
The white dorsal lobe

[ source ]" herbal" from Guizhou.
[ ] B I B Pinyin name 's keyword I Y keyword
English name [ ] Leaf of Whitebackleaf Mallotus
[ alias ] crane, white flour, white wind blade halberd, white peach.
[ source ]
Medicine source: Euphorbiaceae of Mallotus apelta leaf.
Latin animal mineral name: Mallotus apelta ( Lour. ) Muell.Arg. [ Ricinus apelta Lour ]
Harvest and storage: the year may collect, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of white dorsal lobe erect shrubs or small trees, high 1.5-3m. Branchlets, petioles, and inflorescences are white or slightly yellow stellate tomentose, simple leaves alternate; petiole length 1-8cm, densely white stellate hairs; Ye Kuo ovate, long 4.5-23cm, 3.5-16cm wide, apex acuminate, base nearly truncate or short truncate or slightly cordate, with 2 glands, margin entire or the top 3 lobed, with sparse blunt teeth, green above, stellate puberulent or subglabrous, abaxially grayish white, densely stellate tomentose, with fine reddish brown glandular dots; palmate veins 3. Flowers unisexual; male inflorescences unbranched or branched spikes, terminal, long 15-30cm, are yellow-brown villous; male flowers fascicled; with a short stalk or nearly sessile; calyx 3-6 cleft, lobes ovate, unequal, outside densely hairy, inside there are red glandular dots. Valvate; no petals; disc absent glands; stamens numerous, isolation of filaments, anther locules 2; female inflorescence unbranched, terminal or lateral, slightly larger than the male inflorescences short, about 15cm, fruit terete; female flowers single students; sessile; calyx campanulate, 3-5 cleft, lobes ovate, long 3-4mm, outside stellate tomentose; no petals; ovary with softly spiny, spines on the densely stellate pilose, 3-4 room, styles 3, short, basally united, covered with prickles and dense stellate hairs. Infructescences cylindrical, long 2.5-15cm, diameter 2-3cm; capsule subglobose, densely softly spiny pinnate and grayish white or pale yellow stellate tomentose, softly spiny long 2-6mm, seeds subglobose, black, bright. Flowering of 4-7 months, fr. 8-11.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment: on hillslopes roadside scrub or forest edge.
Resource distribution: located in Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Henan, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
[ character ] character identification leaves alternate, long stipitate; leaf blade ovate, long 7-12cm, 5-14cm wide, apex acuminate, base subtruncate or short cut shape, with 2 glands, margin entire or irregularly lobed above 3, nearly glabrous, below white, densely stellate hairy, have fine brown glandular dots. Gas micro, bitter, astringent.
[ ] bitter taste; flat
[ ] liver spleen meridian tropism;
[ ] and functions; detoxification; dampness; hemostasis. The main cellulitis; suppurative otitis media; thrush; eczema; traumatic injury; trauma hemorrhage
[ usage] external : the amount, trace and apply; grind end Caesar; or washed fried. Oral: decoction, 1.5-9g.
[ ] the discussion
1" Guizhou herbal medicine": hemostasis, myogenic, stone.
2" Guizhou drug-sik directory": along wide, Xiaoshi pain.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

