
Fixed radix Aucklandiae

[source] "Guizhou herbal" [name] D N and M Xi N and connected. [source] to Ranunculaceae plants leaf Cimicifuga rhizome. Summer, autumn is collected dig, removed from fibrous root, washed, dried in the sun. [form] the original plant morphology in detail a white asarum. [taste] warm, spicy. [indications] expelling wind and cold, dehumidification pain. [attach] Party The treatment of cold: Costas five money. Simmer the water service. The treatment of rheumatism and joint cold Temple: fixed radix Aucklandiae, Radix Aristolochiae, Hades thorn, camphor root each five money. Wine service. The treatment of red scours: fixed radix Aucklandiae, Zhu Shalian all three money, brown sugar five money. Simmer the water service. [*] excerpts from "dictionary" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

