
Bean dregs tree

[name] D ò u Zh ā Sh ù [alias] white wood, red Ling Ma, deers, white lights, alpine Wang, Bai Cangmu [source] Medicine source: Styracaceae in alder Leaves Roots and leaves. Latin animal plant mineral name: Alniphyllum fortunei (Hemsl.) Makino[A.hainanense Hayata; A.Fortune (Hemsl) Makino form.hy-poglaucum C. Y. Wu " Harvesting and storage: the summer and autumn harvest, washed, dried in the sun. [the original shape] deciduous trees, 15-20m. Bark dark gray, with irregular longitudinal cracks, often with gray white patches. Ye Husheng; peduncle length 1-2cm, stellate pilose to glabrous; leaf blade elliptic, oblong elliptic or obovate elliptic, long 7-15cm, wide 4.5-8cm, apex acute to acuminate, dilute the tip of the tail, base broadly cuneate or cuneate, margin serrulate, both sides are brown stellate hairs, sometimes deciduous variable glabrous, below brown or gray white, sometimes with white; lateral veins 7-12 pairs. Racemes or panicles, terminal or axillary, pedicels densely brown stellate hairs; bracteoles subulate, caducous; calyx cup-shaped, apex 5 cracked teeth; flowers white with pink, 1.5-2CM long, corolla lobes 5, both surfaces stellate hairs; stamens 10, 5 long 5 short, filament base the joint growth of about 8mm tube; ovary densely yellow long hair, room 5, style linear, stigma not obvious 5 crack. Capsule oblong, ripe when split into 5 fruit valve. Seeds numerous, oblong, both ends of the irregular membrane wing. Florescence 4-7 month; fruit of 8-10 months. [distribution] Ecological environment: in the elevation of 200-2200m in evergreen broad-leaved forest. Resource distribution in the southwest and Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi etc.. [taste] Xin; tepid [indications] Qufeng desiccant diuresis detumescence. The Lord [usage]: Decoction orally, 3-10g. External use: amount, fried washed. [from] the "Chinese herbal medicine" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.com/

