
White hyacinth bean

Overview : This product is a legume lentil Dolichos seed is the dried ripe seed of lablab L. Autumn, winter two season harvest ripe fruit, dried, remove seeds, and dried in the sun.
Alias: lentils, beans, lentils, South sheep South bean
Resistance type: no classification
Taste: sweet, warm and owned by the. The spleen, stomach meridian.
Actions: Invigorating Spleen and resolving dampness, and in summer. For the weakness of the spleen and stomach, loss of appetite, diarrhea stool pond, leucorrhea overmuch, damp vomiting and diarrhea, chest distension. Fried lentil Jianpi huashi. For spleen diarrhea, excessive leukorrhea.
Usage and dosage : 9 ~ 15g.
Storage: a dry place, mothproof.
Clinical application of:
1 white hyacinth bean powder (" Puji Shi Fang" ) treat long cough hemoptysis caused by atrophic lung disease, vomit white saliva, chest and diaphragm with boring, less food: white lentils, ginger 15 grams each, loquat leaf, ginseng, white atractylodes rhizome of Pinellia ternata, each 0.3 grams, 1 grams of Rhizoma imperatae. For coarse powder, water decoction to slag, adjustable nut end 3 grams, 4.
2 (" the word" materia medica ) for edema: bean 32 grams. Fried yellow, the inquiry into powder, every morning, afternoon, evening before food clothing, adults and 9 grams, 3 grams of children, wick soup.
3 (" permanent class bell square" ) treatment of vaginal discharge: white hyacinth bean. Fried to the end, rice drink, every take 6 grams.

