
Dong Ju

[ ]" Guizhou folk medicine."
[ ] Pinyin name Dō n J ú
[ alias ] fine medicine, Lanzhou Railway Bureau grass. The land lay in medicine, lotus, teeth wild spinach, fine beef slices.
[ source ] as the Compositae East Ju entire grass. Summer, autumn harvest.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herb. Basal leaves caespitose, oblanceolate, apex rounded, base decurrent, long a handle shape, entire, both sides and edges are densely covered with fine wool; stem leaves alternate, sessile, lanceolate. Flowering stems from its leaves,14 cm high, has fine hairs, capitate in stem tip; bracts green, linear-lanceolate; ligulate corolla narrowly. Apex rounded, not split, usually reddish purple, tubular flower yellow, apex5 crack, crested white.
[ ] was born in mountain grassland habitat distribution.
[ ] taste bitter, flat.
[ ] s weak functions. Treatment of tuberculosis injury, bad breath, bleeding gums, vicious scabies.
[ usage]: boiled eggs to eat medicine. External: grind end Caesar or fresh goods trace and apply.
[ ] a party
①weak fill: fine medicine, Zhimu, hyssop, lily root each five money. Fried green carapace egg eating.
The treatment of gingival bleeding and halitosis salivation: fine medicine grind end, apply on affected area. Dressing before boiling water or rice with salt water gargle.
The treatment of scabies: a fresh fine medicine amount. Pound bag it, three to four times daily dressing change.
[ ]" * dictionary" excerpt


