
To the sun

Pinyin name ] [ Dì Zhā o Yá n
[ alias ] cotton cynoglossum, this stone, cynoglossum, wild sunflower, wild, wild tobacco leaves tobacco, dig ear grass
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: as the Compositae cotton Nepal Carpesium abrotanoides entire grass.
Latin botanical name: Carpesium nepalense Less. animal mineral ( Var. Lanatum Hook.f .Et T. Thoms .Ex C. B. Clarke Kitam.[C.cenuum L.var .Lanatum Hokk. F. ) et C. B. Clarke]
Harvest and storage: spring, summer harvest, fresh or dried cut section.
[ ] the original morphology of cotton Nepal Carpesium abrotanoides perennial. Entire plant densely white lanose, stem Youmi. Stems erect,50-100cm, m.. Ye Husheng; lower leaves spoon-shaped oblong, long 9-20cm, wide 4-6cm, base wedge contracted into a winged petiole, margin with irregular sawtooth; central lobe upward gradually small, oblong or oblong-lanceolate. Heads in the stem and branch top solitary, diameter 12-20mm, pendulous; base several strip equaling bracts lanceolate involucre, discoid, bracts4, acute; flowers yellow, sometimes sparsely puberulent outside, female cylindrical,3-5tooth crack, central bisexual flowers have 5lobes. Achenes strip, the length of about 5mm, with fine longitudinal strips.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in slopes, roadsides.
Resource distribution: located in Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan.
[ character ] trait identification of all strains were white cotton, stem Youmi. Crown the whole leaves ovate to elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, first side acuminate, base rounded, margin serrulate, tooth end with glandular callosal: dark green above, pale green below, two puberulous; petiolate. Close the inflorescence stems branch end, ten dwarf. Gas smell, taste bitter.
[ ] taste bitter cold;
[ ] functions of clearing away heat and toxic material. The Lord is painful swollen sore; scabies; impetigo
[ usage] : the amount of fresh goods, external trace and apply; or the decoction fumigation.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica"


