

[ ] Ch Pinyin name 's n B 's I S be n M I be
[ alias ] oxtail live, Aralia continentalis, sweet straw.
[ source ]
Medicine source: to Araliaceae of Aralia continentalis root and rhizome.
Latin animal mineral name: Aralia continentalis Kitag.
Harvest and storage : Autumn grubbing, or stripping bark root, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herbs, height of about 1m. Leaves alternate; two to three bipinnately compound leaves; petiole length 10-24cm, sparsely gray hair; stipules united with petiole, ovate or narrowly ovate, the neat teeth; pinnae are lobule 3-7, leaflets sessile or have long to 1cm handle, blade top ones obovate or elliptic-obovate, apex shortly acuminate, base rounded to cordate, lateral ones oblong, elliptic to ovate, apex abruptly acuminate, base oblique, long 5-15cm, width 3-9cm, two sides has a thin grey bristles, margin with irregular sawtooth. Umbels integrated large panicles, up to 55cm; umbels diameter 1.5-2CM, 20-30 flowers; pedicels long 1-2cm, hairy; bracts ovate, margin membranous; bracteoles lanceolate, hairy; calyx glabrous, margin with 5 teeth; petals 5, triangular-ovate; stamens 5, ca. 2.5mm; Ovarian 5 rooms, styles 5, connate at base, apex 5 crack. Stone berry-like, purple and black, have 5 edge, diameter 3-5mm, style accommodation. Flowering of 7-8 months, fr. 8-9.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in an elevation of 700-3200m coniferous forest or bush and forest edge.
Resource distribution: distribution in the northeast, North China and Shaanxi, Henan, Sichuan, Tibet etc..
[ character ] character identification: Rhizome large, flat cylindrical, slightly bending torsion, length 3-6cm, width 2-3.5cm, surface grey brown or tan, the upper end is provided with larger stem scars recess, diameter 1-1.5cm, depth 3-5mm, or residual stem; the bottom with a plurality of sizes, thickness of a root. The root is in a cylindrical shape, length 15-30cm, diameter 0.5-2cm, sometimes branched, surface with irregular fissured, lenticels small lateral protrusions, cork was little scaly, rough, easy to fall off. A lightweight, strong and brittle, fracture surface uneven, grayish yellow or gray brown, osteoporosis, multiple fracture. Skin has a plurality of secretory cavities, squash with the hand, visible yellow brown oil overflow. The ring was formed. Micro gas smell, taste bitter.
Chemical constituents of Aralia continentalis [ ] the root containing kauri acid ( ent-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid ), kauri alkyd ( 16 A - hydroxy ( - ) - kauran-l9-oic acid ), beta sitosterol (sitosterol ) and daucosterol ( daucosterol ). In addition to Aralia Aralia also contains acid ( continentalic acid ) ( ferulic acid ), ferulic acid and caffeic acid ( caffeic acid ).
Pharmacological action [ ]
1 on the central nervous system: the role of Aralia continentalis volatile oil has significant sedation. 0.014ml / kg, 0.028ml / kg intraperitoneal injection can obviously reduce locomotor activity of mice; 0.028ml / kg, 0.056ml / kg intraperitoneal injection can significantly prolong pentobarbital sodium in mice induced by 25mg / kg sleep and sleep rate. 0.014ml / kg, 0.028ml / kg, 0.056ml / kg can significantly counter mice electric convulsion, strychnine, e four triazole, caffeine evoked convulsive mice showed significant inhibitory effect. 0.014ml / kg, 0.028ml / kg, 0.056ml / kg, has obvious analgesic effect, can obviously increase the thermal stimuli ( hot-plate ) threshold, reducing the acetic acid-induced writhing reaction in mice. Aralia volatile oil on yeast suspension induced fever in rats have very significant antipyretic effect. Landrace type methanol extracts also have obvious sedative, anticonvulsant, analgesic and antipyretic effects.
2: the anti-inflammatory effects of Aralia alcohol extract 0.081g / kg intraperitoneal injection of carrageenan, egg, formaldehyde rat paw swelling has obvious inhibition. Intraperitoneal injection of type methanol extract 0.324g / kg can significantly inhibit rat hot foot swelling. Daily intraperitoneal injections of Aralia continentalis 0.162g / kg, for 7 consecutive days, on rat croton oil and gas cysts of the exudate and granulation tissue hyperplasia have obvious inhibition effect. And a significant inhibition of rat passive cutaneous anaphylaxis ( PCA ) and Arthus reaction, delayed hypersensitivity, adjuvant arthritis, allergic inflammation. Tips of Aralia continentalis on humoral immunity and cellular immunity, as well as on allergic late release of inflammatory mediators and inflammatory role had significant inhibitory action.
[ ] during methanol extract of toxicity in mice and intraperitoneal injection of the lethal dose is respectively 14.4 + 0.33g / kg and 1.621 + 0.024g / kg. Volatile oil of Aralia continentalis intraperitoneal injection of mouse LD50 is 0.28 + 0.33ml / kg ( P = 0.95 ). After the administration of activity was significantly reduced, breathe deep and slow, finally due to respiratory depression and death.
[ ] 1 differential take the coarse powder 1g, plus 10ml ethanol reflux extraction, in water bath for 20 minutes, while hot filtration to obtain filtrate, 1ml, evaporated to dryness on the water bath, residue with glacial acetic acid and acetic anhydride dissolved 1ml, a concentrated sulfuric acid solution ( 19: 1) a few drops of solution, purplish red, gradient for the dirty green. ( check the three terpenes) 2 take the coarse powder 5g, plus 0.5% hydrochloric acid alcohol solution 25ml, water return 10 minutes, filtration, filtrate using 5% hydroxide in solution to neutral, evaporated to dryness on the water bath, plus 5% sulphuric acid solution to dissolve the residue. To obtain filtrate the 1ml buy 2 tube, respectively, of bismuth potassium iodine solution, a few drops of silicotungstic acid solution, resulting in a red, yellow precipitate. ( check the alkaloids )
[ ] taste acrid in taste bitter; temperature;
[ function ] Qufeng desiccant; promoting blood circulation; detoxification. The main cold and dampness; aching pain in the loins and knees; headache; tooth pain; injuries; carbuncle
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 3-10g; or sparkling wine. External: moderate, washed fried; or trace and apply.
[ note ] Yin heat, heat exogenous Shen clothing. " China National Medicine annals": Yin heat, heat exogenous disabled.

Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


