

[ source ] from the" compendium of Materia Medica" gleaning
[ ] B n to be Pinyin name
English name [ ice ]
[ alias ] Ling, stone water
[ source ]
Medicine source: water into a colorless transparent solid.
Latin animal mineral name: Ice
[ ] the original morphology of crystal structure of six crystal system. Usually fine compact block; or with six symmetrical crystallite, dendritic crystals ( snowflakes, even in China, ice cream ), or with a concentric structure ( such as hail), stalactitic structure ( Zhong Rubing, Ice Cave Stalagmite ); rare sheet, plate rules. Colorless and transparent, with bubbles, fissure was milky white or cloudy white; bulk pure ice, scattered light with light blue tone. No cleavage, fracture is conchoidal conchoidal, time. The hardness of 1.5. Brittle, fragile. The relative density of 0.917.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: ice distribution on glaciers, snow-capped mountains, northern provinces to see snow and ice cold in winter, autumn frost, Xia Jing natural ice can be seen at low temperature of the cave ( fractured along the infiltration water ice ), regardless of North and south is rare.
Resource distribution: artificial ice-making in the four seasons have output.
[ ] sweet taste; it is non-toxic;
[ ] the lung meridian tropism;
[ ] fever heat functions; thirst except irritated. The main treatise Yang poison; heat very coma; heat polydipsia
[ usage] oral administration: including the. External application: yan.
[ note ] not eating.
[ ] the discussion
The 1" Chinese Materia Medica": to heat trouble gleaning.
2 Chinese Materia Medica":" daily solution polydipsia, heat toxicity.
3" schema": Typhoid toxic, Yang heat very coma, to ice blocks are arranged on the smell of mutton, liang. Also for soju poison.
4" circle": every day progress of typhoid fever heat, Yang poison, Yang Zhuang hot air, and coma, the ice can be sober mind. Not eating. Chilled food hurt Yang, life fire to decline, the spleen and stomach do not carry.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]" Chinese Dictionary"

