
White poplar

[ ] list of plants in Guangxi.""
[ ] B I B Pinyin name 's keyword I Y 's n to be
[ ] as the source of Salicaceae plants the leaves of Populus alba. Spring, summer harvest.
[ ] the original morphology of trees, 10 ~ 35 meters high. Young branchlets densely white villous; winter buds conical, white villous, or only the margin minutely pilose. Leaves alternate, branches and leaf length has significant difference: long branch leaves broadly ovate or triangular ovate, 5 to 12 cm long, 3 to 5 cm wide, apex acute, base rounded or subcordate, 3 ~ 5 palmately lobed or unlobed, with blunt teeth, both surfaces densely white tomentose when young students, after the above lint shedding, the following fall; short branch leaves smaller, ovate or elliptic-ovate; petiole is long 2 - 5 centimeters, with white fluff. Staminate inflorescence length 3 ~ 7 cm; bracts with long eyelashes; stamens 6 to 10; female inflorescence 2 to 4 cm long; stigma 2, 2 crack, red. Capsule, glabrous.
[ ] was born in the hillside habitat distribution. Distribution in North China, northeast, northwest and Guangxi etc..
[ ] the chemical composition of the leaf and bark contains a small amount of sugar. The root contains 7 - - methyl orange pigment.
[ function ], anti-inflammatory, relieving asthma attending expectorant, cough. Treat chronic tracheitis, asthma, cough.
[ ] the clinical application of treatment of chronic tracheitis: Silver Yang Ye made in different forms in different seasons were observed in 1115 patients, average at about 88% efficiency, obvious efficiency is about 52%. Cough, sputum, asthma to have effect, but slightly less effective antiasthmatic action; in the medication after 3 ~ 5 days. On the deficiency and cold type curative effect is better, lung dryness type, phlegm heat type of poor. Treatment of elderly higher therapeutic effect. The course is shorter the better curative effect. Dosage and usage: a 1: 2 a syrup 3 times a day, each 10 ml. A two injection intramuscular injection, once a day, each 1 ml ( containing 2 g ). Three extract pill to a 10 capsules each time, 3 times a day (daily total is 25 grams ); in some cases and at the same time injection or plus Thesium (each 5 money, after brewing in 3 .). Preliminary observation on the efficacy of various forms, there is no obvious difference in. Side effects: no serious side effects, only a few patients have stomach discomfort, diarrhea, dry mouth, mild facial edema reaction, individual skin rash; generally are relatively minor, does not influence the treatment.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"

