
The tiger

[ ] Ch Pinyin name Sh n H and reports.
[ alias ] ear grass
[ source ]
Medicine source: Rubiaceae plants love the whole grass grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Geophila herbacea ( L. ) 0.Kuntze [ G.reniformisD.Den]
Harvest and storage: spring, summer harvest, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original form of the grass creeping perennial herb. Stems up to 30cm, puberulent, rooting at nodes. Leaves opposite; petiole is long by wide exhibition 1-5cm, pubescent; stipules long 1-2mm, broadly ovate; leaf blade reniform or suborbicular, diameter 1-2 ( - 3 ) cm, apex rounded, base cordate, both surfaces subglabrous, palmately veined 5-7, membranous. Flowers solitary or 2-3 single row of umbels; peduncles long 1-4cm, glabrous or pubescent; bracts ca. 3mm; calyx nearly obovate, calyx tube ca. 2-3mm, top 4 crack, lobation long 2-2.5mm, linear-lanceolate; flowers white, corolla tube narrow, ca. 8mm, top 4 crack, lobes lanceolate, ca. 3mm, outreach; filaments short, anthers concealed; stigmas 2 lobed. Drupe subglobose, diameter 4-6mm, smooth, red when mature, with night Cunhua calyx; nutlets of a flat convex, smooth, abdomen, back has a transverse wrinkles and rib protuberance. Flowering 7-8.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in low altitude Lin Zhongchao wetland.
Resource distribution: distribution in Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan.
[ ] bitter taste; Xin; chill
[ function ] swelling pus; stasis analgesic. The main diseases of swollen poison; injuries; snake bites
[ usage] : the amount, trace and apply topical, oral: decoction, 10-15g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


