
Spiny amaranth

[ ] Pinyin name C Xi, n C, I
[ alias ] Amaranthus spinosus, Amaranthaceae, wild Amaranthus spinosus, false amaranth, the mother pig, white spines spiny amaranth
[ source ] Amaranthaceae amaranth Amaranthus spinosus L Amaranthus spinosus L., to the whole grass or roots, stems, leaves are used as medicine. Summer digging, respectively, insolation reserves.
[ ] taste Gan, light, cool.
[ function ] clearing heat and promoting diuresis, detumescence by detoxification, cooling blood to stop bleeding. Dysentery, enteritis, gastric, duodenal ulcer bleeding, hemorrhoids blood in the stool; topical administration of snake bites, skin eczema, furuncle swollen abscess.
[ usage] 1 ~ 2 of two; topical amount, fresh goods Daolan deposited the affected area.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"


