
Wick grassroots

Pinyin name ] [ Dē n X īn Cǎ o Gē n
English name [ ] Root of Rush
[ alias ] light grassroots
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Juncaceae plant rushes the root and rhizome.
Latin botanical mineral name: Juncus effusus L.[J.effusus animal L.var.decipiens Buchen.; J.decipiens ( Buchen. ) Nakai].
Harvest and storage: summer, autumn excavation, removal of stems, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of rushes, perennial is herbaceous, tall 40-100cm. Rhizome creeping, dense fibrous roots. Stems tufted, erect, slender column shape, diameter 1.5-4MM, disposed within full of white pulp, accounted for most of the stem. Ye Qiaohong brown or pale yellow, elders was 15cm; leaves reduced a thorn. Inflorescences pseudolateral, cymose, many flowered, dense or evacuation; and a stem connecting bracts5-20cm; flowers pale green, shortly stipitate, long 2-2.5mm; tepals 6, strip lanceolate, arranged as2 wheel, wheel is slightly long, margin membranous, abaxially pilose; stamens 3or less for6, ca.2/3as flowers, anthers slightly shorter than filaments; pistil 1, ovary superior,3 rooms, style is short stigmas 3. Capsule oblong, apex obtuse or slightly concave, ca. and tepals equaling or slightly longer, there are3 complete diaphragm. Seeds numerous, ovate-oblong, brown, ca.0.4mm. Florescence 6-7 month, month of fruit period 7-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
The ecological environment in the water, the edge of the field: and other damp department.
Resource distribution: distribution in lower reaches of Yangtze River and Shaanxi, Fujian, Sichuan, Guizhou etc.. Jiangsu, Sichuan and Suzhou region culture.
[ ] taste Gan; cold
[ ] to the heart; Bladder Meridian of
[ indications ] Lishuitonglin; soothe the nerves. The main gonorrhea; urination; jaundice; nervous
[ usage]:15-30g orally taken decoction.
[ ] the treatise "kai-materia Medica": the main five strangury, raw cooking clothes.


