

Pinyin name ] [ Dì Cá n
[ alias ] soil soil winter Cordyceps, Cordyceps, Cordyceps, Cordyceps, white white winter grass, tuberculosis for silkworm
[ source ]
Source: for medicinal Labiatae plants to swallow the rhizome or herb.
Latin botanical name: Stachys geobombycis C.Y.Wu animal fossil
Harvest and storage of autumn harvest: ' roots, wash, fresh or dried steamed spare.
[ ] the original morphology may, perennial40-50cm. Rhizome creeping, fleshy, mast. Stems with four grooves, ribs and the section on scanty by backward sparsely pilose seta. Ye Bingchang 1-4.5cm, densely puberulous seta; leaf blade shape egg, long 4.5-8cm, wide 2.5-3cm, apex obtuse, base shallowly cordate or rounded, margin crenate-serrate neat stout, which spread sparsely pilose seta. Below, along the main veins densely sparsely pilose seta remainder; bracts small, the next pair of bracts and stem leaf shape. Verticillaster inflorescence axillary, consisting of4-6 flower, spikes; bracts few, linear-subulate; pedicel ca.1mm, puberulent; calyx obconical, small, outside densely puberulent and glandular puberulent, calyx tube length 4mm, teeth 5, margin glandular puberulent, apex with corpus callosum apex head; corolla purple to purple-blue, also have reddish, corolla tube ca.7mm, outside puberulent above, inside nearly to base at 1/3level to puberulent ring, limb two lips, the upper lip straight, oblong to ovate, puberulent outside, lower level to carry out, more profile of oval shape, outside puberulent, inside in a central spreading puberulent,3 crack, in lobation maximum, lateral lobes ovate; stamens 4, anterior to the slightly longer, filaments filiform, below the middle puberulent, anthers ovoid; style filiform, slightly beyond stamens, apex equal2lobed; disk cup. Nutlets black. Florescence 4-5 month.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in wasteland, fields and wetlands on the grass.
Resource distribution: located in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Guangdong and Guangxi.
Character identification, tuber is spindle-shaped, pointed at both ends, length 2-5cm, diameter 3-8mm. Surface light yellow or brown, slightly shrinkage and distortion, with links to4-15, festival with spotted bud scars and fibrous roots. The brittle, easily broken, section slightly flat, white, granular, visible Brown cambium ring. Gas micro, sweet, sticky. This product is water immersed easy expansion, nodosity.
Microscopic identification, powder characteristics: white. 1more were parenchyma, chunky, parenchyma cells round, the diameter of 26-66μ M. 2threads or pitted vessel, the diameter of 8-20μ m, wall of wood. 3epigenetic epidermal tissue fragments, top view epidermal cells were polygonal, side view of a polygon, wall thick, brown, cell wall with strip pit. 4gland scale distributed in single or even a scalelike leaves or germ tissue fragments, head of the 2or4 cells, occasionally a single cell, the diameter of 15-25μ m, handle1-3 cells.
[ ] taste sweet; flat
[ ] the lung meridian; kidney
[ ] functions of kidney Runfei; blood eliminate rickets. Primary tuberculosis coughing up blood; night sweats; lung deficiency deficiency frail; asthma; children with infantile malnutrition
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,9-15g. External application: suitable, grind end tune apply.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

