
Hollowed Wampee

[ alias ] stink numbness, false yellow, five summer leaves
[ source ] the Rutaceae plants wampee Clausena. Clausena excavata Burm . F., to root, leaves are used as medicine. Annual recoverable, root slices dried leaves, dried in the shade.
[ ] taste bitter, symplectic, temperature.
[ ] indications of dispelling wind diaphoresis, Qi dampness, cut malaria. Used for upper respiratory tract infection, influenza, malaria, acute gastroenteritis, diarrhea; external use in treating eczema.
[ usage]3to 5money, decoct with water or dry powder1~ 2money boiling water delivery service. Topical amount, leaf and wash the affected area.
[ note ]
(1) the fruit is poisonous, eat cause dizziness and other symptoms. An early gastric lavage, late can be cathartic, and symptomatic treatment.
(2) the same plant Hill wampee ( Clausena ) Clausena dentata ( Willd. ) Roem., similar effect.
[ ]" from the compilation of Chinese herbal medicine"

