
Winged Euonymus

[ source ] from the" plateau of Chinese herbal medicine in treatment of manual"
[ ] Pinyin name Ch W keyword I M 's o
English name [ ] bark of Corkywing Euonymus
[ alias ] Euonymus phellomana, Euonymus alatus, eight rib.
[ source ]
Medicine source: Celastraceae Plant Euonymus phellomana branches skin.
Latin animal mineral name: Euonymus phellomana Loes.
Harvest and storage:7-8mining branch, scraping the skin, wash, cut, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Euonymus phellomana deciduous shrub, plant height of about4m. Branches nearly four prism,2-4 has a strip-shaped corky wings. Leaves opposite; petiole length1-1.5cm; leaf blade elliptic, oblong or elliptic - lanceolate, long 6-11cm,2-4cm wide, tip gradually shed,. Margin serrulate, base cuneate, both surfaces glabrous. Cymes between one and two times difference. Peduncles long 1-1.5cn,7-15flower flowers, pale green, about 8mm in diameter,4; filaments long. Capsule nearly inverted heart-shaped or oval, pink, about 1cm in diameter; style accommodation. The seed has a red aril.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in an elevation of 1300-2700m ridge, valley slopes, forest margins or on the roadside.
Resource distribution: located in Shaanxi, Ningxia, Gansu, Henan, Hubei, sichuan.
[ ] the taste of bitter cold;
[ ] liver lung meridian;
[ function ] Huoxue Tiaojing; stasis analgesic. The Lord has irregular menstruation; postpartum blood stasis Yin abdominal pain; traumatic injury; rheumatic arthralgia
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,6-10g; or leach liquor; or into the pill, powder.
[ note ] pregnant woman forbids.
[ attach ] of party for irregular menstruation: winged Euonymus with characteristics of small abdominal pain, angelica. Water decoction. The treatment of fractures and pain in rheumatoid arthritis: winged Euonymus with toggle seven, clematis, Selaginella, Hua fern, Gentiana, bar seven mistletoe. Wine service.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

