
Bean curd

Source. From "through" materia medica. 1 "Compendium of Materia Medica": tofu, began in the Han king Liu An of Huainan. Where the black beans, soy beans, and beans and peas, mung bean, mud, can be. 2 Yao Gu "food Materia Medica": ordinary people first arrived in place, The climate does not suit one., eat tofu first, then gradually adjusted properly. 3 "with interest in the diet spectrum": tofu, in the green, Huang Dadou springs, fine grinding, raw extract slurry, into the point after, soft and live to win. Point not pressure especially soft rot, flower, also called rot brain; dry created, a thousand layer, also called shutter, a dry rot, are often mixed, can meat. While the dry rot Kennedy who, [name] D ò u Fu English [name] bean curd [source] Source: medicine for legume soybean Glycine max (L.) Merr. seed processing manufactured goods. Latin plant animal mineral name: Glycine max (L.) Merr. [Phaseolus Max L.] The original form of Soybean [] annual erect herbs, high 60-180cm. Stem stout, densely brown hirsute. Petiole length, densely yellow hirsute; stipules small, lanceolate leaves; three, terminal leaflets rhombic ovate, 7-13cm long, 3-6cm wide, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate or rounded, two sides all white villous, lateral leaflets smaller, obliquely ovate; leaf rachises and petiolules densely yellow hirsute. Racemes axillary; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, hairy; calyx Bracelet shaped, calyx teeth 5, lanceolate, the following 1 teeth were the longest, densely white villous; flowers small, white or pale purple, slightly lower calyx long; upper petal apex retuse, wing flap with 1 ears, keel sickle; stamens 10, two; ovary linear, coat. Pod shaped oblong, slightly curved, pendulous, yellow green, densely yellow hirsute. Seeds 2-5, yellow green or black, ovoid to subglobose, ca. 1cm. Florescence 6-7 month, month of fruit period 8-10. [distribution] Ecological environment: the widely cultivated. [] taste sweet cool; [] to the spleen stomach; intestine; [indications] purging fire detoxification; Sheng Jin Runzao; for in qi. The main purpose of professional tumor; lung heat cough; diabetes; chronic dysentery; spleen distention [usage]: cooking or oral decoction, 10-30g. [the paper] 1 Ning "food Kam Materia Medica": wide in Qi, and stomach, under the large intestine Zhuoqi, Xiaozhang full. 2 "Compendium of Materia Medica": Qingre scattered blood. 3 "medical Lin Tsay": Qingfei heat, cough, phlegm. 4 "materia medica of seeking truth: cure stomach heat shock, heat, disease sees Xiaoke, fullness. Red eye pain and treatment. 5 "materia medica seeking original": solution of sulfur pornography. 6 "with interest in the diet spectrum": heat, Runzao, Sheng Jin, detoxification, Buzhong, wide intestine, and descending the turbid. 7 "materia medica of seeking truth: tofu, the bean grinding rotten, to plaster or a form, the non temperature. The book is contained sweet and salty, cold and non-toxic, and that the cold can get angry. To the cloud and the spleen and stomach, it is fire to heat and removing after language, not in nothingness heat without fire warming is. [] excerpts from "Chinese Materia Medica" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

