
Rhododendron root

[source] from "Zhejiang common folk herbal medicine". [name] D ù Ju ā n Hu ā G ē n [alias] mountain tiger, mountain tiger, Yingshan red root. [source] Medicine source: to Rhododendron Rhododendron root. Latin plant animal mineral name: Rhododendron simsii Planch.[R Sweet var.simsii Maxim in-dicum; R.indicum (L.) Sweet var.Ignescens Sweet] Harvesting and storage: the year can be collected, washed, fresh or dried slices. The original form [] deciduous or semi evergreen shrub, high 2-5m. Much branched, young branchlets densely red brown or brown and compressed strigose, old branches grayish yellow, glabrous, bark diastema. Flower buds ovate, the middle part of the back is brown strigose, margin ciliate. Ye Erxing; spring leaves papery, short summer long, leathery, ovate elliptic, or ovate lanceolate, 3-6cm long, 2-3cm wide, apex acute, with mucro, base cuneate, entire, surface sparsely covered with reddish brown strigose, abaxially densely brown strigose, veins more many. Flowers 2-6, umbels, fascicled branch end; pedicels ca. 5-8mm; calyx deeply 5 - lobed, lobes ovate to lanceolate, long 3-7mm, outside densely strigose and eyelashes; corolla broadly funnelform, rose - pink, purple, long 3-5cm, 5 - lobed, lobes obovate, above 1 flap and nearly 2 flap with deep red spots; stamens 10, dilute 7-9, filaments puberulent in lower part, anthers purple; ovary ovoid, room 5, long 5-8mm, densely long flat hairy, styles slender. Capsule ovoid, 1-1.2cm long, densely brown strigose, persistent calyx. Florescence 4-6 month, month of fruit period 7-9. [distribution] Ecological environment: born in hilly or flat, sparsely shrubs. Distribution: distribution of resources in the south of the Yangtze River Basin objectively, east to Taiwan, West to Sichuan, Yunnan. [character] traits to identify root has an elongated cylindrical, bending, branching. Length, diameter of about 1.5cm, a big head, a majority of woody caudex. Surface gray brown or red brown, smooth, with a network of fine wrinkles. Hard wood, hard to break, section of light brown. Odorless, light. [taste] acid; Gan; temperature [indications] and blood hemostasis swelling pain. The main abnormal menstruation; hemoptysis; nose bleeding; bleeding; uterine bleeding; diarrhea; abdominal pain; rheumatoid arthritis; traumatic injury [usage]: Decoction orally, 15-30g; or dip wine. External use: suitable, grind end apply; or fresh root bark pound deposited. [the paper] 1 Wang Lian Shi "books": cure scrofula on herbs, can uproot. Ethics, in Bashan tiger (Rhododendron root), steaming wine service. 2 "plant then party": treatment of red and white dysentery, vaginal bleeding, intestinal bleeding, anal fistula, traumatic injury, muscle. 3 "classification": Herbal cure vomiting blood, metrorrhagia. Go cold, and blood. 4 "Guizhou folk prescription set": treating irregular menstruation, stop red collapse; leaching liquor orally, can cure rheumatism. 5 "Jiangxi herbal": blood, hemostasis. http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/

