or flat, sparsely shrubs. Resource distribution: distribution in the Yangtze River and South East of Taiwan, around, West to Sichuan, Yunnan. [culture] Biological characteristics of hi sun, but avoid sun exposure, to acidic soil, avoid containing calcareous alkaline earth. Should be in cool and humid environment cultivation. Cultivation techniques of mass production of usable sow reproduction. The temperature is maintained at 15 ~ 20 ℃, relative humidity 60%, 2 ~ 3 weeks after sowing to germination. To preserve the seed can also be ramet reproduction. In addition, cutting and layering is also easy to survive. [] flower containing chemical composition of anthocyanin and flavonoid glycosides. Anthocyanins have been identified there are cyanidin 3- glucoside (cyanidin3-glucoside), cyanidin 3- galactoside (cyanidin 3 galactpside), cyanidin 3- 阿立伯 glucoside (cyanidin-3 - arabinoside), cyanidin 3, 5 - two glucoside (cyanidin-3, 5-diglucoside), cyanidin 3- galactoside -5- glucoside (cyanidin3-galactoside-5-glucoside); paeoniflorin 3, 5- two glucoside (peonidin 3, 5-diglucoside) [1,2], and malvidin glucoside (3, 5- two malvidin3, 5-diglucoside) [1]. Flavone and flavone glycoside compound with rutin (rutin), cuckoo yellow glucoside (azalein) [3], quercetin (quercetin), azaleatin (azaleatin) [4]; kaempferol (kaempferol), 5- ether 3- galactoside (5 methyl ether 3 Galacto side), azaleatin 3- galactoside (azaleatin3-galactoside) Rhododendron, flavin 3- rhamnoside (azaleatin 3-rhamnoside), myricetin 5- ether 3- rhamnoside (myricetin5-methyl ether 3-rhamnoside), myricetin 5- ether 3- galactoside (myricetin5-methyl ether 3 - galactoside), gossypetin 3- galactoside (gossypetin3 galactoside) [1], quercetin 3- galactoside (quercetin3 galacetoside), quercetin 3- rhamnoside (quercetin 3 Rham noside), quercetin glucoside (3- Arabia quercetin 3 - arabinoside) [1]. [] pharmacological effects of intraperitoneal injection of azalea decoction has antitussive (cough caused by ammonia water spray), the ethyl acetate extract, chloroform extract and its mother liquor, the separated crystal armor and crystallization B (flavonoids) has antitussive effect. Mice fed with expectorant Decoction (Fen Hongfa). Guinea pig celiac injection without relieving Decoction (histamine spray method). [taste] Gan; acid; flat [] liver meridian; spleen; kidney [indications] and blood; menstruation; cough; rheumatism; solution sore. The main blood; nose bleeding; uterine bleeding; abnormal menstruation; cough; rheumatoid arthritis; carbuncle furuncle carbuncle [usage]: Decoction taken orally, 9-15g. External: pound deposited amount. [attach] treat leucorrhoea square (1 square "Zhejiang common folk herbal medicine"): Rhododendron, pigs claws, cook. 2 treatment of epistaxis Party ("Guizhou herbal"): Rhododendron, angelica, shuijianbi. [the paper] 1 "classification": Herbal cure vomiting blood, metrorrhagia, go cold, and blood. 2 "Guizhou folk prescription set": treating irregular menstruation, stop red collapse; leaching liquor orally, can cure rheumatism. Stop the pain. 3 "Sichuan": history of Chinese medicine treatment of abdominal pain, diarrhea, bleeding from hemorrhoids and internal cough. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/

Rhododendron root

[source] from "Zhejiang common folk herbal medicine". [name] D ù Ju ā n Hu ā G ē n [alias] mountain tiger, mountain tiger, Yingshan red root. [source] Medicine source: to Rhododendron Rhododendron root. Latin plant animal mineral name: Rhododendron simsii Planch.[R Sweet var.simsii Maxim in-dicum; R.indicum (L.) Sweet var.Ignescens Sweet] Harvesting and storage: the year can be collected, washed, fresh or dried slices. The original form [] deciduous or semi evergreen shrub, high 2-5m. Much branched, young branchlets densely red brown or brown and compressed strigose, old branches grayish yellow, glabrous, bark diastema. Flower buds ovate, the middle part of the back is brown strigose, margin ciliate. Ye Erxing; spring leaves papery, short summer long, leathery, ovate elliptic, or ovate lanceolate, 3-6cm long, 2-3cm wide, apex acute, with mucro, base cuneate, entire, surface sparsely covered with reddish brown strigose, abaxially densely brown strigose, veins more many. Flowers 2-6, umbels, fascicled branch end; pedicels ca. 5-8mm; calyx deeply 5 - lobed, lobes ovate to lanceolate, long 3-7mm, outside densely strigose and eyelashes; corolla broadly funnelform, rose - pink, purple, long 3-5cm, 5 - lobed, lobes obovate, above 1 flap and nearly 2 flap with deep red spots; stamens 10, dilute 7-9, filaments puberulent in lower part, anthers purple; ovary ovoid, room 5, long 5-8mm, densely long flat hairy, styles slender. Capsule ovoid, 1-1.2cm long, densely brown strigose, persistent calyx. Florescence 4-6 month, month of fruit period 7-9. [distribution] Ecological environment: born in hilly or flat, sparsely shrubs. Distribution: distribution of resources in the south of the Yangtze River Basin objectively, east to Taiwan, West to Sichuan, Yunnan. [character] traits to identify root has an elongated cylindrical, bending, branching. Length, diameter of about 1.5cm, a big head, a majority of woody caudex. Surface gray brown or red brown, smooth, with a network of fine wrinkles. Hard wood, hard to break, section of light brown. Odorless, light. [taste] acid; Gan; temperature [indications] and blood hemostasis swelling pain. The main abnormal menstruation; hemoptysis; nose bleeding; bleeding; uterine bleeding; diarrhea; abdominal pain; rheumatoid arthritis; traumatic injury [usage]: Decoction orally, 15-30g; or dip wine. External use: suitable, grind end apply; or fresh root bark pound deposited. [the paper] 1 Wang Lian Shi "books": cure scrofula on herbs, can uproot. Ethics, in Bashan tiger (Rhododendron root), steaming wine service. 2 "plant then party": treatment of red and white dysentery, vaginal bleeding, intestinal bleeding, anal fistula, traumatic injury, muscle. 3 "classification": Herbal cure vomiting blood, metrorrhagia. Go cold, and blood. 4 "Guizhou folk prescription set": treating irregular menstruation, stop red collapse; leaching liquor orally, can cure rheumatism. 5 "Jiangxi herbal": blood, hemostasis. http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/

