
Pod grass

[ source ] from the" compendium of Materia Medica" gleaning
[ ] C n Ji 's Pinyin name be n C be o
[ alias ] purple Polygonum, Shui Longgong, joss sticks dry sub (Jiangsu ), a small grass, grass ratio in Polygonum sub
[ source ]
Medicine source: Polygonum pod full grass grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Polygonum Japonicum Meissn.
Harvest and storage: flowering harvest, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial high, up to 1m. Stems brown, simple or branched, often inflated section of the Department of. Leaves alternate; several sessile; ocrea tubular, there are close to the stinging hairs, margin long eyelashes; leaf blade lanceolate, long 6-12cm,1-1.5cm wide, apex acuminate, two sides has Fu Mao and small glands, sometimes glabrous, veins and leaf margin but often have close to the bristles. Spikelike inflorescence, up to 10cm long; bracts with ciliate, within the 4-6flower, pedicels extend bud; perianth5 crack, white or pale red; stamens 8; style2-3, basally connate, stigmas capitate. Achenes ovoid, two sides convex, ca.2mm, black, shiny, dry places Cunhua by. Flowering9-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in ditches, roadsides grass.
Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest and Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, Tibet and other places.
[ character ] character identification technology of cylindrical stems or branches, the upper surface is brown, glabrous, section, hollow. Leaves shrivel, easily broken, and leathery, long ellipse shape or Phi Phi shape, length 6-12cm, width 1-1.5cm, apex acuminate, base cuneate, both surfaces appressed hairs; ocrea tubular, brown, membranous, apex truncate, long ciliate. Inflorescences spicate, cylindrical, usually2-3, or borne singly branch end; perianth white or yellowish white, long 3-6mm. Achenes ovoid, two protruding, black, shiny, is coated on the night Cunhua by. Gas micro, taste slightly astringent.
[ ] pod containing the chemical composition of grass of cyanidin3,5- two glucoside ( Cyani-din3,5diglucoside ), cyanidin, delphinidin ( cyanidin ) ( delphini-din ), malvidin ( malvidin ) [1].
Pharmacological action [ ]
Antifertility effect of this product is1ethanol extract are mixed according to a certain proportion to feed feeding of mice, including dosage 7.5%,15%,20%,25%,30%, groups of mice pregnancy rates were 93%,80%,46%,20%,20%, showed that contain charge more than 20% can significantly reduce mouse pregnancy rate. Further research is indicated, this product on rabbit reflex ovulation without inhibition, but strengthen the estrogenic effect, and can make the female mouse anterior pituitary gonadotropin decreased activity, its antifertility effects, may be associated with the two function [1,2].
Toxicity of ethanol extracts of2pod grass mouse gastric LD50 for31.5g / kg [1,2].
[ ] the taste of Xin Wen;
[ ] detoxification functions; pain; appear rash. The main sore swelling; the insect bites; diarrhea; diarrhea; stop cold pain; measles eruption.
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,9-15g. Topical; right amount, trace and apply.
[ ] the treatise" Materia Medica": a main silkworm and all insects bite, fear toxin into the ventral, cooking clothes. Life trace and apply sore.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


