
Du Song

[ ] Pinyin name Dù Sō n
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: for the family Cupressaceae Du Song foliage and cones.
Latin botanical mineral name: Juniperus rigida Sied animal .Et Zucc.
Harvest and storage: autumn foliage and cones mining, mining, insolation reserves.
[ ] the original morphology of evergreen shrub or small tree. Branch skin brown gray, longitudinal fissure; branches straight show, pyramidal or conical crown; branchlets pendulous, young branchlets often Chengsan prismatic, glabrous. Leaf strips of thorn-shaped,3 impeller are unripe, thick, hard, base not decurrent, a joint, apex acute, long 12-17mm, width of LMM, above the recessed into a deep groove, groove has1 narrow white band, has the following apparent longitudinal ridge. Monoecious or dioecious, cones solitary axillary; the male cone elliptical or subglobose, long 2-3mm. Cone sphere shape, diameter 6-8mm,2-3years mature, mature pale brown black or blue black, there is white. Seeds subovoid, ca.6mm, apex acute, there are 4less obvious ridge.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in the northeast normal growth at an altitude of 500m the following areas in North China, northwest area, grow at altitudes of1400-2200m strip;
Resource distribution: distribution in the northeast, North China and Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and other places.
[ character ] trait distinguishing dry mature cones were spherical or oval, diameter 7-8mm, violet Brown or black, lustrous surface, obscurely glaucous. 2-3containing seeds, also have 1or 4. Seeds ovoid, ca.6mm, brown, apex acuminate,4 of which do not significantly corners. Special fragrance, taste sweet.
[ ] the chemical composition of cones containing volatile oil, mainly of α - pinene (α -pinene ), myrcene ( myrcene ), ( limonene ), limonene on Cymene (p-cymene ),β- elemene (β -elemene ), caryophyllene ( caryophyllene ), Humulus scandens ene (humulene ),γ- Bi cubeb ene (γ -cadinene ), Terpinene -4- alcohol (terpinen-4-ol), borneol ( borneol ), citronellol ( citronellol ) and ethyl ether (anethole) etc.. Ye Hansui Hua Shan double flavonoids (amentoflavone), ( podocar-pusflavone) A Nageia biflavones, cypress double flavonoids (hinokiflavone ). Branches, leaf volatile oil, its composition and volatile oil from the fruit of similarity. Heartwood containsα- and β - cedrene ( cedrene ) a variety of terpenoid compounds and organic acid.
[ ] Du Song seeds of pharmacological effects of petroleum ether extract in vitro on Staphylococcus aureus inhibition, diluted to1:1600 still can suppress bacterial growth. Petroleum ether extract in order will with 3% sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate,3%3% potassium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide solution found by the part has an antibacterial effect, diluted to l:12800 also have a role, but on Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium and Shigella dysenteriae then no effect. Will this vacuum distillation the distilled fluid on Staphylococcus aureus in diluted to1:12800also has antibacterial action. The chemical determination of this antibiotic for rosin acid ( abietic acid ) isomer.
[ ] taste sweet; bitter; flat
[ ] Qufeng functions; analgesia; dehumidification; diuretic. The main rheumatoid joint pain; gout; nephritis; edema; urinary tract infections
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-9g. External: amount, trace and apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


