
Fishing for blue

[source] "recorded" south of the Five Ridges herbs [name] Di, O L n [alias] Chlorophytum Phnom Penh ("Nanning city records, eight basal drug"), bluegrass, hard leaf bracketplant ("Guangxi Chinese herbal medicine"). [source] to Liliaceae Chlorophytum full of grass or a whole grass. Annual recoverable. The original form of [] the perennial herb. Rhizome life or inclined students, a majority of hypertrophy of the root. Leaves numerous, tufted from rhizome, alignment, length 15 ~ 30 cm, width of 1 ~ 1.5 cm, apex long acuminate, green or sometimes with yellow stripes. Flowering stems longer than leaves, sometimes become runners and at the top of a leaf or young plants; flowers white, formed a long evacuation racemes; perianth of round shaped, lobes 6, small, ca. 1 cm; staminal 6, filament of the upper Chang Bianping; ovary inferior, sessile, 3 room, style line shape. Capsules triangular. Seed flattened. Flowering spring moon. Habitat distribution] [cultivated in garden, garden. [taste] Glycyrrhizic acid, cool. The "Nanning City Drug Chi": sweet and slightly bitter, flat. The "Quanzhou Materia Medica": Sweet slightly acidic, cool. The "Guangxi Chinese herbal medicine": taste slightly acrid, flat, non-toxic. [] ") owned by Quanzhou Chinese materia medica: into the heart, liver, lung meridians. [indications] Clearing heat, detumescence, detoxification of blood. Cough, hoarseness, hemoptysis, aphonia, traumatic injury, carbuncle swollen poison, Ting ear, toothache. The "south of the Five Ridges herbs recorded:" where the risk of hoarseness hoarse voice, take the whole grass decoction. And the treatment of women amenorrhea. The "flora of Guangzhou:" in treating traumatic embolism. The common folk herbal medicine "assembly": heat, stop curing hematemesis, earache, definite asthma. The "Nanning City Drug Chi": clear away heat and blood stasis. Treatment of hoarseness, throat dumb, cough; juice washing discharging ear; mash fill in the affected area, toothache. The "Quanzhou Materia Medica": retreat Huang detumescence, Sanjie antiphlogistic cure ulcer pain and swelling. [usage]: Decoction orally, 3 ~ 5 (1 ~ 1.5 fresh money two) or at the end of the research. External: pound deposited or Daozhi ear drops. [note] "Quanzhou Materia Medica": pregnant women avoid using. [attach] Party The treatment of traumatic injury: Chlorophytum dried whole grass for the end. Each serving three money, wine serving temperature. ("Quanzhou Materia Medica") The treatment of wind poison nodulation is long and not scattered: Chlorophytum fresh grass root abluent, synthetic waxy Steamed Rice plus a little salt, mash and apply to affected area. ("Quanzhou Materia Medica") The treatment for lung heat cough: Chlorophytum comosum root one or two, sugar one or two. Shuijianbi. The curing hematemesis: Chlorophytum, wild Caltha palustris each one or two. Shuijianbi. The treatment of traumatic swelling; Chlorophytum leaves Daolan, fry heat affected area with wine. (the following from the "Guangxi Chinese herbal medicine") [*] excerpts from "dictionary" http://chinese-herbal-medicines-directory.blogspot.hk/

