
Cypress branches

[ source ]" Tang" from Chinese Materia Medica
[ ] B I Zh Pinyin name be Ji e
[ source ]
Medicine source: Cypress plants orientalis branches.
Latin animal mineral name: Platycladus orientalis ( L. ) Franco [ Thujaorientalis L orientalis; Biota ( L. ) Endl.]
Harvest and storage: collected all the year round, in summer, autumn harvest is preferred. Their branches, with the ventilation air-dried.
[ ] the original morphology of evergreen trees, high 20m, diameter up to 1m. Bark: thin, grayish brown, slit into strips. Branchlets flat, straight show, a plane. Leaf scale form, decussate, long 1-3mm, apex subobtuse, located in the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves and branchlets with partially inverted Luanzhuang rhombus or inclined square, on both sides of the leaves fold covered up and down the blade on both sides of the base, a keel. The back of the blade groove provided gland. Monoecious; cone single students in short branch top; male flowers yellow, ovoid, ca. 2mm. Cone was mature, oval, long before the 1.5-2CM, cooked meat, blue green, to be white; cooked wood, open, red brown; seed scales on the back 4, flat, near apex recurved cusp, middle scales each have a seed 1-2. Seeds ovoid or long ovate, long 4-6mm, dust-colour or violet Brown, wingless or ridges, big and obvious. Flowering 3-4, 9-11 mature cones.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in the moist fertile ground, limestone stone to have growth.
Resource distribution: distribution in the northeast, the North China south of Guangdong, North Guangxi, West to Shaanxi, Gansu, southwest to Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places.
[ ] wood chemical compositions containing volatile oil, most of which are sesquiterpene alcohol, accounted for about 50%, there are: alpha - and beta - cedrene, ( cedrene ), Wei was alcohol (widdrol ), alpha, beta and gamma - flower of Platycladus orientalis and terpene alcohol ( cuparenol ), alpha cross orientalis terpene alcohol ( a - isocuparenol ), alpha and beta orientalis terpene alcohol ( biotol ), beta of Platycladus orientalis terpene alcohol (isobiotol ), the yellow vinyl ether ( curcum-enether ); followed by a sesquiterpene, accounted for about 40%, are: Luo Hanbai Xi ( thu-jopsene), Luo Hanbai ( thujopsadiene )., alpha and beta - cedrene ( cedrene ), beta - Faber vinyl (chamigrene), alpha and gamma - two hydrogen flower sabinene (cuprenene ), alpha curcumene ( a - curcumene ), to hydrogen - A - curcumene ( dehydro - A - curcumene ), flower orientalis terpene ( cuparene ); and sesquiterpene ketone of about 4%, there are: alpha - and beta - the flower of Platycladus orientalis terpene ketone ( cuparenone ), wheat by ketone (mayurone), Wei was alcohol - A - Epoxide ( widdrol alpha exoxide ); and monoterpene acid about 4%.
[ ] bitter taste; Xin Wen;
[ function ] flooding in addition to attending temperature; detoxification and healing. The main wind chill temperature Bi; arthritis; Cholera cramp; tooth pain; inside; scabies toad
[ usage] oral administration: grind end, 3-6g. External : the amount, trace and apply; or at the end of the inquiry tune apply; or washed fried.
[ ] of Party treat cholera cramp: first with warm fabric wrap, and then with cypress trees fine contusion, soup cream of. (" rear" experience )
[ ]" from Chinese Materia Medica

