
Lespedeza dunnii

[ source ]" the exhibition of selected surgical"
[ ] Ch n Hu reports the Pinyin name is a H Zh Z cabinet
[ source ] for leguminous plants of Lespedeza dunnii entire grass.
[ ] the original form of upright shrub. Branches sparsely by long nap. 3 leaves, alternate; leaflets elliptic or ovate-elliptic, apex obtuse or retuse or emarginate, mucronate, base rounded, top is short silky hairs or glabrous, densely long hairy below Fu Juan; 2 fine veins in the leaves under the bulge; leaflets 2.5 to 3.5 cm long top, width 1 ~ 1.5 cm, lateral leaflets smaller; petiole to 1 cm, tomentose. Racemes axillary; peduncle tomentose, flower thinning, a leaf is short; bracteoles linear, slightly longer than calyx tube; calyx 4 crack, length 6 mm, lobes linear-lanceolate; corolla purple or red. Florescence 4 to May.
[ ] was born in the mountain valley habitat distribution, while shrub in. The distribution of Fujian, Zhejiang and other places.
[ ] treat acute appendicitis functions.
[ usage] Lespedeza dunnii ( fresh ) two two, with cold water to wash the ground, into the second Shui ( rice with cold boiled water ) and 250 ml uniform, Jiashi clothes, daily 2 ~ 3 times. If nausea and vomiting with salt two money, the size of constipation with fresh tallow Ye Wu money.
[ ] * dictionary" excerpt"

