
Erigeron breviscapus

Pinyin name ] [ Dē n Zhǎ n X ìX īn
[ alias ] to straw hat, Erigeron breviscapus (" Chinese herbal medicines in Yunnan" ), to the Chaoyang, double sunflower, East Ju (" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan" ).
[ source ] for chrysanthemum Plant Erigeron breviscapus whole grass. Summer, autumn harvest.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herbaceous, tall 20 ~30 cm. Roots thick, its dense slender fibrous roots. Leaves simple, basal leaves spatulate, dense, long 3- 5centimeters, wide 1.2~ 1.5 centimeters, sides and hairy, margin often crisped, base decurrent into the handle, with handle red; cauline leaves oblong, only 2cm long,0.6 cm wide. Inflorescence of health, often single, edge has 2 rows of purple flower, yellow tubular flowers central package. Achenes flat, having a soft pappus. Fl. summer.
[ ] was born in sunny slope habitat distribution. The distribution of Yunnan, Guangxi and other places.
[ ] the same plant chemical composition containing plant sterols, gum ( containing galactose glucoside ), resin, glycoside type tannin, volatile oil ( for limonene etc.), pyrogallol catechol, amino acid, sugar and so on.
Taste [ ]
①" Chinese herbal medicine in Yunnan:" Gan, wen.
②" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan": Xin, tepid.
[ indications ]
Dispelling cold and relieving exterior syndrome, promoting blood circulation and relaxing muscles and tendons, analgesic, consumer product. Cure a cold stuffy nose headache, rheumatic pain, paralysis, acute gastritis, pediatric digestive disorder, traumatic injury.
①" Guangxi drug-sik directory": treatment of infantile head sores.
The" Chinese herbal medicines in Yunnan" : published and cold-dispelling, Jianpi Xiaoji, antiphlogistic and acetanilide.
③" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan": dispelling cold and relieving exterior syndrome, to relieve pain, Shujin huoxue. Toothache, acute gastritis, hyperthermia, traumatic injury, rheumatic pain, chest pain, malaria, sequelae of infantile paralysis, encephalitis sequelae of paralysis, schistosomiasis.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3~ 5money; or steamed eggs. External: trace and apply.
[ ] a party
①cold headache, arthralgia and myalgia, nasal orifices confused: Erigeron breviscapus, decoct with water. (" Kunming folk medicinal herbs commonly used" )
The treatment of the sequelae of infantile paralysis and encephalitis sequelae of paralysis: two to money of Erigeron breviscapus. At the end of the inquiry, steamed egg. (" Kunming folk medicinal herbs commonly used" )
The treatment of infantile infantile malnutrition, ascariasis, cold, rib pain: three to five money of Erigeron breviscapus. Water decoction. (" Chinese medicinal herbs of Yunnan." )
The toothache: fresh fleabane herb, pounded with brown sugar coating. (" Chinese medicinal herbs of Yunnan." )
⑤treating furunculosis, boil : Erigeron, Daolan topical. (" Kunming folk medicinal herbs commonly used" )
[ ] in the clinical application of Erigeron breviscapus, combined with other Chinese and Western medicine, treatment of hypertension cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral thrombosis, cerebral embolism, polyneuritis, chronic arachnoiditis and residual paralysis, have certain curative effect. Preliminary observation of 31 cases, clinical cure in 36%, significant improvement in 42%,12% improved,10% ineffective. Cerebral hemorrhage sequela of paralysis which has better curative effect. Usage: a lamp flower14 trees ( about 10 grams) steamed egg1, or stewed pig clothing,1 times a day. Two500Plant Erigeron breviscapus ( about 430 grams ), leaching liquor ( concentration is not restricted )500 ml. 10 ml each time,3 times a day. E Dengzhanhua Injection from 4 to6 ml, daily or tertian acupoint injection1 times per1 ml, (equivalent to0.5grams ). The point for general paralysis curing points, such as the head and face with buccal car, warehouse, upper limb and shoulder Vera, Quchi, endowment, Hegu, lower extremity from jump rings, Zusanli, new futu, Yang lingquan. During the treatment, and supplemented with vitamin B1 or B12, galantamine, angelica injection by acupoint injection and massage, acupuncture, etc..


