
To grass

[ ]."" Southern Yunnan materia medica
Pinyin name ] [ Dì Cǎ o Gu ǒ
[ alias ] gold silver, pull furuncle grass (Jiangxi ), a plow mouth food, dishes, Jiandaocai ploughshare, Viola, Viola inconspicua (" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan" ).
[ source ] for Viola diffusa Ging plant whole plant amomum.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herb. The majority of branches and roots with. Ye Congsheng; petiole ca. 4cm to 8 cm, pubescent; leaf blade ovate cordate, grow 1.5 ~3centimeters, wide 1.2~ 2.6cm, margin crenate, two sides all students Shorthair; stipules small, united with petiole, membranous. Leaf smoke sometimes longer than leaves, pedicels, bracteoles below middle have2lanceolate, ca. 1cm; flowers solitary, purple, ca. 1.7cm; sepals lanceolate, ca. 0.6 cm long, green, margin membranous, base decurrent, unequal; petals 5, the1largest, base pitch, pitch obtuse; stamens 5, anthers to go around the pistil, connectives flat, extending in the medicine chamber, into a thin subsidiary body,2 pieces of base of anthers subsidiary body, extending at a distance from the inside; ovary superior, ovate, stigma truncate, slightly enlarged, beak. Valved capsule3. Seeds globose, yellow, florescence spring.
[ ] in montane habitat distribution. The distribution of Yunnan, Jiangxi and other places.
Taste [ ]
①" Southern Yunnan Materia Medica": slightly cold, taste bitter.
②" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan" : light, cool.
[ ] to the South Yunnan Materia Medica ":" into the liver, go ym.
[ indications ]
Divergent wind, clearing heat, liver, detumescence. Treatment of hot Trichogramma, Eye Nebula from eye, mastitis, scrofula, furuncle swollen.
①" South Yunnan Materia Medica": broken blood, Shu yu. Treatment of hot eyes storm red ache, Qufeng tuiyi, tunica albuginea over the eye, woman milk node fails, red swelling. White 's Department of Ophthalmology and, of those milk performance, yellow cold pain effect of pneumoperitoneum.
②cure scrofula and all buccal furuncle swollen poison. ( Jiangxi)
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3~ 5money. External: trace and apply.
[ note ] liver is not available, the liver deficiency.
[ ] a party
①the violence red fire, heat pain, photophobia, cornea disease such as fear, covering: Tsaoko a money, a money of Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort, wide Equisetum five, cicada back money ( to head, foot ), Radix Scutellariae money, Tribulus terrestris L a money ( to the thorn, Daozhi ), white chrysanthemum money, Zhi Ren money a Jin, liver. Water decoction.
②treat woman milk node fails, or pediatric blowing milk, or their own pressure, headache, chills, fever, thirst, body trapped, thoracic fibrillation bulging hard, such as pain acupuncture: Tsaoko two money money, Kawa Chi five, green five, Radix Angelicae dahuricae money, pollen of a money, a money of Bupleurum root, honeysuckle flower a money, liquorice Festival five. Water liquor service. ( following a taboo" South Yunnan Materia Medica" )
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt


