
Large kusnezoff Monkshood Root

[ source ] from the" selected medicinal plants of Yunnan".
[ ] Pinyin name Dà Cǎ o W ū
[ ] Root of Vilmorin Monkshood English name
[ alias ] Kunming blocking, Radix Aconiti kusnezoffii.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: buttercup yellow monkshood and knee valve aconite root.
Latin botanical mineral name: 1.Aconitum vilmorinianum Kom.[A.mairei animal Levl.]2.Aconitum geniculatum Fletcher et Lauener
Harvest and storage: autumn and winter the excavation, to remnant stem, root, buy boiling water4H, or with lime water7-10d, water3D, changing the water2 times daily, insolation reserves.
[ ] the original morphology
1 yellow monkshood root, the perennial chang. Caudex elliptic spherical or carrot-shaped, length 2.5-7cm, diameter 1cm. Stems twining,4m long, branched, sparsely retrorsely pubescent or glabrescent by. Ye Husheng; petiole and leaf subequal; leaf blade five angle, length 5-10cm, width 8-16cm, base broadly cordate,3lobed or near base, central all lobes broadly rhombic, side all lobes obliquely flabellate, differ 2 crack slightly beyond middle, which is close to the sparsely pubescent, veins sparsely pubescent below. Inflorescence with3-6flowers, inflorescence rachis and pedicels densely yellowish retrorsely pubescent; bracts linear; pedicels 2-4cm; bracteoles middle of pedicel or lower, narrowly linear, long 3-5mm, densely pubescent; flowers bisexual, zygomorphic; sepals 5, petaloid, upper sepal high helmet, high 1.7-2cm, under the margin of1.5-1.6cm, and the outer edge of hairs; petals 2, lip ca.6mm, retuse, spur ca.3mm, backward curved, glabrous; stamens numerous, filaments entire or with 2small teeth, glabrous; carpels 5, glabrous or distally sparsely shorthair. Lactuca sativa Tu fruit, long 1.6-1.8cm, no tail. Seeds numerous, three prism, ca.3mm, only in a dense transverse membrane wing. Florescence 8-9 month, month of fruit period 9-10.
In 2 knee valve aconite, perennial, about 1m high. Stems erect, branched, glabrous. Ye Husheng; petiolar long 3-5cm, base sheathing, glabrous; leaf blade circular five angle, the length and width are6-10cm, base cordate,3parted to near base, the central deep lobe rhombic,3 crack, deep side lobes obliquely flabellate,2 crack greatly exceed the above middle, only veins sparsely is close to pubescent, lower surface glabrous. Racemes subcorymbose, long 3-8.5cm,2-8 having a flower; inflorescence rachis and pedicels are glabrous; bracts leaflike; pedicels 2-4cm; bracteoles middle of pedicel, linear, long 3.5-4.5cm, glabrous. Flowers bisexual, nearly symmetrical; calyx 5, floral, linear, long 3.5-4.5cm, glabrous. Flowers bisexual, nearly symmetrical; sepals 5, petaloid, upper sepal high helmet, height is about 1.6cm, the lower edge of the outer edge of the long1.5-1.8cm, nearly vertical, and the lower edge is formed not obvious short beak or beakless, lateral sepals broadly obovate,1.3-1.4cm long, apex geniculate curved inner surface, valve piece about1.1cm lip, long 4.5mm, terminal 2lobed, spur ca.2.5mm, backward curved, glabrous; stamens numerous, filaments entire or with2 small teeth, glabrous . Carpels 5, glabrous. Lactuca sativa Tu fruit. Seeds numerous. Florescence in July, fruit period in August.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment:1 born in altitude 2100-2500m mountain bush2was born in an altitude of3200m mountain.
Resource distribution:1distributed in Sichuan Huili, Guizhou western and central Yunnan.
2distribution in Sichuan Pugh, Northeastern Yunnan.
