
Stinky plum

[ source ] used the" will" contained buckthorn textual criticism for this product, but according to the distribution of plant," the classics" and other various herbal contained buckthorn is not present, as buckthorn plant frozen green Rhamnus utilis Decne.
[ ] Ch u L Pinyin names which Zi
[ alias ] Raven eye, old black eye.
[ source ]
Medicine source: as buckthorn plant daurica Rhamnus fruits.
Latin animal mineral name: Rhamnus davurica Pall.
Harvest and storage:8-9month when ripe, fresh or dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Daurian buckthorn shrub or small tree high, up to 10m. Branchlets stout, subopposite, brown or reddish brown, apex often have large bud, without spines, or with short needle. Leaf was born on the long branch, or clustered on short shoots; petiole length1.5-4cm; leaf blade papery, ovate or elliptic, long 4-13cm,2-6cm wide, apex abruptly acuminate, base cuneate or subrounded, margin serrulate, tooth end often has red glands, bright green, glabrous above, below sparsely pilose along veins are white, pale green, lateral veins4-6 pairs, reticulate veins conspicuous. Flowers unisexual, dioecious, yellowish green; female1-3in leaf axils or several to20 clusters on short branch end, staminodes present; calyx 4 crack, lobes narrowly ovate, acute; ovary globose,2-3chamber; style2-3lobed or cleft; stamen4, and a sterile pistil. Drupe globose, black when ripe, diameter 5-7mm, the base of a Su Cune tube. Fruiting pedicels long 1-1.2cm. Seeds ovoid, brown, dorsal with narrow longitudinal groove. Flowering of 5-6 months, fr.7-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in1800m elevation below the hillside forests, thickets and forest margins and ditches humid.
Resource distribution: distribution in Northeast and Hebei, Shanxi.
[ ] the chemical composition of fruit containing emodin, chrysophanol ( emodin ) ( chryso-phanol ), the other from the ( kaempferol).
[ ] bitter taste; Gan; cooler; a small drug
[ function ] detoxification; purgative insecticide; cough expectorant. The main sore carbuncle; Luo Li; scale; dental caries; ulcer; pain; abdominal distention and constipation; cough phlegm panting fills; edema; bronchitis; emphysema
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,1-3g; or at the end of the inquiry; or sparkling wine. External : the amount, trace and apply; or Decoction gargle.
[ note ]
Fresh goods or service. Oral administration can not be excessive.
The 1" Chinese medicinal plant herbarium": This product when fresh containing anthralin, with emetic action, must be stored for more than 1 years, or heating treatment for medicinal. The 2" Chinese herbal medicines in Hebei": emetogenic fraud, it is less for oral. When used with 1hour before use.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

