
Bai Jiu bull

[ ] B I Ji 's Pinyin names and G and Ni cabinet
[ alias ] nine shares, nine shares of bovine cattle loose skin, Heracleum hemsleyanum Diels, honey oil, horn seven.
[ source ]
Medicine source: to Araliaceae Cong Zhisong wood of the root.
Latin animal mineral name: Aralia melanocarpa ( Levl. ) Lauener [ Eleutherococcus metanocarpa Levl; A . Dumetorum Hand.-Mazz.]
Harvest and storage: the autumn and winter, digging, clean, fresh or dried slices.
[ ] the original morphology of perennial herbs, high 1.5m. Large elongate rhizome. Leaves one to three bipinnately compound leaves, ca. 15-20cm; petiole ca. 4cm; stipules and petiole basally connate, semicircular, ca. 4mm, margin ciliate; pinnae 5-9, apex leaflets 3, petiolule length 8-20cm, top living up to 4.5cm; leaf blade membranous, broadly cordate, length 2-4cm, width 2-4.5cm, apex long acuminate, base cordate, along veins sparsely white scales Bi shaped bristles, edge is sharpened sawtooth; lateral veins on both sides were 5-7. Panicles terminal, sparse, with only a few branched, long 15-25cm, a lower portion of the spindle usually axillary umbels 1-3, umbels are 12-18 flowers; peduncle long 2.5cm, pubescent; bracts lanceolate, ca. 5mm; pedicel ca. 7mm; bracteoles conical; calyx tube glabrous, margin with 5 triangular denticles; petals 5, ovate; stamens 5; ovary 5 room, styles 5, free. Drupe globose, berry, black when ripe, about 7mm in diameter, with 5 edges. Florescence in July, fruit 9-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in 2600m elevation slopes.
Resource distribution: located in Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
[ ] taste acrid in taste sweet taste; flat;
[ function ] Buzhong Yiqi; supporting toxic swelling. The main deficiency dizziness; tinnitus; chronic lymphadenitis; sore carbuncle is long do not collapse; chronic suppurative osteomyelitis
[ usage]: orally taken decoction, 9-15g; external : the amount, trace and apply; or Decoction wash.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

