

Overview: This product as the Saxifragaceae plant yellow Changshan Dichrooa febrifuga Lour. Root. Harvest in autumn. Dried. Student use or fried with.
Alias: Changshan, Mt. Hengshan, the chicken bone broken wood
Resistance type: no classification
Taste and tropism: bitter, cold, hard, toxic. Lung, liver, spleen.
Actions: cut malaria, Chung phlegm. For malaria, phlegm and chest and diaphragm.
Usage and dosage: orally, decoction,3-9g, or into the pill, powder. Body is not to be taken.
Storage: a dry place.
Clinical application of:
1 Changshan drink (" Taiping people and agent the bureau" ) for treatment of malaria: Changshan, Zhimu, grass fruit, licorice2pounds, Alpinia600g, plum meat1 catties. For the thick end, every take 9g, plus5 pieces of ginger, jujube1, decoct with water. Fang Changshan cut malaria, as monarch drug.
2 Changshan drink (" St. Francis." ) for mountainous miasma malaria, chills and fever, two or three A: Changshan, Magnolia ( to rough skin, ginger juice broiling. ) the30g, katsumadai seed ( skin), mace ( shell) each 2, plum ( nuclear )7, betel nut, licorice ( SSN)15g. On7 flavor, coarse pound sieve, every take 4G, water lamp, fry6 minutes, to slag, cold syndrome without clothes before, such as hot to eat vomit. Fang Changshan cut malaria, Chung phlegm, as monarch drug.
3 Changshan drink (" Zhang's medical cure malaria." ) the heat of the night, to more than, veins true Sheng: Changshan ( vinegar fry ), betel nuts, fried green, licorice, angelica among 3G,2.4G ( one on the calcined pangolin ), black beans40 granules,7 pieces of ginger. Half water, wine fried, gel 1night, morning thermal clothing. Changshan cut malaria, Chung phlegm, as monarch drug.

