

Overview: This product Compositae Artemisia vulgaris Artemisia argyi Levl. Et Vant. Dry leaves. Picking flowers in summer, when not open, remove impurities and dried.

Alias​​: Qi Ai.

Medicinal categories: Convergence hemostatic

Properties and owned by: Xin, bitter, warm; a small drug. Liver, spleen and kidney.

Functions and Indications: cold pain, warm the bleeding. For Shaofu Leng Tong, the cold is not transferred, Gong cold infertility, vomiting, Nvxue, uterine bleeding by more than the next pregnancy, the blood; external treatment of skin itching. Ai charcoal vinegar temperature by bleeding. For Deficiency bleeding.

Dosage: 3 ~ 9g. External use, for the use of moxibustion, or fumigation.

Storage: Store in cool dry place.

Clinical applications:

1 four pills ("Yang's home hidden side") rule of blood heat Wang Xing. Hematemesis, Nvxue, blood red, dry mouth and throat, red tongue or purple, pulse a few strings. Health lotus 9g, Health and leaves 9g, Health Boye 12g, Rehmannia 15g, powder into pills, decoction. Fang cooling the leaves to stop bleeding, scattered stasis, the minister herbs.

2 single herb decoction leaves, wash the outside, wet skin sores cure scabies.

3 leaves fresh goods rubbing velvet, stuffed nose, epistaxis treatment.


