[ ] Ch Pinyin name 's n B 's I Y be L n S n cabinet to be Golf
[ alias ] Yezo spruce, Picea jezoensis, white pine
[ source ]
Medicine source: for Pinus Picea jezoensis var. komarovii leaf, bark.
Latin animal mineral name: Picea jezoensis Carr.var.ko-marrovii ( V.Vassil. ) Cheng et L.K.Fu [ P komarovii V.Vas-sil ]
Harvest and storage: leaf, bark annual collection, made distilled liquid.
[ ] the original morphology of trees, high 20-40m, bust up to 1m. Bark gray, split into squamous pieces. Annual branches, yellow, pale yellow or yellow brown, slightly shiny; winter buds conical or egg shape cone, bud scales arranged loosely, branchlets with dowel shaped leaf pillow. Leaf shape, straight or slightly curved, long 1-2cm, 1.2-1.8mm wide, apex subobtuse, above of 2 light white stomatal bands below, light green, no stomatal bands. Flowers unisexual, monoecious, cone Dan Shengzhi top, ptosis, ovoid or ovate-elliptic, ripe when hazel or brown, length 3-4cm, diameter 2-2.2cm; seed scales thin, loose arrangement, middle scales of rhombic ovate, apex rounded, margin with irregular small edentulous; bracts ovate oblong, about 3mm long, apex short pointed or rounded. Seeds nearly inverted oval, with long wings 7-8.5mm, florescence 4-5, 9-10 mature cones.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in an elevation of 600-1900m podzol or brown forest zone.
Resource distribution: located in Heilongjiang, Jilin and other places.
[ character ] character identification leaves flat, bar, length 1-2cm, width 1.5-2mm, apex subobtuse, above has 2 Pink White stomatal lines, the green, smooth, no stomatal lines. Bark dark brown when old, grey, squamous stripping, gas. Leaf is light; bark bitter, astringent.
[ ] stem leaf chemical composition of volatile oil containing 0.66% and flavone. Oil containing pinene ( pinene ) 11%, caryophyllene ( caryophllene ) 24% ( borneol ) and borneol. The bark of a waxy substance containing twenty-four palmitic acid ( lignoceric acid ) 15.5%, twenty-four alkyl alcohol (lignoceryl alcohol ) 7.5% ( sitosterol ) 1% and sterol. 3.9%-8.3% still contains tannin.
[ ] cough expectorant functions; asthma. The main tracheitis; cough phlegm panting
[ usage] oral administration: distilled liquid, taking a small amount.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]