

[ source ] from the" compendium of Materia Medica": Wei, born Jimmy Tanaka, original Ze also. The" poem" cloud, mountain fern. Non water also. Now wild pea. Shu people called vetch. Creeping stems and leaves, smell is like pea, the herb for vegetables, into the soup for. " Poetry and" thought fan fern, Zheng" Tongzhi" thought that the gold Yingya, is absurd. Item / 100 g, vetch has size two, big namely Wei, Nono Zu is not real, small Su Dongpo called Yuan Xiu dishes, this speaks of.
Pinyin name ] [ Dà Chá o Cà I
[ English ] Herb of Common Vetch name, Herb of Fodder Vetch, Herb of Spring Vetch
[ alias ] Wei, vertical water, Osmunda japonica, common vetch, peas, peas, vetch, wild flax, spring vetch Vicia sativa, common vetch, wild bean, Huangdo Ko, vetch, horse beans, wheat grass Feitiancao beanstalk.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: for leguminous plants vetch whole plant or seed.
Latin botanical name: Vicia sativa L. animal fossil
Harvest and storage:4-5 month cut, dried, can also use fresh.
[ ] the original morphology of Vetch annual or biennial,25-50cm. Being sparsely yellow pubescent. Leaves paripinnate, rachis top with tendrils; stipules hastate, side1-3lanceolate teeth, while the entire; leaflets4-8, blade oblong or oblanceolate,8-18mm long,4-8mm wide, apex truncate, concave, a fine tip, base cuneate, both surfaces sparsely yellow pubescent. Racemes axillary; flowers 1-2, pedicels short, yellow stream short hairs; corolla purple or red rose; calyx campanulate, calyx teeth5, lanceolate, acuminate, white sparsely shortly hairy; upper petal obovate, wing and keel are claw; stamens 10, two; ovary sessile, styles short, stigma capitate, style apex back with yellowish barbate. Pod linear, flat, long 2.5-4.5cm, nearly glabrous, brown when mature. Seed is spherical, brown. Florescence 3-4 month, month of fruit period 5-6.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in the roadside, shrub forest, grassland.
Resource distribution: in most areas of our country have distribution.
[ ] the chemical composition
The plant contains vitamins: vitamin B1( vitamin ), vitamin B2 and vitamin C ( leaf contains ).
Flavonoids: Isoquercitrin (Isoquercitrin ), rutin (rutin ), appropriate glycosides (antoside), biological effects of quercetin (bioquercetin ), Cosmos glycosides ( cosmosiin ), -7-O- pyran luteolin glucoside ( ciaroside ). Steroid: cholesterol ( cholesterol ),△ 7- stigmasta acid (△ 7-stigmasterol ) ( leaf containing ),β - sitosterol (β -sitosterol ) and a small amount of stigmasterol ( stigmas -terol ). Coumarin: Xanthotoxin ( Xanthotoxin ), bergapten ( bergap -ten ), umbelliferone ( umbelliferone ), Aesculetin ( esculetin ) and scopoletin ( scopoletin ). Material: carotene carotenoids, lutein ( carotene ) (Lutein ), maize yellow matter ( zeaxanthin ), violaxanthin ( violaxanthin ), neoxanthin ( neoxan -thin ). Amino acids: lysine ( lysine ), tryptophan ( tryptophane ) ( glutamic acid ), glutamate, glutamate ( glutamine ), arginine ( arginine ) ( alanine ), alanine, aspartic acid ( aspartic acid ), aspartic amine ( asparagine ), proline ( proline ) and γ- aminobutyric acid (γ -aminobutyric acid ).
Minerals: cobalt, nickel, copper, aluminum, barium, strontium, manganese, iron and calcium, potassium, magnesium, hydrochloric acid. Also contain other ingredients such as protein, sugar, red cyanate ( hydroxyanic acid ), ( the leaves contain ) of proanthocyanidins ( proanthocyanidin ) of the polymer and allantoic acid ( allantoic acid ).
The seed contains arginine ( arginine ), N- (γ - glutamyl ) - β - alanine - -L- [N- (γ -L-glutamyl ) -β -cyano-L-alanine] and β- cyano alanine ( -L-β cyanol-L-alanine ).
Amine: pentyl amine ( homopentamine PA4 444), have been amine ( homohex-amine PA44444), N5- [N5-aminobutylhomospermine PA4ammonia butyl are spermine (4)44], N D - butyl pentyl amine ammonia are [ (N5-aminobutylhomopentamine ) PA4(4)444], N10- butyl pentyl amine ammonia are [N10-aminobuthl-homopentamine, PA44(4)44], N5, N10- double ammonia Ding Jijun spermine [N5, N10-bis ( aminobutyl ) homospermine, PA4(4)4(4)4], N5- butyl amine ammonia have been [N5-aminobutylhomohexamine, PA4(4)4 444], N10- butyl amine ammonia have been [N10-aminobutylhomohexamine, PA44(4)444], N10- double ammonia are amyl butyl amine [N5, N10-bis ( aminobutyl ) homopentamine, PA4(4)4(4)44], N5, N15- butyl pentyl amine double ammonia were [N5, N15-bis ( aminobutyl ) homopen-tamine, PA4(4)44(4]4), to a spermidine ( norspermidine, PA33), high spermidine ( homospermindine, PA444), spermine ( spermine, PA343), thermal spermine (thermospermine, PA334), high spermidine (homospermine, PA444), ammonia propylene high spermidine ( aminopropylhomospermidine, pA344).
Phosphatidylcholine ( lecithin ), phosphatidyl ethanolamine ( phosphatidylethanolamine ), phosphatidylinositol ( phosphatidyl inositol ). A-D- pyran galactosyl - (1- > 1) - inositol [a-D-galactopyranosyl- (1→ 1' ) -myoinosi-tol] and a-D- pyran galactosyl (1 →6) -a-D- pyran galactosyl (1,1' ) - inositol [a-D-galactopyranosyl- (1→ 6) -a-D-galactopyranosyl- (1 →1' ) -myoinositol]. Protein into the beans ( ball ) protein ( legunin ) and pea globulin ( vicilin ) and albumin ( albumin ). Seeds also contain nest Lai alkali glycosides (vicine), vicianin ( vicianin ), plant lectins,4- chloro indole acetic acid methyl ester (4-chloroindoleacetic acid methyl ester ), galactosyl diglyceride ( galactosyl diglycerides ), guanidine ( guanidine ) and hydrocyanic acid ( hydrocyanic acid ). Roots also containing poly - β - hydroxy butyric acid ( poly- β-hydroxybutyric, acid ).
[ ] in the pharmacological effects of seed containing toxic ingredients, can attack the central nervous system of an animal, and grass pea ( similar to Lathyrussativus ).
[ ] taste sweet; Xin; cold
[ ] to the heart; liver; spleen meridian
[ ] functions of tonifying kidney; water; hemostasis; cough. The lumbago due to deficiency of the kidney; emission; jaundice; edema; malaria; epistaxis; palpitations; cough with phlegm; there are irregular menstruation; sores
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,15-30g. External: amount, trace and apply; or washed fried.
[ ] the paper1" Materia Medica": on tones, benefit of large intestine. 2" Materia Medica": the main benefit Haiyao channel, run under puffy, e.. 3tastes of:" Qi", smooth muscle, Qing God, Zhi qiang. 4" vegetation will side": activating blood circulation, removing blood, hemostatic, myogenic. In five treated jaundice swollen, hot and dirty. Cut malaria, flat stomach, bright eyes and ears. 5" Sichuan Traditional Chinese medicines:" born of blood. Cure kidney seminal emission, low back pain, swelling and yellow.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