Rhododendron fruit

[name] D ù Ju ā n Hu ā Gu Sh í. [alias] Yingshan red [source] Medicine source: to Rhododendron Rhododendron fruit. Latin plant animal mineral name: Rhododendron simsii Planch.[R Sweet var.simsii Maxim in-dicum; R.indicum (L.) Sweet var.Ignescens Sweet] Harvesting and storage: the recovery of 8-10 month fruit is ripe, dried in the sun. The original form [] deciduous or semi evergreen shrub, high 2-5m. Much branched, young branchlets densely red brown or brown and compressed strigose, old branches grayish yellow, glabrous, bark diastema. Flower buds ovate, the middle part of the back is brown strigose, margin ciliate. Ye Erxing; spring leaves papery, short summer long, leathery, ovate elliptic, or ovate lanceolate, 3-6cm long, 2-3cm wide, apex acute, with mucro, base cuneate, entire, surface sparsely covered with reddish brown strigose, abaxially densely brown strigose, veins more many. Flowers 2-6, umbels, fascicled branch end; pedicels ca. 5-8mm; calyx deeply 5 - lobed, lobes ovate to lanceolate, long 3-7mm, outside densely strigose and eyelashes; corolla broadly funnelform, rose - pink, purple, long 3-5cm, 5 - lobed, lobes obovate, above 1 flap and nearly 2 flap with deep red spots; stamens 10, dilute 7-9, filaments puberulent in lower part, anthers purple; ovary ovoid, room 5, long 5-8mm, densely long flat hairy, styles slender. Capsule ovoid, 1-1.2cm long, densely brown strigose, persistent calyx. Florescence 4-6 month, month of fruit period 7-9. [distribution] Ecological environment: born in hilly or flat, sparsely shrubs. Resource distribution: distribution in the Yangtze River and South East of Taiwan, around, West to Sichuan, Yunnan. [taste] Gan Xin; temperature; [indications] pain blood. The main traumatic swelling [usage] oral: grind end, 1-2g. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/

Rhododendron Leaf

[source] from "Zhejiang common folk herbal medicine". [name] D ù Ju ā n Hu ā Y è [source] Medicine source: to Rhododendron Rhododendron leaf. Latin plant animal mineral name: Rhododendron simsii Planch.[R Sweet var.simsii Maxim in-dicum; R.indicum (L.) Sweet var.Ignescens Sweet] Harvesting and storage: spring and autumn harvest, fresh or dried. The original form [] deciduous or semi evergreen shrub, high 2-5m. Much branched, young branchlets densely red brown or brown and compressed strigose, old branches grayish yellow, glabrous, bark diastema. Flower buds ovate, the middle part of the back is brown strigose, margin ciliate. Ye Erxing; spring leaves papery, short summer long, leathery, ovate elliptic, or ovate lanceolate, 3-6cm long, 2-3cm wide, apex acute, with mucro, base cuneate, entire, surface sparsely covered with reddish brown strigose, abaxially densely brown strigose, veins more many. Flowers 2-6, umbels, fascicled branch end; pedicels ca. 5-8mm; calyx deeply 5 - lobed, lobes ovate to lanceolate, long 3-7mm, outside densely strigose and eyelashes; corolla broadly funnelform, rose - pink, purple, long 3-5cm, 5 - lobed, lobes obovate, above 1 flap and nearly 2 flap with deep red spots; stamens 10, dilute 7-9, filaments puberulent in lower part, anthers purple; ovary ovoid, room 5, long 5-8mm, densely long flat hairy, styles slender. Capsule ovoid, 1-1.2cm long, densely brown strigose, persistent calyx. Florescence 4-6 month, month of fruit period 7-9. [distribution] Ecological environment: born in hilly or flat, sparsely shrubs. Resource distribution: distribution in the Yangtze River and South East of Taiwan, around, West to Sichuan, Yunnan. [] in the chemical composition of the leaves and young shoots containing flavone, coumarin, three terpenes, organic acids, amino acids, phenols, tannins, sterols, sterols, cardiac glycosides, volatile oil; flavonoids in Rhododendron spanotrichum A and B, ostrich fern Matteuccia struthiopteris alcohol (matteucinol) and alcohol (matteucinol) and the ostrich fern glycoside (matteucinin) [3], containing ursolic acid (ursolic acid) and andromedotoxin (an-dromedotoxin) [5]. [pharmacological effects] see Rhododendron. [taste] acid; flat [indications] Qingrejiedu Huatanzhike; hemostasis. The main boils; urticaria; traumatic hemorrhage; bronchitis [usage]: the amount, use fresh pound deposited; or washed fried. Oral: decoction, 10-15g. [the paper] 1 "classification": wash hot boil herbal. 2 "Zhejiang common folk herbal medicine": swelling of bleeding. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/