

Overview: This product is Juncaceae perennial rush Juncus effusus L. dry stem. In late summer to autumn harvest. Dried. Student use.
Alias: rush, rush
Resistance type: no classification
The character and taste tropism: sweet, pale, slightly cold. The heart, lung, intestine by.
Actions: diuresis inducing, pure heart chufan. For heating, upset insomnia, night crying of infants less astringent, urine pain, sore tongue.
Usage and dosage: Shuijianbi,2-5g. The pill or powder. Use proper.
Storage: a dry place.
Clinical application of:
1wick bamboo soup (" treatment of the criterion" ) heart heat irritability, insomnia, night crying of infants: Zhu rushes3, bamboo leaf9g, decoct with water. In the rush of pure heart Chufan, as monarch drug.
2: Tongqiao agent powder. Main ingredients: wick peat, carbonized Schizonepeta tenuifolia, calcined borax, asarum, Rhododendron, Fructus Gleditsiae, toad, borneol, bezoar, musk. A clearance opening, rows of abusive to avoid disease function. For heat stroke vertigo, headache, stuffy nose. Take a little suction nasal sneezing. In the rush to clear away heat, as monarch drug.
3recipe: treatment of acute and chronic pharyngitis, stomatitis. Rush, Ophiopogon japonicus, tea drinking. Or wick carbon 3G0.3g, borneol, grind in all delicate powder, into the affected area. In the rush of clearing away heat and toxic material, as monarch drug.


