

[Source] only contained in the "Chinese medicinal fauna."

[Pinyin] ài Hǔ

[English name] Weasel

[Alias​​] to the dog, ferret Ai, two black, smelly Gouzi

[Source] source based medicine: the Mustelidae Ai ferret animal meat.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Mustela eversmanni Lesson.
Harvesting and storage: after killing, skinning, Cesarean section, remove internal organs and bones, take the meat dry.

[Original form] Ai ferrets, weasels body image, body length 30-45cm, tail length 11-20cm. Snout blunt, slightly thicker neck, feet short. Short hair between the forelimbs, back hair up the middle, about 45-50mm. Hair tail base, followed by a slightly arched shape. Tail hair is slightly fluffy. Plantigrade sex. Foot hair. Palm pad developed, the front foot four, was flap-like, the wrist pad 2; thick and sharp claws, brown white. Dorsal hair brown or sandy yellow, waist, back and buttocks with large black tip hair. Lateral light brown. Nose and chin white week. Middle of the nose, between eyes and brown eyes. Eye on the oval in front of a white, gray-brown forehead. Cheek, ear-based gray, hard of hearing and the outer edge of white. Chest, the Ministry of rat and mouse limbs dark brown. With anal glands, release foul-smelling odor.

[Habitat distribution] environment: habitat at an altitude of 3200m below the open mountain, prairie, forest, bush and around the village. Hi life in recent habitat, hole home, evening and night activities. Mainly in the murine rodents for food.
Resource distribution: distributed in northeast, north, and Gansu, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Tibet and other places.

[Character] is to capture their medicine Fitch to remove its internal organs and skin meat bone medicine.

Sweet [taste]; and warm

】 【Go through the heart; liver

【Indications】 chills; antispasmodic; blood circulation network. Main epilepsy; paralysis; hemiplegia

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang,9-15g.

[] Discussed various "Chinese Medicinal Fauna": Fitch meat: there Anticonvulsant effect. Treating epilepsy.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"