[ character ]
Character identification, yellow monkshood root conical end;, sometimes slightly curved, long 5-15cm, diameter 1-2.5cm. Surface deep brown, with numerous wrinkled brown or longitudinal striation. Qualitative hard, can break section, pale yellow, pink, with fibrous roots.
Microscopic identification, root transverse section: (1) huang-tsao-wu, epigenetic cortex as a 4-5 column Brown cell, irregularly; cortical cell5-6 column, elongated, tangential arrangement, which has many stone cell. Endothelial layer obviously and the monocyclic type vascular bundles in the parent root, lower segment are7-8, big long round; in the root section of4-5, oblong or reniform, in the middle of 6-7, round, composite vascular xylem bundle3-7radially arrangement. A central pith.
(2) the knee valve aconite, root formation layer arranged into multiple wheel. The middle layer, forming ring concave obviously undulating, size disparity, not Duggan's center.
Powder characteristics: huang-tsao-wu,1 stone cell rectangle, rectangular or long ovate, long 32-1408μ m,22-52μ m in diameter, the apertures are sparse, pit obviously. 2 starch grains single ellipsoid, end has small or round, graininess, small diameter is about 4 μ m,16-44μ m of big grain, umbilical majority is not clear; compound tablets for the 4grain composition.
[ ] the chemical composition
1 yellow monkshood root, root of vilmorrianine a ( vilmorrianineA ), ( daracoline ) a plurality of aconitine, Yunaconitine ( Yunaconitine ), yellow vilmorrianine ( vilmorrianine D ), yellow monkshood root ketone alkali ( vilmorrianone0, Tara ( talatizidine ), with Tara (isotalaftizidine ), Tara amine ( talatisamine ).
In 2 knee valve aconite root, containing Yunaconitine ( fear ),8- deacetylase Yunaconitine (8-deacetyl-yunaconitine ), Tara amine ( talatisamine ), vilmorrianine C ( vilmorrianine C ), show flower aconite Ning ( chasmanine ), knee valve aconitine (geniconitine ), thick stem, a black head ( crassicauline A ).
[ ] the pharmacological effect
Analgesic effects of extract of Radix1,6.2-7.5mg/kg gavage mouse hot plate method experiment of analgesic effect of potassium antimony tartrate, intraperitoneal injection induced writhing response in mice also have inhibitory effects.
2Effect on heart, Party rabbit orally huang-tsao-wu7.5mg/kg on cardiac activity showed no effect,5 rabbits in the drug after only2H now T wave slightly lower, but still in sinus heart rate.
3 toxicity, Yunaconitine is very toxic to mice, intraperitoneal injection of LD500.585mg/kg, rat, dog intravenous injection of the lethal dose is respectively 0.05mg/kg and0.03mg/kg.
[ identify ] physicochemical identification, thin layer chromatography: take the powder of about 1g, plus 10% ammonia solution of 1ml10ml24h, ether, immersion, filtration. Filtrate residue volatile stem, dichloromethane wash into 1ml volumetric flask of constant volume, as lamp product solution. Another Yunaconitine, Tara aconine made the 1mg/1ml methylene chloride mixed solution, as a control solution. In high performance silica gel GF254 thin-layer plate on the sample and the standard solution to3μ L, cyclohexane - ethyl acetate - two triethylamine (8:1:1) spread out, drying, spray, with potassium iodide, potassium iodide iodine solution isovolumic mixture color. The test sample and reference substance in chromatography IP position, show the same color spots.
[ ] from the processing aconite licorice, black beans fried juice and ginger juice soak thoroughly, remove, steamed after 12 hours, take out, dried.
[ ] taste spicy; bitter; heat; the big poison
[ indications ] dispel cold-dispelling; Huoxue Zhitong; alexipharmic detumescence. The main cold and dampness; cold limbs; traumatic injury; sore
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-9g; or wine. External application: suitable, levigation adjustable coating; or sparkling clean.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

