
Menorah lotus

[ source ] was contained in the" Hubei Yichang".
Pinyin name ] [ Dē n Tá I Liá n
[ English ] Tuber of Serrate Sikoku Jackinthepulpit name
[ alias ] roadside yellow corn, corn snake, old snake
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: for a plant of the family Araceae and lotus or Arisaema sikokianum tuber.
Latin botanical name: 1.Arisaema sikokianum Fuanch.et animal fossil Sav.var.settatum ( Makino ) Hand.-Mazz[A.sazensoo var.serratum Makino]2.Arisaema sikokianum Franch.et Sav.
Harvest and storage: summer, fall the excavation, removal of stems and roots, wash, fresh or dried slices.
[ ] the original morphology
The 1 lights lotus, perennial herb. The tuber is flat globose, the diameter of 2-3cm. Scale leaf2, in the face of lanceolate, membranous; lobes2, petiole is long20-30cm,1-2 below the tubular sheath sheath, margin of several truncated; leaf blade pedately5 lobed, lobes ovate or oblong, ovate-oblong, margin with irregular coarsely toothed to fine mesh serrate, middle lobe long stipitate, inverted segments and lobes subequal, short petiolate or not; the lateral Pentacle piece of sessile, ranging from the medial side, base cuneate, lateral semicircular or ear. Inflorescence handle is often shorter than petioles or equal. Spathe pale green to dark purple, with a purple stripe, tube funnelform, throat edge subtruncate, without ear; eaves part ovate-lanceolate, slightly recurved; spadix unisexual; male inflorescences cylindrical, flower thinning, male drug 2-3, an extrorse; female inflorescence nearly conical shape, flower ovary ovoid, densely, stigma small; subsidiary apparatus shank, upper thickened into a rod-like or subglobose. Berry yellow, oblong cone. Seeds ovoid, with handle. Florescence in May, month of fruit period 8-9.
2Arisaema sikokianum, this species and its difference is: lotus leaf margin entire.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment:1 born in altitude 200-1500m hillside forests or valley ditch on the rocks.
2born in the hillside forest.
Resource distribution:1distributed in South and Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Sichuan, Guizhou etc.. 2located in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hubei, Guizhou and other places.
[ ] taste bitter, spicy; temperature; toxic
[ ] to the liver through the lung;
[ indications ] phlegm dampness; Xi Feng Zhijing; ' swelling and pain. The main phlegm cough; wind phlegm vertigo; epilepsy; stroke; Kouyanwaixie; tetanus; poisonous snake bite carbuncle;8
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-6g. External: amount, trace and apply; or crushed vinegar dressing.
[ note ] Yin dry cough and prohibited for pregnant women.
[ ] the treatise" compendium" Xinhua materia medica: swelling and pain, eliminating dampness and phlegm, except the function of wind and relieving spasm.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


