
Cypress branches

[ ]1."" from vegetation will side2" after this draft": cypress, born Shu Zhongshan Valley, the river house also has. Yellow roots, like silk, thin stem, there are yellow ideas, no flowers, leaves, born in March, four or five inches long. Adopted in April, exposed to use; Sichuan in September. City of medicine of many goods.
Pinyin name ] [ Dì Bǎ I Zh ī
English name [ ] Moellendorfs Spidemoss Herb, Herb of Moellendorfs Spidemoss
[ alias ] cypress, oil surface wind, flooring, shutter, grass, bark rot, Bai grass snake rock, Stone Park, Iwa Yumie, peacock hair, soil Huanglian golden hill, stone, yellow chicken, red wolf, Zoysia grass chicken, and grass, hair weed, high foot carrot, clip Wei grass, handsome stone, Stone Park, palm grass four leafy vegetables, flowers, Ishimatsu Kaya rock, thousands of Crepis, shutter, blinds, typhoid spikemoss grass grass, grass, Qu LAN soft grass chicken, clouds and grass, jaundice, S. P.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Selaginellaceae Selaginella moellendorfii entire grass.
Latin botanical name: Selaginella moellendorfii Hieron. animal fossil
Harvest and storage: July ( before and after the use of the whole grass heat ), shake the root of sediment, clean, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Selaginella moellendorfii, perennial herb. Stems erect,10-20cm. Lower stem unbranched, which leaves sparsely appressed, diamond shaped, oval, with short awn; upper branches and leaves densely, pinnately branched, fully-formed are ovate-triangular, long 5-12cm; small leaves, arranged in 4rows, two rows of side leaves asymmetry, acute, ca.2.5mm, about 1.7mm in width, leaf smooth, upper lobe half oval, base rounded, margin white; the lower half of the Ye Banju rounded lanceolate, margin sparsely tooth, base ministry heart shape; the middle two rows leaves oval shape is elliptic, acuminate, bearded, midrib conspicuous, margin white. Spore sac spike solitary on top of branches,4 prism, long 3-6mm; spores leaves orbicular to ovate subulate, acuminate, keeled, slightly hairy, the sporangia, containing spores.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in humid slopes, forest, streams or in crevices.
Resource distribution: distribution in the south of the Yangtze River and around Shaanxi, Gansu.
1character identification rhizome gray-brown, buckling, root from the issue, slender, with hair. Stem of straw color or basally slightly red, high 10-40cm, diameter 1.5-2mm, lower not branched, sparsely drilled triangular leaves, appressed to, upper branches pinnate, holomorphy is egg shape triangle. Yedo twist shrinkage, the upper surface is pale green, abaxially grayish green, type two diabetes, branches on both sides of the leaves ovate-lanceolate, size to stem leaf, adnate branchlets central figure is small, ovoid, apex acute. Spore sac spike rare. Stem quality flexible, not easily broken; leaves the brittle, fragile. Gas micro, mild.
To the whole body, the color green, no mud miscellaneous is preferred.
Microscopic identification of2transverse section of the stem: epidermis and several layers of cells are under the thick cell wall lignification, cortex and in the column, there is a gap between the vascular bundles; the week of tough, xylem growth strip.
Leaf surface view: scale leaf epidermal cells of long and narrow shape, and the hole near the lower epidermal cells are nearly as size shape. Stomatal infinitive, accessory cell5-7, but less on cuticular pore distribution.
[ ] including chemical composition of fennel beans extract (isopimpinellin ),β- sitosterol, palmitic acid, stearic acid.
[ ] the pharmacological effect
Hemostatic effect of extracts of1: ( May to aldehyde composition ) in vitro and the whole animal have accelerated blood coagulation and hemostasis effect, can delay the dissolution of fibrin, can increase in rabbit peripheral blood platelet count, count of white blood cells also have increased.
2: very low toxicity in mice, intravenous dosage of 125times,3 days of observation, no abnormal.
[ ] the taste of Gan Xin; flat; non-toxic;
[ ] to the liver bile; lung;
[ ] functions of clearing heat and removing dampness; hemostasis. The main pulmonary heat hemoptysis; epistaxis hematemesis hematochezia;;; hemorrhoids bleeding; bleeding trauma; fever; infantile convulsion; jaundice; gonorrhea; edema; burns and scalds.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g, large dose available to 60g. External: grinds end apply; or fresh goods trace and apply.
[ ] the discussion
1" after this draft": the main dirty poison in blood, and by the end of Astragalus aliquots, rice beverage service two money.
2" vegetation will side": hemostasis, through the meridians, the town of heart Chufan, the five internal organs. In his blood, with collapse, ax injury hemorrhage.
3" classification": herbal treatment of hemorrhoid hemorrhage, remove toxic heat, and cough, soup fire injury.
4" Sichuan": history of Chinese medicine of clearing away heat and toxic material. Curing hematemesis.
5" Zhejiang": list of Chinese medicinal materials resource treating children wind-heat.
6" Guizhou": herbs of clearing heat and removing dampness, nourishing yin.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]" Chinese Dictionary"


